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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:01/04/2011 6:25 AMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

christina2he.png picture by foxy1350

Title: Making a Monster
Personal Message: Fear me for I am the blood Daughter... Run from me for I will make you bleed... Hurt me for it will give me pleasure... Your pain is my lust.. my pain is my pleasure.. You can not hurt me, for I've been marked... Let the evil dwell with in me, for it is where it always has been...

Who am I?  You all know this already... but what most of you do not know .. Is where I come from.. So you truly do not know who I am... Some of you fear me.. Do not undestand me... Yes  I also know some of you do not care... Well for the rest of you.. I have a tale.. so set back and  get ready... For soon you shall hear of my life... The pain,  the torement... You will learn everything that has molded me into the blood daugher that I am today.  Know just what has started inside my mind... How and why Dolly is truly the only one I listen too...


Happy Birthday to you...

Ah what a great time this is... A little girl.. Turning eight years old... This is a day for a party... Oh mommy let me open but one gift let me see what you have for me?  I wanted to see what was in the pretty pink package.. It had been sitting out on the table all day... I needed to see it.. Joy, she let me have it... Oh thank you mommy.....

The box opens up for me.. I look inside it, as i reach in.. I pull her out... She is beautiful... She is my dolly dearest.. I hold her close, hold her to my chest as i feel the joy of a young child... Oh thank you mommy I love her, shes so great... I'll love her forever.. I hold her tightly, swinging her around a bit. as I can't help be full of happeniess....

"What are you doing?" What the hell is this mess!" I hear anger.. Oh no, daddy is upset... He has been drinking again... Oh daddy why do you drink... I hear the anger I watch him come in, looking around... stupid cake... There it goes against the wall... Ohn o mommy move out fo the way.. Don't try to stop him... SMAcK... There she goes on the floor yet again... He then looks to me.... I cowar away, knowing better.. Please daddy, I'm sorry... The corner can not hide me... I see your hand raise up... Mommy no... she saved me once again.. Not letting his rage touch me...

SMACK! against the wall she goes again...Mama! no... I move her hair back out of her face, blood getting on my fingers as I look at her, she groans out a bit, but doesn't try to move... Poor mommy does it hurt bad?  "I told you, not to make me mad.... I've warned you and warned you" Daddy is sitting on the chair, he has a beer in one hand and a shot gun in the other.. He just watches momma and then looks to me... "Move out of the way hunny... Daddy is talking to mommmy.  I nod getting up as I walk over to my corner like a good girl... "You need help, John" He finish's the beer standing up as he walks over to her... Mommy has blood coming out of her mouth... it wont' stop... He hits her again and again with the butt of the gun. until  she is just a mass in a pool of blood... He then moves the gun, pointing it down at her... "You shouldn't of made me do this" Boom...

I hear screaming... where is it coming from... Oh my its coming from me.... "Don't cry baby... Its going to be alright... No need to cry hunny, Daddy will take care of you, he'll take care of everything." He kisses my forehead, and pats it, as he feels mommy's blood soaking in my hair... I look up at Daddy as he steps back... He loads the gun again... I stand there clutching Dolly close to me, as he then bring it up... Aims it....Boom!

The men come rushing in... Boom...Boom...Boom... Daddy falls... I walk over holding Dolly as i touch him with my foot... Move daddy... You have guest in the house... This is no time to sleep.... Daddy?  "Come with me hunny" the man in the uniform says as he pulls me away from daddy....I'm walked out, looking back only once as I'm then picked up and carried away....


You belong to me...

I am now a woman... Life has not been nice... But the foster home can no longer force me to say.. I am a free woman... Out on my own... For the first time I feel the freedom... He has been there... He has promised to help me.. To take care of me...


This is for your own good...


Today is where I am..

Her name is Destiny Sweet... She is kind hearted... She has seen me and knows my need.. She also knows how dangerous I can be... What is she to do with me?  Welcome to FWAR... She couldn't turn me away... No matter how dangerous I seem to be...


So now you know who I am.. So now you have seen my woes... You now know why I am the I am ... I am the birth daughter of the Undertaker... But I am forever the servant of the dark one.. I obey the commands sent thru my dolly... For she would never lead me wrong.. Alwyays there, always ready... Let the blood pour, for i'll be there to bath... You will never get away from me, once you are in my sites... If you have been choosen... Flee now.. because soon it will be too late.

©şїиƒũℓℓў ѕẁззт Made by Jen for Christina at DAF... dont be a fucking idiot and decide to steal cause if you do there will be some serious trouble! You have been warned so you better take heed to it or else!
BadBadMan Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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  • From:USA
  • Register:03/09/2009 9:12 PM

Re:My life

Date Posted:01/18/2011 10:49 PMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

christina2he.png picture by foxy1350

Title: Making a Monster
Personal Message: Fear me for I am the blood Daughter... Run from me for I will make you bleed... Hurt me for it will give me pleasure... Your pain is my lust.. my pain is my pleasure.. You can not hurt me, for I've been marked... Let the evil dwell with in me, for it is where it always has been...

Who am I?  You all know this already... but what most of you do not know .. Is where I come from.. So you truly do not know who I am... Some of you fear me.. Do not undestand me... Yes  I also know some of you do not care... Well for the rest of you.. I have a tale.. so set back and  get ready... For soon you shall hear of my life... The pain,  the torement... You will learn everything that has molded me into the blood daugher that I am today.  Know just what has started inside my mind... How and why Dolly is truly the only one I listen too...


Happy Birthday to you...

Ah what a great time this is... A little girl.. Turning eight years old... This is a day for a party... Oh mommy let me open but one gift let me see what you have for me?  I wanted to see what was in the pretty pink package.. It had been sitting out on the table all day... I needed to see it.. Joy, she let me have it... Oh thank you mommy.....

The box opens up for me.. I look inside it, as i reach in.. I pull her out... She is beautiful... She is my dolly dearest.. I hold her close, hold her to my chest as i feel the joy of a young child... Oh thank you mommy I love her, shes so great... I'll love her forever.. I hold her tightly, swinging her around a bit. as I can't help be full of happeniess....

"What are you doing?" What the hell is this mess!" I hear anger.. Oh no, daddy is upset... He has been drinking again... Oh daddy why do you drink... I hear the anger I watch him come in, looking around... stupid cake... There it goes against the wall... Ohn o mommy move out fo the way.. Don't try to stop him... SMAcK... There she goes on the floor yet again... He then looks to me.... I cowar away, knowing better.. Please daddy, I'm sorry... The corner can not hide me... I see your hand raise up... Mommy no... she saved me once again.. Not letting his rage touch me...

SMACK! against the wall she goes again...Mama! no... I move her hair back out of her face, blood getting on my fingers as I look at her, she groans out a bit, but doesn't try to move... Poor mommy does it hurt bad?  "I told you, not to make me mad.... I've warned you and warned you" Daddy is sitting on the chair, he has a beer in one hand and a shot gun in the other.. He just watches momma and then looks to me... "Move out of the way hunny... Daddy is talking to mommmy.  I nod getting up as I walk over to my corner like a good girl... "You need help, John" He finish's the beer standing up as he walks over to her... Mommy has blood coming out of her mouth... it wont' stop... He hits her again and again with the butt of the gun. until  she is just a mass in a pool of blood... He then moves the gun, pointing it down at her... "You shouldn't of made me do this" Boom...

I hear screaming... where is it coming from... Oh my its coming from me.... "Don't cry baby... Its going to be alright... No need to cry hunny, Daddy will take care of you, he'll take care of everything." He kisses my forehead, and pats it, as he feels mommy's blood soaking in my hair... I look up at Daddy as he steps back... He loads the gun again... I stand there clutching Dolly close to me, as he then bring it up... Aims it....Boom!

The men come rushing in... Boom...Boom...Boom... Daddy falls... I walk over holding Dolly as i touch him with my foot... Move daddy... You have guest in the house... This is no time to sleep.... Daddy?  "Come with me hunny" the man in the uniform says as he pulls me away from daddy....I'm walked out, looking back only once as I'm then picked up and carried away....


You belong to me...

I am now a woman... Life has not been nice... But the foster home can no longer force me to say.. I am a free woman... Out on my own... For the first time I feel the freedom... He has been there... He has promised to help me.. To take care of me... "Bitch what did I tell you about looking at me like that!" Smack... He slaps me sending me back against the wall, I crawl away but he keeps coming...

I try to warn him... Tell him to stop... ""You dare threaten me?  Who do you think you are, you little tramp.. "  He goes to slap me again... "I told you not to touch me" I get up, not knowing what is going on, I push him away sending him falling backwards into the glass table... My second glmpse at so much blood... It catches my attention... I'm drawn to it as i walk out into the kitchen as he groans out in pain..

"Your blood is so pretty" I run my fingers over his face, then bring my hand up as I look at the blood stained fingers... I bring his blood to my lips... "Mm taste good" I grin looking down at him, as he looks at me freaked... He goes to slap me, I grab his hands... His time is done... I grab a knife from the  counter.. A nice big one... Oh yes it will give me lots of blood...

"I warned you.. That I did... I tried to let you go, but now you will be apart of me forever... " I stab him over and over... Until his looks are gone... I lick the blade of the knife as I watch his last twitches before there is no movient at all..

All the screaming attracted attention... Soon police were breaking in, thinking I was the victim... but there shock turned to horror when they saw me sitting next to my beloved, as I was holding his intenstines in my hands, blood over my face... I lick my lips as i look up at them...

Where are they taking me?  To Jail?  To prison?  Oh no... There is a place for those like me... Those who tramic past, make them mad, make them insane...


This is for your own good...

They hurry by, they hurry to me... They open the doors to look in apon me... I havn't eaten really, nor have i moved... I set here in my corner, cluching dolly close to me... The straight jacket i was once in, lays in pieces by the door, as they just look at me shocked... They hit a buton then soon, they are on me... Pulling me up, forcing me on a bed... They strap me down and the off I go...

This room is all white... A shiny metal object hangs before me... Then I hear footsteps.. Here comes my doctor... He likes to experment on me... I don't yell or cry for help.. I just take it all  in... He hooks the stuff up to me..

"Now you be a good girl, Elisabeth... This is for your own good, this is to help you... Don't you want me to help you get better..." He looks at me, as he thinks i'm saying yes, or maybe not.. but I don't move, or say a word as he then starts the machine...

First... Its just a little bit of tingling... Not enough... Turn it up more... It gets shaper... painful... Not done yet.. Give it more juice... Crank it up.. Give her all we got.. "but doctor, that could kill her"  "Do it!" he dmanded as the nurse then does as she is told... My body jerks , I can't stop the moving.. I dont' care I just lay there watching him.. Knowing he wouldn't care if he killed me.. I was just another number, just another statistic...

"Very good, Elisabeth"  The doctor pats my head, happy that I'm still alive.. He looks at me, his breath is filling my nose, its rather disgusting.. He feels like he is safe, as he unstraps me there, and not waiting for the others to come and assist... Hes cocky, arrogant... and dead...


In the darkness you can see the flames.. Patiens running all over... as the good doctor will no longer be making house calls... Nor will he ever work again.. You see me walking away.. Just me myself , and dolly of course... What awaits for me now?  I guess we'll just have to wait and see what horrors I can creat...


Today is where I am..

Her name is Destiny Sweet... She is kind hearted... She has seen me and knows my need.. She also knows how dangerous I can be... What is she to do with me?  Welcome to FWAR... She couldn't turn me away... No matter how dangerous I seem to be...

Here I am reborn and re done... I have been giving a chance, and giving a choice... For now this blood daughter no longer kills.. but yet she is stil giving pain.. I listen to my dolly, knowing she'd never lead me wrong... For I may be the daughter of the Undertaker... but my black heart and soul belong to the true darkness... For it surrounds me, and give me power...

"Here I come world" I come to slaugher the masses, and to be apart of the darkness... All things that I use to love are not gone.. Taken from me, or taken by me... What do you use against a being as myself?  One who has no fears or restraints... One who can only see the blood in your viens...

I am the blood daughter... I crave your fear, and I bath in your blood... Demons are with in me... and the blackness coats me, like a warm blanket... I bring the pain and the horror, and you give me your fear and your disgust...


So now you know who I am.. So now you have seen my woes... You now know why I am the I am ... I am the birth daughter of the Undertaker... But I am forever the servant of the dark one.. I obey the commands sent thru my dolly... For she would never lead me wrong.. Alwyays there, always ready... Let the blood pour, for i'll be there to bath... You will never get away from me, once you are in my sites... If you have been choosen... Flee now.. because soon it will be too late.

©şїиƒũℓℓў ѕẁззт Made by Jen for Christina at DAF... dont be a fucking idiot and decide to steal cause if you do there will be some serious trouble! You have been warned so you better take heed to it or else!
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