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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:06/28/2011 5:16 PMCopy HTML


Title: Here
OOC:: I had planned on this to be better, but with my dad sick, things didnt' work out lol.
TBC:  No One


So now here we are... Luke was sitting there before Elisabeth.. It was a bit dark but she could see him as she heard what he said a bit... She chuckled at what he said.

{Elisabeth Adams} Actually its a jam recpie that I made.. The red is a bit of a strawberry blend.

||Luke Hansen||- Huh..

There was no cameras in here, or anything so Elisabeth reached up turning the light on as she was just sitting htere.

{Elisabeth Adams} I was sitting in the dark because I had a bit of a headache..  So you wanna know why I did that?

He nodded as she was sitting there laughing a bit, she was a lot more ... decent to be around then he would of thought.. She didn't even look like she could hurt anyonhe, but they both knew she could do a lot of damage if she wanted too..

{Elisabeth Adams} It wasn't really to scare.. I know I"m scary, everyone has called me a freak even long before you got here... I was different yes, I kept to myself, and for some odd reason I'm rather strong for my size, but I also train a lot , so I know how to handle myself in the ring.  But now this whole scaring thing... Its more of an emotion to set thru... Its a part of me..

She paused a moment as she was thinking about it.

{Elisabeth Adams}- I like making people feel uneasy and not knowing what to expect.. I do not do it because I feel as it gives me an edge or anthing, its just fun.. And it amuses me, now.

She said as she thought about it.  She sat there looking at him watching a him a bit a he was watching her, getting to know her a bit, wondering why she was like part of the Adams family or something.

{Elisabeth Adams}- I never use to try to be scary, and I still dont' really try, I just am I guess... It use to bother me... Thats what sorta made me the angry creature most see , or use to see... I feel that I have mellowed out.. Well at least backstage stuff, I dont' really assocate with much..

||Luke Hansen||- What about Lance?

She laughed a bit as she thought about Lance as she was thinking about it.

{Elisabeth Adams}- Lance likes to be around me, because I expect him... Nor do i pass judgement, and I often humor and go along with his antics... but do I really care for blood..?  Not unless its made out of strawberry jam.

She teased a bit.

{Elisabeth Adams} My life and hardships, that are around, are true... I've had what most would say a really fucked up life... but I didn't really let it control me.. I just used it, and I know you seem to think Destiny doesnt' want you here.. Shes tough on a lot.. I think she just likes to push people... Some to that point of where they want to beat her, others seems to respect her.

She said simply as she saw him looking at her, still not sure what to think as he then looked to the doll as she laughed picking up Mary.

{Elisabeth Adams} Well I wasn't in the mental instituion because I was sane... I do have some issues.. but I know they are in my head, but I feel better when I can direct them into something else.. Its not because i'm lonely or crave attention.. I just feel comfort from her.. and the blade in her head.. I only use on those who deserve it..

||Luke Hansen ||- Do i deserve it?

She laughed as it was almost pixie like as she was sitting there looking at him as she was thinking about it.

{Elisabeth Adams} You seem to have pissed off Lance more than me... Yeah I've heard your promos, and as you can see i"m getting rather into this match up.. It is nice as you said to have a challenge.. Its been while since anyone has really given me a good fight.. but other than that I have no personal.. grudges or ill feelings towards you...You are just another superstar running around here... Grant it.. You are a lot braver, bolder than most.... You actually seem to mean what you say...Others who come around here usually have nothing but air where there brains are suppose to be.

She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it.  So this was how things were... There wasn't no real big evil plan.. Yeah Elisabeth was different and she just learned to expect it, and a lot of times just uses it to her own advantage or for her own amusemnt.. Luke sat there looking at her as he was now thinking about things... Maybe in a way giving him a whole new out look when it comes to Elisabeth... When Summer Reckoning comes is anything going to change?  No not really but there will be a different understanding.  Both want the same thing.  Right now Elisabeth holds what she wants, but Luke and his tag parter Jezzabel Jezzi are looking to take it away from them... Will it happen?  Well not if Elisabeth and Lance have anyting to say about it. 


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