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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:06/19/2021 12:02 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Here
General Manager:  Here
Theme Song:  "Here"
Date: 00/00/00

Match 1
Lana Starr Vs. Danica Grey Vs. Mikah Castile Vs. Tori Adams Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Stipulation:  Number 1 Contender Bloody Vixen's Championship
Match Type: 5 lady elimnation... as one is pinned or taps the match keeps going until there is just one left.
Summary: Ladies looking for something to do... Well lets give these ladies something to do.

Match 2
Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Starr Vs. Jacob Night W/Raven
Stipulation: N/A
Match Type: No DQ
Summary: Eddie is still fighting the fight, trying to get himself out of that slump... Let's see if this is his night.

Match 3
Kevin Khaos Vs. Ryan Burgess
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Singles
Summary:  Well Khaos is as bitter as ever, while Ryan seems to have changed his ways, and gone back to an easier and calmer mind and mood... Can some of that run off on the hot head, or will Khaos let his anger push his match.

Match 4
Kitty Granger Vs. Roxanne Marshall W/Empire
Stipulation: If Kitty defeats Roxy, she becomes number one contender for the Women's Championship.
Summary: This back and forth has been going on for sometime.  Finally Kitty gets Roxy one on one... If she can win this, she'll be first in line for the Women's Championship.

Pre Main Event
Shawn Blade Vs. SVD
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Hardcore/Street Fight/Falls count Anywheres
Summary:  SVD is a Hardcore Icon, and well Shawn just loves these messed up matches... so of course we had to make this happen...

Main Event
Diamond Jackson W/FAB Vs. Jezabel Jezzi W/ Amari Rose
Stipulation: None
Match Type: No DQ
Summary: FAB is having a good time picking part the team that is the Women's Champion... Maybe making them regret their Pay Per View victory... Well this continue to happen, or will Jezzi and Amari be able to get a bit of pay back?

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Neophyte 07/06/2021

Date Posted:07/10/2021 3:04 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Here
General Manager:  Here
Theme Song:  "Here"
Date: 00/00/00

Match 1
Lana Starr Vs. Danica Grey Vs. Mikah Castile Vs. Tori Adams Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Stipulation:  Number 1 Contender Bloody Vixen's Championship
Match Type: 5 lady elimnation... as one is pinned or taps the match keeps going until there is just one left.
Summary: Ladies looking for something to do... Well lets give these ladies something to do.
Winner: Lana Starr.
It turns out having someone at your side is a good motivation, or it was for Lana.  As new comer Daffeny had a front row seat.  Watching the ladies fight it out.  The grin did not leave her face the entire time as she was watching.  Lana seemed to be enjoying herself as well as she was able to really take it to the others... As for the most part it was down to her, Mikah and Ronan.  Which was interesting as Mikah and Ronan and been allies.  Though they seemed to be enjoying fighting each other just as much.
This match went on for sometime, as first we saw Tori taken out of the ring, then Danica, and Ronan was soon to follow.  It was soon down to Mikah and Lana as the two ladies were fighting it out.  Lana though had her new friend in her corner, yelling and shouting obscene remarks to Mikah... It caused enough of a distraction for Lana to take advantage and get a big win..

Match 2
Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Starr Vs. Jacob Night W/Raven
Stipulation: N/A
Match Type: No DQ
Summary: Eddie is still fighting the fight, trying to get himself out of that slump... Let's see if this is his night.
Winner: Jacob Night.
This was actually a rather quick match up.  Which actually resulted in this being Eddie Mcginlay's last match up.  As he left the arena and building soon after his loss.  Jacob seeming pleased with himself as he retreats to the back and heading to the backstage area.

Match 3
Kevin Khaos Vs. Ryan Burgess
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Singles
Summary:  Well Khaos is as bitter as ever, while Ryan seems to have changed his ways, and gone back to an easier and calmer mind and mood... Can some of that run off on the hot head, or will Khaos let his anger push his match.
Winner: Ryan Burgess.
This for sure was the match that probably had the main event status... Yet we gave the fans it a bit early.  They where on their feet as Khaos was hammering on Burgess... Then Burgess able to get the up hand and power himself up, with the hyping from the fans... It was not how Khaos invisioned this going for him, but Burgess was able to get the upper hand, and in this battle, bested Khaos... The glaring and yelling, it was clear that this was far from over.

Match 4
Kitty Granger Vs. Roxanne Marshall W/Empire
Stipulation: If Kitty defeats Roxy, she becomes number one contender for the Women's Championship.
Summary: This back and forth has been going on for sometime.  Finally Kitty gets Roxy one on one... If she can win this, she'll be first in line for the Women's Championship.
Winner: Kitty Granger
It was not how Tara and Roxanne were wanting things to go for sure... As Kitty was able to over come Roxy and win her chance to face off against Women's Champion, and get a piece of revenge.  Kitty was grinning and feeling proud while Tara and Roxy were licking wounds and making their way up the ramp way to the back.  As this was clear things were not close to being over with.

Pre Main Event
Shawn Blade Vs. SVD
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Hardcore/Street Fight/Falls count Anywheres
Summary:  SVD is a Hardcore Icon, and well Shawn just loves these messed up matches... so of course we had to make this happen...
Winner: Shawn Blade

These two men were enjoying beating the hell out of each other wayyyy to much.  The way they were beating each other up, it was like they were enemies, but the laughs and grins, made it look like they were best buddies... Helping each other up after they smash a chair over each other.   Then they continued with the abuse... It would be Shawn who would get the pin and victory out of this, but the grins on each face, it was clear both were happy and feeling like they won...

Main Event
Diamond Jackson W/FAB Vs. Jezabel Jezzi W/ Amari Rose
Stipulation: None
Match Type: No DQ
Summary: FAB is having a good time picking part the team that is the Women's Champion... Maybe making them regret their Pay Per View victory... Well this continue to happen, or will Jezzi and Amari be able to get a bit of pay back?
Winner: Diamond Jackson
This was a good match, as FAB was actually held back for a moment... Though it did turn out to be a numbers game.  Diamond was able to put Jezzi down, and to take the victory.  Diamond was grinning as Amari was quick to move and to help her friend out... Not wanting to be a big beat down at the hands of FAB.. The Women's Tag Champions make a quick exit...Still not pleased with how things went down.

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