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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/12/2020 7:55 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 04/12/2020 @  11 P/M Est

Match 1
Wolf Heathen & Elisabeth Adams Vs. Gage Steele & Antonio Guerrero
Stipulation: Tag Team
Summary: Things are becoming quite intense between Plague members and Gage & Antonio. Having the chance to settle some scores at Neophyte, what will happen in this explosive match up.
Winner: Gage Steele & Antonio Guerrero

This match we see Wolf Heathen and Elisabeth Adams in action together for the first time in a very long time... Going up against the newly teamed up Gage Steele and Antonio Guerrero... Plague is looking to continue there reign of destruction on the FWAR talents... As the team of Gage and Antonio are looking to shut them up once and for all.  

The match starts with Elisabeth in the ring as she is taking on Antonio who already stated that he had no issues with taking on Elisabeth... As the two locked it up. Antonio taking an early advantage as his size and strength let him pretty much whip her around the ring... Though it soon came apparent that he wasn't hurting her, or if he was she was enjoying it.  Finally though you see Elisabeth go on the offensive as she hits an upper cut of her own, hitting him right in the chin sending him back... She then kicks him in the knee taking him down... She almost skips around as she stands in front of him.  She moves back and with an almost super kick like move she kicks him right in the face as it takes him down... Antonio being too strong to stay down though is already getting back up to his feet.  She moves around waiting for him to get up... As soon as he does, he charges right at Elisabeth taking her down in a spear.  He goes for a quick pin as Elisabeth is able to kick out before the three.  Wolf in the corner just leaning and watching, and soon is just smoking a cigarette, as he just kind of doesn't overly pay attention.  While in the other corner Gage is yelling to his partner giving him support.

Antonio sees how Wolf Heathen is reacting as he is getting pissed.  Wanting to have him come in and fight... Tired of his attitude.  Elisabeth doesn't grant him request though as she goes back on the attack, jumping on his back as he is trash talking Wolf... She bites in to his shoulder... He yells out, grabbing her hair trying to pull her off of him... When he does get her off, he tosses her so she lands right on her ass...Blood on her lips as she grins at him.  He holds his shoulder as glares at her.  Finally Wolf seems to be ready as he leans down tapping Elisabeth on the shoulder, as he tags himself in.  With a grin and touching the blood on her lips she rolls out of the ring.  Wolf and Antonio face off as they exchange punches... Wrestling isn't something these two are looking to do , as much as they are looking to just physically hurt each other... Wolf is able to get the upper hand a bit as he starts to knock Antonio into the corner... hitting blow after blow to the gut... Then connecting shoulder to gut with as he spears into him... Almost in a gore like fashion.  Wolf then grabs him by the arm and goes to force him out of the corner so he can set up for a side walk slam, but Antonio is able to reverse and hit a Body slam of his own... Both men aren't down long as Antonio is leaning on the ropes... As Wolf runs at him, Gage is able to make a blind tag that the ref sees, but is unseen by Wolf... Wolf and Antonio are knocked outside of the ring as they start to fight there.  The two don't even try to keep it civil as they are going full force at it... Wolf grabs Antonio and whips him into the steel steps as he hits with his back.  Wolf goes at him with out pausing for air.  As soon as he gets close enough Antonio moves quick grabbing his hair, smashing his face into the steps... Making him falter back.. With out seeing it, Liz comes up behind and slices at Antonio with the head and knife of Mary.. Moving before any harm could be done... Gage runs out, using the ropes for leverage as he jumps taking both Liz and Wolf out... The ref is yelling as he then starts the 10 count... Telling them to get back in the ring... 

Still with out knowing it, Wolf gets back in the ring as Elisabeth back in the corner.. Antonio is still on the outside, as Wolf is waiting... Its Gage who crawls in from the other side.  Elisabeth is yelling to him, Wolf finally turns around as Gage hits Rajin Cajun( Back to Belly Piledriver) and pins 1 2 3... Finally getting a victory over plague... The celebration is cut a bit short as soon as the ref hits the three, the rest of Plague come running down and slide in the ring.. Antonio grabs Gage's leg yanks his ass out of there as they take off before any damage could be done... For once free of a beating at the hands of Plague, as the two stand up on the stage laughing a bit as Wolf looks all pissed off as the rest of Plague are throwing threats at the two men...

Segment: Finally able to run off with a win and with all intact.  You see Gage and Antonio backstage celebrating their victory a bit... Amara Matthews is coming up as she is getting ready to head out to the ring next.  

||Gage Steele||- You're turn to have your moment... Go out there and win you some gold, baby.

He smiles kissing her as he of course was wishing her luck.  Feeling like she could win this, having full faith and support in her.  Antonio even wishes her luck as the men are feeling pretty awesome right now after the big upset victory. 
{Amara Matthews}- I'm excited... I can't believe I'm getting such a big chance!

She said a bit hyper, as Gage just smiled as he kissed her cheek calming her down a bit.

||Gage Steele||- You've earned it... In just a short time here in the company you've made sure to stand out and have not backed down from anyone or anything... You deserve this, so no go get it.

He said as he gave her a soft nudge towards the ring as it was time for her match to start... The guys watched her head down the hall to go have her moment in the ring... As the Bloody Vixen's Fatal Four way was next..

Match 2
Alexandra Callaway Vs. Amara Matthews Vs. Danica Grey Vs. Marissa Taylor
Stipulation: Fatal 4-way / Bloody Vixen's Championship match
Summary: Alexandra says she's a fighting champion...  So let's make her fight...Not a one on one, or even a triple threat... It's going to be a crazy night as this is a Fatal Four Way...
Winner: Alexandra Callaway

Finally the much awaited Bloody Vixens Fatal Four way... After all the ladies make it to the ring, and the Bloody Vixens Champion herself Alexandra Callaway is the last to enter the ring, as she is taunting and showing off her Bloody Vixen's Championship... She then hands it to the ref as the bell rings and the match gets started. All four women are starring at each other from the corners... Danica and Alexandra the veterans in the ring at the moment as Amara and Marissa the rookies looking to take this moment and make it theirs... Knowing how much it could mean, would mean if they were to win this match up here tonight.

It starts with Alexandra and Danica starting the match off.  As the two go back and forth , hitting some good moves and reversals.  Trying to up the other as they look to show off a bit it would seem.  Hitting some arm locks and twists, before finally having enough of the tame, and going for the fight, as Danica is able to pick up Alexandra and chokeslam her... Before anything could be done, Marissa rushes in and hits Danica from behind, as she wants to make sure a pin doesn't happen... Not one to miss any action.  Amara grabs Marissa by the hair and whips her across the ring as she hits with a thud.  Marissa angered by being pushed back, as she goes after Amara... Amara is able to hold her own though as she takes a few punches and then starts to deliver her own punches, knocking her back.  Amara grabs her arm, whipping her across the ring, only to meet Danica who puts and arm up and then knocks her down... Danica goes for a pin, but Alexandra isn't about to let that happen as she breaks the count.... Just as Marissa kicks out at the same time.  

Danica gets up to her feet, with some help from both Marissa and Alexandra who for the moment are working together as they set Danica up, lifting her up and then hitting a double body slam.  Marissa goes for the pin this time, but again Alexandra is there to make sure that doesn't happen as she tosses Marissa right out of the way and goes for the pin herself.  Danica kicking out before the two could even be counted.  Amara running in as she punts Alexandra in the head, causing her to roll right out of the ring... Amara then goes for Danica who is still trying to collect herself, as she doesn't give her a moment to breath... Amara is able to set up Danica and hit Mara Mellow (Cradle DDT).  She doesn't attempt to go for the pin.  Not when Marissa is still up and moving... Already seeing it coming as Marissa comes charging at her.  She is able to roll out of harms way, as Danica rolls out of the ring, catching her breath.  Amara and Marissa are fighting it out.  Amara is able to get the upper hand as she hits a spinning heel kick, taking her down... Amara then climbs high , taking her moment and then hitting the All or Nothing(Rounding Moonsault).  Amara feeling this was her moment, tasting the gold, rolls up Marissa for the pin. as the ref counts... Alexandra is back in though, breaking the count, as she is then able hit a Side Walk Slam as Amara is rolled out of the way... Marissa is starting to get up as Alexandra doesn't waste any time, hitting Bow to the Queen(Split leg Pedigree) as she then pins Marissa after Amara did all the work... The ref then counts , as Alexandra is able to once again slip by and retain, as neither Amara and Danica are able to get in time to break up the count...

As the match ended and Alexandra was clutching her Bloody Vixen's Championship to her... "The Truth" By Kittie blares over the P.A. System... Normally if there were a crowd here... They would be losing there minds... Knowing who's music this belongs too... It only took a moment for Damia Astaroth to come jumping out on stage... No longer wearing a neck brace... She has a mic in hand as she looks right down the ramp in the ring at Alexandra who is leaning on the ropes holding the title... Damia lifts the mic up as soon as her music... 

||Damia Astaroth||- I'm back bitches...

She grins looking right at who has her baby.

||Damia Astaroth||- I'm ready to take back what belongs to me.  Thanks for keeping her warm for me.

She grins as she then drops the mic... Her music blaring once again... As Damia has made it more than clear that she plans on limiting the days that Alexandra has with the Bloody Vixen's Championship... As it would seem the number of contenders for the Bloody Vixen's Championship continues to grow...

Segment: Backstage you see Amari Rose and Arnica Blane talking about the show.  They didn't have a match though they were able to be at the arena to watch the show.  It was closed for the most part with no fans, so a few of the talent decided to watch the show live.  As the two were chatting, Brandon Nyman walked up to them...He was grinning and feeling pretty cocky.

{Brandon Nyman}: So this who you waste your time hanging out with?

He was looking at his ex as the two Tag Champions had been enjoying the night until he butted in.  The two women just rolled their eyes.

||Arnica Blane||- I've learned to make better company after all your let downs... 

The ladies both laugh as Brandon doesn't look to impressed as he just shakes his head a bit.

{Brandon Nyman}- You know I'm the best You've ever had... You'll never be able to find someone who can put up with you like I can.

He said as Arnica just glared then yelled as she jumped at him... She was screaming as she was clawing and biting at him... Amari goes for her friend pulling her off.

||Amari Rose||- Arnica, remember social distancing...You don't want to risk catching anything from this loser.

She said pulling her friend back as she they just looked at each other... As you can see this fight is long from over...

Match 3
Tori Adams Vs Gordon Flash
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Gordon came off a huge PPV victory.. Can he keep riding after Hard Domination as he goes and faces FWAR's very own Tori Adams?...
Winner: Tori Adams
Gordon looking to add a second win, as he is looking to make a name for himself in FWAR... Words back and forth between Tori and Flash had made for good entertainment and build up for this match up.  As the bell rings and things get started... Tori taunts him a bit, as it just makes Flash go right on the attack... He tries to use his strength against Tori.  Which he starts off pretty good, as he does have the strength.  He with force whips Tori into the corner...He goes in for a spear... Tori is able to grab the ropes and jump up on the turnbuckle.  He backs up as she moves wrapping her legs around his neck, and with a twist force she takes him down hard... She goes for a quick pin, but he is able to kick out after a two... She grins as she looks at him as he looks pissed that she would try to pin so soon.  She walks over grabs him by the hair and brings him up some...He elbows her in the mid section, making her falter back and hunch over... He did it once again, as she then is forced to let go..He gets up still bent over as she then brings her leg up and kicks him in the face hard... Sending him on his back... She staggers back to the corner holding the ropes a bit as she waits for him to get up...

Tori then gets her breath as she walks back over to where he is now starting to get to his feet.  Flash is looking to take come control back as he sees Tori coming and takes her down with a spear...Going for a quick pin of his own, she is able to kick out nearly right away.  You can hear him yelling at her and trash talking as he gets up grabbing her by the hair... He then slaps her across the face, telling her he was going to teach her what respect was...  That lit a fire in Tori as, as soon as he did that, she grabbed his head and then head butted him hard.. Sending him back... She then sent at him as he went for a clothesline, but she was able to duck it... as he turned around, and she jumped up, once again her legs going around his neck as she did another semi hurricranna and took him down in the ring... She rolled on to her belly as she watched him get up quick as she went up quick, she went for another kick as he was able to grab her leg as he grins looking at her, feeling like he had her, and it was near the end.

He picks her up and goes for a power slam, before going to finish her, but she is able to wiggle her way down and around as she takes him down, locking in Breaking Point(Crippler Cross Face).  He tries to fight it, as he doesn't want to tap... The ref is down looking at him.  He is trying to crawl to the ropes, but Tori just leans back, locking it tighter and making it even more painful.  As Gordon has no other option but to tap out... Tori then lets go when the bell rings...

She stands up as the ref holds her hand up in victory as Gordon just looks up at her glaring and holding his throat...Not happy to have tapped out, but knowing he didn't have a choice...Not wanting another woman to choke him out. 

Segment:  After the excitement of the Tori Adams and Gordon Flash's match with Tori schooling the newbie in the world of FWAR. As the scene comes back from ad break the camera is zoomed in on a pair of tanned legs, slowly panning up we see "The Finest Russian Export" Valissa Oreza walking backstage looking for someone. Valissa finds Kai Lafao who is in a Hell in a Cell match against her ex-husband Damien Callaway, Kai stopped prepping for his match and looked the redhead up and down not sure if she was here to cause trouble or play nice.

"Kai Lafao" 
Look if you are just here to cause trouble Oreza then you can just walk the hell on.

"Valissa Oreza" Calm down hostile Annie. I come in peace, I just wanted to wish you good luck tonight even though I know you won't need it. However just a word of advice, make sure you have eyes in the back of your head always.

Valissa smiled as Kai nodded and went back to prepping for his match as Valissa walked off

Pre Main Event
Kai Lafao Vs. Damien Callaway
Stipulation: Hell in a Cell
Summary: Kai issued an open challenge and Damien Callaway answered the call. After a heated exchange the two have agreed to a Hell in a Cell, who will walk out victorious? 

Winner: Kai Lafao 

Kai Lafao and Damien Callaway have traded insults back and forth and now it was time for both to nut up or shut up. Both men stood on either side of ring as the ominous structure of the cell lowered down, Kai never taking his focus off of Damien to make sure he wasn't going to go for a cheap shot.

The ref rang the bell and Damien quickly got out of the ring to make Kai chase him, getting the bigger man to chase him to wear him how. Chasing Damien under the ring Kai was blasted in the face with fire extinguisher Kai was covering his face to make sure the foam didn't go to the eyes. Damien then swung as hard as he could connecting with the extinguisher and going for a quick pin to try and end this early but to no avail as Kai kicked out at two. Frustrated Damien got up and went to find something else giving Kai a small chance to regain himself, the camera's focused on the cut on Kai's forehead which began to bleed. After a few breaths Kai followed again hot on Damien's heels, with a strong boot to the side Kai stopped Damien getting another weapon.  Kai started to build some momentum landing big lefts and rights letting out weeks of frustration out with every blow, Damien tried his best to block Kai's onslaught but Kai was coming on to strong. Kai with a smirk through Damien into the cell then back into the ring post busting him wide open as well, throwing him back into the ring Kai pinned wanting to beat Damien in the middle of the ring.

1...2... Kick out Kai got up and started arguing with the ref because in his mind he had the match won. Damien took this time to get a breather and give a low blow to Kai while he was arguing. Smirking he slowly pulled himself up and wiped the blood away as he kicking Kai in the temple knocking him fully to the ground, after a little pandering to the crowd Damien got out of the ring and grabbed a kendo stick swinging it around hitting the cell a little bit before rolling back into ring.  Stalking Kai as he tried pulling himself up Damien swings the stick into Kai's ribcage making Kai drop back down holding his side, trash talking Callaway hits him again in the other side then with a flurry of hits the Kendo stick breaks,laughing as he admired his handy work Damien threw the Kendo stick at Kai, getting out to find more weapons to destroy Kai with.

Kai knew this was his time to act fast because he wasn't going to lose this match, rolling out himself he ran at Damien hitting him with a hard clothesline winding him. Kai looked over and saw that Damien had tried to pull out a chair with a cheeky grin and yelling to the empty seats, that should be filled with the fans!  if he should or not, not that he needed any fan reaction to do what he was thinking, as he was here to inflict as much pain as he wanted.   Kai picked up the chair himself and started hitting him with it over and over on every part he could hit. If there had been fans in the arena tonight, their attention would have turned away from the match, as Damien's sister  Alexandra Callaway came running down demanding the door to the cell be open so she can get in and save her brother.  Alexandra shoved the referee to the ground and started looking for the key, not liking the possible 2 on 1 situation Roxanne Marshall comes running out and pulling Alexandra away from the door and after a few heated words Roxanne slaps Alexandra as hard as she could, taking the key Roxanne walked closer to where Kai and Damien were and cheered him on. Kai nodded at Roxanne, wiping the blood from his eyes before he through a bloody and beaten Damien into the ring setting up the "Samoan Dynasty"  and picking up the win. Once the bell ring Roxanne got into the cage and helped Kai as his hand was raised in victory before heading backstage. Leaving the Callaway siblings to pick themselves up and head backstage as well.

Segment:  It was main event time and FWAR was about to start a new era after Imari Vale brought in the Revolution Championship in from PWE and after announcing that there would be a Battle Royal for it there had been so many entrants and lots of excitement. Before the first contestant could come out the titantron flickered alive to Andrew Parker in a fancy hotel room.

"Andrew Parker" Well it looks like everyone in this battle royal has more of a chance because I can't compete due to still being in isolation. You're Welcome.

There was a grin as you could tell he wasn't over just yet.

"Andrew Parker" And to show i'm a fair man... Seeing as I caused Ciara Fierce to miss out on an opportunity to wrestle me... I'm graciously giving her my spot... Oh by the way... That's the first spot...

Andrew smirked and laughed as the scene faded to black.

Main Event
Ruby Orton Vs. Lana Starr Vs. Harley Kyle Vs. Jasmine Sweet Vs. Ciara Fierce Vs. Lauren Li Vs. Roxanne Marshall Vs. Kai Lafao Vs Valissa Oreza Vs. Shawn Blade Vs. Jezabel Jezzi Vs. Kevin Kennedy Vs. Dominic Pierce Vs. Spencer Carter Vs. Jacob Night
Stipulation: Battle Royal for the Revolution Championship
Summary: Imari and Bianca have brought over one of PWE's main championships to FWAR in this open battle royal. Looking to start a new era who will become the Revolution Champion?

Winner: Jasmine Sweet

Well after the words said we know who the first one out is... Ciara Fierce is standing out in the ring... Her music blaring as she waits to see who she will fight against first... The second unlucky one out turns out to be Jacob Night... Which might not be so unlucky as the big man makes his way to the ring... Ciara has her eyes on him as J.T is ring side telling her she has this... The bell rings as the two fight it out... Which is mainly spent with Ciara dodging left and right hooks, and making sure she isn't grabbed... Ciara is finally able to get up on the ropes as she dive kicks Jacob taking the big man down to his knees... She doesn't rest, as she keeps on the attack... But he hits her with one hell of clothesline... She holds her throat as she rolls a bit... She uses the ropes to get up as she catches her breath... Jacob seeing his chance to eliminate her, goes running at her... She sees him coming, drops down, holding the ropes as she then helps him flip the rest of the way out... As she is able to eliminate Jacob Night. Which was a huge shock to both her and J.T as he cheers her on.  She takes a moment to rest and the timer counts down and the nect comes out... "This is what Rock and Roll looks like" Blares as it is Jezzi who comes skipping out next... She makes her way to the ring... As soon as she crawls in, Ciara goes on the attack, not wanting to waste time... The two whip each other across the ring as they are fighting it out... Ciara is able to pick Jezzi up slam her to the mat... She then pulls her up by her hair whips her into the ropes, going for a clothesline, but Jezzi ducks out of the way, when Ciara turns around she gets a boot to the face... Knocking her down... Jezzi smiles happy with what she has done as she goes over and starts to pick her up and pull her to the ropes... She goes to try to pick her up and push her out... Ciara holds on....Ciara then hits a few punches to the mid section, then picks her up, and catapults her out of the ring, as Jezzi lands on her ass... Not chance to rest as Survivor blares.. Lauren is the next one out... These two know each other well...

Lauren doesn't waste any time as she goes right on the attack, showing why they call her the Lethal one, as she uses her legs and kicks a worn out Ciara , putting her into the corner... J.T is still yelling for her to get back into it, as Lauren is trying to pick her up... Ciara is fighting it, as she is able to fight her way out of the corner... The two go at it, as they lock up again, Ciara able to push Lauren back and kick her in the gut, then grabbing her by the neck and hitting a neck breaker...Both women are down for the moment as both are trying to get their breath... Once again the time goes off, as "Party the pain away" Blares as newly returning Kevin Kennedy is the next to make his way out... He takes his time not in a big rush letting the two ladies fight it out for a bit... Wearing each other out... When he does get int he ring he sees that Lauren is closes to the ropes, thinking it would be an easy win...He grabs her hair, trash talking as he picks her up, and goes to toss her out... She wraps her long legs around him, stopping him from being able too... The two struggle, as Ciara comes running up, hitting with a hard clothesline taking them both out... Nearly knocking herself out, but is able to hold the ropes at the last moment, as she rolls back in.

It doesn't take long before the next timer goes off and then once it hits zero "Nightmare" blares as Shawn Blade comes dancing out on stage...He grins looking down at a very worn out Ciara... He walks down the ramp way and starts to climb in the ring...Ciara tries to knock him off before he can get in...He grabs her by the hair and head butts her, knocking her back and down.   He then climbs the rest of the way in the ring... Walking around her, as he then kicks her while she is down... Stomping her a few more times just for fun... He then grabs her by the hair, as he whips her into the corner... He kneels down watching her, making sure she isn't moving as he then hits her with a spear... Leaving her pinned as he rams his shoulder with force into her mid section three more time... 

Time goes by and the timer counts down... "Hate me Now" is hitting next as returning Dominic Pierce is the next one out... He doesn't waste any time as he runs down the ramp and slides in the ring... 

Shawn sees him slide in, taking his attention from Ciara who doesn't look like she is moving right away... He stomps on Dominic before he grabs him by the neck and goes to lift him up ... He tries to make quick work, but Dominic wiggles his way out.. Getting behind Shawn as he kicks Shawn in the lower back, taking him down to a knee...  He grabs Shawn by the hair pulling him up, then hitting him with an upper cut... Shawn falters back on the ropes as Dominic is trying to pick him up now and eliminate him... Shawn holds on for dear life, not letting himself get kicked out of the ring... Ciara is back up on her feet, as she punches the back of Dominic.

The time is going off once again.. ."I Will not Bow" hits... This time it is Spencer Carter who comes running out and making his way down to the ring.  He baseball slides as he comes face to face with Shawn Blade... The two men stare at each other for a few moments... As if they are speaking... With a grin as they seemed to have made an agreement with out words... Turning around as they take Dominic down.  They then go on the attack with Ciara as she wasn't a chance for the double team, as soon she is finding herself on the outside of the ring, with J.T.  helping her up... The next to go is Dominic.  This happens just as Confident blares.. 

Roxanne Marshall is the next out as she looks at her brother J.T who is helping Ciara... She crawls in the ring looking at the two men... She ducks out of the way when they try to double team and take her out.  She drops down rolling out of the bottom ropes to keep herself in it, and out of harms way... When they come out for her, she gets back in... She waits it out, as Shawn goes to climb back in, Roxy moves quick and does a running kick as he falls back out, as he was on the top rope then back on the floor, as he is eliminated... Shocked but shrugs it off... Spencer is right behind her, grabbing her by the hair as he takes her being taken by surprised to toss her out of the ring, as she is now out... Spencer feeling pretty good standing tall as he is now waiting...

"Courtesy Call" blares next... Kai still feeling the rush from his Hell in the Cell victory is out looking for another win... He walks down the ramp as she goes right after Spencer... The two fighting it out...Spencer is unable to lift Kai out as easily as he did Roxanne... So the fight goes on for a bit as finally the timer counts down again.

"Who's Next" Blares as Harley Kyle comes running out and slides into the ring... She doesn't care that they are bigger than she is, as she just goes for it, trying to wear them out so she can get them out...Knowing she was the fresher of the two... Kai is able to push her back, as Spencer is able to hit her with a big boot taking her down... They go to pick her up, and toss her out, but she holds on the ropes... Kai takes this chance to turn on Spencer which works well as he is able to use Spencer's weight against him, as he is focused on getting Harley out... Spencer finds himself on the outside of the ring... He punches the floor as Harley rolls herself back in to safety. The two stare each other down, you know it's nothing personal here... Just business.. They both are looking for gold... 

"Last Hurrah" hits as Jasmine Sweet is next...Looking to get in the gold action once again herself... She runs down the ramp as she slides in the ring... She is up to a knee and with a low blow takes Kai down to his knees... Harley looks shocked that she did that... Then again it's every man and woman for him and herself... So this wasn't anything personal, just looking to even the odds... Kai fights to keep himself in, as he is able to get back up, and clothesline both girls... 

"Wasbi" Blares as it's Lana Starr's turn to come down and take part in the fight.  In the ring she joins in with the girls as they are looking to take the big man out... He is fighting like hell though, holding the ropes, as he is proving hard to lift up... Finally after a few kicks to the midsection they are able to lift him up more, but he still fights and holds on... The timer is going off again.. 

"Believer" hits as Ruby Orton is soon running down as the ring is getting filled up... She comes running in as she joins in on the team up, as finally they are able to get the big man out... Kai should feel proud, after fighting the Hell in the cell and then having to have three women eliminate him... The battle turns back to the ladies as Ruby and Jasmine are locking up... Lana not one to miss the action, grabs them both by the hair, looking to make the two butt heads, but they are both able to push her back... With out missing a beat, the two women hit a super kick on Lana knocking her down on her ass... 

The final woman out is Valissa Oreza... "King of the World" hits as Val is running looking to join the fight... There is no friendship here as it is looking to claim the newly adapted PWE Revolution Championship...Valissa goes right for Ruby knowing she is the strong one here... Jasmine is looking to take out Lana who is still out of it from the double super kick... Jasmine is able to get her up on the ropes and then with another super kick, kicks her right off the ropes and apron... Jasmine stands watching Valissa and Ruby Orton fight it out with each other, testing each other...

Ruby is able to push Val into the middle of the ring as the are fighting it out... The two are looking to whip the other, but they continue to reverse it, finally Ruby is able to get the upper hand.. Jasmine is in the right place... As Val comes at her, Jasmine drops down pulling the ropes with her, as Val is sent out... Not happy about it, as she picks herself up taking her leave.. 

Leaving the match down between just Ruby Orton and Jasmine Sweet.  Ruby goes on the attack, hitting a drop kick, sending Jasmine into the corner of the ring, she leans on the turnbuckle.. Ruby grabs her and hits a belly to belly Suplex... Laying in the middle of the ring... Ruby seeing the opening, climbs high and goes for a Huricarana.  Jasmine is able to roll out of the way as Ruby just smacks the mat... Jasmine gets up to her knee as Ruby is waiting... She sees the opening and goes for Shinning Ruby(RKO), Jasmine is able to reverse out of it, grabbing her arm, pulling her down, looking to go into a submission, which was useless here.. None the less Ruby fights out, leaving an opening for a face buster, as Jasmine then gets up, as she pushes Ruby into the ropes... Looking like she is about to run, but Ruby looks ready... Though Jasmine gets down to her knees hits an upper cut from hell, gets up grabbing her hair, kneeing her in the face... She then picks her up and goes to toss her out... Ruby holding on the ropes.. Fighting it... Jasmine using all she had to head butt Ruby as she falls backwards out of the ring... Jasmine falls to her knees in the ring as the bell rings... Calling for her as the winner as the ref comes in and hands her the newly Revolution Championship... She hugs it to her, still on her knees worn out from a hell of a fight....

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