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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:05/13/2023 12:01 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet, Josh Nightingale & Jezabel Jezzi
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 05/09/23

Match 1
Sienna Sweet W/??? Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Sienna is off and running as she is ready for her first match.  In her first match she will face off against Ronan, who has a bit more experience.  Can Sienna kick off in her first match up, or will Ronan pick up a big victory?

Match 2
Archer J W/Sinn  Vs. Chef Marvin W/Jezabel Jezzi
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Archer is gearing up for Immortality, as he looks to put his time with Crystal and Tyrone behind him.  Getting a bit of a break this time as he faces the fun and strange Chef Marvin. 

Match 3
Valissa Oreza & Desiree Vs. Blair Black & Arnica Blaine
Match Type: Women's Tag/Hardcore Pillow Fight
Stipulation: Women's Tag Championship Contender-ship
Summary: With the return of the Women's Tag Championship, these lades are eager to get their hands on it.  Who will move forward?  Who will claim the gold?  In this match up , you will have all kinds of weapon, hidden around a King size bed that will be set up in the ring.

Match 4
Axel Gunner Vs. Alan Derrick
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Alan was upset that he hasn't been booked, feeling over looked, well Destiny is giving him something to do. He can be the warm up for Axel who is getting ready to face the International Champion Lorcan Balthazar as Immortality. 

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden W/FAB Vs. Aimee Daughtry & Ryder Whitlock W/Kitty
Match Type: Women's Tag Match/Special Guest Ref: Josh Nightingale
Stipulation: Women's Tag Championship contender ship
Summary:  The second Women's Tag match up of the night.  These ladies are not strangers to each other... As we bring old enemies together to see who wants the chance at the titles more.

Pre Main Event
Gabriel Hunter Vs. Gage Steele Vs. Dante Carter Vs. Shawn Blade Vs. Mercer Vs. Mike Malice 
Match Type: 6 man Hardcore Match
Stipulation: Winner will face Spencer Cater at Immortality
Summary: We can't crash into this celebration with out having a bit of carnage... We have six of the toughest, and roughest men ready for their chance at gold.

Main Event
Crystal Sweet W/ Wrath & Tyrone Marshall Vs. Ryan Burgess
Match Type:  No DQ/ Badass Rules
Stipulation: None
Summary: Ryan has been very vocal lately on what he seems to think of the company and of the Sweet's as of late.  Though there use to be a close friendship, it looks like Ryan is trying to break away, feeling as if his career he has been in their shadow... Wanting to break away and come into his own... 

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Mayhem Results 5/16/2023 20th Year Anniversary Mayhem

Date Posted:05/13/2023 12:03 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet, Josh Nightingale & Jezabel Jezzi
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 05/09/23

Match 1
Sienna Sweet W/Nova Caine Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Sienna is off and running as she is ready for her first match.  In her first match she will face off against Ronan, who has a bit more experience.  Can Sienna kick off in her first match up, or will Ronan pick up a big victory?
Winner: Sienna Sweet.

Match 2
Archer J W/Sinn  Vs. Chef Marvin W/Jezabel Jezzi
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Archer is gearing up for Immortality, as he looks to put his time with Crystal and Tyrone behind him.  Getting a bit of a break this time as he faces the fun and strange Chef Marvin.
Winner: Archer J. 

(Segment) -

Match 3
Valissa Oreza & Desiree Vs. Blair Black & Arnica Blaine
Match Type: Women's Tag/Hardcore Pillow Fight
Stipulation: Women's Tag Championship Contender-ship
Summary: With the return of the Women's Tag Championship, these lades are eager to get their hands on it.  Who will move forward?  Who will claim the gold?  In this match up , you will have all kinds of weapon, hidden around a King size bed that will be set up in the ring.
Valissa Oreza & Desree.

Match 4
Axel Gunner Vs. Alan Derrick
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Alan was upset that he hasn't been booked, feeling over looked, well Destiny is giving him something to do. He can be the warm up for Axel who is getting ready to face the International Champion Lorcan Balthazar as Immortality.
Winner: Axel Gunner. 


Match 5
Angelique & Jayden W/FAB Vs. Aimee Daughtry & Ryder Whitlock W/Kitty
Match Type: Women's Tag Match/Special Guest Ref: Josh Nightingale
Stipulation: Women's Tag Championship contender ship
Summary:  The second Women's Tag match up of the night.  These ladies are not strangers to each other... As we bring old enemies together to see who wants the chance at the titles more.
Winner: Angelique & Jayden.

Pre Main Event
Gabriel Hunter Vs. Gage Steele Vs. Dante Carter Vs. Shawn Blade Vs. Mercer Vs. Mike Malice 
Match Type: 6 man Hardcore Match
Stipulation: Winner will face Spencer Cater at Immortality
Summary: We can't crash into this celebration with out having a bit of carnage... We have six of the toughest, and roughest men ready for their chance at gold.
Winner: Gabriel Hunter.


Main Event
Crystal Sweet W/ Wrath & Tyrone Marshall Vs. Ryan Burgess
Match Type:  No DQ/ Badass Rules
Stipulation: None
Summary: Ryan has been very vocal lately on what he seems to think of the company and of the Sweet's as of late.  Though there use to be a close friendship, it looks like Ryan is trying to break away, feeling as if his career he has been in their shadow... Wanting to break away and come into his own...
Winner: Crystal Sweet. 

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Mayhem Results 5/16/2023 20th Year Anniversary Mayhem

Date Posted:05/14/2023 2:33 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet, Josh Nightingale & Jezabel Jezzi
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 05/09/23

Match 1
Sienna Sweet W/Nova Caine Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Sienna is off and running as she is ready for her first match.  In her first match she will face off against Ronan, who has a bit more experience.  Can Sienna kick off in her first match up, or will Ronan pick up a big victory?
Winner: Sienna Sweet
It was very clear that Sienna was going through a different kind of training as the match started off, and the first thing Sienna did was punch Ronan in the face, knocking her back, and shocking her as she wasn't expecting that.  You could hear Nova yelling to her and cheering her on for her actions... Ronan goes from looking shocked to looking angry as she then charges at Sienna, taking her down in a clothesline.  Sienna doesn't stay down long though as she is soon right back up to her feet, and is able to reverse another attempted clothesline, as she hits ducks, grabs from behind and hits a neckbreaker.  The crowd starts to get into it more now as they are cheering some, while Nova is clapping himself a bit.
It is a bit more of going back and forth, as Ronan tries to get a quick roll up on Sienna, who is able to not only kick out, but get a roll up of her own, that Ronan wasn't able to kick out of in time, getting the three.  Sienna jumps up as she is all smiles, shocked, happy, and all around pleased with her big win.  She celebrates with Nova who gets in the ring, and holds her hand up in victory..

Match 2
Archer J W/Sinn  Vs. Chef Marvin W/Jezabel Jezzi
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Archer is gearing up for Immortality, as he looks to put his time with Crystal and Tyrone behind him.  Getting a bit of a break this time as he faces the fun and strange Chef Marvin.
Winner: Archer J

This was a very entertaining match up as it was clear that there was no bad blood between the two men in the ring.  As they starting to lock it up.  Jezzi was cheering from her corner while Sinn was quietly watching.  Archer was looking for a good fight as he had learned what he felt he needed to know about Chef, after spending the day with him.  Knowing that this wouldn't be a dirty match up.  Chef was just all smiles as he was looking a bit too happy.
The bell rings and the men start to lock it up  At first it looks like it may be a test of strength as the two men lock it up.  Of course with Chef being the larger man, it doesn't take long for him to over power.  Archer breaks the hold, puts a bit of distance between the two of them, knowing that he's going to need to really work to put the big man down.
Chef isn't as much of a push over as he looks, as he shows some of his own talent.  Man handling the young Archer, as is able to hit a suplex.  He goes for a pin early on, of course Archer is able to kick out of it.  Archer moves a bit rolling out of the way, using the ropes to pull himself up.  As Chef starts to come his way, Archer jumps up on the ropes and does something a little risky as he goes air born, but it does pay off as he connect, taking the big man down.  Not wasting any time, Archer goes back up as he climbs up on the ropes, waiting until the time was right, and then goes again, hitting his mark with a flying elbow style move.  Archer then goes for the pin, as the man finally gets his first victory since his return.
A big night for the man who will be going for tag gold pretty soon, as he looks to have his final revenge against Tyrone Marshall and Crystal Sweet.  . 

(Segment) -  When the show cuts for a break, we get a view of the backstage area. Where we see Sienna all full of smiles as she is very excited to have her first win here.  Nova has a grin on his face too.  Which got even bigger when he saw Destiny Sweet standing at the end of the hallway.  Sienna ran down the hall and hugged her mother, while Nova in a cocky manner walked down towards them.    Nova looked for a moment he was going to extend his arms for a hug but after Destiny shot him a glare, he changed his mind, still looking smug.
"Nova- She did great, did you see that?"
Destiny nodded as she still was just holding onto her daughter but did give Nova a look, but softened after a moment as she looked at Sienna who was looking very pleased with herself.
"Destiny Sweet- I did, you did great.  I knew you would."
"Sienna Sweet- A deal's a deal mom, Nova gets to stay"
Destiny sighed but nodded her head as she did have an agreement with it, as she then started to move a bit. Saying to follow her so they could get this done and over with.  She turned walking to her office, as Sienna jumped, grabbing on Nova, as she knew he was staying now and would continue to train her.  They followed her mother as even Nova seemed to have a bit of a skip, more so to annoy Destiny, but he still was a happy man.

Match 3
Valissa Oreza & Desiree Vs. Blair Black & Arnica Blaine
Match Type: Women's Tag/Hardcore Pillow Fight
Stipulation: Women's Tag Championship Contender-ship
Summary: With the return of the Women's Tag Championship, these lades are eager to get their hands on it.  Who will move forward?  Who will claim the gold?  In this match up , you will have all kinds of weapon, hidden around a King size bed that will be set up in the ring.
Valissa Oreza & Desree.

Match 4
Axel Gunner Vs. Alan Derrick
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Alan was upset that he hasn't been booked, feeling over looked, well Destiny is giving him something to do. He can be the warm up for Axel who is getting ready to face the International Champion Lorcan Balthazar as Immortality.
Winner: Axel Gunner
Alan was more than eager to get this match started, as he went attacking Axel before he was fully in the ring.  Causing Valissa and Desiree to quickly get down off the apron.  Though Axel seemed to be at the disadvantage from the start, as he was forcefully rolled into the ring, he was able to get himself up, and hit Alan with an upper cut once he was trying to get Axel up.  Axel then got to his feet, backing himself up to give a bit of space.  When Alan went on the attack, Axel was able to counter and hit with a spine buster.  Taking some of the speed out of Alan as he didn't get up so quickly from that, giving Axel a chance to catch his breath.
Alan is trying to get control back as he is wanting to not just win but show that world that he is the man to watch, that he is the rising talent and should be the focus.  Axel of course doesn't have the ego to let himself be outshined.  As he goes and puts a boot up, knocking Alan down.  Axel then goes over, grabbing him by the hair, and then whipping him into the corner.  Running and hitting a spear, then hitting a DDT/neckbreaker combination, as he is laid out in the ring.  Axel then goes high as the crowd is cheering, getting quite the show tonight.  Going high, Axel hits a finisher, and lays out Alan, and then getting the pin and the wind.  Sending a clear message to Lorcan with this victory.. 

(Segment)-  Backstage we cut to the backstage area as we see the legend Drew Stevenson.  Another loud cheer from the fans as the former World Champion is seen walking the halls with Sarah Boston, the two are chatting it up and discussing the events for the month.  There is a buzz in the backstage area as Frost is also walking on scene, resulting in more cheers from the crowd.  Both men are smiling a bit as they are looking at each other.  Just a small show of all the legends that have been returning for the months shows.  The two men shake hands as they are walking down the hall.
"Frost- Well look what the cat dragged in."

He grinned as he patted his shoulders a bit.  Before more could be said, Tori Adams is seen running up and jumping on Frost's back as she laughs and saying hello.  The group are all laughing as they are looking like they are enjoying themselves.
"Drew Stevenson- Well it looks like we have been missed."

Hearing the loud screams and chants from the fans as long as all the positive greetings from the staff in the back, it is clear that they are very welcome and enjoyed.

"Frost- Let's go see what trouble we can get into."
He grinned as motioned for everyone to walk on as the four of them walked off the scene, yelling out some as they were looking to have a bit of fun themselves.

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden W/FAB Vs. Aimee Daughtry & Ryder Whitlock W/Kitty
Match Type: Women's Tag Match/Special Guest Ref: Josh Nightingale
Stipulation: Women's Tag Championship contender ship
Summary:  The second Women's Tag match up of the night.  These ladies are not strangers to each other... As we bring old enemies together to see who wants the chance at the titles more.
Winner: Angelique & Jayden.

Pre Main Event
Gabriel Hunter Vs. Gage Steele Vs. Dante Carter Vs. Shawn Blade Vs. Mercer Vs. Mike Malice 
Match Type: 6 man Hardcore Match
Stipulation: Winner will face Spencer Cater at Immortality
Summary: We can't crash into this celebration with out having a bit of carnage... We have six of the toughest, and roughest men ready for their chance at gold.
Winner: Gabriel Hunter.
What is more fun than a 6 man match up?  A 6 man Hardcore Match up.  All of these men have their eyes on the prize.  Some fresh, some not so much.  When the show comes back on, all 6 men are standing in the middle of the ring as they are looking at each other.  No movement right at first, but soon there is an all out attack.  Gabriel goes right for Gage, while Malice and Carter are locking it up.  Leaving Blade and Mercer to go at it.  It doesn't take long for two of the men to take the fight outside the ring.
The two men being Gabriel Hunter and Gage Steele.  As you can tell there is some personal hate going on as Gabriel is really taking it to Gage.  Sending him crashing into the steps, as he goes over.  Gabriel trash talks as he stalks over to continue on with the attack.  Mercer is able to clothesline Shawn out of the ring, but when he turns around gets a boot from Malice, which also sends him out...
Malice then steps back as you see Dante pull of a little high flying stunt, landing on Blade and Mercer.  At the moment Malice is the only one still standing as he is pacing around the ring a moment, then decides he doesn't want to mess out so he gets out and starts to go right for Mercer.  By this time Gage is up and starting to fight back on the other side of the ring, as reversing rolls as Gabriel is soon going on the defense.  The ref is yelling and trying to get some control back in the ring.  Mercer is the first to get back in the ring, right as Gage is also back in the ring, and the two of them are fighting it out.  Malice and Gabriel seem to have a similar idea as both men were under the ring digging for some weapons.  Shawn kicked Malice when he emerged.  He went picking up the 2x4 he had found and started to hit Malice over the back with it.
Jasmine is then seen walking down the ramp way as she had a smile on her face.  She walked over to Gabriel as he was getting out with a led pipe... She has her hand on his chest as he brings it up, touching hers, as it was clear that she had given him something.  Gage rushed out to try to take care of things early on, but was slapped by Jasmine, distracting him.  Which allowed Gabriel to turn and hit him with with the brass knuckles that he put on.  With out missing a beat he rushes in the ring, wanting to take care of things.  He hit went to hit Mercer, but he ducked, while instead hitting Shawn Blade.  Gabriel shrugs and goes for the pin.  Mercer tries to break it up, but Jasmine reaches in grabbing his ankles tripping him up, while Gabriel was able to get the pin and the win..

(Segment)- The main event is just moments away.   Here we see Hope standing in the hall as she has a grin on her face.  Knowing that her sister was about to compete.  Was she up to no good?  Was she rooting for Ryan to win?  Maybe a bit of everything.   Hope wasn't alone to long as you saw a blast from the past as Xtreme 3:16 showed up.  A tap on the shoulder as she turned looking at her old friend.  She yelped a bit in delight as the two shared a hug. With that excitement the fans out in the ring area cheer seeing the legend himself standing there.  It gets even louder as another legend shows up.  Mad Mick himself as he pats Hope on the shoulder as she smiles even more. 
"Hope Sweet- Two of my favorite people"
She grins as she looks at the two of them thinking about the old days and the fun times.  It had been awhile for Hope to be seen with these two so it was a rare treat, and a good moment. 
"Mad Mick- You had to know that I'd be here to crash the party!"

He said as he grinned thinking about it.  Bringing his hand up showing he had a case of beer as Hope grinned thinking about it.  She looked to Xtreme who was nodding his head thinking about it too.
"Xtreme 3:16- I say we have some catching up to do."
"Mad Mick- and some drinking."

Hope nodded as she was thinking about it, feeling like that was a good plan for now. 
"Hope Sweet- Hell yeah, sounds good to me... Let's go party."
She smirked as they went heading off down the hall as they were heading to the office, while Mick and Hope were yelling out as they didn't seem to want to wait to start the drinking.  

Main Event
Crystal Sweet W/ Wrath & Tyrone Marshall Vs. Ryan Burgess W/Thor
Match Type:  No DQ/ Badass Rules
Stipulation: None
Summary: Ryan has been very vocal lately on what he seems to think of the company and of the Sweet's as of late.  Though there use to be a close friendship, it looks like Ryan is trying to break away, feeling as if his career he has been in their shadow... Wanting to break away and come into his own...
Winner: Crystal Sweet. 
This was a huge match up as many had been waiting for these two to lock it up.  Ryan had gotten back up from new comer Thor, the brother to Neophyte owner.  Crystal of course had her tag partner Tyrone and muscle Wrath in her corner.  The three of them were standing in the ring looking amused while Ryan and Thor had been walking and making their way to the ring. Ryan was looking, taking a deep breath while Thor was telling him it was all good, and to just take care of business.  
Once this match up started , Crystal taunted a bit, as she looked at Ryan who seemed to be debating his choices here.  With out much of a warning, Ryan went on attack as he pushed her back into the ropes.  Holding onto the ropes as she brought her foot up, kicking Ryan right in the face as he staggered backwards a bit, but was able to hold his ground.  Crystal looks at him as he straightens himself up a bit, she as a bit of a smirk on her face as she then starts to go on the attack.  A bit of trash talking as she is able to use his weight against him and hit him with a face buster.
Crystal moved back as she just watched and waited for him to get to his feet.  Knowing this wasn't over yet, as he had more fight in him than that.  Proving so as he was getting right up to his feet.  The two were just starring at each other for a moment, as it was Ryan who went on the attack again, pushing Crystal back into the turnbuckle.  he charges at her, and does connect his shoulder to her midsection.  He is able to repeat this two more times.  He then moves as Crystal falls a bit, but is still up on a knee, holding her stomach.  He comes running back looking like he was about to do a kick, but Crystal is able to move back, grab his leg, and then transition into an ankle lock.  She twists it as hard as she can, not caring about the damage.  Thor is yelling on the outside, and is about to jump up, but Tyrone had gone around, grabbing him as he knocked him down off the apron. 
The ref stops looking at the two in the ring, and puts his attention on Tyrone and Thor who are fighting outside of the ring.  Giving Wrath a chance to get involved as Ryan had pulled his way to the ropes, and was now holding them in a hand.  He punched Ryan in the face, allowing Crystal to drag him back to the middle of the ring.  As Ryan struggles some more, but soon has no option but to tap out... The ref turns in time to see him tapping and calls for the bell.  Crystal holds on for a bit longer, until the ref is forced to make her let go.  
A beat down in the ring begins as Wrath and Tyrone join Crystal in the ring, who is trash talking Ryan, about his poor choice in actions.  Thor slides into the ring to help Ryan, as it resulted in a fight breaking out, to where Crystal ends up low blowing Thor, resulting in Spencer, Dante and Danica running out to help their friend.  Security then rushes out to break up the fighting, as the shows goes off the air, you see Crystal , Tyrone and Wrath walking up the ramp way, with Crystal laughing out, looking very pleased with herself.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Mayhem Results 5/16/2023 20th Year Anniversary Mayhem

Date Posted:05/17/2023 3:14 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet, Josh Nightingale & Jezabel Jezzi
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 05/09/23

Match 1
Sienna Sweet W/Nova Caine Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Sienna is off and running as she is ready for her first match.  In her first match she will face off against Ronan, who has a bit more experience.  Can Sienna kick off in her first match up, or will Ronan pick up a big victory?
Winner: Sienna Sweet
It was very clear that Sienna was going through a different kind of training as the match started off, and the first thing Sienna did was punch Ronan in the face, knocking her back, and shocking her as she wasn't expecting that.  You could hear Nova yelling to her and cheering her on for her actions... Ronan goes from looking shocked to looking angry as she then charges at Sienna, taking her down in a clothesline.  Sienna doesn't stay down long though as she is soon right back up to her feet, and is able to reverse another attempted clothesline, as she hits ducks, grabs from behind and hits a neckbreaker.  The crowd starts to get into it more now as they are cheering some, while Nova is clapping himself a bit.
It is a bit more of going back and forth, as Ronan tries to get a quick roll up on Sienna, who is able to not only kick out, but get a roll up of her own, that Ronan wasn't able to kick out of in time, getting the three.  Sienna jumps up as she is all smiles, shocked, happy, and all around pleased with her big win.  She celebrates with Nova who gets in the ring, and holds her hand up in victory..

Match 2
Archer J W/Sinn  Vs. Chef Marvin W/Jezabel Jezzi
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Archer is gearing up for Immortality, as he looks to put his time with Crystal and Tyrone behind him.  Getting a bit of a break this time as he faces the fun and strange Chef Marvin.
Winner: Archer J

This was a very entertaining match up as it was clear that there was no bad blood between the two men in the ring.  As they starting to lock it up.  Jezzi was cheering from her corner while Sinn was quietly watching.  Archer was looking for a good fight as he had learned what he felt he needed to know about Chef, after spending the day with him.  Knowing that this wouldn't be a dirty match up.  Chef was just all smiles as he was looking a bit too happy.
The bell rings and the men start to lock it up  At first it looks like it may be a test of strength as the two men lock it up.  Of course with Chef being the larger man, it doesn't take long for him to over power.  Archer breaks the hold, puts a bit of distance between the two of them, knowing that he's going to need to really work to put the big man down.
Chef isn't as much of a push over as he looks, as he shows some of his own talent.  Man handling the young Archer, as is able to hit a suplex.  He goes for a pin early on, of course Archer is able to kick out of it.  Archer moves a bit rolling out of the way, using the ropes to pull himself up.  As Chef starts to come his way, Archer jumps up on the ropes and does something a little risky as he goes air born, but it does pay off as he connect, taking the big man down.  Not wasting any time, Archer goes back up as he climbs up on the ropes, waiting until the time was right, and then goes again, hitting his mark with a flying elbow style move.  Archer then goes for the pin, as the man finally gets his first victory since his return.
A big night for the man who will be going for tag gold pretty soon, as he looks to have his final revenge against Tyrone Marshall and Crystal Sweet.  . 

(Segment) -  When the show cuts for a break, we get a view of the backstage area. Where we see Sienna all full of smiles as she is very excited to have her first win here.  Nova has a grin on his face too.  Which got even bigger when he saw Destiny Sweet standing at the end of the hallway.  Sienna ran down the hall and hugged her mother, while Nova in a cocky manner walked down towards them.    Nova looked for a moment he was going to extend his arms for a hug but after Destiny shot him a glare, he changed his mind, still looking smug.
"Nova- She did great, did you see that?"
Destiny nodded as she still was just holding onto her daughter but did give Nova a look, but softened after a moment as she looked at Sienna who was looking very pleased with herself.
"Destiny Sweet- I did, you did great.  I knew you would."
"Sienna Sweet- A deal's a deal mom, Nova gets to stay"
Destiny sighed but nodded her head as she did have an agreement with it, as she then started to move a bit. Saying to follow her so they could get this done and over with.  She turned walking to her office, as Sienna jumped, grabbing on Nova, as she knew he was staying now and would continue to train her.  They followed her mother as even Nova seemed to have a bit of a skip, more so to annoy Destiny, but he still was a happy man.

Match 3
Valissa Oreza & Desiree Vs. Blair Black & Arnica Blaine
Match Type: Women's Tag/Hardcore Pillow Fight
Stipulation: Women's Tag Championship Contender-ship
Summary: With the return of the Women's Tag Championship, these lades are eager to get their hands on it.  Who will move forward?  Who will claim the gold?  In this match up , you will have all kinds of weapon, hidden around a King size bed that will be set up in the ring.
Valissa Oreza & Desiree.
Tag Team classic under way next as two sets of women battled it out for the chance to challenge for the tag team titles. Even if it was expected to be a normal tag team match, Josh had his way by announcing a Hardcore Pillow Fight where it ends on a pinfall. Of course the stipulation also meant we have a King Sized bed in the ring and the women were required to wear their best nightwear. Since it's Hardcore they were encouraged to fill the pillows with some kind of weapons. 

Valissa and Desiree had a swagger to them like it would be easy but the fact the twins came out carrying a various amount of weapons it changed their facial expression. Vincent is also with them and he is carrying a bag full of weapons which he empties out before they got into the ring.

Arnica grabs a baseball bat while Blair grabs a pillow then they get in to take some swings. Valissa was smart and avoided the hits. Desiree did get a stomach shot with the pillow which turned out to be pull of thumb tacks, causing a lot more damage than a normal pillow would do.

The two eventually got control oft he match later on when the weapons were knocked out of the hands. Desiree and Valissa isolated Arnica after hitting Blair with a Export This (RKO) from the Russian Beauty. They grabbed the pillow that was full of tacks and ripped it open, pouring the tacks all over the bed then pulled away the covers. Clearly they had some dark intentions on how to win the pillow fight.

Arnica screams when she saw what they are doing but she went into some kind of berzerker mode and lays them both out with hard hitting kicks. She grabbed Desiree by the hair, throws her right over the top rope to the outside. She drags Valissa onto the bed and didn't seem to have a problem stepping on the tacks. Arnica then does her best CJA impression by lifting Valissa onto her shoulders about to go for an A-Driver.

Instead Valissa slipped down off her shoulders, chick kicks her right across the back of the head to make her stumble forward. The Russian Beauty then hits the Export This aka RKO onto the tacks, driving her own back onto them but also Arnica's face. She places a pillow over Arnica's face then sits on top of her, pressing down the pillow but also keeping down her shoulders. The referee then counts for the three.

After their win they gave Vincent a disgusted look as he had been spending a lot of it as a cheerleader. His response is to tell his 'Children' to attack as he starts throwing the rubber ducks into the ring. The winners back away from this lunatic and head to the back.

Match 4
Axel Gunner Vs. Alan Derrick
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Alan was upset that he hasn't been booked, feeling over looked, well Destiny is giving him something to do. He can be the warm up for Axel who is getting ready to face the International Champion Lorcan Balthazar as Immortality.
Winner: Axel Gunner
Alan was more than eager to get this match started, as he went attacking Axel before he was fully in the ring.  Causing Valissa and Desiree to quickly get down off the apron.  Though Axel seemed to be at the disadvantage from the start, as he was forcefully rolled into the ring, he was able to get himself up, and hit Alan with an upper cut once he was trying to get Axel up.  Axel then got to his feet, backing himself up to give a bit of space.  When Alan went on the attack, Axel was able to counter and hit with a spine buster.  Taking some of the speed out of Alan as he didn't get up so quickly from that, giving Axel a chance to catch his breath.
Alan is trying to get control back as he is wanting to not just win but show that world that he is the man to watch, that he is the rising talent and should be the focus.  Axel of course doesn't have the ego to let himself be outshined.  As he goes and puts a boot up, knocking Alan down.  Axel then goes over, grabbing him by the hair, and then whipping him into the corner.  Running and hitting a spear, then hitting a DDT/neckbreaker combination, as he is laid out in the ring.  Axel then goes high as the crowd is cheering, getting quite the show tonight.  Going high, Axel hits a finisher, and lays out Alan, and then getting the pin and the wind.  Sending a clear message to Lorcan with this victory.. 

(Segment)-  Backstage we cut to the backstage area as we see the legend Drew Stevenson.  Another loud cheer from the fans as the former World Champion is seen walking the halls with Sarah Boston, the two are chatting it up and discussing the events for the month.  There is a buzz in the backstage area as Frost is also walking on scene, resulting in more cheers from the crowd.  Both men are smiling a bit as they are looking at each other.  Just a small show of all the legends that have been returning for the months shows.  The two men shake hands as they are walking down the hall.
"Frost- Well look what the cat dragged in."

He grinned as he patted his shoulders a bit.  Before more could be said, Tori Adams is seen running up and jumping on Frost's back as she laughs and saying hello.  The group are all laughing as they are looking like they are enjoying themselves.
"Drew Stevenson- Well it looks like we have been missed."

Hearing the loud screams and chants from the fans as long as all the positive greetings from the staff in the back, it is clear that they are very welcome and enjoyed.

"Frost- Let's go see what trouble we can get into."
He grinned as motioned for everyone to walk on as the four of them walked off the scene, yelling out some as they were looking to have a bit of fun themselves.

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden W/FAB Vs. Aimee Daughtry & Ryder Whitlock W/Kitty
Match Type: Women's Tag Match/Special Guest Ref: Josh Nightingale
Stipulation: Women's Tag Championship contender ship
Summary:  The second Women's Tag match up of the night.  These ladies are not strangers to each other... As we bring old enemies together to see who wants the chance at the titles more.
Winner: Angelique & Jayden.
More Tag Team Contendership next as Angelique and Jayden of the Fine Ass Bitches took on Aimee Daughtry and Ryder Whitlock. This did come at a nice time for Aimee Daughtry and Ryder since they were both in the midst of a battle neither really were dying for. Aimee had the Cult problem while Ryder had a horrible time when up against Tyrone and Crystal. Now they get to see if they can best two members of one of the best factions of all time.
Things were set to get underway but Josh wanted to do a pre match inspection to make sure the women didn't have any weapons concealed beneath their knee pads in their boots and some times in their trunks. Josh got a little touchy feeling which made Jayden threaten to slap him into Angelique talked him down. The match got under way without any referee's injured or at least that stage of the match.

Angelique and Ryder thought it out first of all with them having a decent back and forth. The blonde got the better of Ryder with an eye poke then whips her into the corner, tagging in Jayden. 

Jayden is more vicious than Angelique as she trash talks as she does the damage with a slap and several kicks. Jayden hits a running bulldog and shortly followed that with a back hand chop. it then set up the side effect trademark move which got the Fine Ass Bitch smiling as she always wanted to control and win matches.
Aimee got her attention by calling her a 'whore' and telling her to fight her instead. Jayden got annoyed and commented on Aimee's 'Milky Bottom' and her pathetic life. She took her focus followed off Ryder who got up and clubs her across the back of the head, spins her around then grabs her by the throat as we see a chokeslam. Cover gets made but it's only a two but FAB almost lost there. 

Soon after Jayden was back to her feet and on the end of chops to her chest. Josh's eyes went to Jayden's chest and then to her cleavage as he tried to stay professional. Jayden blocked another strike and eye pokes Ryder but doesn't even get a warning from Josh. Aimee complains about that and tells him to stop getting distracted. 

Jayden eventually gets the better of Ryder again after a few more minutes and suplexes her down. She then grabs her by the hair, throws her over to the corner and tells her to tag in Aimee. In she charges and gets pounced on right away as she punches away at her then starts choking her with both hands. Clearly she was sick of the insults and wanted to break her face. Josh watches but eventually had to break it up as the rules state you can't just choke an opponent like this, there are some rules in wrestling. Josh grabs her by the waist and drags her away which led to a confrontation between the two. 

Aimee shoved him as she wondered if he was biased, he rejected those claims. This took her eyes off Jayden who then rolls her up, grabs black shorts and has a handful of them to lower them down. Josh slid into position to count but sees the handful of shorts, forcing the count to be broken. 

Now Josh got into an argument with Jayden who said he was being a slow idiot. He gives shoved again and that's when hell broke loose as Ryder got in then so did Angelique. The two went at it and Josh went over to break it up, then forced them out. He drags back Angelique only for Ryder to charge over and tackle her down which resulted with Angelique on top of Josh on the canvas. 

The two women fought on top of him as they rolled around taking strikes then ended outside the ring. Josh stayed laying there only for Aimee to go check on him. As she did Jayden went to attack and got hit with a drop toe hold but she went face first right in between Josh's legs for a horrible moment for the Badass.

The referee is out of commission after that as he lay there holding his nuts. It allowed Aimee and Jayden to fight it out without any rules. Diamond and Angelina tried to involve themselves but Kitty fought them off. After all the chaos Jayden pokes Aimee in the eye, using that move again and then hits her with the Perfect Ending aka Pumphandle Powerbomb. 

Angelique got in the ring then shakes Josh, she got him to stir enough to make him crawl in place and then counts the pin. A win for FAB after everything and they move on in the contendership stakes, not the outcome Ryder or Aimee wanted. 

Post match Josh left shortly after FAB as Aimee is left in the ring with Ryder. That's when Hyde and Isla appear on the stage as it got her attention. Ryder had Aimee's back but then she was thrown out by Amari who got in the ring behind her. Mercer then hoists Aimee up and connects with his No Mercy finisher. After that he told Malice and every one he cares about will be finished off in a team versus team battle in a graveyard. The Cult want to bury the Savages and Aimee. That is the end goal , that's the aim. Malice ran out too late but would get his hands on him next one way or another.

Pre Main Event
Gabriel Hunter Vs. Gage Steele Vs. Dante Carter Vs. Shawn Blade Vs. Mercer Vs. Mike Malice 
Match Type: 6 man Hardcore Match
Stipulation: Winner will face Spencer Cater at Immortality
Summary: We can't crash into this celebration with out having a bit of carnage... We have six of the toughest, and roughest men ready for their chance at gold.
Winner: Gabriel Hunter.
What is more fun than a 6 man match up?  A 6 man Hardcore Match up.  All of these men have their eyes on the prize.  Some fresh, some not so much.  When the show comes back on, all 6 men are standing in the middle of the ring as they are looking at each other.  No movement right at first, but soon there is an all out attack.  Gabriel goes right for Gage, while Malice and Carter are locking it up.  Leaving Blade and Mercer to go at it.  It doesn't take long for two of the men to take the fight outside the ring.
The two men being Gabriel Hunter and Gage Steele.  As you can tell there is some personal hate going on as Gabriel is really taking it to Gage.  Sending him crashing into the steps, as he goes over.  Gabriel trash talks as he stalks over to continue on with the attack.  Mercer is able to clothesline Shawn out of the ring, but when he turns around gets a boot from Malice, which also sends him out...
Malice then steps back as you see Dante pull of a little high flying stunt, landing on Blade and Mercer.  At the moment Malice is the only one still standing as he is pacing around the ring a moment, then decides he doesn't want to mess out so he gets out and starts to go right for Mercer.  By this time Gage is up and starting to fight back on the other side of the ring, as reversing rolls as Gabriel is soon going on the defense.  The ref is yelling and trying to get some control back in the ring.  Mercer is the first to get back in the ring, right as Gage is also back in the ring, and the two of them are fighting it out.  Malice and Gabriel seem to have a similar idea as both men were under the ring digging for some weapons.  Shawn kicked Malice when he emerged.  He went picking up the 2x4 he had found and started to hit Malice over the back with it.
Jasmine is then seen walking down the ramp way as she had a smile on her face.  She walked over to Gabriel as he was getting out with a led pipe... She has her hand on his chest as he brings it up, touching hers, as it was clear that she had given him something.  Gage rushed out to try to take care of things early on, but was slapped by Jasmine, distracting him.  Which allowed Gabriel to turn and hit him with with the brass knuckles that he put on.  With out missing a beat he rushes in the ring, wanting to take care of things.  He hit went to hit Mercer, but he ducked, while instead hitting Shawn Blade.  Gabriel shrugs and goes for the pin.  Mercer tries to break it up, but Jasmine reaches in grabbing his ankles tripping him up, while Gabriel was able to get the pin and the win..

(Segment)- The main event is just moments away.   Here we see Hope standing in the hall as she has a grin on her face.  Knowing that her sister was about to compete.  Was she up to no good?  Was she rooting for Ryan to win?  Maybe a bit of everything.   Hope wasn't alone to long as you saw a blast from the past as Xtreme 3:16 showed up.  A tap on the shoulder as she turned looking at her old friend.  She yelped a bit in delight as the two shared a hug. With that excitement the fans out in the ring area cheer seeing the legend himself standing there.  It gets even louder as another legend shows up.  Mad Mick himself as he pats Hope on the shoulder as she smiles even more. 
"Hope Sweet- Two of my favorite people"
She grins as she looks at the two of them thinking about the old days and the fun times.  It had been awhile for Hope to be seen with these two so it was a rare treat, and a good moment. 
"Mad Mick- You had to know that I'd be here to crash the party!"

He said as he grinned thinking about it.  Bringing his hand up showing he had a case of beer as Hope grinned thinking about it.  She looked to Xtreme who was nodding his head thinking about it too.
"Xtreme 3:16- I say we have some catching up to do."
"Mad Mick- and some drinking."

Hope nodded as she was thinking about it, feeling like that was a good plan for now. 
"Hope Sweet- Hell yeah, sounds good to me... Let's go party."
She smirked as they went heading off down the hall as they were heading to the office, while Mick and Hope were yelling out as they didn't seem to want to wait to start the drinking.  

Main Event
Crystal Sweet W/ Wrath & Tyrone Marshall Vs. Ryan Burgess W/Thor
Match Type:  No DQ/ Badass Rules
Stipulation: None
Summary: Ryan has been very vocal lately on what he seems to think of the company and of the Sweet's as of late.  Though there use to be a close friendship, it looks like Ryan is trying to break away, feeling as if his career he has been in their shadow... Wanting to break away and come into his own...
Winner: Crystal Sweet. 
This was a huge match up as many had been waiting for these two to lock it up.  Ryan had gotten back up from new comer Thor, the brother to Neophyte owner.  Crystal of course had her tag partner Tyrone and muscle Wrath in her corner.  The three of them were standing in the ring looking amused while Ryan and Thor had been walking and making their way to the ring. Ryan was looking, taking a deep breath while Thor was telling him it was all good, and to just take care of business.  
Once this match up started , Crystal taunted a bit, as she looked at Ryan who seemed to be debating his choices here.  With out much of a warning, Ryan went on attack as he pushed her back into the ropes.  Holding onto the ropes as she brought her foot up, kicking Ryan right in the face as he staggered backwards a bit, but was able to hold his ground.  Crystal looks at him as he straightens himself up a bit, she as a bit of a smirk on her face as she then starts to go on the attack.  A bit of trash talking as she is able to use his weight against him and hit him with a face buster.
Crystal moved back as she just watched and waited for him to get to his feet.  Knowing this wasn't over yet, as he had more fight in him than that.  Proving so as he was getting right up to his feet.  The two were just starring at each other for a moment, as it was Ryan who went on the attack again, pushing Crystal back into the turnbuckle.  he charges at her, and does connect his shoulder to her midsection.  He is able to repeat this two more times.  He then moves as Crystal falls a bit, but is still up on a knee, holding her stomach.  He comes running back looking like he was about to do a kick, but Crystal is able to move back, grab his leg, and then transition into an ankle lock.  She twists it as hard as she can, not caring about the damage.  Thor is yelling on the outside, and is about to jump up, but Tyrone had gone around, grabbing him as he knocked him down off the apron. 
The ref stops looking at the two in the ring, and puts his attention on Tyrone and Thor who are fighting outside of the ring.  Giving Wrath a chance to get involved as Ryan had pulled his way to the ropes, and was now holding them in a hand.  He punched Ryan in the face, allowing Crystal to drag him back to the middle of the ring.  As Ryan struggles some more, but soon has no option but to tap out... The ref turns in time to see him tapping and calls for the bell.  Crystal holds on for a bit longer, until the ref is forced to make her let go.  
A beat down in the ring begins as Wrath and Tyrone join Crystal in the ring, who is trash talking Ryan, about his poor choice in actions.  Thor slides into the ring to help Ryan, as it resulted in a fight breaking out, to where Crystal ends up low blowing Thor, resulting in Spencer, Dante and Danica running out to help their friend.  Security then rushes out to break up the fighting, as the shows goes off the air, you see Crystal , Tyrone and Wrath walking up the ramp way, with Crystal laughing out, looking very pleased with herself.

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