Rank:Diamond Member
- Score:3116
- Posts:3116
- Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM
Date Posted:06/09/2009 1:52 AMCopy HTML
Roleplay Title... Blah Blah Blah OOC... Blah Blah Blah
// Introduction// -
God is it time yet? What the hell is taking this so long.. Damn time, curse you for being so slow... I want to fight now damn it.. How can you keep me... Not just me, but the fans waiting as well..but it is only a couple of hours away so, don't worry kiddies, soon our time will be here... I can't wait to get the chance to compete and defeat the World Champion... Yes he had defeated me, but I also hold one pin fall on him from ages back. so tonight we'll be going in for the tie breaker... The rubber band as it is called. Oh want I want to put a rubber band around that scrawny little throat of Chris Burden... Oh wait, thats a bad thought, nice thoughs, bunnies and flowers in a field.. Sorry lost myself for a moment. but thats alright, its all ok.. We'll know soon enough what is going to happen.. But I will not be defeated like before... There will be no one there to help Burden, and I plan on making sure of that first thing.. That bitch is stuck with me one on one... And he'll just have to deal with it.
//Scene 1// -
There is a knock on my door as i'm sitting in my locker room and watching Monday Night Raw... Yes I like to watch and see what the other business are doing, and I alwasy feel good knowing that FWAR is a hell of a lot better than that..
||Crystal Sweet|| Its not locked..
I answer out loudly so I would be heard as I'm still watching the tv, passing the time away a bit, while waiting for my match.. When the door opens I look sto see the Mayehm Interviewer walking in..
||Crystal Sweet|| Oh hey, Sasha.
She looked up at her smiling as she moved over a bit on the couch.
||Crystal Sweet|| Come on and sit down, watch a bit of tv.
Sasha walked over as she sat down on the couch next to her, feeling a bit relaxed as she was looking at Crystal
//Sasha Riley// Hey, Crystal, I was wondering if you would have a few mintues to spare for an interview? You're a rather hard diva to get a hold of, so I figured I'd give it a try... I know that you dont' really like to do this, but I thought maybe you'd give it a bit of a go?
Crystal smirked as she looked at her. She leaned back on the couch as she was thinking about it a moment.. She then went looking back at the tv a moment as she then nodded her head, looking at Sasha.
||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah, I guess I can let you interview me, Its not like I have a whole lot going on right now.
She smiled looking at Sasha as she looked very pleased to know that Crystal was willing to let her do an interview, as Sasha turned telling the camera crew to come on in.. As she looked at Crystal..
//Sasha Riley// Well Crystal tonight in just a couple of hours you will be facing a man that has been a rather pain to you.
||Crystal Sweet|| What are you talking about, his name suits just what he is.. Hes a burden.
She laughed a bit as she looked at her thinking about it. Sasha grinned a bit nodding as she had a tough interview with him once before, and well it was rather sour, so she was glad with the change of pace.
//Sasha Riley// Well what i'm getting to ois, do you have any concerns about your match up tonight? I mean I know that you have to feel pretty confident about winning and all, but are you worried about outside interferience?
Sasha looked at Crytal who was thinking about it, as she was waiting to see what Crystal woul dhave to say about it.
||Crystal Sweet|| If I know Chris he has something up his sleeve.. It could be that he has recruited the help of Ms. Black.. I honestly could care less about that. If she wants to be dumb and get involved in something that isn't her businces, well then she'll have to deal with it... I"m not the bitch to mess with, and soon enogh she'll be finding that out...
She paused a moment..
||Crystal Sweet|| Yes I hope she wins that contenders match for the Women's championship... I would love to face her in the ring. but thats for another night, another thought... None of that matters right now, the only thing I'm thinking about is my match up against Chris Burden.. He is the only thought on my mind.. This time I'm going to do my part and make sure that I'm not blindsided, and Burden won't get lucky, nor will he pull anyhthing over on me..
Crystal smirked a bit as she looked at Sasha feeling really good about this, she had been ready for her rematch, and was now getting her chance and she wasn't going to screw this up, she was goiong to make sure of it..
//Sasha Riley// well I'm sure that you'll show everyone out there tonight just why you are the baddest bitch... There is no doubt about that.. Good luck to you tonight in your match up, even though I'm more than sure you don't need it.. I'll make sure to be watching you out there tonight.
Crystal smiles as she looks at Sasah, as she nods her head a bit.
||Crystal Sweet|| Thanks, Sasha. I'll make sure to do my best out there, and tonight, if I have anything to say about it, it will be enough to get the 1, 2 3! on Chris Burden, and to shut his mouth up... For at least a few minutes..
Crystal looked at Sasha as she smirked a bit, watching as the interviewer got up, and started to take her leave..
//Sasha Riley// Talk to you later, Crystal, you have fun tonight.
Sasha said as she walked out, as Crystal sat there watching her leave as her locker room door closed once again... She smirks a bit as she then sits back down right as she goes back to watching the tv..
||Crystal Sweet|| I know I'll have a better night than what Cena and batista is..
She smirked thikning about it, as she shook her head, as she wondered what was going to happen, she looked at her watch, as she was waiting for the show to come back on..
||Crystal Sweet|| Ah well, it helps pass the time away, I get resless in here, and I'll be able to take it all out on Burden, for making me wait this long.
She smirked a bit as she was thinking about it, as she was hyped up and more than ready to get into the ring, ready to beat the living hell out of him, yes I know, it sounds like a broken recod, but you have no idea how bad she wants this, how driven she is, its all she does, eat and sleeps thinking about this match up, and then after tonight it will come to head, and after tonight she is going to get her chance, to prove that her losing, was only because he had help, he couldn't beat her on his own... |
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