Rank:Golden Member
- Score:160
- Posts:160
- Register:03/31/2009 7:15 PM
Date Posted:10/06/2009 2:26 AMCopy HTML
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//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. |
Hey Your Crazy Bitch.... |
I don't need you... Leave me alone. You have done nothing but stand in may way. You say you are only here to help me, to show me the way. But you have done nothing, but lead me down the path I should have never taken in the first place. Look at what you have done to me. What you have turned me into. I hate you... I wish you had never came. You will not cloud me no more... I am free... Free to be who I should have always been... Free to do what I really need to do. You made me blind, with out you I can see. Don't lie to me any longer, for I can see the truth... You're scum... You're nothing to me... but yet you are me...
Well here we are just a couple hours away... but where am I? You look around but you can't find me. Where have I gone. "Where is she.. Where is Hope" Don't look far. I'm still around. For once I'm in the gym. Yeah and Crystal didn't force me. I am here on my own. If my partner had a brain cell he would be here working with me.
{Hope Sweet} Little fuck is probably out trying to steal a plug from Kayne or something..
Useless... Thats what he is. I punch the punching bag hard, and of course it moves and gravity makes it come back at me, as I grab it a bit holding it. I have been here now for what doesn't seem all that long... But once I look up at the clock, I see that its been about four hours. I look around and see that all those who were here when I first got here, are long gone.
{Hope Sweet} I don't need people around to work out with. More than able to do it myself. But can't stay to long.
I smirk a bit, i work out on the bags a bit longer, but then walk over to one of the mats as I sit down. I work on some streches.. I know that these guys are strong and bigger... Hell they over tower me, so I can't over power them, but I am flexable and I can use my size to the advantage if play it right... I move around, working on streches, bridges, and other bendable moves... Its been awhile since I worked my body this way...
{Hope Sweet} Come on Hope, you ave to do this.. So much on the line.. You have to be ready... Make it look good... I won't be the weak link here tonight, I won't ever be the one to fail in something like this.
Yeah I scowl a bit, but thats because I feel a bit robbed out of this... I dont' want to work with this what ever the hell it is he thinks he is... He doesn't seem to have the passion the drive for this match up... And if I can see it, I know that "Rape" members are picking it apart now...Having there jollies out of it.. Well let them.. That doesn't concern me any. I stand up, as i'm at the end of the mat, as i start doing tumbles, doing different spots and postions, to see just where i'm needing the work.. I drop down my feet behind me, bbring my arms up into a bridge lift myself up, and do a flip a bit, coming back up on my feet..
{Hope Sweet} Thats fun... I havn't done this in so long... Its nice to fight like a girl.
I need to change things up, step it up.. and I'm doing just that... yes its good to do things the hardcore way, but its time that I show what moves I actully have, hell its fun to play with heads a bit.. I do a few more tumbles then do a cool down with streches.. finally feeling fullly warmed up. I get up looking up at the clock.
{Hope Sweet} Thats enough, I need to shower and get ready for the match up.... Hell I am ready to fight..
Hell yeah, you know I'm ready. I go out walking of the the Domain Training center as I go heading down the hallway. As i'm walking I pull the rubber band out of my hair as my pony tail tumbles down and free. I never really did like my hair up... Even though sometimes it was just the better way to do things. but when i get the chance its down. but who cares about that...
{Hope Sweet} Its almost time... I know that i'm ready for this, I can't wait to get in the ring tonight. I can't wait to test myself, really push myself to the limits.. This is going to be an awesome night.
As i'm thinking about it, I smirk, knowing how good its all really going to be... With or with out Alex really around to depend on, I know its all good to me. I could care less, what Rappy Joe was thinking, or what he was feeling he could do. I'm not going ot let it bother me, I'm not going to let it doubt what is going to happen... I'm just going to fight, and make sure someone is bleeding here tonight...
A bit later on, Hope walks out of her locker room. She is dressed and ready to fight. Her black tie bodice is nice and form fitting, but not that trashy little outfit she has been knon to wear, but still not to far off from how she usualy is. She is walking down the hall, her hair down over her shoulders, as she was heading to get something to drink... She stopes at the juice machine as she is getting a bottle of water she hears a voice..
// Josh Prick //- Fuck hunny, thats one hot tight ass.. You sure you want to try to be have yourself now...
Hope turns around as she rolls her eyes looking at the interviewer, who seems to think himself good enough to talk to Hope. He walks up to her as she just stands there, not looking all that impressed as she drinks from her water bottle as his hands come to the side of her, as he is like sizing her up or something.
// Josh Prick // You can't try to pull off that you've changed... that you are no longer that little slut you came in here as. We aren't buying, I'm not buying it. Once a dirty nasty whore, always a dirty nasty whore...
He laughs a bit looking at her as Hope just glares a bit. She then shakes her head smirking a bit as she was standing there.
{Hope Sweet} Arent' you supose to be asking some kind of questions here... I mean I know you suck at your job and all, but I think you would be at least smart enough to know that much of what you do.
Hope smirks a bit as she looks at him, as his smile fades for a moment as the insult doesn't seem to sit so well right away.
// Josh Prick // You're right i'm sorry... Well Hope with tonight being Monday Night Hangover... Who's dick do you think you'll suck first, Seifiers or Cross's? Now I"m thi...
Before Josh could finished speaking, Hope brings her boot up and kicks him in the gut, she grabs the side of his neck, twisting and then sending him crashing thru the small table there, as he hits the ground, she lays there a moments holding his head still, almost craddling it.
{Hope Sweet} Aww , I'm sorry, I have a bit of a fowl temper... Probably should of let you know that before..
Hope laughs a bit as she stands up, looking down at the little mess she made... She looks rather proud of herself though, as he lays there out cold.
{Hope Sweet} Let this be a small warning, to any fucker out there, who is dumb enough to cross my path, and piss me off. I"m done playing games, and I'm done being nice... Time for play is long over, and after tonight, I'm going to be a bitch that no one forgets...
She laughs as she thinks about, a sadistic grin curving her lips a bit as she stands there looking down at him. She then looks like she is about to walk away, but stops turning back and looking at Josh as he is starting to crawl up a bit, as Hope then turns around kicking him so hard that it sends him spinning back down, as she laughs.
{Hope Sweet} Oh, that was for Nova.. Bye now.
She says as she turns around, walking off, as she takes a sip of her bottled water, as she heads back ot her locker room to wait out, until its time for her match up to start... Now feeling more than ready to get her ass in the ring. |
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But you fuck so good I'm on top of it... |
SucideKisses made for Hope Sweet keep your fucking hands off... | | | | | |
B I T C H |
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