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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:02/18/2010 10:34 PMCopy HTML

LKTop-1.png picture by Adrenaline_Rules

Oh yeah baby I need more... Just being the X Divsion champion isn't enough for me... So what do I do?  I go out and get my man and now we're going to be bringing home the Intergender Tag titles... Yeah I'm cocky... I know that there are some really great teams out there, but its not going to stop us. I know how good we are, and I know all that we can do.  It is only a matter of time, but that gold is coming home to Dark Carnival. She knew her honey was all for it, and even getting in to it as he had said his peace a bit even though his so called brothers where giving him a hard time about it.  It was all good to her, soon he would have something none of the others had... and that was a double champion reign... So he could rub that in later...

On Camera
At the arena

The cameras come on as you see Lily walking into the arena.  She had just spent the day at the gym, she made sure her place was doing good before she took her leave and started to make her way to the arena... She had things to do, and some promo thing to cut with Psy... so she was wanting to make sure she wasn't late..

{Lily Khaos}- Hey baby, I told you I would be here.

She smirked when she saw him as she went jumping on him a bit as he held her up, his hands on her ass of course as she kissed him, she then heard his buddies as she just smirked at them.

{Lily Khaos} You're just jealous that you're not getting as good as he is..

She grinned as she kissed him again before she hopped down and then started to talk again as she looked at him.

{Lily Khaos}- So now that, that is out of the way, are you ready to go out and do this thing or what?

She grinned when he nodded his head as the two of them went heading out leaving the boys to play with themselves while they had there real fun, and got some things done...

Comerical Break
Bad Movie Previews

When FWAR came back on the air, the two fo them were making there way down the ramp way and heading to the ring... Lily crawled in under Psy as she grinned when he helped her up as they walked around the ring posing a bit before Lily went over getting a mic of for them, and as soon as they were ready Lily raised it up and started to speak.

{Lily Khaos} You know a lot has happened here in the near year FWAR has been running, but nothing better than when Dark Carnval made its way here to FWAR... Look at how things have gone... sure there have been there ups and downs, and for a bit, DC didn't seem to last, but look at it.... Nearly holding every title FWAR has... and is now and will always be the most dominate stable in FWAR, no any wheres...

She smirked looking around as she was thinking about it, as she knew just how good things were for them right now, so fuck yeah they were going to brag it up..

{Lily Khaos} And its not anyweres near done... Come Terror, even more gold is going to be added to the claim... When Psy and I go and take the Intergender Tag Titles from Tori and Frost... That should be easy enough, she couldn't even defeat Tia on Mayhem.

She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it, as she knew things were really looking good for them and that it was only a matter of time.

{Lily Khaos} No one who has come up against myself or my man here has ever left the ring hapy, and this time just because there is going to be more than one, doesn't mean anything is going to change.... We are not there to fuck around, we save that for later... No we are here to be serious... At least for a little while.

She smirked as she stood there, she then looked at Psy as she handed him the mic if he had anything to add or not, giving him his chance to speak up, for keep his mouth shut, not that she cared either way as she waited a moment.


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