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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:03/11/2021 2:44 AMCopy HTML


General Manager: Hope Sweet
Show Time: 03/17/2021
Deadline: 11 Pm est
Theme: "Popular Monster": Falling in Reverse
Interviewer: Madeline Blade


Match 1
Kitty Granger W/Misfits Vs Tara Jeanne
Stipulation:  #1 Contender Women's Championship
Match Type: Singles
Summary: This is a shot Kitty should of have already one, but Tara had made the impression with her
that Hope decided that Tara should be given a chance as well.  

Match 2
Jay Loco Vs Shawn Blade
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Hardcore
Summary: Jay issued the challenge, Shawn seemed more than happy to help the man out... Accepting
the challenge to face Loco in his first match in a number of years... Always the nice guy to help with
the ring rust.

Match 3
Daniel Adams  Vs Will Murdoch
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Singles
Summary: Some fresh blood here in FWAR, as one half of the Tag Champions see himself in 
singles action for the first time in some time.  Daniel young and eager to prove himself.  The Makings

of a great match.

Match 4
Matthew Taylor Vs. Demon Ryan Vs. Frost Vs. Ciara Fierce Vs. Jacob Night Vs Zak Castile
Vs. Lorcan Balthazar Vs. Ryan Burgess Vs. Elisabeth Adams
Stipulation: #1 Contenders for World Championship
Match Type: Over the Top
Summary: Axel is in need of a challenge... so Hope has put together this mix of talents, giving them
the chance to fight for the right to become World Champion... Which one of these fighters has what
it takes?

Pre Main Event
Crystal Sweet Vs Kevin Khaos W/Eden Jacobs
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Street Fight
Summary: Khaos for years has spit out his dislike for Crystal.  Be it in the ring or on Twitter... Crystal
for the most part just had some fun at his expense... Now though it would seem it is time for the two
to meet up in the ring, and try to settle things.

Main Event
Drew Stevenson Vs Gage Steele
Stipulation: Non Title
Match Type: Singles
Summary:  Former FWAR Champion Gage is looking to restart himself after losing the Tag Titles.
Can he get himself back up the ranks?  Defeating Drew could shoot him right up there... Though
Drew is going to have something to say about that.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Misery Road Results

Date Posted:03/16/2021 7:40 PMCopy HTML


General Manager: Hope Sweet
Show Time: 03/17/2021
Deadline: 11 Pm est
Theme: "Popular Monster": Falling in Reverse
Interviewer: Madeline Blade


Match 1
Kitty Granger W/Misfits Vs Tara Jeanne
Stipulation:  #1 Contender Women's Championship
Match Type: Singles
Summary: This is a shot Kitty should of have already one, but Tara had made the impression with her
that Hope decided that Tara should be given a chance as well.
Winner: Tara Jeanne.  
Kitty had been out for revenge in this match up.. As she had her girls backing her up... Tara seemed to be holding her own pretty well, and even tried an early pin, but Kitty had been able to kick out... The fight went on for some time.  As Kitty started to get the upper hand and was looking to just about finish things off...When it looked like Kitty was just about to end things... Roxy is seen sliding in the ring... Aimee looks on confused, but soon watches as Roxy first gives Tara a small kick, which makes the ref call the match and name Tara the winner... Grinning as it shows Roxy isn't done yet... She leans down grabbing kitty by the hair, pulling her up... Tara who seems to know what is going on is right there as they double team, lifting Kitty up and slamming her onto the mat.  The shock wears off as Aimee rushes into the ring, but the damage is done, as Tara and Roxy roll out of the ring laughing as the two start to walk backwards up the ring... At the top of the ramp way on stage is standing new comer Archer J...As people seem to be very confused and shocked by what they saw and what they are seeing.

Match 2
Jay Loco Vs Shawn Blade
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Hardcore
Summary: Jay issued the challenge, Shawn seemed more than happy to help the man out... Accepting
the challenge to face Loco in his first match in a number of years... Always the nice guy to help with
the ring rust.
Winner: Jay Loco.
This was a pretty even match back and forth... Both men seem to be having a bit too much fun beating on each other.  As it doesn't take long for weapons to be flying all around the outside of the ring... Some landing inside of it... The two men are just beating the hell out of each other... Both seem to have big grins on their faces... 
It last for about another five minutes before Khaos is seen sneaking out through blackened area... He has a steel pipe in hand... He comes running up behind Shawn and hits him in the back of the head, knocking him down... Khaos then grabs him and tosses him in the ring... Shawn starts to get up, only to get smacked once again with the pipe... Loco comes in, as he isn't looking for hand outs, but it seems too late as Khaos just grins before retreating through the fans and heading off some place.  Loco seems to be debating, then shrugs as he takes the pin and the win... It started out as a fun bash, but ended up with Shawn laid out with a nasty headache... 

Match 3
Daniel Adams  Vs Will Murdoch
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Singles
Summary: Some fresh blood here in FWAR, as one half of the Tag Champions see himself in 
singles action for the first time in some time.  Daniel young and eager to prove himself.  The Makings

of a great match.
Winner: Will Murdoch.
Daniel did look ready to fight, but so was Will, who wasn't out there alone... As he had his tag partner and his girl there with him... Cheering and supporting, as they watched the match... Will seemed to be feeling it from the new comer... Daniel showing that he may be new to the company, but he wasn't new to the ring... Dishing out assault after assault... 
Even able to get a pin, but it wasn't enough to keep the big man down as he was able to kick out after two.  The fight continued on as Will this time was going on the attack, and after being able to his his finisher, he brought the match to an end.  Adams looking very unpleased with the out come doesn't stay down long just glaring tat the man who defeated him, before leaving the ring, feeling like he just wasted his time, and not even counting this match, stating he'll make a bigger impact.

Match 4
Matthew Taylor Vs. Demon Ryan Vs. Frost Vs. Ciara Fierce Vs. Jacob Night Vs Zak Castile
Vs. Lorcan Balthazar Vs. Ryan Burgess Vs. Elisabeth Adams
Stipulation: #1 Contenders for World Championship
Match Type: Over the Top
Summary: Axel is in need of a challenge... so Hope has put together this mix of talents, giving them
the chance to fight for the right to become World Champion... Which one of these fighters has what
it takes?
Winner: Lorcan Balthazar.
Order of those tossed out of the ring.... Jacob Night, Zak Castile, Demon Ryan, Elisabeth Adams, Frost, Ryan Burgess, Ciara Fierce , Matthew Taylor, leaving the winner Lorcan Balthazar.  Lorcan will be moving on to face World Champion Axel Gunner!
Taylor seemingly not happy with his missed chance at a rematch against Axel, warns Axel on the stage that their time is far from over, and soon he'll have his rematch... Axel just grins as he watching Taylor walk into the back, leaving him standing there to stare down the large man , Lorcan Balthazar

Pre Main Event
Crystal Sweet Vs Kevin Khaos W/Eden Jacobs
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Street Fight
Summary: Khaos for years has spit out his dislike for Crystal.  Be it in the ring or on Twitter... Crystal
for the most part just had some fun at his expense... Now though it would seem it is time for the two
to meet up in the ring, and try to settle things.
Winner: Crystal Sweet
Kevin had a lot to say before this match up, and had high hopes of not just shutting up the GM. and co owner, but forcing her to not show her face in the company... Which very much wasn't the case.  Crystal was able to hold her own, and Khaos seemed to have worn himself out earlier when he decided to continue to mess around with Shawn... Or maybe he kept himself slightly distracted at the thought of Blade coming out... Eden was trying to get him to more focused and was cheering him on. even jumping up on the apron, attempting to grab Crystal... Which resulted in Wrath making his way out... Which distracted both Eden and Kevin... Long enough for Crystal to take advantage and knock Khaos into Eden which makes her fall from the apron... Wrath leaves her by though just standing at the bottom of the ramp way.  As Crystal doesn't give Khaos the chance to recover or check on Eden... Crystal is able to use him being distracted to bring an end to the match, as she goes high and lands, and gets a pin... She rolls out of the ring, and back into Wrath who is behind her... Stopping Khaos from going after her outside of the ring... Cleary upset as he stomps and yells in the ring, cursing Crystal who is just grinning, happy that this match is over with...

Main Event
Drew Stevenson Vs Gage Steele
Stipulation: Non Title
Match Type: Singles
Summary:  Former FWAR Champion Gage is looking to restart himself after losing the Tag Titles.
Can he get himself back up the ranks?  Defeating Drew could shoot him right up there... Though
Drew is going to have something to say about that.
Winner:  Gage Steele
Though Drew said he was ready for a fight... He seemed to be struggling more than he thought against the former Champion Gage Steele... Though you can't count the hall of famer out as he is still dishing out just as much damage as he is taking from Gage Steele.. The two men seemed dead lock on and off, but finally it is Gage who gets the upper hand and is able to pull the very shocking victory over Drew... Meaning he gets to face the man in the near future with the FWAR Championship on the line...

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