Rank:Golden Member
- Score:160
- Posts:160
- Register:03/31/2009 7:15 PM
Date Posted:11/03/2009 6:11 PMCopy HTML
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. |
Hey Your Crazy Bitch.... |
After making my trip back from Italy, and being apart of that main event match up... Oh fuck yeah I took a lot of pictures of Joker stuck in the crate... Can we say Christmas cards... The match was the biggest treat of the night... Mason had gotten himself the win... There was destruction and carnage thru out the entire match up. Mason had proven though, that he was more htan up for the task of defeating Thunder though... Even though of course it was no easy task... I was right there, made him work evne harder... When he thought it should be over, I shook my head grinning... Oh it wasnt' to be just yet... It was too early, and I was having way to much fun... Oh but I did the same to Thunder when he got in a lucky move... How could they even think to end things so soon.. .Thats men for you.. They get you started, get you going... So turned on, so heated up.. Then when you're so cluse to fucking release.. They quit on you.... Now Mason is going to get a second chance to get a rise out of me... Lets see if he can be the man for the job.
||Scene 1||
Well here we are now, lets pick up this scene and just set the mood right for you. Here we are just after the promo that The beloved World Champion has givien... and you can hear it can't you... You can hear the noise coming from her locker room... something broke, smashed by the sounds of it... Oh lets go check it out.
{Hope Sweet} What the fuck is that shit... He thinks he cna insult me like that... Talkking crap about that..
Hope stands there in the hall pacing around a bit after hearing those nasty and vials words that Mason had to say.
{Hope Sweet } Fuck I havn't fucked nearly enough men yet... He sits there going thru my past and digs up my ex's... Hell i'm still working on more.. I want to be that whore I'm so loved for.. but if people are going to stop going and looking back I'm going to have to work harder and faster... and dirtier..
She just shook her head a bit as she was thinking about it. She didn't care if people thought her a slut or not, but it was funny to think about it, she also went a bit hearing the reast of it, it was funny amusing.
{Hope Sweet} Yeah, he thinks he can actully handle me in bed... Fuck little man probably doesn't even know what to do with a real woman like me. Sydney was nothing compared to me, didn't even know what she was doing...
She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it, as she was pacing around a bit, as she then went walking out of the locker room.. Hardcore Title on shoulder as she was thinking about everything... She went looking around... Hmm she was bored and could really use a playmate right now.
{Hope Sweet} Hmm I have a lot of work to do, I better start the training, or else I'm going to be, in a lot of trouble... Would hate to get a cramp in the ring or something. Wouldn't want him to think if something happened and if he won, I'd be coming up with excuses as to why I lost..
She laughed thinking about it, rather amused with all his little rants. It was amusing to her to think about it... Hell she wasn't really into the whole winning and losing thing.. but then again he didn't really know her... She was more into inflicting pain, into getting her thrills off of the carnage the two of them would soon be causing in the rng.. Oh it was just a matter of time. After a bit as she is walking you see Crystal Sweet walking down the hall. She was looking for her sister... She saw the look on Crystal's face when they got to each other...
||Crystal Sweet|| Come on, Hope. Dont you thinkt his is a little.. Um I don't know Sucidal! Going up aginst Mason like this... You do realize what your chances are right?
Hope just smirked a bit as she looked at her sister thinking about it, enjoying the thought of it.
{Hope Sweet} Mm I know what my chances are, very well. I'm going ot have the night of my life, I'm going to get off, I"m going to cause some pain, I'm going to make Mason, forget all about Thunder... He thinks I was trying to steal his "Thunder So to speak at the Pay Per View..
Hope looks at Crystal as she was thinking about it.
{Hope Sweet} I could of cared less.. Hell I was forced to ref the match because no one else wanted to go near those two... But I wasn't afraid, and I'm still not.. I was just wanting to mak esure all those people watching got there money's worth. I didn't care if I was apart of it or not. If i wanted to steal the show, I would of just beat his ass down right there and then.. but I didn't... I was a good girl.
She laughed looking at her sister as she was thinking about it. Crystal was looking at her, not all that impressed with her words. Hope just shook her head as she patted her sister on the shoulder.
{Hope Sweet} Don't worry sis... You should be out, getting ready for the big night coming up... Go do some shopping. I'll worry about having fun, and don't worry, I promise to not kill thim, I'll just mame a bit, and i'll even let him hit me, and toss me around a bit...
Crystal looked at her sister seeing the look on her face as she shook her head a bit, rolling her eyes as she was laughing thinking about it a bit. They went on walking down the hall a bit as Hope was thinking about her match up, so focused, so turned on, that she wasn't even caring about the risks that everyone else was trying to put before her.
||Crystal Sweet||-You do realize that he checked into your backround a bit right? I mean he knows a bit about you, has done some of hos homework.
Hope looked at her.
{Hope Sweet} God I know.. You know I thought I fucked more men then that.. I feel so unwhoreish now.. I really need to fix that.. I mean come on, I have Coke Brown, Shawn Blade, Lucas Granger, Epic, Mick, Hellraiser, Epic... can i even count him twice? Hell this is just not cool... I need to pick up the fuck list here, I'm not holding up my image..
She shook her head, as she was thinking about it, actully looking to be a bit, but Crystal looked at Hope, as she stopped walking and was making her look at her and trying to get her really to think aabou this.
||Crystal Sweet|| Hope, focus, think about it, he went back looking at your sex track record, what if he went studying other things... You know, your match history, moves, your injuires, what if he tries to hit on those..
Hope just shrugs a bit laughing.
{Hope Sweet} Fine, Mason, I have a bum shoulder, I've been stabbed, and shot at.. Oh I aslo had sugry, a couple times, for wounds, I've had my shoulder dislocated, my legs broke.. Hmm I think thats about it.. Now you know what weakness I have.. I'm sure we're even now, I'll try not to hold your brain damnage issues against you, as long as you dont' hold my brain damage issues against me..
She looked at Crystal.
{Hope Sweet} There no secrets we're all happy..
She said as she went going down the hall as she was thinking about it. She felt she had done enough, she didn't need to get lectured by her sister, it was way past that time, and she wasn't going to be backing down, or trying to get out of her match up. She was more than willing and wanting to meet Mason in the ring, and if he was wanting a night of hell and fun, she was more than willing to give it to him.. |
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But you fuck so good I'm on top of it... |
SucideKisses made for Hope Sweet keep your fucking hands off... | | | | | |
B I T C H |
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