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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/03/2011 3:08 PMCopy HTML


Sydney stood there for a little bit watching him work... She liked seeing him here, in her baby's room.  Knowing that he was doing this, wanting to do this, meant the world to her... Just small gestures between the two, but it was enough, she stood there for a bit, then went doing some work so she wouldn't bother him.  Sydney cleaned up the mess she made with the paints, as she carried in some clothes and blankets setting them aside in the rocking chair and put a few thinggs in the closet as she was humming a bit, as she made sure it wasn't too loud to bother Mason as he was working so hard. 

It wasn't long before he had the crib up and was working on the changing bed, she looked up at the clock seeing the time as she went down and made some lunch for the two of them, not wanting him to do all that work and actually not eat anything. After a little while she came up and stood in the door way watching him a bit.

{Sydney Sweet} You really are very good at that... It looks great.

She smiled softly looking at his handy work as she knew he did a far better job that what she could have ever done.  It looked good.  He was just finishing up with the changiing bed as he truned looking at her,  Feeling and looking very proud of himself, and it was rightfuly so.

{Sydney Sweet} I made some lunch, thought you may be hungry after all that work, and well dont' want to starve the wonderful help.

She said as he nodded a bit, not saying much as it wasnt' uncommon, she lead the way downt he staris holding on the railing as she did, Mason of course checking out her ass on the way down.... Something he just coudln't help...Not like he was wanting to anyways.. They walkedinto the dinning room as she had the food and everything already out on the table.  She had a few things out there, and then a few choices of drink as they sat down and started to eat.

{Sydney Sweet} I have other things if you dont' like what is here.

She said as he was looking at the steaks she had made and the potatos and beans... there was a thing of brownides a bit down, and soda, tea and mild on the table as well, not sure what he was wanting , and well then again she didn't know what she wanted to drink right off the back herself... She smiled though as they started to ea....


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