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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/08/2010 10:37 PMCopy HTML

JJtop-1.png picture by abbykinz619

So it would seem like things are going to be getting interesting here pretty soon... but now here we are and Dark is standing out in the ring waiting for someone to come out and join him... Joker isn't back yet and well no one wants to lose something they worked for.  So he needs a bit of help... "Twisted Love" By Marlyn Manson blares as Jezzi steps out on stage.  She smirks a bit as she stands there looking down.. It had been awhile since she had been seen, but she was here now and looking for something great to do.  She walks down the ramp way then walks up the steel steps and then crawls in the ring.  She stands there as she looks at Dark Juggalo as he looks her over a bit, not really knowing her at all, but shocked that she was there... She then gets a mic and after a moment starts to speak.

||Jezabel Jezzie||- I know that you don't know who I am, or anything, but I was in the back and I see that you are still needing a tag partner and you know what, I'm willing to step up..

She said as she looked at him as she wasn't sure if he was willing to take her help or not.  She stood there waiting to see what he was going say wondering if he was going to let her tag with him or not.

Animation2.gif image by _LAbubbles_



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