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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/03/2011 3:30 PMCopy HTML


A Battle Royal a chance to win something.. A chance to put your name back into it... With everything going on, it isn't hard to fade away, to be ignored.  So what do you do?  Well you work on putting your name back out there.  Once a well known diva... Melina has seemed to faded away a bit.  So lets try to put this pretty little diva back in the picture.  A chance to win some gold... What a better way to get back into things. 

When FWAR comes on the air you see Melina walking down the hall,  She is on her cell phone as she is looking around a bit, watching where she was going, but talking at the same time of course...

||Melina||- Yeah I'm here... Don't worry I remember what to do..

She laughed a bit as she was talking to the person.  She hadn't been at the arena for a really long time, but she still knew how things worked, and was more than ready to get things going.

||Melina||- I'm heading to my locker room right now, going to clean up then get to work on a few promos to get myself going, and to let everyone know that i'm going to be in the battle royal...Hell I"m going to let everyone know that I am going to win this thing.

She smirked a bit as she was making her way down the hall.  The camera was on her pretty good listening to see what this diva was talking about it... Yeah it was a bit of ease dropping, but that was just too bad.

||Melina||- Alright, I'll see you later, I'm sure that tonight is going to be a lot of fun..

She smirked a bit, as it would seem our little diva had some plans for the night.. What were they?  Well we just don't know.  Does it have anything to do with her return, or her Battle Royal match up?  Again we don't know, guess we'll just have to wait and find out what, will happen...

||Melina||- Tonight going to be great... But first things first... Need to get ready for my day here...

She grinned looking up at the camera knowing that it had been watching her, as she just  smirked as she waled into her locker room making her way into the shower area, as she closed the door, not letting the camera in that far...


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