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Date Posted:06/08/2009 5:21 PMCopy HTML

Roleplay Title... Blah Blah Blah
OOC... Blah Blah Blah


   Lets get this party started, we all knojw what is going on here tonight.. No one is stupd, ok well maybe there are a few dumb ass's out there, but other than that, the rest of know just what is going on tonhight.. Bitch its almsot time for Mayhem, and its almost time to get the party started to really raise some hell and see what everyone is made of... but the match of match's tonight is the main event.  The World Champion Chris Burden goes one on once, once again with the woman he stole the title from.. He had to use his wife to win, but now Crystal is looking for some pay back, revenge so to speak, and this time she is hoping to get Crhis Burden all on her own, to show that he can't defeat her unless he has help to do it...There are other matches tonight, but when you really think about it, none of them really  matter, yeah I said it, and I'm right, I can be rude, and egoish, if I want too, I worked my ass off to get to this point, and well when you think about it, its called main event for a reason. thats because its the best of the night, or its suppose to be, and this time, it will be.. youc an be sure that both competitors will be putting on one hell of a show.. As they beat the living hell out of each other, to win, both wanting the victory... Burden will be going up against Joker at the PPV, and it would look rather bad for him to lose to Crystal, a bit before the title match, now wouldn't it?  Duh, of crouse it would.. but who cares, we're here as Crystal cheerleading team, yay go, Crystal kick that "Bitches" ass tonight.. Woooo!!!!Alright tonight is the night, Crystal Sweet has come back from her trip back home.  Shes feeling relaxed and refreshed, and all ready to go.  Yeah so when she got back and found out that her man Joker wasn't going ot really be around, she was a bit sad, but she understood.  Everyone needs time, everyone needs to be able to go a bit, so now here she all alone, and etting ready to go up against Chris Burden a man who seems to know the right times to pick and start tag teams, and alliance's.  It always happens when he has a match up that maybe he knows he can't win on his own?  Could be hard telling with him, but go ahead.  Play your little games, get some buddies to help.. This time Crystal isnt' going to turn her back, she is more than ready for anything you have coming at her.  Things are getting to be rather interesting, you here ranting and ravings from both sides, but now it all will come down to tonight.l as you see just who has it, and who has lost there damn mind.. Ok well maybe not that bad, but you never know how things can go.. All we can do is wait and see what will hapen.

//Scene 1//-

   Its about 5 am, the alarm goes off, as Crystal moves in her bed and hits snooz... She then after a moment moved and gets out of bed, she streches and looks around a bit as she turns on the light.. She smiles knowing what today is, as she gets up and gets out of bed..  She got up going over to the window, as she pulled the blinds up as she looked out smiling.

||Crystal Sweet|| Beautiful day... Going to be a good one..

She smiled as she was feeling good today, postive about how her day was going to go, she went into the bathrroom, showering and cleaning up , when she was done she walked out grabbing her bags.

||Crystal Sweet|| I'll hit the gym, work out for a couple of horus, then head to the arena, for my day.

She smiled thinking about it.. She wanted to make sure that she was ready for her match up tonight.  She knew that it was going to be a tough one, but she was more than ready to go up against Burden tonight, she craved it, she wanted her chance, her rematch, she didn't care if it was non title, she just wanted to prove that she could beat him.  She locked her door as she went out heading down to her car..

||Crytal Sweet|| I know I have it, this is so my day..

She smiled as she looked around, she went in getting into her car as she drove to her gym , just like she did almost every morning, as she was more than ready to start working out, she got in there, and saw her trainer as he was ready for her as she went changing into her work out clothes then came out as they started sparring a bit.

||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah, Jack I'm ready for ya, show me what you go.

She smirked looking at him, as she waited as he came at her, as she grabbed him and flipped him, as they worked on some reverse moves, and other moves for when she got over powered that she would be able to get out of.. She was wanting to make sure she was ready for anything.  She knew that she couldn't be a powerhouse diva when she went up against Chris Burden.  He was a guy, and as much as you hate him, she still knew that he was stronger than her, so she had to adatp and work on other ways to kick his ass.  Which wasn't a problem for her.

/Jack/ Alright Crystal, I think you're done enough for today, and you should be more than ready for tonight..

||Crystal Sweet|| I feel more than ready for tonight, Burden isn't going to know what hit him, once I get done with him tonight.

She smirked as she was thinking about it, as she couldn't wait to get into the ring tonight, sparring just now, make her more excited about her match up as she couldn't wait to really show the world what she could do.

/Jack/ Well you go shower and relax a bit,, don't want you to over do it, and be worn out before you even get to your match tup.

||Crystal Sweet|| Not a chance

She smirked as she got out of the training ring and was making her way to the locker room area.  ONce back there she stripped down, and then showered and changed into her normal clothing, before she then made her way out of the gym and headed to the FWAR arena, to get things ready for her match up tonight..

//Scene 2// -

 Alright so yeah here we are, back where we always are when time comes close... We all knhow that its almost show time.  Sitting here back at the wonderful FWAR arena as we wait ot have our names called.   Of course everyone is running around the back stage area trying to get ready for what they have to do tonight... Its rather entertaining, I wsh you could see it.  But you can't so never mind.. the cameras are moving around the halls as they stop on the Women's Champion.. Crystal Sweet.  The diva is seen walking wiht a smirk curving her lips as she is looking rather happy at the moment.

||Crystal Sweet|| This is all going to be too good,  I can't wait to get back in that ring and beat the living hell out of Burden, asshole so deserves an ass kicking..

She grinned as she was thinking about it as she couldn't wait to get into the ring.. She knew that tonight she would be on her own.. Joker and the rest of them, wouldn't really be around much tonight, and she wasn't sure just how long that was going to last, but she was alright with that, she didn't need to have them out there with her.

||Crystal Sweet|| I'm a big girl, I can handle that little boy on my own, even if he brings a friend to out little party..

She smirked thinking about it, knowing all about his partnership with Taryn Black, but it didn't bother her none, she would take things as it come, and she knew it was just a matter of time before she went face to face against her anyways, so if she was dumb enough to get involved, she would see first hand just what Crystal could do...

||Crystal Sweet|| I can handle this, I'm more than ready to show Burden just what I can do, and I don't need to talk to my folks, or have them make a fool out of me, we cut these promos, make fun of each othes, but you know none of that really matters, we all do what we have to do...

She thought about it as she was walking down the hall, she knew that there was a lot going on and knew that she was in the middle of a mess with Chris Burden, but the onlyh diffrence is, when Pay Per View time came instead of being n the match, she would be at ringside, supporting her man as she battled against Burden..

||Crytal Sweet|| Lets see whats left of him, after I'm done with him tonight, i think its going ot be pretty bad for Burden..

She smirked thinking about it, as she was looking around, she looked up seeing a clock, she had a few hours before Mahyen even started, and then had to wait until the end of the night before her match up even started...  As she was walking she was hearing the fans near by out in the arena, she smirked a bit as she was thinking about it, it had been awhile since she made her way out to the ringl. so thats just where she is going....


When everything is set an ready.   "Straight Out of Line!" By Godsmack blares as Women's Champion Crystal Sweet walks out on stage.  She stands there with a smirk curving her lips as she gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.  She then walks down the ramp way as she makes her way to the ring.  She walks up the steel steps and then crawls in the ring.. She straightens up and then walks around a bit, posing before she walks over and gets a mic.  When her muusic cuts she raises up her mic and starts to speak..

||Crystal Sweet|| yeah I know that its been a real long time since I"ve come out to the ring to just talk to you all, so I figured what the hell, this is as good of a time as any.. You all know tonight that I have a match up against Chris Burden.

Crytal hears boo's when she says his name as she smirks a bit looking around the crowd filled arena as she was liking the sound of that, she loved to hear people hating on Chris, because the asshole desverd it so much, it was just as simple as that...

||Crystal Sweet|| Ah so nice to know that you fans are smart enough to know a loser when you see one... Burden must be feeling really cocky right now, I mean it took him what a bunch of insults and playing a damn video game with some new comer here, to get a new team mate, a new smuck to use and con into helping him out, to help him win his matches because he can't do it on his own... I mean after all Amber is getting to far along in her pregnancy to do much of anything, so it shows, because Burden has been fucking around with everyone else, but hasn't been near his wife. so she has worn out her puprose to him.. Just like Tayrn will after a bit....Just wait until he sees it won't do him any good in winning tonight... Its something that isn't going to be happpening..

She smirked a bit as she looked around pacing a bit as she was thinking about everything, as she didn't care if Chris Burden made a new friend or not, it wasn't going to do him any good, she was still going to make sure that she did all she could to win her match up...

||Crystal Sweet|| I guess this should be the time where I be the better person here and say ... Good Luck Chris, in our match up tonight.  You're going ot need all the luck you can get, because tonight the outcome is going to be a lot different than what it was at last rights...

She smirked thinking about it, as she then after a moment dropped the mic.. She stood there looking around a bit, then walked over to the ropes dropping down before she went rolling out of the ring, she stood up and then made her way up the ramp way, as she stopped up on stage.  Crystal turned around as she looked at the fans as she raised up her Women's championship, holding it high as she smirked a bit.  She then after a moment turned around and walked off the stage as she made her way to the back, heading to her locker room, to work on getting ready for the night, as shecouldn't wait until Mayhem got started..

||Crystal Sweet|| Just wait, things are only going to get better... I'm more than ready to play your games Chris.. So bring what you got, I'm wanting to play. lets hope you like playing with me this time around.

She smirked as she was thinking about it as she couldnt wait to get into the ring. she looked seeing the others standing there, they had just watched what she had to say out in the ring, some smiled looking at her, others seemed to be glad that they didnt have to face her, she just smiled looking at them, very much amused, as she went walking inot her locker room as she closed the door behind her.

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