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Date Posted:09/16/2020 12:21 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 04/12/2020 @  11 P/M Est

Match 1
Matthew Taylor Vs Kevin Kennedy
Stipulation: Singles
Title: None
Summary: Matthew is getting his second chance at making his career jump here in FWAR.  Natasha seeing and knowing the real talent that Taylor is, as she is looking to prove that... Putting him up against Kevin Kennedy.
Winner: Matthew Taylor

Match 2
Jayden & Angelique Vs Kitty & Aimee Pierce Vs. Daniela Martinez & Scarlet De Luca
Stipulation: Women's Tag Match
Title: Women's Tag Titles
Summary:  Diamonds partner in crime has left, which resulted in her dropping the tag titles... Which resulted in Natasha and Imari making this surprise title match... 

Match 3

Drew Stevenson Vs Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna
Stipulation:  Falls Count Anywhere/ Ref Jasmine Sweet
Title:  Revolution Championship
Summary:  Here

Match 4
Will Murdoch Vs Vincent Underwood W/ Blair Black
Stipulation:  Singles match
Title:  Non Title
Summary:  Will is a new comer who has shown promise on Terror, as he now has his next challenge in Vincent Underwood.

Pre Main Event
Santiago Velez Vs SVD
Stipulation: Singles Match
Title: Non Title
Summary:  SVD was able to return and defeat one champion, can he repeat himself?  Or will he see a bigger fight and a brick wall as he faces current FWAR World Champion Santiago Velez? 

Main Event
Gage Steele & Kevin Khaos  Vs Demon Ryan and Jacob Night
Stipulation: Inferno Tag Match
Title: None
Summary:  Crystal is not happy that Gage got involved in her business... So she has asked a favor... So here tonight these men are teaming up against Demon Ryan and Jacob in a match where things can get really heated.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Neo card

Date Posted:09/29/2020 12:02 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 09/28/2020 @  11 P/M Est

Match 1
Matthew Taylor Vs Kevin Kennedy
Stipulation: Tag Team
Title: None
Summary: Matthew is getting his second chance at making his career jump here in FWAR.  Natasha seeing and knowing the real talent that Taylor is, as she is looking to prove that... Putting him up against Kevin Kennedy
Winner: Matthew Taylor.

Match 2
Jayden & Angelique Vs Kitty & Aimee Pierce Vs. Daniela Martinez & Scarlet De Luca
Stipulation: Women's Tag Match
Title: Women's Tag Titles
Summary:  Diamonds partner in crime has left, which resulted in her dropping the tag titles... Which resulted in Natasha and Imari making this surprise title match...
Winner: Kitty & Aimee Pierce. 

Match 3

Drew Stevenson Vs Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna
Stipulation:  Falls Count Anywhere/ Ref Jasmine Sweet
Title:  Revolution Championship
Summary:  Here
Winner: Drew Stevenson

Match 4
Will Murdoch Vs Vincent Underwood W/ Blair Black
Stipulation:  Singles match
Title:  Non Title
Summary:  Will is a new comer who has shown promise on Terror, as he now has his next challenge in Vincent Underwood.
Winner: Will Murdoch

Pre Main Event
Santiago Velez Vs SVD
Stipulation: Singles Match
Title: Non Title
Summary:  SVD was able to return and defeat one champion, can he repeat himself?  Or will he see a bigger fight and a brick wall as he faces current FWAR World Champion Santiago Velez? 
Winner: Santiago Velez

Main Event
Gage Steele & Kevin Khaos  Vs Demon Ryan and Jacob Night
Stipulation: Inferno Tag Match
Title: None
Summary:  Crystal is not happy that Gage got involved in her business... So she has asked a favor... So here tonight these men are teaming up against Demon Ryan and Jacob in a match where things can get really heated.
Winner: Gage Steele & Kevin Khaos

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Neo card

Date Posted:09/29/2020 12:10 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 09/28/2020 @  11 P/M Est

Match 1
Matthew Taylor Vs Kevin Kennedy
Stipulation: Tag Team
Title: None
Summary: Matthew is getting his second chance at making his career jump here in FWAR.  Natasha seeing and knowing the real talent that Taylor is, as she is looking to prove that... Putting him up against Kevin Kennedy
Winner: Matthew Taylor.
Matthew had Kevin's number from the second the bell rang, with a thunderous superkick Taylor sent Kennedy to the ground. Not wanting to give Kevin much time to breath and recuperate he started stomping on Kevin's limbs until he rolls out of the ring to create some distance between the two. The ref yelling at Kevin to get back in the ring who was flat out refusing, getting tired of Kevin's games Matthew climbed out of the ring himself and started to run towards Kevin. Stepping aside at the last second Kevin using Matthew's momentum against him threw him right into the steps, laughing and touching the side of his head as to be saying he was smarter Kevin rolled back into the ring and demanded that the Ref began the 10 count wanting this match to be over quickly. As the ref got to the count of six Matthew shook the cobwebs off and made his way back to the ring which annoyed Kevin who started his assault backing Matthew into the corner with rights and lefts, turning his back on his opponent Kevin show boated a little before running at Matthew however Matthew caught him with a elbow to the face followed up with a few clotheslines. With Kennedy groggy on his feet  Matthew hits him with an Inverted Facebuster before going up top for "Breathless" and picking up the victory over Kennedy

Segment: As Matthew was making his way backstage... Natasha was standing out in the hall.  She had a smile on her face as she was happy that he had won his match.  He looked very pleased with himself as well.  He stops looking at her as he can tell that she has something to say.

||Natasha Ivanov||- I knew you would be able to handle Kennedy... Though one would of thought he would try to put up more of a fight.

She said laughing a bit as she was shaking her head some... 

||Natasha Ivanov||- I think you've earned that drink now.

She said as she saw him smile even more , nodding his head as Natasha turned walking back to her office as Matthew moved to walk beside her as they were chatting a bit heading to her office for that drink.

Match 2
Jayden & Angelique Vs Kitty & Aimee Pierce Vs. Daniela Martinez & Scarlet De Luca
Stipulation: Women's Tag Match
Title: Women's Tag Titles
Summary:  Diamonds partner in crime has left, which resulted in her dropping the tag titles... Which resulted in Natasha and Imari making this surprise title match...
Winner: Kitty & Aimee Pierce. 
FAB was looking to reclaim what they felt they should have never lost... All the ladies were looking to make history here tonight as they were wanting to leave with Women's gold.  Daniela , Jayden, and Aimee were starting things off... As there was a lot of trash talking from FAB to both Aimee and Daniela.  Which just caused both women to punch Jayden knocking her back towards the ropes...  Angelique yelling at them from her corner as Jayden was pushing herself forward.  She used the ropes to her advantage as she went putting in all her wait knocking both women down... Grinning and taunting a moment as she did a little dance around the two ladies... Causing boos from the small crowd that was allowed in the arena.  Aimee rolls under the ropes a bit, while Jayden then leans down grabbing Daniela by the hair, and picking her up... It looks like she is about to go for a bitch slap, but Daniela brings her hand up blocking and grabbing her hand... Hitting with an upper cut of her own... Then hitting with a head butt.  Causing Jayden to falter back once more... Giving Daniela the chance to get up and fight back more, as she grabs Jayden and whips her into the ropes... Hitting a clothesline when she gets close enough.  Daniela going for a quick pin.. Jayden is able to kick out on the two count... Angelique yelling from the FAB corner... Wanting to be tagged in... By this time Aimee is back up and going as she hits Daniela from behind and then tosses her out of the ring.. She then turns to Jayden as she was about to lean down but gets kicked in the face... Jayden is then able to get to her corner and tag in Angelique... Aimee stumbles to her corner and tags in Kitty... Scarlet is looking down at Daniela who is holding her face a bit... As she is yelling for her to get up, wanting to be tagged in. 
In the ring, Kitty is ducking a clothesline from Angelique, as she then hits with a super kick, knocking her right down.  Jayden comes back in as she was able to duck that as well, just to be grabbed by the hair and yanked down to the mat.  Kitty gets up looking at FAB... Diamond looks to get involved, as Roxy is already there, pulling her leg down as she hits the mat face first... Daniela is trying to get back in the ring so she can tag in Scarlet.  Angelique is getting back up as she runs at Kitty, who is able to set up her finisher "Bad Kitty" (KillSwitch) Quickly rolling her up and getting the win before anyone was able to break it up.

Segment: FAB is heard yelling and screaming backstage, not at all happy with the loss of of the Women's Tag titles.  Feeling like it had been a screw job from the start.  FAB being stripped when Becca left.  It just felt like an all around screw job... As they were pouting and heading down the hall... A male's voice clearing made them look up... They all went from sulking and angry faces to smiles when they saw it was Josh Nightingale standing there... He held his arms out a bit as the girls went right to him as he said he would take care of things... 

Match 3

Drew Stevenson Vs Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna
Stipulation:  Falls Count Anywhere/ Ref Jasmine Sweet
Title:  Revolution Championship
Summary:  Here
Winner: Drew Stevenson
This was an epic mid show match up... Both men looking to claim the gold... Jasmine didn't look to pleased with being out there, though she did her job and was fair about it.   For a majority of the match Lorcan had been in control of the match up... Really taking it to the veteran Drew... Most of the match not giving Drew much room to really fight back...  You can hear Bella yelling from ringside to make quick work of him... To not waste time... Knowing that the quicker he put an end to Drew the better the chances were... Lorcan seemed to be focused... Hitting with a big boot... Picking up for a chokeslam.  Lorcan then goes for a pin, Drew able to kick out in time... Lorcan seeming to not mind as it gives him the chance to let the suffering continue... Drew who has been very impressive sense his return, starts to fight back. 
As the match continues on, Drew is able to get in a few good kicks, showing the power in his legs... As he then lifts Lorcan up and hits in a power slam... Lorcan not staying down long enough for a pin, as he is soon up... Lorcan hitting with an upper cut to put some space between them... Lorcan is looking to go for a chokeslam.  Drew grabs his arm... Kick to the mid section, as Lorcan is forced to let go... Drew is able then to capitalize and hit in his finisher (HT3) Arn Anderson Styled Spinebuster).  

Drew then gets down going for the pin... Jasmine looks a moment knowing this was the end, as she then gets down and counts the 1 2 3!  then calls for the bell... Not happy that she had not been allowed a rematch after being forced to vacate the title... She doesn't bother to raise his hand, just takes her leave from the ring...
Sarah is there though as she takes the title , and happily gets in the ring and hands it to Drew, raising his arm up in victory.

Segment: The cameras are quickly panning to the backstage area where a fight is underway.  Hardcore Champion Shawn Blade has been blinded sided by the Hardcore Icon himself, SVD.  Even though SVD has a match up later on tonight against the current FWAR World Champion... Feeling this is a great way to warm up.... Though he may have under estimated Shawn... Who was able to go from trying to defend himself to fighting back.  The men were taking the fight all over the backstage area... SVD once again was getting the upper hand as he was able to put Shawn through a door, then lifting him up and putting him through the snack table... SVD then goes for the pin, and the win as he has been named the new Hardcore Champion. 

Match 4
Will Murdoch Vs Vincent Underwood W/ Blair Black
Stipulation:  Singles match
Title:  Non Title
Summary:  Will is a new comer who has shown promise on Terror, as he now has his next challenge in Vincent Underwood.
Winner: Will Murdoch
Will is looking to add another win under his belt... Taking on Vincent Underwood... The match is pretty straight forward... Blair and ducky cheering on Vincent from ringside... Which actually threw Will off for a moment... Shaking it off pretty quickly though as the men went at each other.  Vincent not taking it all that serious, which was really normal for him... As Will was just looking to get it done and over with... Collect his pay check, and get to the drinking... So finally getting some place as he was able to land a few chops in on Vincent, whipping him around the ring, before setting up for a side walk slam.  Blair is yelling for Vincent to get up... Which he starts to do, putting in a few punches of his own... Will seems to be ready, as he able to hit a power bomb on Vincent...  
Waiting and stalking it out a bit, Will is able to then hit his finisher(Kidney Cracker).  Which puts Vincent down in pain, as Will then rolls up for the pin and another big win!

Segment: Jasmine is seen having a few words with her sister, following the match up that she was ref in... You can see that she isn't happy that with her return she wasn't granted an instant rematch... 
{Jasmine Sweet}- I should of been number one contender as soon as my return was set, and I was medically cleared to compete... It was bullshit to be forced to call that match for my Championship.

She said as she was angry.  Crystal was standing there thinking about it.
||Crystal Sweet||- I hear you... You'll get your rematch... Halloween Hell is right around the corner... Gives you the time you need to get ready, and prepare, but you will get your rematch.

Crystal said simply... Jasmine smiled happy to hear this... Both sisters then turned walking off going their separate ways... 

Pre Main Event
Santiago Velez Vs SVD
Stipulation: Singles Match
Title: Non Title
Summary:  SVD was able to return and defeat one champion, can he repeat himself?  Or will he see a bigger fight and a brick wall as he faces current FWAR World Champion Santiago Velez? 
Winner: Santiago Velez
SVD had been looking to make an impact early on... Hoping to maybe try... The first mistake SVD came to realize was that he probably should not have had that fight with Shawn backstage over the Hardcore Title... As it wore him out more than he realized... Though still working to give it a good fight... Santiago though, was all over SVD... Not letting him rest , or get a moments break... The World Champion showing just why he was where he was at... 
SVD did start to go on the attack, hitting with a clothesline that knocked Santiago down... Didn't keep him down, though as SVD looked to go for a German Suplex...No such luck as a few elbows were able to help get Santiago out of that... Reversing it and hitting a suplex of his own... Holding on as he was able to go into a three amigos.  Taking the air right out of SVD.
Santiago waited for SVD to get back up to his feet... Then went hitting Vicious Velez(Stunner).. Which took SVD down once again.. This time with out getting up... Velez didn't waste any time as he went for the pin, and was able to defeat the Hardcore Icon, SVD!

Segment: Valissa Oreza is seen standing in the hall kind of just checking the show out.  She hasn't had a match in a bit and had been debating her options... As hse was standing there Ronan walking up.. Standing next to her a bit as she was just kind of watching too... Valissa looked at her a moment, wondering why this girl was in her space... 

||Valissa Oreza||- Can I help you?

She said not looking very impressed at the moment, as Ronan just looked up a moment.

{Ronan}- Just checking the show out..

||Valissa Oreza||- Well there are plenty other places to do that... You know.. Social distancing and all..

She rolled her eyes , looking at the rookie not impressed with her as she just walked off, annoyed at the invasion of space.

Main Event
Gage Steele & Kevin Khaos  Vs Demon Ryan and Jacob Night
Stipulation: Inferno Tag Match
Title: None
Summary:  Crystal is not happy that Gage got involved in her business... So she has asked a favor... So here tonight these men are teaming up against Demon Ryan and Jacob in a match where things can get really heated.
Winner: Gage Steele & Kevin Khaos
Demon Ryan and Jacob were the ones favored for this match up... Though it was clear early on that you can not count out the team of Kevin Khaos and Gage Steele... As they were able to work together just as good as any tag team.  Getting along and working together.  They were able to get Jacob back into the ropes, while Kevin hit a few kicks in as both men held him in place long enough for him to light up on fire.. The bell rang as Khaos and Steele were quick to get out of the ring before Demon Ryan could attack them... Both men had cocky grins as they were walking up the ramp way, feeling good about their victory.

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