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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:05/06/2014 7:14 PMCopy HTML

britney spears

Name:: Madeline Marie Blade
Face Used:: Britney Spearks
Age/Birthday:: 27/ June 4th
Hometown:: La, Cali
Theme Song: Lace and Leather by Britney spears
Profession:: FWAR Interviewer
Bio:: Madeline is pretty well known around FWAR... she has been apart of it from the start.. Once a very talented diva with hopes of a fame, but a neck injury shot that down for awhile... She now goes around the company interacting with the talent getting interviews
Extra:: Even thought she doesnt' compete anymore, she is still very much able to handle herself.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Madeline Blade

Date Posted:05/06/2014 7:14 PMCopy HTML

britney spears

Name__ Madeline Marie Blade
Ring Name__ Madeline Blade
Face__ Britney Spears
Height/Weight__ 5'7/122lbs
Hometown__ LA, Cali
Alignment__ Neutral with Heel Tendices
Theme__"Lace and Leather" By Britney Spears

 Commonly Used Moves. [at least five]
-Arm Twist Rope Walk Chop
-Axe Handle
-Bull Dog
-Diving Crossbody
-Diving DDT
-Diving Fist Drop
-Diving Headbutt
-Bitch Slap
-Chick Kick
-Springboard Hurricanrana
-Moonsault Leg Drop
-SomerSault Leg Drop
-Diving Spear-(Move taught by her brother that she made her own, and uses in nearly every match up she is in...)
-Boot Stomp
-Moonsault Double Foot Stomp-uses against divas she really doesn't like... and if used later on can be a finisher or a tradmark)
-Super kick
-Powerbomb(Only for a diva of course...
-Atomic Drop
-Senton Bomb
-Imploding Senton Bomb
-Mushroom stomp
-Face Buster


-Grabs a hold of the wrists of an opponent on their back and then performs multiple stomps on the opponent's chest, driving their back of the head into the mat
-Northern Lights suplex
-Octopus stretch, while biting the trapped arm, sometimes into a
sunset flip
Reverse bulldog
-Snapmare followed by a shoot kick to the back of the opponent's head
-Tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown

Submission [only two]
-Triangle Choke
-Figure Four Leg Lock

-Blonde Ambition (Diving neckbreaker)
-Blade Ender (Straight jacket sitout rear mat slam)
-Cutting the Bitch (Double knee backbreaker)


Madeline was a woman who was hired right at the start of Fusian Wrestling Alliance... She had a early giant career, holding gold, and was loving it at the top.. but a neck injury would knock her right out of the game.. She tried to stick to it for awhile... Even tagging and working with hall of famer Xtreme. but then was once again sidelined due to her neck injury, working for FWAR as an interviewer, Madeline is finally cleared and able to return to the ring if she chooses too, but with years out of action, and the fear of a repeat, will Madeline have the will to return to the ring she once loved more than anything?


"Lace and Leather" By Briteny Spears blares as Madeline comes out on stage she smirks as she stands there then with a bit of a dance in her step she makes her way down the ramp way to the ring.. She walks up the steel steps as she crawls in the ring. She walks around posing a bit, as she then stands tehre waiting for her match to start...


FWA First Women's Champion..
Intergender Champion with Extreme...
FWAR's Number one interviewer...

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