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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:02/16/2020 12:03 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Bianca Fallstone
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 16/02/20 @ Midnight

Match 1
Scarlett De Luca Vs. Daniela Martinez
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: With Daniela keen to get into the ring after the PPV, Scarlett was there to answer her call. Will Daniela prove she is ready for the FWAR scene or will Scarlett pick up the victory
Winner: Daniela Martinez via DQ with interference from Ember

Match 2
Spencer Carter w/Danica Grey Vs. Dimitri Pierce
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Spencer and Dimitri had been at odds since they were both in PWE together and Spencer is out to end Dimitri's career. Will Dimitri step up to the challenge or will Spencer's dream become a reality.

Winner: Spencer Carter

Match 3
Jacob Night Vs. Drake Rodriquez Vs. Noah Riley
Stipulation: Triple Threat
Summary:  Two men who have been quiet since their debuts here in FWAR are being served up to the monster known as Jacob Night. Will these men step up and prove they are meant to be here or will they not come to play.

Winner: Jacob Night

Match 4
Arnica Blaine Vs. Brandon Nyman
Stipulation: Steel Cage
Summary: After dumping him on live tv, Brandon is looking for some retribution against the newly crowned tag team champion. Imari not wanting anyone to interfere she decided to put this war of the roses in a steel cage.
Winner: Arnica Blaine

Pre Main Event
Aimee Daughtry & Lauren Li Vs. Jasmine Sweet & Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Tag Team
Summary: Lots of bad blood between these four competitors in the Pre Main Event, after the vicious attack by Gabriel on Lauren at New Years Rebellion and the history between the current FWAR women's champion and Aimee Daughtry who has been gunning for that championship since her return this match is going to be explosive.
Winner: Aimee Daughtery & Lauren Li

Main Event
Ronan Morgenson & Alexandra Callaway w/Aaron Oreza Vs. Angelique & Diamond Jackson w/Fab
Stipulation: Tag Team
Summary: With emotions running high after New Years Rebellion and heated exchange on twitter Imari had decided she was going to let Alexandra along with Ronan and Angelique with FAB team mate Diamond to go at it. Will the newly formed team of Callaway & Morgenson take down FAB or will FAB add two more names to their list of fallen victims.
Winner: Angelique & Diamond Jackson with interference via REF

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Neophyte Results

Date Posted:02/16/2020 12:40 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Bianca Fallstone
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 16/02/20 @ 11 P.M. Est

Match 1
Scarlet De Luca Vs. Daniela Martinez
Stipulation: Singles
Winner: Daniela Martinez via DQ with interference from Ember Nacht

"Drop that Kitty" blares over the P.A. System as Scarlet is the first to come out.  She is jumping and dancing around a bit as she smiles waving to her fans, before she goes walking down the ramp way.  She unzips her Jersey jacket as she then then hands it to a fan, pulling her hat off, as she hands it to another before jogging up the steel steps and crawling in the ring.  "Kill This Love" By BlackPink.  It doesn't take long for Daniela Martinez to walk out on stage.  The Italian colors flooding behind her as a flag shows for a moment on the screen above her for the fans to see. She then walks down the ramp way heading to the ring, with a confident strut about her.  Scarlet smiles as she watches her get in the ring, as you can see the respect the two have for each other, as they start to lock it up.  Both wanting to win, and both wanting to show off there talents.  A lot of back and forth through the match up, Daniela goes for a clothes line, Scarlet is able to duck it, and go for a neck breaker, as it takes her down for a moment, kicking out after a one count.  Both girls are back up, as there is a little  more tension now as the first pin attempt was made by Scarlet, locking it up once again, Daniela this time getting the upper hand as she brings a knee to the midsection, then goes in a head lock.  Going into a running bulldog.  As it takes a lot of Scarlet for sure, as she rolls her over and goes for a pin, but Scarlet is able to kick out after 2... A little shocked that she kicked out, Daniela gets up and starts to pick up Scarlet, who is able to power out, and grabs her by the upper legs, lifting her up and slamming her to the mat.  Not attempting a pin, Scarlet backs up a bit, getting a few breaths in, before going back over, grabbing her by the head as she helps her up, as she goes to set her up for a neck breaker, more of a twist of fate move, and is just about to hit it...

Before anyone knows what is going on, the lights cut out , and then "Lucifer" By Blut Engel blares over the P.A System.  Making both ladies turn and look to the stage.  Giving each a moment to catch their breaths as the lights come on, thinking that it was going to be Ember on the stage, but no one is there.  The crowd yells out loud, as Ember is standing right behind Daniela... Scarlet turns first as she goes to attack, but is pushed out of the way, as Daniela is stuck first, which causes the ref to ring the bell.  Being hit from behind Daniela stumbles a bit, as Ember then turns setting Daniela up for Dark Kiss (Sitout inverted front powerslam) Planning on slaming her face first into the mat, as Scarlet is there to lighten the blunt of it as she grabs Ember by the neck at the same time, hitting her with a neck breaker, making her go backwards.  Right at this time you see Lorcan coming out to save his lady love, as Scarlet scrambles getting Daniela and herself out of the ring before he can his is hands on any of them.  The two ladies walk up the ramp glaring at the two standing in the ring, as Ember is already up to her feet looking very pleased with herself, as Daniela is holding her neck, pretty pissed off at what had just happened.  Daniela got the victory, but not how she wanted too.

Backstage Segment: Scarlet is helping Daniela backstage to get checked out , as you can see how pissed that Daniela is that Ember was stupid enough to bet involved in her match up.  She was holding her neck a bit as the girls were talking a bit, knowing that Ember was running out of time as in a week Daniela would get her chance. "That bitch, will pay for fucking with me... She has no idea what she has just done." She said as she was beyond pissed, but it wasn't over.  "Oh, you know it. I'm going to be right there with you to make sure her big lame ass boyfriend minds his business.  So you can give her the ass kicking she deserves. " Scarlet said as she was ready to see her friend put Ember in her place once and for all.

Match 2
Spencer Carter w/Danica Grey Vs. Dimitri Pierce
Stipulation: Singles
Winner: Spencer Carter

"I will not bow" By Breaking Benjamin is blaring over the P.A. system as Spencer walks out on stage.  Of course at his side is none other than Danica Grey.  The two stand up on the stage as they look down at the ring where Dimitiri is standing and waiting.  The two share a mini make out session on the stage, getting the crowd riled up a bit. The two then walk down the ramp way as they are heading to the ring.   Spencer moves a bit as he lets Danica walk up first, as she steps up on the apron.  He holds the ropes for her as she bends over, as his hands run over her ass, before she crawls in the ring.  Spencer soon follows climbing in the ring.  He grins looking at the man he is about to destroy.  The bell rings as Danica steps out and lets Spencer go right at Dimitiri, first a slap to the face, then second and then finally a third, before Spencer then closes his fists and punches him dead in the jaw, as it takes him down.  Not letting him rest, Spencer is right on him, bringing him back up this feet, as he whips him right in the corner.  Waiting for him to stagger out a bit, Spencer then hits him with a Spear knocking him right down.  Stalking his prey, Spencer walks around Pierce waiting for him to get to his feet...Knowing there was no place for him to run.  As soon as he was starting to get up after a few moments, Spencer grabs him and locks in an inverted kneeling sharpshooter.  You can hear Pierce scream out in pain.  The ref is right there as Danica crawls in more and is mocking Pierce, telling him to tap like the little bitch that he is.  After a moment he does tap as Danica laughs, mainly because Spencer doesn't let go of the hold, causing the pain to last even longer.  As the ref tries to get him to stop, but Danica just gets in and punches the ref and pushes him out of the ring, laughing as the joy of his pain.  Finally after several long moments, and after Pierce has passed out, Spencer then lets go, dropping him like a piece of trash, then kicking him out of the ring, as the couple stand celebrating in the ring.

Backstage Segment: The cameras quickly move from the ringside to the backstage area where a fight has broken out.  You see Juana Gonzalez and Zarita Guerrero brawling back stage.  The girls are yelling and screaming at each other, as it starts with Zarita all over Juana as it is clear that she jumped Juana when she wasn't paying attention. "I got your message bitch" she yells to Juana as she screams at her.  She goes to slap her across the face, but Juana is able to grab her wrist then hit her with a head but, as it knocks her back... Holding her wrists Juana hits her with another one.  It is very clear to see that these girls do not like each other at all.  Most of the fans in the crowd have no idea what this is about, but they don't seem to care as they are loving it and eating up the backstage impromptu match up.  You see a couple ref's coming out, trying to break them up,but the girls are just out for blood.  They are kicking and scratching at each other as one ref grabs one girl and pulls her away, and the other ref is going in the other direction. As you can hear Juana yelling something in Spanish at her...From the look on both ladies face, it wasn't anything pleasant. 

Match 3
Jacob Night Vs. Drake Rodriquez Vs. Noah Riley
Stipulation: Triple Threat
Winner: Jacob Night

Both Drake Rodriquez and Noah Riley are already standing out in the ring as "Voodoo" by Godsmack blares and the big man Jacob Night walks out on stage.  He hasn't been in action for a little bit, so the grin on his face as he looks down at the ring, tells everyone just how happy he is right now.  Well at he looks happy, as Drake and Noah look like they are about to shit there pants as they look at him.  Once he gets in the ring, the bell rings and the match is under way.  Which doesn't really last all that long as they go to run at him, he grabs them both by the throat, and hits a double chokeslam.  He waits a moment as Noah is the first to his feet.  Jacob grabs him by the hair and sets him up, hitting him with the Silent Scream (Last Ride).  Just as Noah goes down, Drake is up, as Jacob turns his attention to him, kicking Drake in the midsection, and then doing the same as once again, Jacob hits Silent Scream , and then drops him right on Drake.  Jacob just puts his leg on the top of Drake as the ref just counts, as Noah's shoulders are down on the mat.  counting the three and almost as soon as the match started it was over... Not one to stand and celebrate, Jacob takes his leave from the ring, leaving the mess of men in the ring as he heads to the back while "Voodoo" plays his way out...

Backstage Segment: Backstage you see Alexandra Callaway with her husband Aaron Oreza standing out in the hallway as they are approached by tag partner Ronan Morgenson.  It is already known that the two are not fans of each other.  As they fell out of favor with each other almost as soon as they were tagged.  Ronan was just wanting to get in the face of Alexandra, but her husband was looking to be the voice of reason as he stepped in between."Now is not the time to fully fall apart.  Save that for after the main event." He says as he was trying to keep some of the peace.  "Why, I already made it clear that I don't need her.." Callaway just smirks a bit. "You're ego stinks more than your attitude." You could tell it was going to be super hard to keep this a working team, but Aaron was going to try to get them to work together and function, as tonight was going to be a battle for them.  One he was still wanting to win.

Match 4
Arnica Blaine Vs. Brandon Nyman
Stipulation: Steel Cage
Winner: Arnica Blaine

There was no fight in Brandon as he seemed more heart broken than anything else.  Not liking that he lost Arnica.  He was balling and crying in the ring, even to the point where he was down on his knees begging and crying for him to take her back.  she just smirked then let him have a boot to the face as she hit him with a super kick.  She then started to stomp him, not wanting to end things yet.  After all she was able to get him in a steel cage so she was going to make him pay.  He didn't seem to have any fight in him as Arnica got him right up against the steel cage rubbing his face against it as he was busted open pretty soon.  She then grabbed him and feels it's time to put it to and end... He is still begging trying to kiss her as she just goes and slaps him hard across the face, and then is able to set him up for Jokester (Skull Crushing Finale) As he is lifeless laying on the mat.  Arnica just grins and then skips towards the door of the cage and opens it...Looks like she is about to step out but shakes her head... She smiles as she seems her friend and co Tag Champion walk down the ramp holding a steel chair... She grins as she goes and hands it into Arnica as the ref tries to stop her but knows it's all legal.  She sets it up and moves it so it is around his neck...Makes sure he's right where he needs to be so she can do a good jump...She goes to the corner, climbs up the turnbuckle, turns around standing up as the crowd is going nuts...She then grins, jumps, as the chair snaps right on his head and neck... Arnica then skips on leaving the cage as the match is over...Not even stopping to look at the damage she has done as her music hits and her and her tag partner skip on up the ramp way and head into the back, laughing and what had just happened.

Backstage Segment: Imari Vale and Crystal Sweet are seen in the office as the girls are standing and talking.  They both seem to be pleased with how the show was going so far tonight.  Things for sure were looking good as Crystal felt this had been the way to go.  "Some of your girls are right evil... I love it. " Crystal laughs as she was thinking about what had taken place with Arnica, which she was sure would get a lot of tweets and attention later.  "You know it, and seeing some of your talent make light work of the trash that has been handing around in PWE, it's good that they won't be stinking up FWAR, and making us look bad any more. " The girls both laugh as they continue to chat and look towards the screen as they were enjoying the show for sure.

Pre Main Event
Aimee Daughtry & Lauren Li Vs. Jasmine Sweet & Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Tag Team
Winner: Aimee Daughtery & Lauren Li

This match had a lot of tension in as you can feel how badly Jasmine wanted to get her hands on Aimee, feeling the disrespect for weeks since her return.  As it seemed like a mutual feeling from Aimee.  As the two of them started the match up out.  Aimee goes right on the attack, hooking her arm right under Jasmine's and flipping her, using her speed against her, Jasmine doesn't stay down though as she is quick on her feet and hits with a kick of her own, slowing Aimee down a bit, before she goes grabbing her neck, wanting to set her up for a DDT, but gets pushed out of the way.  Jasmine doesn't go back far, as she hits an elbow to the back of her head, and then grabs her by the hair with an aggressive slam back, as Aimee hits the mat hard, holding her head.  Jasmine grins as she just walks around Aimee taunting her a bit, feeling good about what she had just done.  She leans down trash talking a bit, as Aimee uses this to slap the taste of of Jasmine, as it sends her back.  As soon as Aimee is back up to her feet, Jasmine runs at her spearing her into the corner.  It is easy to see that Aimee has gotten under the skin of Jasmine for sure.  In most cases Aimee would be loving this.  At the moment Jasmine moves back then rams her shoulder once again into the mid section, causing more pain and tenderness to the mid section.  Jasmine continues this three more times before backing up.  She looks at Aimee who falls to a knee.  Jasmine sees the set up to hit her knee to her face and runs at her, but Aimee moves out of the way, but Jasmine is able to stop herself before she can do any damage to her knee.  Both showing that they have the skills to think things through a bit... Jasmine turns to to see where Aimee is, as she wasn't far.  A quick grab around the gut as she hits a belly to belly suplex.. As you can hear how hard she hit the mat, as Jasmine holds her back a bit.  Jasmine gets up as she is on one knee, both girls are breathing hard, but there doesn't seem to be any quit in either of them.  Lauren holding on the rope in her corner, cheering on Aimee, as Gabriel is just starring and watching, as his focus is just on getting to Lauren, more than anything to do with this match.   The girls connect once again, this time Jasmine is able to over power, head butting Aimee twice, and then pushing her back as she can get a hard chip to the chest as she keeps knocking her back.  Then grabbing her arm and whipping her into the ropes as she comes back, as Jasmine grabs her and does a side slam to the mat, as Aimee is this time rolling in pain a bit, but makes sure she isn't in a spot to get pinned.  Jasmine turns around to see Aimee heading to her corner desperate to tag in Lauren.  Jasmine looks like she is about to stop her from the tag but then just stops herself as she looks at Lauren.  Seeming like she is more than willing to fight the lethal one.

Aimee struggling to get to her corner is able to finally as the tag is made and Lauren makes her way in.  Jasmine standing there looking like she was about to fight with Lauren, but then shakes her head grinning a bit, seeing that Gabriel is wanting in.  As she backs up and puts her hand out as he slaps it, tagging himself in, as Jasmine leaves the ring, so these two can go at it, as you can feel the tension.  Gabriel is looking to rip Lauren in half...He charges right at her, but she ducks moving out of the way, as she isn't one to be taken down that easy.  Gabriel turns around to get a foot right to the face, as the speed he had worked right against him, as it busted his mouth right open and if he wasn't close to the ropes it probably would of knocked him to the mat.  You can hear both Aimee and Jasmine yelling to there partners, as Lauren is feeling this is almost over.  Gabriel is holding on the ropes, both arms hanging over them as he sees Lauren coming at him, one last attempt as he charges at her, as she grabs him , pushes him back, and then goes back herself using the ropes a bit, as she hits Gabriel with a Taste of Korea(Front Roll then jumping high kick to the face) It takes Gabriel right now.  Lauren drops down for the pin, Jasmine goes in to break it up , but Aimee rushes in, and knocks Jasmine right out of the ring.  Aimee then follows as the two of them fight ringside while Lauren is able to get the 1 2 3, and win... Lauren gets up to help her tag partner as it seems like Jasmine was back up, and fighting back, as she slams Aimee face first into the announcers table...It doesn't take long for Gabriel to be in it as well, as refs come down with an attempt to break it up as the show cuts to a break trying to control the chaos out in the ring.

Backstage Segment: The fight doesn't seem to be over as Lauren and Gabriel are still fighting in the backstage area. You can feel the hatred between them as Gabriel goes to slam Lauren face first into a table, but she puts her hands out stopping him.  She is able to then move a bit, and add a punch of her own, getting his grip to loosen as she then brings her knee up, and then punches him in the face... She then grabs his hair and returns the favor but hitting as his face connects to the table... It makes him stagger back a bit, but he is soon again on the attack.  You can hear Hope and other security coming in to break up the fight... Both Lauren and Gabriel are fighting security until Hope connects her knee with Gabriel nuts, grinning a bit as they rush him and holding him back as Lauren is still trying to fight through. "Enough already, you two will your chance at each other soon enough..." Hope said letting them both know as she then had security escort them out in different directions.  

Main Event
Ronan Morgenson & Alexandra Callaway w/Aaron Oreza Vs. Angelique & Diamond Jackson w/Fab
Stipulation: Tag Team
Winner: Angelique & Diamond Jackson with interference via REF

Before this match even started, Danile Khaos and his wife Angelina Acid were the first to come out.  Just as she said Angelina was going to be there, but of course not involved as they had special seats set aside to watch the show.  Her husband being kind enough to sit with his wife while they had the best seats in the house.   "Come for Me" By New Years Day blares over the P.A. System and the lights flash red, then go to a blackout before the red lights flood the stage. Alexandra walks out in the fog, of course with Aaron Oreza at her side.  She makes her way down the ramp and stops, before sliding under the bottom rope.  She stands and climbs the turnbuckle posing for a few moments before hopping down and leaning in the corner, as her husband stands near by while they wait. "Angel in Disgrace" By the Raven Eyes blares as Ronan is the second half to this team to come out.  She stands up on the stage a moment looking around at the crowd.  This was a new feeling for her, something she was still working on getting use too.  She looks around at the crowd before she walks down the ramp way walking to the ring.  She walks around the ring a moment, debating on entering just yet, but walks up the steps and standing on the apron, she looks at Alexandra as you can see neither are happy to see each other... Which is not a good sign for the team as they now hear "Bossy" By Kelis blaring over the P.A. as the group FAB come out.  Angelique , Diamond, and Diane are standing there with Frank Stone right with them.  The girls all have grins on there face as they walk down the ramp way and head to the ring.  The boos just seem to make the girls happier as they do some trash talk on the way down before they had to the ring, walking up the steps, standing on the apron.  Only Diamond and Angelique get in the ring, while the others stand around the outside of the ring as Diane is cheering on the girls...

Most would think this match up was a blow up from the start... Pun intended.  The advantage being with FAB of course as it was clear before the match up even started that Ronan and Alexandra had issues with each other.  Aaron did his best though to keep things as peaceful as possible though out the match.   Alexandra deciding she would start this off, wanting to show that she could do this on her own.   Angelique looked like she was going to start the match off, which would of made Callaway happy, but it didn't end that way as she just left the ring as Diamond came in, as the bell rang and the match went under way.  Which was just the start of FAB getting under Callaway's skin, but she didn't let it distract her for long.  Already knowing Diamond herself was a handful.  Callaway looking to send a message from the start went on an aggressive attack, knocking Diamond right into the corner early on, as her husband helped holding Diamond's foot which didn't go well as Diamond was able to power her way out with Callaway punching her in the face, as Frank was already moving towards Aaron who had let go and moved out of the way.  Angelique cheering Diamond on as she was looking for a tag in herself as Diamond kicked Callaway in the midsection, then grabbed her hair as they were now in her corner.  Diamond tags in Angelique as she hits Callaway again as Angelique crawls in the ring.  She hits a couple kicks to the mid section making Callaway hunch a bit.  Angelique then grabs her by the hair talking a little trash, which resulted in a head butt from Callaway that sent Angelique back a bit stumbling some. The trash talk seemed to have not only pissed off Callaway but lit a bit of a fire as she was soon going on the attack.  Whipping Angelique around, as she is able to take her down with a clothesline.  Getting down for a quick pin, but a kick out after just one, as it is going to take more than that... Diane is yelling from outside of the ring, which distracts Callaway a moment as Angelique is able to get her wind a bit and get up to a knee .  Alexandra turns her attention back to Angelique who reaches low and grabs Callaway locking in an Ankle lock as she is going for a submisison move.  The scream of pain tells that Callaway wasn't expecting it, and was just struggling to not tap.  Her hand went up a moment, but she stopped herself as she started to move towards the ropes... Not letting go right away, Angelique finally drops her ankle , not before lifting up and slamming her knee into the mat.  Causing extra pain... Angelique then backs up as she walks over tagging Diamond back in.  Ronan is hanging on the ropes in their corner begging to be tagged in.  Callaway hobbles over as she tags in her partner and rolls out of the ring to the arms of Aaron who is checking on her.  Ronan eager to have her first match rushes right in.  Diamond waits for it then grabs Ronan and uses her speed right against her and lifts her right up , and holds her over her head a  moment, showing the strength that is Diamond, she then slams her down on the mat.  Making Ronan curl up a bit as Diamond goes and grabs her by the hair and starts to pull her up.  Ronan using her fight or flight response, starts to fight back, hitting punch after punch into the stomach of Diamond who hunches over and backs up just a little, enough so she can elbow her in the head.  Taking her down... Diamond stands there walking around a bit, as she just grins and then starts to yell at her..."You having fun yet?" She laughs getting up as she kicks Ronan right in the face , making her go backwards, but is able to hold herself up... Which is something, as the new comer is wanting to prove she can take care of herself.  She then looks like she is about to rush as Diamond, but Diamond reacts the way Ronan is hoping, as she is able to move and get behind Diamond, locking her arms tight, as she then starts in with a German suplex... She is able to hold onto her grip!  She rolls around and hits Diamond with another, as it was enough to knock the wind out... Ronan goes for a pin, as the ref moves and gets down and starts the count, but Diamond kicks out with force, pushing, almost throwing her off.  Diamond rolls over, getting to her knees then to her feet.  Ronan charges at her, wanting to take her down again, Diamond is able to reverse it, tossing her into the ring, as she extends her arm out and hits her with a clothesline, that looked like it nearly took her head off.  Diamond backs up to take Angelique in, as Ronan goes to her corner to tag in... She reaches for Callaway who looks looks like she is about to accept it, but jumps down off the apron, as Ronan just looks at her shocked, then glares at her, but it was enough for Angelique to grabbed and pull her back.  Ronan fighting best she could, kicks Angelique sending her back a bit... Ronan looks once more to the corner as Callaway is still not back up on the apron, so she just takes the fight to Angelique not one to just quit.  Showing her fighting spirit, as she went to try to put Angelique in a head lock, but wasn't able to make it work as Angelique was able to reverse her, turn her around and kick her right in the ass, at about this time, Alexandra was back up on the apron, as Ronan just kept charging , smashing right into Callaway on purpose, a forced tag in, as the ref allowed it... Alexandra fell to the floor as Ronan crawled out of the ring grabbing Callaway and tossed her in the ring...Angelique laughing about this as she was very much amused... she leaned down looking at Callaway.  Callaway is pulled up by her hair and holds her face, telling her how worthless she is... Which is is enough to put some fire behind Callaway, as she screams out, pushes her back, and then starts to lay in the punches.  Angelique puts her arms up to protect her face as she is back in the corner... Angelique tried to work her way out, with a kick to the gut, as she then jumped up on the turnbuckle, but before she could jump, she Callaway grabbed her, turned her around and hit her with huge slam... This looks like it's over now... Callaway goes for the pin, the ref gets down as she counts 1 ...2... and then stops.. looking at her hand freaking out like she just broke a nail.  Pissed beyond words, Callaway gets up as she glares at the female ref, yelling and screaming at her to do her job... The ref then grins as she slaps Callaway across the face, then pushes her back to Angelique who is waiting in just the right spot, as Angelique hits her finisher, Twisted Angel{Canadian Destroyer).  Angelique grins standing there, kicking her over as she then gets down pinning her, as the ref counts the 3, giving FAB the win.  Angelique stands up grinning as she hugs the ref as they then kick out Alexandra , as Aaron helps her up, the girls all stand in the ring together, as they are celebrating with the ref, as they just grin looking at the damage they had done...

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