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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/29/2009 12:46 AMCopy HTML

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Mindless ramble

Off screen

Oh yippy Skippy, its almost time to compete.. Oh yes, I know that you are all wanting to see this… To see if the underdog can beat the pmsing bitch…. it’s a great day in history right now… Can she pull it off, or will Kit prove to be too much when she is on the rage? Its hard telling, but we’ll just have tow and see… Crystal seems to working her way up in the ranks… Some are not so thrilled with how fast this diva is making a name for herself, but oh well fuck them and the horse’s they rode in on… They’ll just have to get over it, or not, I don’t’ really give a fuck…I have a chance at a title every female and special male have dreamed about when coming into BUD, or the Domain, what ever you are wanting to call it.. Yeah so some get there faster than others, I got lucky… but it was because my hard work was noticed right away, and I got the few breaks when time called for it… And of course I took full advantage of it. I’d be stupid not too… You can think of me what you want, but very very soon, you will be looking at a new Bytch Champion. Go ahead doubt it, but when it all comes to pass, I won’t be there to laugh and say I told you so, oh no, I’ll be good about it, but I’ll remember… You know like that fat kid who is told they can’t have the candy… He’ll blat cry and get over, as she walks away, but he’ll never forget, and then when he lets out a giant fart, he’ll be laughing as your gagging… yeah ok, that was a bad example, but you all know what I mean. so lets just get on with the show kiddies…


On camera Scene-

The Internet, we all use it, for something or another. Some just for simple research, some love to look at porn, and jack off. Millions send emails to friends and family…Or hell some find romance, or talk to friends thru messenger. Almost everyone uses the computer for something. Well that doesn’t exclude Crystal Sweet. As the show comes back on the air you see her sitting on her couch , and a laptop on her lap as she is typing away on it. There is music playing from it as she is typing.

{Crystal Sweet} Oh, I love this song.

She said as she turned it up a bit, as she smiled hearing Godsmack play, as she smirked a bit, then once again went back to typing away on it. After a bit you heard “You Got Mail” phase come out of her computer.

{Crystal Sweet} Oh, nice.

She said as she went checking on it., after a minute she smirked as she saw who it was from and what it said. It was very good news to her.

{Crystal Sweet} It looks like I’ll have a friend here tonight after all.

She said as she saw that someone was on there way to the Domain Arena… A new talent maybe? Hard telling, but what was known is that it made Crystal’s day to see this message. She sat there thinking about it a bit.

{Crystal Sweet} This is great.. I have a title match against Kit Black, I have an old friend coming in to watch the show, and if my night keeps going this good, I’ll be celebrating a victory as I’m to be crowned the new Bytch Champion.

She smirked thinking about it all out loud, as this was all sounding really good to her. She was liking how things were going, finally things seemed to be falling into place for her, and she was wanting them to continue to go this way. She looked at her watch, as she smiled.

{Crystal Sweet} Almost show time, I think I need to go and get ready.

She said as she finished typing her little bit, to her friend… As she typed she spoke out lout.

{Crystal Sweet} It’ll be great to see you, don’t’ be late… Wouldn’t want you to miss me kicking Kit Blacks’ ass in the ring…Hope you enjoy the show… See you when you get here, I need to go and get ready now, peace.

She said sending it, then turning off her laptop as she sat it aside. She then got up as she stretched a bit, then went walking over to the locker area, as she opened her bags pulling out her stuff, as she was wanting to get dressed and be ready for her match up.


Commercial Break


When the show comes back on the air, Crystal is dressed and nearly all ready. She is just sitting there as she is lacing up her wrestling boots. She was humming a bit, a song stuck in her head, as she then got up, she looked at herself in the mirror as she was doing her hair, putting it up in a pony tail. She smirked once she was all set to go.

{Crystal Sweet} There, I’m all good to go… And look hot to boot.

She laughed a bit, as she looked around making sure that she had everything, before she would go and wander the halls for a little bit before her match up. She liked to check out the other matches a bit, but also see how everyone else was getting ready…

{Crystal Sweet} Its quiet around here tonight…

She noticed as she looked around, checking things out. She stopped over by the tables as she saw a bottle of water there next to a bunch of others, she picked it up as she looked around opening it.

{Crystal Sweet} Doesn’t matter… Not that I’m a social flower anyways…

She said as she was thinking about it, as she took a sip of her water as she was standing there thinking about everything… She then felt a hand on her shoulder as she spun around to see her sister Hope standing there, she smirked looking at her sister.

{Crystal Sweet} Well hey there stranger… I was starting to think you got lost or something.

She laughed as she looked at Hope, who had to laugh a bit at that one, as she then after a moment started to speak herself.

||Hope Sweet||_ I hear you got yourself a title match, against a candy bar, Kit Kat or something like that..

Crystal laughed shaking her head.

{Crystal Sweet} Yeah, something like that.

She was rather amused with her sister at the moment as they stood there, in silence a bit, as they were just taking in the moment and looking around…

||Hope Sweet|| Should be a fun match for you, I’m sure you’ll do just fine… Of course you are ready and have been training our ass off..

Crystal nodded as she looked at Hope, knowing that she had been working out, and trying her best to really get ready for this match up, knowing that it was going to take a lot of work, and she wasn’t going to do anything, to cost herself a win.

{Crystal Sweet} Yes I am ready for my match up tonight, and yes I’ve been training and working out. I don’t’ change that much… I still have the same work out routine, I want to make sure I am fit and ready, not just for this match, but for every match… Need to make sure that they always get a hundred percent of me. I know I’m new and I know that it took some people months to get where I am right now… Yes I may have gotten a bit of a push, but I’ve worked for it I earned it.. And tonight when I go up against Kit Black.. I’m going to beat her, and I’m going to earn the Bytch Championship, and I’m going to do it on my own… She , no everyone is going to see that I’m the new Dominate Bytch around here.

She smirked as she looked at her sister as she was thinking about it, as this was important to her, as Hope looked at her and could see it. Would all her hard work pay off? It all comes down tonight… Yeah Crystal would probably get another shot sometime down the road if she was to lose… but who knows how long that would take, how far Crystal would be knocked down if she lost tonight…There was so much more on the line than just the title… All the talk, all the waiting, to prove that she was able to fight and compete with the best…and right now the best of the diva division, was Kit Black!

{Crystal Sweet} I’m not going to take anything else for granted, I won’t accept anything but a win… There is so much on the line.. And I’m not even talking about the title… Yes the Bytch Domain Championship is so close to being mine, but there is so much more… I want when I’m booked against one of the main event, or the long going divas here,, to not be looked down upon, for them to not feel insulted when they face me. I am not beneath them, and I’m fucking sick and tired of them treating me like so… Its about time they show me some damn respect around here… and tonight is the start of it… I’m done playing the little games, they have no idea just what I can offer this place, but when I beat the living hell out of Kit, and I pin her, and then take away her little championship, then everyone is going to see, just how bad I want this, how bad I want to be here.. And that I’m just as good as they are…

Hope smirked looking at Crystal. It had been a long time since Crystal was this charged up, this passionate about a match up. She was really wanting this really into it.. She looked at her sister happy to see this fire back in her.

{Crystal Sweet} I may not have done the right full contendership matches, but since I’ve been here, I’ve only lost one match, I even have a win against Gypsy, So that should count for something, I’m going onto this nearly undefeated.. Hell we were both at the same Pay Per View, where I won my match and she lost hers… so yeah, she should be acting like she is all that dominate and great, if she just lost a championship like that, and hell when she defended the Bytch Title, it was like her Opponent wasn’t even there to fight, and hell now she’s gone..

Crystal looked at Hope as she was thinking about it. It wasn’t like she was struggling to compete or to win her titles, so she should really think about laying off a bit. Or at least wait to see just what Crystal can do in the ring before she goes passing of judgment like this.

||Hope Sweet|| Don’t’ sweat it none, Crii, you know that some divas are really DIVA’s.. and well she is no exception, she thinks that the world should revolve around her, but she is slowly finding out other wise, and that’s why she put the full time pmsing shit on, but don’t worry, I know you are better than that, and I know you can work around it.. You know what you can and cannot do… Something that none of them do.. Hell none of them just how fucked up in the head you can really be.. And you know what its about time you start showing it… Fuck trying to fit in around here. Fuck it, if they cant’ accept you for who you are, then just shows how classless they are, and worthless they are to you. You don’t need them, and you don’t need to put with there shit… You just keep doing what you are doing.

{Crystal Sweet} Yeah I know , you are right, and I was thinking about that already.. And that is just how its going to be from now on… You know , If you are cool with me, then I’m going to be cool with you.. You act like a stupid bitch, then you’re ass just going to get beat down…

She smirked looking at her sister as she was thinking about it, taking another sip of her water, as she was pleased with how this was going, she was positive about her match up, she was feeling good about getting in the ring.

||Hope Sweet|| Well I’m going to get going, I am looking for someone, See if he is still in the area or not… Haven’t seen him around much lately… He probably thinks I ran off with his candy.

Crystal looks at her a bit strangely as Hope just laughs waving as she goes off walking down the hall, leaving Crystal alone to her own thoughts, as its not hard to tell her mind is on just what it has on been from day one… Getting the Bytch Championship around her waist. She took another sip of her water then looked up at the clock…

{Crystal Sweet} Almost time now…

She could hear the music starting, as Monday Night Hangover was just getting to air now… She smirked as she knew soon the matches would be starting, and then it was just a matter of time before it was her turn to go out, and to face the very “humble” Kit Black… (Yeah I thought it was funny, bad joke, lets move on). Crystal is once again walking down the hall making her way to her locker room maybe, she isn’t in a hurry or anything as she is drinking her water, looking around, as it’s a bit more lively now, as the show is starting and people are rushing around, to get to there spots.

{Crystal Sweet} Oh, sorry..

She said as she ran into the camera man who was coming around the corner as they tried to grab it, but the camera fell hitting the ground breaking as it went to black a moment, but thank god, that it wasn’t’ the camera that had been on Crystal, but one of the interview ones… Crystal turned seeing the interviewer who was using it..

{Crystal Sweet} Need to keep a better leash on him.

She laughed as she looked at Blair Butler.. Wow interviewers beware of Crystal, she wasn’t’ even trying and she already messed up there day.

{Crystal Sweet} I hope you guys keep spare cameras around, or you’re really going to have a short night… Sorry I can’t stick around to chat, but I have to get ready for my match up against Kit Black… Good luck to you both.

She said as she hurried off laughing a bit, even though she didn’t mean it, it was still rather amusing that it had happened, in the first place. Well now that the comedy relief is over, time to really get back to the business… After all everything is on the line tonight, and it is far from over, and it is just a start… Soon, things will change, and all for the best… Or at least lets hope it goes this way…

Scene fades to black..

TBCB: No One

occ__Well here is number 3, good luck to you, :D
muzik__spongebob, lol emma's fav show, lol
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