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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/13/2020 1:06 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 12/10/2020

Match 1
Lily Khaos (c) Vs. Will Murdoch 
Stipulation: Non Title
Match Type:  Singles
Summary: Will had been hoping to win the battle royal to get a chance to face Lily... Sadly he didn't win, but luckily he has gotten his shot at the XDivision Champion... Non title of course.
Winner: Lily Khaos.
This is another big match up before Holiday Bash... As we will see Lily put her XDivision title on the line against both Andrew Parker and Matthew Taylor... So of course here tonight she is very much looking to impress... Just as we know that Will Murdoch is always looking to inch his way even higher up the food chain.  Of course the two have both made it well known they are very interested in facing each other.
A very good match up as Will was really showing that he is an a talent of the future here, and what a future he is going to have... Though Lily shows that she is no push over and why she is XDivision Champion.  She takes it to Will and is able to hit her finisher and get the pin, and win, over Will Murdoch..

Match 2
Tara Malice Vs. Danica Grey
Stipulation:  Non Title
Match Type: Street Fight
Summary: Two ladies who like pain and violence... So lets give Tara a debut match no one will forget anytime soon.
Winner: No contest... FAB comes out stops the one on one, as it turns into Tara and Danica working together against FAB.
Tara and Danica were looking to raise some hell as both women seemed to be on the same page and even shared a bit of respect... Though the match barely got started before you saw FAB rush down as they started to corner Tara... Danica not having it, seemed to back her as the two women went on the attack, attempting to push FAB back.  Numbers did become a bit much, as Frank got involved.  Which resulted in Spencer Carter running down to back up his girl... This causing FAB to back away, still happy with the damage they had done.

Match 3
Santiago Velez Vs. Spencer Carter 
Stipulation: Non Title
Match Type: Singles
Summary: It's been a minute since these two have come to blows in the ring... Let's see how they handle things here tonight.
Winner: Spencer Carter.
Spencer was already riled up from having to help Danica out as he has to leave her with the medic in the back for this match up... Looking like he isn't messing around , the match with him and Santiago blows up pretty quickly.  As both men are giving it hell... Spencer is able to pull it ahead though as he gets the win and victory over Santiago. .

Match 4
Juana Gonzalez(C) Vs. Tori Adams
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Women's Champion is looking and needing a challenge... So she finds it in Tori Adams.  Let's see what these two ladies can do.
Winner: Tori Adams.
Juana is doing her best to keep herself from being distracted.  Looking to take a break from FAB and from Valissa as she takes on Tori Adams... A totally different kind of blonde.  The two women are fighting it out.  A lot of back and forth... As the match starts to get really going... Valissa's music hits as she walks out on stage. She grins standing there as she just looks down... Juana is totally distracted as she is yelling up at the stage at Val, telling her to get down here if she wants a piece of her.  Tori takes advantage of this, grabs Juana and rolls her up for a win...
Valissa grinning as she seems to have gotten to the Women's Champion... Juana looks pissed as Tori rolls out of the ring... Though Juana is only glaring at Valissa..

Match 5
Gage Steel & Mike Malice Vs. Amari Rose & Arnica Blane(c)
Stipulation: Tag Match
Summary: A little pre Christmas Treat as we see  the tag Champions in action against Malice and Steele.  If the men are able to get the better of the ladies, they will find themselves in the run for a shot at the Tag Team Championships.
Winner: Gage Steel & Mike Malice.
Many were worried that Gage was going to have no partner again, but it was soon clear that wasn't an issue at all.  As the two men walked out together.  They also showed that neither had any issue with fighting both women.  As it was a hell of a fight... It was Malice and Amari who were going at it... As Malice was just whipping her around the ring.  Amari was able to get in a few good moves and able to get him down for a pin, but he was able to power out after one.  She tagged in Arnica who was running and jumping right on him.  Malice had let himself fall back, as it was in his corner.  Gage tagged himself in, as he was able to get Arnica and set her up for a double team move, and then after Malice got out of the ring, Gage went and was able to set in his finisher as it lead to a shocking victory for the two... .

Pre Main Event
Kevin Khaos w/ Eden Vs. Demon Ryan W/Raven
Stipulation:  Non Title
Match Type: Falls Count Anywheres
Summary: Kevin has been good at making enemies lately.  Taking a break from his battle with Gage, he is here tonight to try to be the giant monster, Demon Ryan down... Can he do it?  Or will Demon Ryan make him another victim?
Winner: Demon Ryan.
Khaos was full of anger and nasty comments going into this... Eden had actually been good about saying less and staying out of it, as this had been her brother.  Demon Ryan was more than happy to take on his future brother in law.  Raven ringside while the ladies watched the men beat the living hell out of each other.  Ryan did get Khaos out of the ring, as it was all legal.  Ryan climbed out himself and started to toss Khaos all over... Khaos was able to reverse it once and force Demon ryan into the steel steps. 

Khaos feeling cocky starts to taunt Ryan, pushing him down as he goes for a pin... With brute force Demon Ryan sends Khaos flying up over and landing hard.  Raven is clapping and telling him to get and pend this.  Eden is checking on Khaos to make sure that he is alright... Demon Ryan is looking ready again... Yet once again Khaos looks to use Eden as a shield.  Eden not looking pleased.  Khaos doesn't noticed Raven behind him as she goes low and drops to a knee as she low blows him... Causing Eden to push forward into her brother, as he puts her out of the way, as Raven moves and Demon Ryan finishes things, choke slamming Khaos outside of the ring, as the ref counts the three....

Main Event
Eddie McGinaly(C) Vs. Shawn Blade
Stipulation: Non Title
Match Type: Hardcore Match
Summary: Shawn only really likes one kind of match... He isn't the type to do things low key, just like Eddie isn't the type to be basic... So let these two play in a Hardcore Match.
Winner:  Shawn Blade.
Eddie's focus is fully going to Holiday Bash.  He wants to put his feud with Kai to rest... Tired of fighting , and wanting to show the world that his fluke loss to the man was just that a fluke... Tonight though, Eddie has to contend with Shawn Blade... Shawn is already in the ring waiting and jumping around with a grin on his face.  Ready and rearing to go... Eddie finally gets to the ring as he doesn't even wait for the match up to start... He kicks Shawn right in the face... Looking to be done right there, but Shawn is able to kick out after two.  Eddie gets up, starts to pull up Shawn.  Eddie hitting a DDT, and looking to do some damage... Yelling at Shawn to just lay down... Of course Shawn doesn't as he starts to get up... Eddie starts to look like he is about to lean down and pull him up... Shawn with force launches himself up, and with a nasty head butt sends Eddie backwards.  Shawn doesn't stop and goes in for a spear, taking the wind right out of Eddie, and looking like he was nearly broken in half.  Shawn moves to the center of the ring as he is watching and waiting for Eddie some more...
As the men are in the ring fighting it out.  Kai makes his way down to the ring as he has brass knuckles in his hand.  This is a Hardcore Match up so this is all legal.  It only takes Eddie a moment to notice that they aren't alone.  Eddie kicks Shawn in the midsection and pushes him away.  Eddie then gets out of the ring as he goes right for Kai.  Eddie ducking the right hand, as he chokeslam Kai... The brass knuckles fall off, but it doesn't seem to matter to much.  AS Kai is able to get a big boot in, and gets himself up...

Shawn just leans on the ropes as he is just watching the show... Almost like he is enjoying a match up close and personal.  Shawn did notice the brass knuckles though as he did take the time to get out of the ring and grab those.. While they were fighting it out by the announcers table.  Shawn then gets back in the ring just as Eddie is putting Kai through a table.  Shawn is leaning in the corner yawning a bit.  Finally it looks like Eddie is ready to finish his actual match up.  Though as soon as he gets in the ring... He is mean with a brass knuckled first to the side of the head... Which nearly takes him right back out of the ring. Shawn Grabs him, an with a slam, puts him right in the center, as he is able to take advantage and get a very unexpected win... 

The scene shows Kai Lafao laid out in a mess that use to be the announcers table and Eddie laid out in the center of the ring, as Shawn just takes a bow and then tosses himself out of the ring, holding on the ropes....

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