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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/29/2022 11:45 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov 
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial" By Slipknot 
Date: 11/29/22 at 11pm est

Match 1
Jezebel Jezzi Vs. Aimee Daughtry 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Ask and you shall receive... Jezzi posted about being bored and returning Aimee Daughtry needs a match up after a long absence from the ring. Will one half of the tag champs show some rust or will Jezzi skate her way to victory.

Match 2
Lana Starr w/ Eddie McGinlay Vs. Angelique w/ Nick Gallagher 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Lana likes getting involved in matches that aren't hers to be involved in so Imari has decided to give her an actual match against Angelique who is looking to unleash some hell.

Match 3
Johnny Mercer Vs. Calvin Diamonte 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Both men haven't had a match up in quite sometime and both are looking to get a victory under their belts. Who will come out on top?

Match 4
Arnica Blaine Vs.Shawn Blade Vs. Mikah Castile Vs. Mike Malice Vs. Tori Adams 
Stipulation: Hardcore
Summary: Arnica has been begging someone to come play with her for the hardcore championship and with no takers in months a fatal 5 way seems fitting.

Pre Main Event
Tyrone Marshall Vs. CJA 
Summary: Is it time for Tyrone to finally meet the consequences of his actions? He has shown no mercy to Archer J which has caught the eye of Archer's legendary father CJA.. After his unrelenting assault Tyrone has a lot to answer for.

Main Event
Matthew Taylor & Jayden Vs. Spencer Carter & Danica Grey
Stipulation: Tornado Tag Match
Summary: Halloween hell proved hellish for both of these couples with Danica costing Jayden her women's championship and an all out brawl backstage between them. Jayden and Matthew want revenge and the General Managers happily gave both couples a chance to tear each other apart.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Neophyte Results

Date Posted:11/29/2022 11:46 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov 
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial" By Slipknot 
Date: 11/28/22 at 11pm est

Match 1
Jezebel Jezzi Vs. Aimee Daughtry 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Ask and you shall receive... Jezzi posted about being bored and returning Aimee Daughtry needs a match up after a long absence from the ring. Will one half of the tag champs show some rust or will Jezzi skate her way to victory.
Winner: Jezebel via DQ 
The start of the match you saw Aimee already in the ring, while Jezzi was making her way.  She wasn't alone as her new pal, Chef Marvin was with her.  She was skating around him a bit, as they were waving to everyone.  Chef was handing out some kind of treats on the way.  He was out by the time they got to the ring.  He easily lifted Jezzi up who was grateful.  The skates came off, then the shoes went on quick as the match got started.  This was pretty fun match up, as the girls were just having fun with it.  Tossing each other back and forth a bit, Aimee's brawler side showing as she did go for a quick take down, where as Jezzi had a more flexible side, and was able to kind of duck and twist for the most part.  The fans seemed to be really entertained though as they were cheering and just enjoying the show.
Aimee was able to get a hold of Jezzi, and hitting a side walk slam, first trying to go for a pin, but even as Jezzi was kicking out, Mercer started to make his way down to the ring.  He had a smirk on his face as he was just standing on the ramp way at first.  Aimee got up and was yelling at him...  Jezzi stood back just letting him do his thing and not taking this chance to cheap shot.  When it looked like Mercer wasn't going to come in, the match started back up, Aimee though a bit more distracted as Jezzi was able to start to get more of the upper hand this time, as she started to whip her around the ring a bit, and hit a clothesline.  As Aimee rolled though, Mercer jumped up on the apron.   The ref was telling him to back off, but didn't get close, Jezzi stood there not liking this either, as he started to get in the ring.  Aimee started to get up... As it looked like it was going to get bad... Mercer then went to attack Aimee, but Jezzi rushed, not wanting to see her attacked while she was down, resulting in her getting the boot to the face...
Aimee started to move to help, but the lights then cut, as soon as they came back on Hyde was in the ring, and he had Aimee in a choke hold.  Chef was getting in to help Jezzi out, while this scene to Aimee, caused Mike Malice to come down.  The bell rang while a brawl was taking place in the ring, and the ref had no control over the scene at all.

Match 2
Lana Starr w/ Eddie McGinlay Vs. Angelique w/ Nick Gallagher 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Lana likes getting involved in matches that aren't hers to be involved in so Imari has decided to give her an actual match against Angelique who is looking to unleash some hell.
Winner: Lana Starr
Both men stayed pretty well quiet as they watched the women in the ring.  Both having their own styles about them, as of course Angelique had her cocky FAB attitude about her as she did take control early on for a short time, though Lana was able to get it together and start to fight back more, as the tide did start to change. 
Just then she did notice as Diamond and Angelina walked out on the stage.  Lana only checked for a second, while Eddie made sure to stand in the way.  He didn't say anything or give them attention, but made it clear that he knew they were their.  Angelique noticed Eddie moving as it cause a bit of a distraction, for Lana to come around and hit her with an elbow to take the wind out of her.  There was a bit more back and forth, before Lana did put an end to things, and adding insult to injury, used Eddie's finisher to do it.  She grinned as she got up, raising her hand up in victory, as Eddie got in the ring with her, while Angelique removed herself from the ring, holding the back of her head.

Match 3
Johnny Mercer Vs. Calvin Diamonte 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Both men haven't had a match up in quite sometime and both are looking to get a victory under their belts. Who will come out on top?
Winner: Johnny Mercer
This was not the first time we have seen Johnny Mercer tonight.. with Hyde at his back "The Survivor" came out cocky and confident in his first match back against Calvin who had been on a bit of a losing streak and looking to get back on track. However the returning Johnny was simply too much tonight and quickly took advantage over Calvin after some back and forth picking up the victory.
Though this seemed to be short lived celebration as we saw Mike Malice from earlier running down the ramp and rushing to the ring Aimee was right with him, at first it looked like it was to hold him back, but soon the two of them started to lay into the two men, forcing them out of the ring, as they didn't seem to be all that bothered by it, if anything they were amused and laughing.

Match 4
Arnica Blaine Vs. Shawn Blade Vs. Mikah Castile Vs. Mike Malice Vs. Tori Adams 
Stipulation: Hardcore
Summary: Arnica has been begging someone to come play with her for the hardcore championship and with no takers in months a fatal 5 way seems fitting.
Winner: Tori Adams

The match up starts with Arnica already in the ring with the hardcore championship wrapped around her waist...First to come out was Mikah Castile followed by Mike Malice , Tori Adams and Shawn Blade. All 5 competitors were standing in the ring which was surrounded by all sorts of hardcore goodies...Arnica was the first to strike wanting to get rid of the dead weight kicking Mikah hard in the stomach and throwing her out of the ring before turning back to the chaos that has erupted behind her. Shawn and Mike were trading heavy blows and Tori had gone to get a weapon.. Arnica slid out of the ring following Tori but was caught with a kendo stick to the abdomen which brought her to her knees then Tori swung again connecting with her head...Arnica managed to get her arms up to somewhat stop the blow but it still connected enough to knock her for a loop. With Arnica down Tori got into the ring and started swinging at Mike who had just knocked down Shawn with a trash can... once she connected Mike turned around and charged at Tori and ripped the kendo stick from her hands before snapping it and throwing it away.  In the time this interaction happened Arnica and Shawn both got to their feet and back into the ring and all four start throwing everything they had at each other. In the closing moments of the match Shawn puts himself and Arnica and Mike through a table outside of the ring leaving a returning Mikah at the hands of Tori who hits an Eternal Ashes...picking up the 1..2...3 becoming the new Hardcore champion.

Pre Main Event
Tyrone Marshall Vs. CJA 
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: Is it time for Tyrone to finally meet the consequences of his actions? He has shown no mercy to Archer J which has caught the eye of Archer's legendary father CJA.. After his unrelenting assault Tyrone has a lot to answer for.
Winner: CJA via count out
Everyone knew that this wasn't going to be a typical match up.  Not with how angered CJA was over the treatment of his son at the hands of Tyrone Marshall.  CJA was wanting to make him pay, while Tyrone was looking to prove that the student was far better than the teacher.  This was a straight out slug fist, a bitter grudge match as CJA didn't even wait for the bell, but Tyrone seemed to be expecting this and able to counter it at the start, but once CJA started to get in the groove, and was able to get the upper hand.  
To the point he kicked Tyrone right out of the ring.  The ref was yelling to get back in, but the fight continued outside of the ring.   Rights and lefts flying at each other, CJA tosses Tyrone into the fan barrier, while he falls for a moment.  Looking like he may down for the moment.  The ref is counting, getting close, but CJA gets back in, breaking up the count, then getting back out of the ring.  Not ready for this to be over yet... CJA stalks around Tyrone, telling him he should of known better, and he asked for this beating... CJA then gets down and starts to pull him up.  Hitting a few elbows to the back of the head as it is clear he is looking to make him suffer...  Tyrone though gets some energy and shoots himself up, the top of his head connecting with the chin of CJA.  Who staggers back from that... Tyrone moves back a moment, getting his second wind as he then goes to the ring to stop the ten count this time, as he then gets back out, as he is not ready  yet either... 
Tyrone then starts to stomp CJA, talking some trash of his own, before leaning down, and pulling him up... Before he then with full force tosses him into the steel steps.  Grinning when CJA goes down.  Thinking it was over, as he goes to start getting in the ring, this is where Ryder comes running down.  The crowd cheers as they see her, knowing what she has been put through as of late.  Tyrone turns to see what this is about grinning at first, as Ryder jumps on him, then hits him with the brass knuckles on the side of the head.  Taking him right now.  The ref is counting... Ryder rushes to CJA, pulling him up, as she is rolling him in the ring.  The ref then starts counting again, as CJA gets up to his feet, leaning on the ropes, as the ref counts out Tyrone, giving the victory to CJA, just as Crystal runs down, but it's too late.

Main Event
Matthew Taylor & Jayden Vs. Spencer Carter & Danica Grey
Stipulation: Tornado Tag Match
Summary: Halloween hell proved hellish for both of these couples with Danica costing Jayden her women's championship and an all out brawl backstage between them. Jayden and Matthew want revenge and the General Managers happily gave both couples a chance to tear each other apart.
Winner: Jayden  & Matthew Taylor with interference from FAB
Oh this was a the match that many were waiting on... As Matthew seemed to be a bit more fired up than in past matches.  It could have something to do with the back and forth on Twitter, it could be the messing in matches, or it just could be that he's tagging with his girl.... All the above?   Here we go with the ladies starting things off, as you see Danica and Jayden going around and around... Danica showing that she's a bit rougher than what Jayden is use.  Grabbing her by the hair and just tossing her around.  Standing on her hair as she grabs her hand to pull her up.  Taylor is yelling at the ref to get some control...Danica just grins...
Don't think that Jayden is just taking this lying down, i mean she kind of is, but she hits with a punch to the mid section, and then another one, and then another... Making Danica stagger back a bit... Jayden goes up , looking to connect with the face, but Danica hits with a head butt, taking Jayden back down to a knee... Fighting for some space, Jayden grabs and looks for a clothesline, but Danica ducks, looks to hit one of her own, but Jayden ducks... The ladies counter each other... Danica holds the ropes and Jayden goes up high looking to land some kicks but misses.   Taylor is leaning on the ropes, yelling for Jayden to tag him in... Danica leans on the ropes as Jayden crawls to her corner tagging in Taylor...
Thinking Danica is going to tag in Spencer?  Nope, she runs right at Taylor, looking like she was going for a running DDT, but he catches her, picking her up, as he looks like he is going to hit a slam of his own, but Danica, reverses again, holding his neck, and hitting a neck breaker... This is when Danica gets up and tags in Spencer who is looking eager to do something.  Grinning he walks over, and taunts a bit, but a hook to the knee , brings him down to Taylor's level.  The men fight it back and forth a bit, and they work their way back up as they are going punch for punch right now.  Jayden yelling in her corner, and Danica just watching the show in hers... The crowd is going crazy cheering and chanting this one on.  Spencer gets in a few extra hits, then a kick, as he grabs Taylor by the head, slamming it into the turn buckle.  Looks to do it again, but Taylor says nope, not happening, and switches it up, and gives Spencer a taste of the turn buckle, smashing him face first right into it... Spencer then staggers back a bit... Taylor, goes for the Ropes and starts to climb.. Danica walks over on the apron, giving Taylor a push, while Spencer moves out of the way... Taylor holds his arm in pain, while Danica puts her arms up as the ref yells at her to get back... Taylor moves to go for the pin as he tags in Jayden... who rushes in at first, but then stops seeing that Danica hasn't been tagged in... Which he doesn't need to be... He looks like he's about to go at her, but she moves out of the way, as there is a mini chase going around in the ring... 
Danica then slaps spencer's back tagging herself in, as she jumps up on the ropes.. The entire time missing as FAB member Diamond Jackson comes running down.. Angelina right there... Angelina jumps up on the ropes first. distracting the ref, while Diamond slides in the ring, jumps up, hitting a neck break from the top rope, taking Danica down.  She then rushes out as Angelina jumps down, as Diamond then stops Spencer from getting in to break the count up, while Jayden pins Danica, getting the victory for Jayden and Taylor... Diamond grins standing there as she claps seeing Jayden grinning with the win... Angelina clapping and looking pleased as her and Diamond are now standing on the ramp way. 

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