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Date Posted:03/23/2020 6:50 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 04/19/2020

Match 1
Matt Ward Vs. Axel Gunner
Stipulation: Singles Match
Summary: Matt had been missing in action on a regular bases...Can he manage to pull himself together as he takes on a new comer... Axel Gunner?  A man who seems eager to be stepping in the ring.
Winner: Axel Gunner.

Match 2
Valissa Oreza Vs. Blair Black W/Vincent Underwood
Stipulation: Singles
Summary:  Miss Valissa has made her grand return... Blair has had a few surprises of her own finding out that she has a twin sister... An aunt to all those baby ducks, can she keep it together as she takes on Russia's finest Export?
WinnerL Valissa Oreza.

Match 3
Ruby Orton W/Trisha Orton Vs. Tori Adams
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Ruby is still feeling the buzz at her near victory at Hard Domination... She isn't letting this loss get to her as she is more than ready to move onto her next challenge.  That challenge comes in the form of Tori Adams.
Winner: Ruby Orton.

Match 4
Santiago Velez Vs. Kent Harvey/Schizo
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Santiago is looking to kick it off, and kick it in style... So why not make it a night of debuts.. As he faces off against another new arrival Kent Harvey.  Let's see who can take this one.
Winner: Santiago Velez.

Match 5
Marissa Taylor Vs. Harley Kyle
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Is Harley ready to return to the ring?  Oh my yes she is!  Let's see if Marissa is just as ready as this young talent is still trying to earn her way and work her way to a title match of her own...
Winner: Harley Kyle.

Pre Main Event
Jasmine Sweet W/ Gabriel Hunter Vs. Roxanne Marshall
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: Former Women's Champion Jasmine is looking to take on Misfits member Roxanne Marshall as she starts working her way back into the Women's Title picture.
Winner: Jasmine Sweet.

Main Event
Gage Steele, Antonio Guerrero, Lily Khaos,Shawn Blade Vs Wolf Heathen, Elisabeth Adams, Dealer, Pandora.
Stipulation: 8 man Elimination Match.
Summary: It is finally starting to come to a head as things seem to be evening out as Plague has their hands full against four superstars who have a deep hatred for them.
Winner: Plague, Due to interference from Lorcan and Belladonna

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Mayhem 04/26/2020

Date Posted:04/23/2020 6:35 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Mayhem
General Manager:  Destiny Sweet
Theme Song:  "Monster" By Skillet
Date: 04/19/2020

Match 1
Matt Ward Vs. Axel Gunner
Stipulation: Singles Match
Summary: Matt had been missing in action on a regular bases...Can he manage to pull himself together as he takes on a new comer... Axel Gunner?  A man who seems eager to be stepping in the ring.
Winner: Axel Gunner.

Axel made his grand debut.  Which was made even better for him as the arena was filled with three thousand fans.  Allowing him to show off.  As he did just that.  Every move every stunt he did he did it for a crowd reaction which he got.  Picking Ward up and hitting a spine buster... Not pinning him right away as Ward does try to fight back, but Axel is able to either duck out of the way, or reverse every move... As Ward spends a lot of time being man handled around the win.  An impressive start to the new comer.  Finally feeling like the end was near, but wanting to make sure everyone knew just who Axel was, he sets up Ward for his main submission Spirit Breaker (Edgecater).  Ward yells out in pain, not even able to fight it as he is tapping almost as soon as the move is locked in.  The ref calls for the bell, but Axel doesn't let go right away, making the pain last a bit longer, before with force pushes Ward away from him.  Raising his arms up in victory as he walks around taunting a bit.  As this new talent is looking to be off to a good start here in FWAR.

Segment: Backstage you see Shawn Blade walking around.  He is dressed to compete as he is part of the main event tonight where he will be facing off against Plague.  He is looking around a bit with things being open back up.  Which means it was all back up for grabs.  He knew who he was looking for... He wasn't looking to long as Juana was right backstage... Her back was to him... He let out a whistle which got a reaction, thinking someone was just checking her out... She turned to give a piece of her mind... As soon as she did, Shawn was right there.  A kick to the gut, as the Hardcore title dropped to the ground.

||Shawn Blade||- Isn't this fun?

He laughed then grabbed her hair and hit with a hard head butt.  Shawn then goes to grab her again, as Juana fights back a bit now, kicking a bit, but Shawn is able to grab her leg, preventing a second kick, he then picks her up, and with a hard slam, puts her through the snack table.  He then pins her as the ref comes running and getting down as he counts the 1 . 2. 3!  Making Shawn the new Hardcore Champion.

||Shawn Blade||- Good times... See you on terror sweet cheeks.

He smirks looking down at her a moment before taking his newly won Hardcore Championship, heading off down the hall, knowing he still had a main event match up to get ready for tonight..

Match 2
Valissa Oreza Vs. Blair Black W/Vincent Underwood
Stipulation: Singles
Summary:  Miss Valissa has made her grand return... Blair has had a few surprises of her own finding out that she has a twin sister... An aunt to all those baby ducks, can she keep it together as she takes on Russia's finest Export?
WinnerL Valissa Oreza.

The buzz around the arena is uplifting to Valissa who is glad to be back in action.  The small crowd seems just as thrilled for the women's match up.  As the unpredictable Blair skips around the ring smiling as she waves around a bit, then turns looking at Valissa.  The two lock it up, a show of strength, as Valissa is able to over power the smaller Blair, taking her down to a knee for the moment... Blair jumping up a bit, to head but Valissa knocks her back some.  Blair smiles seeing that, as she goes for a running jump as Valissa was in the corner.  Valissa is able to grab her by the waist, as she then starts to walk with her.  Holding her shorts, Valissa holds her up, then hits a dropping power bomb, going for a quick roll up, that Blair is able to just get a shoulder up before the three.  Valissa gets back up to her feet, a bit shocked that Blair had been able to kick out. 
Vincent is in Blair's corner yelling to her to get her "Arse up" as he is watching the scene unfold a bit.  Blair does get to her feet, with a bit of help from Valissa as she grab her by the hair.  Blair fighting back, punches Valissa in the gut, doing it a couple more times for good measure.  Which makes Valissa let go of Blair's hair, as she stumbles back into the ropes.  

Valissa feeling a bit frustrated as she thought this would be over by now as she is once again going back on the attack.  She hits a chick kick out of no wheres, as she knows Blair down, and looks like she is knocked out for a moment.  Valissa then walks over, not going for a pin, grabbing Blair by the hair to lift her up, pushing her back and into the right spot so she can hit her finisher The Black Russian(Widow's Peak) Hitting it... Valissa then gets down going for the pin, and getting the win

Segment: Mayhem is already off to a powerful start as we see the talents seeing to have a fire about them.  The stars keep coming as it has been released not long ago that Mikah Castile has made her return to the company.  Which is confirmed when cameras spot her walking down the hallway. Wanting to make this short and sweet she is just standing in front of the camera.

||Mikah Castile||- It's been a long time coming... It looks like I picked the right time to return.   

She smirked a bit as she was standing there thinking about it.

||Mikah Castile||- I'm ready to make my big return and Immorality.  I really hope to have a real fight, so if anyone is looking for a challenge... You will know where to find me... Or else I'll find you.

She said finishing what she had to say for now before she went on walking off down the hall,wanting to check out the rest of the show as it was still early..

Match 3
Ruby Orton W/Trisha Orton Vs. Tori Adams
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Ruby is still feeling the buzz at her near victory at Hard Domination... She isn't letting this loss get to her as she is more than ready to move onto her next challenge.  That challenge comes in the form of Tori Adams.
Winner: Ruby Orton.

These ladies were looking forward to locking it up here tonight.  As they were both wanting to show off and see what the other is made of... That is just what we got as this match up was getting started.  The ladies were looking to show off some moves tonight as it starts with them both trying to whip each other into the ropes.  Tori ducking out of a clothes line as she turns grabbing her from behind , spingboarding with her knees causing back to crash into the knees... Ruby arches in pain.  Tori walks over grabbing her hair and pulls her on up.   Ruby looking to fight back , hits a few elbows in the stomach area, knocking her back and making her let go.  As soon as Tori stands up straight, Ruby hits her with an upper cut, knocking her back, Ruby then grabs her picking her up and hitting a slam , as Tori quickly rolls , before a pin could even be tempted.  Tori is up on a foot and a knee as she is looking at Ruby who has a bit of a grin and is telling Tori to come on.  Tori smirks back as she is getting up to both feet as the two women are looking at each other.  They are locking it again, as Tori is able to get the head lock in a bit, but Ruby uses her strength and pushes into the ropes as Tori is forced to let go.  A kick and RKO his hit by Ruby.  She goes for a pin, to her surprise Tori is able to kick out... Showing the fight the woman has in her... Ruby just kind of sits there a moment before pulling Tori up by the hair... Tori hits a series of punches to the side, as she then pushed her back to the corner, and hit in a few shoulder, before backing up....

During this time, Gordon Flash comes running out on stage and down the ramp.  Still feeling pretty sore after his lose to Tori.  He slides in the ring as Tori turns around, ducking and missing getting a punch... Which resulted in Ruby being taken down instead... The bell rings stopping the match as Gordon turns around only to get hit with a super kick as it takes him right down...Tori then walks over to Ruby helping her up making sure she is okay as they turned back to Gordon who was already out of the ring , not wanting to get attacked by both women... Ruby stands there glaring at him as she is holding her face a bit, pissed that he had messed up the match up... Even though it did result in her winning.

Segment: When FWAR comes back on the air, this time we have a live video feed coming from Andrew Parker who is still stuck back home in Chicago,  unable to be in Georgia at the time.  He knows that he has been missed by the FWAR fan base, and is of course wanting to reach out.

||Andrew Parker||- I know how horrible these past few shows have been, because I'm not there.  I see Georgia has been pretty stupid and allowing most of the state to open up and do as they want... 

He paused thinking about it as he knew that he wasn't yet flying out of his home to be in Georgia.  Refusing to make that risk.

||Andrew Parker||- I'm not willing to risk my life and well being for any of you... I'm far too important to FWAR to let anything happen to myself.  That doesn't mean I'm not already thinking about what I'll be doing when i do return.  The only true champion, and worthy man is yours truly... 

With a grin that was where he left things... Showing that the man had plans and goals once he was able to make his way out of Chicago and back to Georgia.  After his brief words, the scene fades to black.

Match 4
Santiago Velez Vs. Kent Harvey/Schizo
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Santiago is looking to kick it off, and kick it in style... So why not make it a night of debuts.. As he faces off against another new arrival Kent Harvey.  Let's see who can take this one.
Winner: Santiago Velez.
Two of the newest FWAR talents locking it up on Mayhem.  Santiago is already in the ring as Kent Harvey is making his way out to the ring.  Once in the ring the bell rings as the match is under way.   Santiago not wasting any time goes right to work.   Kent seems kind of surprised at how fast Santiago can move as he is soon backing him into a corner, with speak like moves to the midsection.  Kent showing he isn't just about taking abuse , starts to fight his way out of the corner, and hits a few punches of his own...  Knocking Santiago back.  Kent hits a feel punches of his own, then grabbing him by the arm, and forcing him into the ropes, hitting a clothesline, taking Santiago off his feet.  It doesn't keep him down long as he is right back up on his feet.  Kent not letting up either as he goes for another clothesline, but this time Santiago is able to duck it, and miss it.  The small crowd is cheering as they see the men really giving it their all.  The sound of the crowd , even though small is enough to light a bit of a fire under Santiago as he starts to fight back 

Santiago whips Kent into the corner, and when he comes back out, hits a boot to the face, as Kent staggers back.  With out giving any space Santiago grabs him by the neck and hits a neck breaker, as he pulls him out from the corner a bit... As he is looking to put an end to this match up.  Waiting for the right moment as he then starts to kick the upper side of Kent, as he then goes and hits Vicious Velez(Rock Bottom).  The crowd is cheering, feeling the buzz of the excitement as Santiago then gets down and pins Kent, getting the 1. 2. 3!   

Segment: Backstage Tori and Ruby are backstage, both complaining and pissed that Gordon Flash had dared to get involved in the match up.  As they were talking to each other, it was Pay Per View Co General Manager Hope Sweet is seen walking up to them.

||Hope Sweet||- I saw what happened, and I'll do one better for you two.

She smirks a bit as both Tori and Ruby look at Hope.

||Hope Sweet||- Immorality, you two will take on Gordon Flash... Either he finds a tag partner, or he does this in a handicap match... I don't care which.

Hope grinned as she was thinking about it.  Before much more could be said.  Hope goes walking off down the hall, leaving Tori and Ruby looking at each other with grins on their face.

Match 5
Marissa Taylor Vs. Harley Kyle
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Is Harley ready to return to the ring?  Oh my yes she is!  Let's see if Marissa is just as ready as this young talent is still trying to earn her way and work her way to a title match of her own...
Winner: Harley Kyle.

Marissa looking to get herself going as she has gold on her mind.  Knowing that she needs to start getting some wins her her belt and to make sure that she gets noticed by management and even the current Women's Champion.   So taking on Harley Kyle, who is just coming off of injury seems like a dream match in the making.  Marissa went right for the injured leg of Harley, but Harley was showing that she had no pain and was fully healed, she grabbed the ankle of Marissa, and did a take down, and going into an ankle lock.  Thinking quick Marissa was able to make it to ropes, forcing Harley to let go of the submission move.  She did, but not before she lifted the leg up and then smashed her knee into the mat.  Harley then dragged Marissa to the middle of the ring.  Marissa turned as she kicked Harley in the face.  Harley went back into the ropes... Marissa moved away a bit, using the the ropes on the other side , to pull herself up as she was looking at Harley, a bit frustrated as she wasn't expecting this much of a fight... 

Harley moved as she went for Marissa who was able to kick with her hurting leg as she then grabbed Haley by the neck, hitting a neck breaker.  Marissa went for a pin, but Harley kicked out just before a three. Frustrated, Marissa pinned again, but Harley kicked out right away... Marissa got up, grabbing her hair, before Harley just hit with an upper cut, getting up more to her feet, and then hitting a choke slam.  Feeling the buzz now as she walks around Marissa stalking her prey a bit.  She then goes moving Marissa where she needed to be , as she then went setting up and hitting Highway to Harleen (Curb Stomp).  She then gets down pinning Marissa and getting the win. 

Segment: The scene opens up where you see the Bloody Vixen's Champion standing in the locker room, after just watching the return victory of Harley Kyle.  She doesn't seem all that impressed or worried as she was off for the night, and even off on terror.  After defending her championship two shows in a row....

{Amara Matthews)- I hope you're not resting easy.

Amara steps up to the current champion, after feeling like she had come too close to tasting victory.  She wasn't ready to call it quit just yet, as she was looking for another chance.

||Alexandra Callaway||- Run along little girl... This is a big girls title.

Alexandra said with a cocky laugh as she rubbed the title on her shoulder as she was thinking about it.  Feeling pretty confident after two defenses in a row.

||Alexandra Callaway||- You already had your shot, and you blew it... You don't get another title shot just because you want on. 

She said almost laughing at her as Amara wasn't about to back down yet, but as of right now Alexandra wasn't giving her the time of day, or the chance... She pushes her hair back from her face , before she just walked off leaving Amara standing there watching her leave, feeling pretty upset to be just brushed off like that... As it was clear Amara wasn't going to let things go..

Pre Main Event
Jasmine Sweet W/ Gabriel Hunter Vs. Roxanne Marshall
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: Former Women's Champion Jasmine is looking to take on Misfits member Roxanne Marshall as she starts working her way back into the Women's Title picture.
Winner: Jasmine Sweet.

The match started with Jasmine out there by herself, as Gabriel was not at her side tonight.  Staying backstage to watch the show, wanting to see if Jasmine could handle things on her own.  Which was great for Roxanne as she was looking to get a victory over the former Women's Champion.  The two ladies locked it up, as Jasmine showed off a bit, as she had taken control early on.  Roxanne did fight back some, but was still over powered by Jasmine who seemed to have a new fire under her, after winning the Revolution Championship.

Roxanne did start to fight back as she hit a face buster, which nearly cost Jasmine the match early on.  Jasmine was able to kick out though.  Roxy started to get her up, and went for an upper cut, as it pushed Jasmine back.  Jasmine held onto  the ropes a moment, and as Roxanne came at her, Jasmine hit her with a clothesline from hell.  Which looked like it nearly took her head off.

Jasmine then start to pace around a bit as she is looking at Roxanne who is feeling the pain right now.  Jasmine then leaned over as she grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up, and then hitting a body slam.  Then going about stomping her a couple times, to make sure she stays down.. Jasmine then walks over and gets in place so she could put an end to the match..  Making sure Roxanne still was in the same place and not moving as she then hits Sweet Dreams(Modified Michinoku Drive).  Jasmine then grabs Roxanne's leg and pins her shoulders down as the ref counts the 1. 2. 3.  Giving Jasmine the win over Roxanne.

Segment: After the match is over Jasmine is seeing walking back to her locker room.  She ends up being stopped by Lauren Li who is looking like she has finally made her return after being gone for a few weeks.  Jasmine just stands there looking at her, with her Revolution Championship on her shoulder.  Still sweating after her hard fought match against Roxanne.

{Lauren Li}-  How did it feel to actually win a match on your own?  Must of been a strange feeling not having Gabriel there to do your dirty work. 

Lauren stood there with her arms crossed.   Jasmine just rolled her eyes as she was standing there.  Looking unimpressed as she was looking at Lauren.

||Jasmine Sweet||- Do you have something smart to say?  Or are you just going to continue to look like an idiot?  I have better things to do.

She said simply as she wasn't in the mood to deal with Lauren... 

{Lauren Li}- Why don't you prove you can win another match... Against me?  Unless your scared...

Cocky, wasn't she?  Jasmine just laughed a bit looking at her, but then nodded her head after a moment, as she was willing to do it.

||Jasmine Sweet||- Sure, if that is what you want... I'll kick your ass.  

She said laughing a bit as she just pushed her way passed Lauren who seemed pleased with the idea of having a match, and maybe with the chance to getting in a little revenge for what she had dealt with from both Gabriel Hunter and Jasmine Sweet....

Main Event
Gage Steele, Antonio Guerrero, Lily Khaos,Shawn Blade Vs Wolf Heathen, Elisabeth Adams, Dealer, Pandora.
Stipulation: 8 man Elimination Match. /No DQ
Summary: It is finally starting to come to a head as things seem to be evening out as Plague has their hands full against four superstars who have a deep hatred for them.
Winner: Plague, Due to interference from Lorcan and Belladonna

The much anticipated match up of the night... As the wild card team of Antonio, Gage, Lily and Shawn take on Plague.  When the show comes on the air, Plague is making there way to the ring as the others are already out there and waiting.  Antonio looking to get this started , looking for another win over the group after Neophyte went so well for him and Gage.

Once they are all there, it is Lily and Elisabeth who start off the match up.  As it is a typical back and forth, as you can hear the yelling between back and forth as they are going at it... They do this a bit before Lily tags in Antonio, as Dealer is then tagged in.  The men are fighting it out, as Dealer starts to get a bit of leverage as he uses the ropes to try to choke out Antonio, before the ref makes him break it up.  Dealer does let go, backing up a bit, which then results in him getting an elbow to the face... Falling backwards some... With out missing a beat, Antonio jumps up and gets on the ropes going high, hitting a flying kick taking Dealer down the rest of the way, as he then goes up for a rolling pin, as he gets it, taking dealer out of the match up... Antonio feeling good as he celebrates it, taunting Death Dealer as he is now standing on the outside of the ring pretty upset by what had just happened... Antonio has his back turned as Pandora is up on the turn buckle odes a jump of her own, her legs twisting around his body a bit , in a take down.  She then goes for a pin, but he kicks out before the three.  

Antonio rolls out of the way, needing to get his breath as Pandora is up and in one corner... He is close enough as Gage is tagged in next.   Coming in running he spears Pandora right off her feet knocking her right down.  Going for a quick roll up pin that she is able to kick out of.  Gage is quick to get up, just as Pandora is... Wolf is yelling from the corner as Pandora just brings her boot up, kicking him in the gut, grabbing his head when he leans over, and hitting a DDT.  She then gets back up and starts to stomp him a bit... She then steps back a bit waiting for him to get up.   Once he is up to his feet, his back is to her, with a drop to her knees and an elbow up, she hits him right below the belt, which takes him back down, she then hits him with a neck breaker, and getting the pin, and eliminating him from the match up.   Wasting no time Lily gets in the ring as she goes right for Pandora... Who is able to duck and move out of the way... She is put right into the corner of Plague... As they go right after her... Elisabeth going as far as to slashing her in the leg as, Lily tries to kick her way out, but is grabbed by Pandora, hitting a twisting neck breaker, and taking her out soon as well, as it leaves just Antonio and Shawn in this match up against 3 members of Plague...

Antonio and Shawn are talking ab it back and forth as they are looking at Plague who are feeling pretty cocky at the moment.  Antonio decided he was going to get in and take it to Pandora... Which the two fight back and forth a bit, brawling some.  Once Antonio starts getting the upper hand, as she is able to get to her corner though and tag in Wolf Heathen.  Wolf is quick to get in the ring, hitting Antonio with a big Boot, taking him right now. Wolf walks right around him and goes to lift him up, Antonio fighting it hitting an upper cut, making Wolf falter back... Antonio gets up and goes to grab his arm, but Wolf using the force of his shoulder,  hits hard, taking him back down.  Wolf then starts to stomp him, not watching where he was kicking him... Antonio is able to roll out of the way.  Shawn is looking for the tag in.  Antonio is happy to oblige this as Shawn is tagged in... He comes right in spearing Wolf Heathen, taking him right down.  Trying to go for a pin, but it's Elisabeth who comes running in breaking up the count...She then goes to stab Shawn with the knife head that was her doll Mary.  Shawn is able to roll out of the way... Distracted enough, Pandora grabs him by the head and jumps down off the apron, catching him up on the ropes as he falls right back, and is pinned by Wolf... Now leaving Antonio to face Plague on his own... Shawn is still ring side trying to catch his breath. 

The attention is all on Antonio now as he is looks at the members of Plague.  Pandora is back up on the apron as she is talking smack to Antonio.  Shawn takes his moment as he goes and grabs Pandora's leg and knocking her right off the apron.  Her face hitting right on the side of the ring as she goes down... Enough of a distraction as Wolf is caught off guard, as Antonio is able to go high on the ropes, and jumping high as his feet connected with Wolf taking him down..... rolling up quick as Antonio is able to eliminate Wolf Heathen.  

Elisabeth goes right after Antonio, her nails digging right into his arm, as she is looking for blood.  She then goes kicking his leg from behind, taking his knee out a bit, as he goes down... She then connects a head scissors type move as she smashes his head into the mat.  She rolls him up for a pin, but he is able to kick out... He then goes rolling just right and is able to roll her up, holding her pants and using the ropes at the same time.  The ref counting the 3 as it is anything goes in this match... Antonio for a moment thinking he had it won, forgetting that Pandora had been outside the ring... 

She doesn't waist much time as she is back in the ring, ducking moves as she ties to keep her distance a bit, still trying to collect herself from being taken down.  She is able to fight back a bit, as she hits a neck breaker, and rolls out of the way a bit... He doesn't stay down long, knowing that he was close to winning...He goes right at Pandora, grabbing her hair, and going to set her up for a DDT,... He hits it, and is just about to go for the pin, when Lorcan's music hits and he comes walking down the ramp to the ring... Belladonna is right behind as she is yelling to him to deal with this... Antonio is up and telling Lorcan to come on.  Lorcan goes right for the ropes, Antonio goes to rush it, as Pandora is back up, on a knee, hitting a low blow from behind.  She then sets up for Bite Me (Sweet Kiss Goodnight) and gets the pin... Plague starts to gather up in the ring, Shawn is still out there as he is right up there, helping Antonio out as Gage , and Lily are out there fighting... An all out fight is breaking out in the ring once again... Antonio spears Pandora right out of the ring, as Shawn does the same at the same time to Lorcan knocking both right off the apron and right to the floor...  After a bit refs and security come running down trying to break this up...

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