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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:05/08/2010 3:27 AMCopy HTML

Where has she gone, why did he take her… He acts as if its his mind games, that the ball is in his court now… but does he really think it is that easy? Well he shouldn’t… So he tries to eliminate one threat make it look like she isn’t going to be there…Is he afraid of the two women together as a force? Well he should be… Them both together are unstoppable… It makes you laugh when you think about it. The trouble that many go too… You can’t help but laugh and make jokes. Or even think how other TV shows would handle this.. Well lucky for you, today we’re doing this promo another way… Baby it is time to play, and do things my way!…

FWAR’s Law and Order…

:In every Wrestling system there are crimes that happen against unsuspecting divas… Where ruthless demented and not all there superstars take divas against there will. Why you ask? Fear, obsession, boredom… Its just hard telling… but to help protect these divas, there is an elite force of FWAR Talents who are out to track down these crazed superstars… and these are there stories…

{Law and order like dong noise here as the scene comes into play….}.

FWAR arena

2 pm


The scene comes on. Destiny Sweet is walking down the hall, looking around, as the police are arriving into the arena..

Officer one: Alright ma’am tell me what happened?

{Destiny Sweet} Well one of my divas is missing… Her name is Tylene Orton.

Officer two: Any idea where she has gone?

{Destiny Sweet} No, I don’t, that’s why I called you in… You see she signed in, but never signed out.

The cop nodded as he was righting this down… Where did this diva go… Maybe the pressure of her career became to much for her… Maybe her husband wanted her out of the way, was he jealous of her fame? Or did she want to get away from her husband?

Officer One: You know, its not a crime for a woman to up and leave on her own… Maybe she just walked off, and doesn’t want to be found? Did she have any problems in her marriage, or with any of her co workers..

Destiny looked at him shocked when he said that, as she was thinking about it.. Yeah she didn’t know Tylene al that well, but knew that the diva wouldn’t’ do anything like that… She had no reason too, and she seemed to be getting alone and having a lot of fun here…

{Destiny Sweet} The only trouble she is having is with one of the other wrestlers, but that will come to an end probably around Mayhem, or even at the Pay Per View, that is coming up a the end of the month.

Once again the officer is writing this all down, taking in everything he felt like, as he was looking around, trying to figure out in his head just what had went down. He didn’t think it was anything serious. You could see the doubt in his mind… but then one of the crew men came running up.

Crew Man: Ms. Sweet, I think you may want to see this///

He handed her a video tape of the other night… She took the tape looking at it, as the cops followed her to her office as she put the tape it… It shows Tylene, walking, and going with someone not overly seen, but its known soon to be Lily..

Officer; Where can I find that woman?

He smirked looking at her, she was a fine piece of ass, there was no hiding that. Destiny stood there a moment as she was looking at it… Before she could speak though, the door opened up as, Crystal Sweet came in, along with Tylene’s husband Randy Orton..

||Crystal Sweet||-Don’t you worry about finding her… we already know where to look, and we will take things from here..

Crystal stands there, wearing a long coat, as she holds up a badge, and Randy does the same… (Yeah that’s right, in this promo they are the fucking FWAR police and handle the go downs with the talent here… So take that bitch! Now back to the story} Randy is standing there in trench coat himself, and looking very professional and hot of course being that he is Randy Orton… This is personal for this man, but yet he looks very calm as he stands there next to his partner Detective Sweet..

||Crystal Sweet|| Well Detective Orton, I think we need to look over the tape once more, and then go and talk to Lily Khaos..

Randy stands there as he nods his head.

Randy Orton: I agree with you Detective Sweet, this really needs to be worked out right, so we can get Tylene out of there in time.. The longer she’s there the worse it looks for her, and her not making that match up.

||Crystal Sweet|\ We won’t let that happen…

She said as they both then turned walking out of the room… and then heading down and out of the arena, as they are heading out to a car that is out there waiting for them…


End break//

Lily’s gym

4:40 pm

When the show comes back on the air, the two of them walk into Lily’s gym as they are looking around… They see everyone working out.. Randy spots her in the back and signles for his partner as she nods seeing her… The two of them slowly walk towards her… Lily gets site of her, and starts to take off running but Randy is there grabbing her and pinning her against the wall..

{Lily Khaos} Hey hey, this is brutality here…

Randy Orton: Don’t make this any harder on yourself… Where is she… We know you were the last to see her,

{Lily Khaos} I don’t know what you’re talking about..

Crystal gets down with the picture, showing her with Tylene…

||Crystal Sweet|| Come on, don’t mess with us, we got you pictured with her, unless you want to go down for the crime, you better start singing, miss Lily?

Lily looks at the picture as she struggles a bit then starts to speak..

{Lily Khaos} Look I have nothing to do with what is happening or going on with her… All I did was make sure she got to where she was suppose to be... I didn't hurt her or anything... Just had a little fun thats all.. .

Lily said as she finally got Randy off her pushing him back as she got up, fixing her clothes… She stood there smirking a bit as she lookd at the two of them.

{Lily Khaos} I wouldn’t worry so much about her, I’m sure her pretty little neck is just fine…. I would go worrying about your own well being Crystal… You know that its you he really wants… He is just wanting to keep her out of the way so he can play with you himself…

Lily laughs as Crystal just looks at Lily shaking her head… she wasn’t going to leave Tylene stuck and stranded like that… Hell what kind of FWAR investigator would she be… hell, she just turned leaving, as she was heading out, she had to find out where she was…

Randy Orton: We’ll find her, we have to find her… I can’t let that freak keep my wife hidden away like that..

Crystal nods as they head back into there car, as they drive off to go looking for more clues.. Crystal’s phone rings as she answers it…

Streets of Georgia
8:22 pm
The near end

As the two mighty detectives are making there way, trying to figure out where Tylene could have been taken... Knowing that she couldn't be all that far away.FWAR labs calls after going thru evidence that was found, as she nodded listening,..

||Crystal Sweet|| Ok go to this place..

She said as soon some how between commercial breaks the place she was at was found… The two of them get out of the car as they look around, being careful..( Making this more drama than what it is..)

||Crystal Sweet| You ready for this Orton..

Randy looks at Crystal ready for a fight as he nods then goes kicking the door in, as the two rush in looking around, its dark and dank, but it doesn’t stop them as they make there way thru, finally in the room there she was… randy runs to her, as Crystal continues to keep look out, then calling back to the arena letting them know that they had found her, and she was fine…

Yeah bitch that’s right, SWU has saved the way.. What is SWU,, Special Wrestling Unit!

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