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Date Posted:08/02/2009 4:10 PMCopy HTML

| Name: Lily Khaos Ring Name: Lily Khaos Nicknames/Aliases: Lily Date of Birth: Oct 31st Age: 25 Gender: Female Associated with/ or Aligned with: N/A Hometown: Shes been all over.. Lived on the streets most of her life.. Currently Resides: New York City Relationship: N/A Height/Weight: 5'4 / 111lbs In-Ring Style: High flyer/ Technical Alignment: Neutral Character Face: Masumi Max | Biography:
Lily was born and raised pretty much on the streets, but was found and taken in by a carring old gym owner.. They were close, he was like a father to her, when he passes away, he left his gym to her, and she went vamping it up, fixing it up, and making it one of the most busiest places in the area..
Entrance Music: Full Moon By Black Ghost Description of Ring Entrance: "Full Moon" By black Ghost blares as Lily Khaos steps out on stage, she looks around a moment then goes walking down the ramp way as she heads to the ring... She walks up the steel steps then crawls in the ring. She poses a bit, before the then stands there waiting for her match to start.
Championships Held: MSN: IWF X Divison Champion
Aimoo: IWF X Divison Champion FWAR: X Divsion Champion
Accolades: Other Accomplishments: Lily owns the most popular gym in FWAR area..
Allies/Enemies: Is still a bit new to things so she doesn't have any grea enimies or allies.. but she has been alliegned with Dark Carnival, and even seen dating Psy in her past.
Appearance: In-ring attire: She dreses in black mainly when she competes Out-of-ring attire: Sexy almost border line slutty when she isn't working out... Short skirts, tight tops, dresses some times. Hooker heels, boots, and what ever she feels like wearing
Gimmick: Common Moves or extra moves that don't fit in the other categories: 1.Drop Kick 2.Super Kick 3.Chick Kick 4.Hurricrana 5.Stomp 6.BullDog 7.clothesline 8.DDT 9.Atomic Drop 10.Bitch Slap 11.Low Blow 12.Camal Clutch 13.fllips off the top rope 14.powerbombl 15. sharpshooter Submissions: 1.Crippler Crossface 2.STFU 3. Khali Vice Grip ( On those her size)
Trademarks: 1.Widows Peak 2.Handspring Elbow 3.RKO
Finishers: 1. Sadistic Butterfly (Royal Butterfly) 2.Sadistic Stomp (Moonsault Double Foot Stomp) |

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Rank:Bronze Member
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- Register:03/26/2009 2:01 AM
Re:Lily Khaos
Date Posted:08/02/2009 4:11 PMCopy HTML
::__FWARsuperstars |

Basics... |
Name__ Lily Khaos Ring Name__ Lily Khaos Face__ Masumi Max Height/Weight__ 5'5/ 103lbs Hometown__ where is charrie from Alignment__ Neutral Theme__"Full Moon" The Black Ghosts |
Moves... |
Commonly Used Moves. [at least five] -DDT -Piledriver -Chick Kick -Stuper Kick -Atomic Drop Trademarks. [list only 3]
-RKO -Handspring Elbow -Widows Peak Submission [only two] -STFU
-Crippler Cross Face Finishers. [only two]
-Sadistic Butterfly (Royal Butterfly) -The Sadistic Stomp (Moonsault Double Foot Stomp) |
Biography... |
Lily was born and raised pretty much on the streets, but was found and taken in by a carring old gym owner.. They were close, he was like a father to her, when he passes away, he left his gym to her, and she went vamping it up, fixing it up, and making it one of the most busiest places in the area.. |
Entrance... |
your charry's entrance which will be used for result purposes |
Accomplishments... |
IWF's X Divison Champion FWAR's X Divison Champion Owner of Lily's Gym proud place where FWAR's finest go to work out and train. |
Contact... |
If you need to get a hold of me for storylines or anything, just send me a message thru aimoo, or you can send me a message on the OOC board right here.. Thank you. [this is all optional if you want to let others contact you] |
MADE BY;; starryeyes |

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Rank:Bronze Member
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- Register:03/26/2009 2:01 AM
Re:Lily Khaos
Date Posted:08/02/2009 4:12 PMCopy HTML
Female Statistics... |

Personal |
%_ Name (Lilth Khaos
%_Ring Name (Lily Khaos
%_Face (Masuime Max
%_Height/Weight 5'7/ 111lbs
%_Hometown (Detroit, Michigan
%_Alignment (, Neutral
%_Theme "Problem" By Natalia Killz |
Moves |
//x.Commonly Used Moves. [Atleast five] -Super Kick -Chick Kick -Drop Kick -Moonsault -Bulldog -Bitch slap -DDT -Face Pant -Atomic Drop -STFU -FU -Figure Four leg Lock -Unpertier -Clothesline -Tombstone
//x.Trademarks. [No more then three]
-Handspring Elbow -Widows Peak -RKO
//x.Finishers. [No more then Two]
- Sadistic Butterfly (Royal Butterfly) -The Sadistic Stomp (Moonsault Double Foot Stomp) |
Biography |
-Lily is the younger sister to Lance, David, Ryan and Kevin Khaos... She like her brother Lance is an outsider to the family she ran away from home at the age of 16 afraid of her father and uncaring mother, she lived on the streets for a few years before finally catching a break at a wrestling school where she cleaned up for the longest time, but then was noticed by one of the trainers after getting into a fight with someone.. There he trained her and then she moved out to here when she found out that her brothers were here as she was unsure just how things would be for them all. It didn't take Lily long to blossom so to speak.. When she was abonded by her brothers she had to defend herself... She worked with Mick for a bit, but it just wasnt' enough for her, as he wasn't around enogh.. When her mentor passed on, he left his gym to her, so her main focus and goal had been there for the longest time... Right around his passing, Lily ment and hooked up with Dark Carnical member Psychosis... Sort of a low blow to Lance.. but Lily didn't care, she wasn't kissing anyone's ass, and was out doing her own thing... Still holding strong the X Divisn Championship, at one point considing quitting and dropping the belt, but was talked out ofi t, knowing that Wrestling was still in her blood, and soeting important to her.. She choose to stick with it, and work hard to see what she can do with her life.. |
Entrance |
-When Problem blares Lily jumps out on stage as she stands there jumping and dancing a bit as she then runs down the ramp way, jumping a bit as she then does a base ball like slide into the ring crawling a bit in a sexy manner before she gets up to her knees then up to her feet as she walks around with a smrik on her face posing a bit, she then walks over getting a mic as she waits for her music to stop playing before she raises it up to talk as the lights come back on. |
Accomplishments |
- IWF IWF First Women X Divison Champion.
-FWAR FWAR X Divsion CHampion.
-TXW Tag champions with Justin Jupiter.
SucideKisses Made for Fusion Wrestling Alliance's use only | |

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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM
Re:Lily Khaos
Date Posted:05/06/2014 7:07 PMCopy HTML
Name__ Lily Khaos Ring Name__ Lily Khaos Face__ Masumi Max Height/Weight__ 5'4/ 109lbs Hometown__ LA, Cali Alignment__ Neutral Theme__Problem By Natila Kills
Commonly Used Moves. -DDT -Piledriver -Chick Kick -Stuper Kick -Atomic Drop -Bitch Slap -low blow -Clothesline -chest slaps -hair pulling
Trademarks. [list only 3] -RKO -Handspring Elbow -Widows Peak
Submission [only two] -STFU
-Crippler Cross Face
Finishers. [only two]
-Sadistic Butterfly (Royal Butterfly) -The Sadistic Stomp (Moonsault Double Foot Stomp) Biography.... Lily was born and raised pretty much on the streets, but was found and taken in by a carring old gym owner.. They were close, he was like a father to her, when he passes away, he left his gym to her, and she went vamping it up, fixing it up, and making it one of the most busiest places in the area..
Lily is the longest reigning X Divsion Champion, she has held the title for most of her stay here in FWAR... She was a long time member of Dark Carnival but the leader of the group, Joker got stupid, attacking Lily after he couldn't get his dick wet by his long time squeeze Crystal Sweet, so made sure to break up the love fest beteen Psy and her, so Lily did the only thing she could think of.. And that was kick his clown ass right out of FWAR, with the help of her brothers of course as they sent Dark Carnival packing soon after the match was over.
Lily is a long time member in FWAR... She currently holds the record for the longest reigning X Divsion Champion her in FWAR... Her relationship with boy friend Psy, has kept her on her feet, and has been keeping her on her toes. Once broken up thanks to Joker.. It would seem that the two have worked things out, and Lily even has gotten her little revenge on Joker, and all seems to have been cleared and made up... Mainly being Joker leaving FWAR, and leaving Pys to do his own thing, and probably branch out on his own.. Lily is now engaged to her long time man Psy, but her man seems to have hidden behind the lime light a bit, just as Joker has done the same, so for a bit, Lily had been keeping things quiet and just working out at her gym and running things there, but things are soon to change around the FWAR as a new group is about to start up and make things more interesting...
Entrance: When Lily comes out by herself...
"Problem" By Natila Kills blares as Lily comes dancing out on stage, she grins looking around as she stands there a moment, just looking around at the cheering fans... She then walks down the ramp way as she makes her way to the ring... She walks up the steel steps and crawls in the ring, she moves around posing some, before she walks over and gets a mic.
IWF X Division Champion ( Longest reign and the last champion before the site closed.)
FWAR: X Divsion Champion (Longest Reign and most held)
|  |

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Rank:Bronze Member
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- Register:03/26/2009 2:01 AM
Re:Lily Khaos
Date Posted:10/20/2014 7:31 PMCopy HTML

- -
The Person. (Personal data about your character.) Name: Lily Khaos. Age: 27 Height/Weight: 5'4 / 111lbs Marital Status: Single. Hometown: .New York City, New York Out-Of-Ring Appearance: Jeans, shorts, tanks t shirts, choker she always wears. Accomplishments: IWC Intercontintal Champion, FWAR Intercontintal Champion, FWAR Intergender Tag Champion with Psy
The Wrestler. (Business data about your character.) Ring Name: Lily Khaos Picbase: Masumi Max. Billed from: NYC, NY Theme Music: Problem By Natalia Killz Alignment: Tweener more so cause undecided at the moment. Gimmick/Personality: Hell raiser, loves to have fun, loves to fuck with people, usually in a fun entertaining way, has been known to get mean though when she is too bored... but usually is a fun loving party girl.. Valet/Manager/Stable: None Weapon of Choice: Baseball Bat Wrestling Style: Mixed...but loves submissions moves when she can do them! In-Ring Appearance: black booty shorts, tight tops, black boots, still wears choker, hair usually tied up, out of her face. Taunts/Quotes: Dirty Lil Geisha .
- 1.Drop Kick 2.Super Kick 3.Chick Kick 4.Hurricrana 5.Stomp 6.BullDog 7.clothesline 8.DDT 9.Atomic Drop 10.Bitch Slap 11.Low Blow 12.Camal Clutch 13.fllips off the top rope 14.powerbombl 15. sharpshooter Submissions: 1.Crippler Crossface 2.STFU 3. Khali Vice Grip ( On those her size)
Trademark Moves. 1.Widows Peak 2.Handspring Elbow 3.RKO
Finishers. - 1. Sadistic Butterfly (Royal Butterfly) 2.Sadistic Stomp (Moonsault Double Foot Stomp)
Backstory. Lily has had a rough bringing up, growing up on the streets, she had been all over but found herself resting in NYC, where she lived on the streets until she was 12 years old and was found by a gym owner. He took her in, cleaned her up, and taught her the value of family and a dollar. He owned a really well known gym, where she worked to help out, and worked out herself, she learned to fight there, and learned to take care of herself. She was discovered by a talent scout and was taken into a wrestling company and kept moving on up from there.
Lily has done a lot in her career, holding gold, her favorite gold of course was the IC championship, the one she really counts the most, holding it longer than anyone in both IWC, and FWAR federations. She was not only a part of Dark Carnival but at one time was engaged to marry a member, but time seemed to make them all grow apart as Lily has gone on her own way, wanting to try new things..
The Handler. Name: Christina Contact Information: | |

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Rank:Bronze Member
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- Register:03/26/2009 2:01 AM
Re:Lily Khaos
Date Posted:07/17/2017 12:40 AMCopy HTML
Character Information |
Real Name: Lily Khaos Ring Name: Lily Khaos Face Used: Masumi Max Hometown: NYC, NY Height/Weight: 5'4 / 110lbs How do they dress in/out of the ring: here |
Professional Information |
Ring Name: Lily Khaos Nicknames: DirtyLilGeisha Gimmick explanation: Lily is a mix between a goth and punk girl. She has a metal based attitude and will fuck you up and then invite you out for a drink. Favorite Match: She enjoys cage matches Strength: Lily is a well versed in many areas, being her time she has spent training, and wrestling, she also owns her own gym so has a lot of time put in to getting her groove on. Weakness: Lily doesn't always take everything as serious as she should.. Theme Song: "Problem" By Natalia Kills Alignment: Tweener Tag/Stable: None Twitter Handle: @DirtyLilGeisha |
1.Drop Kick 2.Super Kick 3.Chick Kick 4.Hurricrana 5.Stomp 6.BullDog 7.clothesline 8.DDT 9.Atomic Drop 10.Bitch Slap 11.Low Blow 12.Camal Clutch 13.fllips off the top rope 14.powerbombl 15. sharpshooter
1.Crippler Crossface 2.STFU 3. Khali Vice Grip ( On those her size)
Trademark Moves.
1.Widows Peak 2.Handspring Elbow 3.RKO
Finishers. - 1. Sadistic Butterfly (Royal Butterfly) 2.Sadistic Stomp (Moonsault Double Foot Stomp)
Accomplishments |
UWR Accomplishments - -
General Accomplishments -here
BIOGRAPHY/Entrance Music |
-Lily has had a rough bringing up, growing up on the streets, she had been all over but found herself resting in NYC, where she lived on the streets until she was 12 years old and was found by a gym owner. He took her in, cleaned her up, and taught her the value of family and a dollar. He owned a really well known gym, where she worked to help out, and worked out herself, she learned to fight there, and learned to take care of herself. She was discovered by a talent scout and was taken into a wrestling company and kept moving on up from there.
Lily has done a lot in her career, holding gold, her favorite gold of course was the IC championship, the one she really counts the most, holding it longer than anyone in both IWC, and FWAR federations. She was not only a part of Dark Carnival but at one time was engaged to marry a member, but time seemed to make them all grow apart as Lily has gone on her own way, wanting to try new things..
Entrance Music
-When Problem blares Lily jumps out on stage as she stands there jumping and dancing a bit as she then runs down the ramp way, jumping a bit as she then does a base ball like slide into the ring crawling a bit in a sexy manner before she gets up to her knees then up to her feet as she walks around with a smirk on her face posing a bit, she then walks over getting a mic as she waits for her music to stop playing before she raises it up to talk as the lights come back on..
Disclaimer: This roster contract form has been made by Xtreme Designs, if you would like a contract form come to Total Xtreme Designs to have one customized for your fed. | | | |

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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM
Re:Lily Khaos
Date Posted:08/03/2017 10:52 AMCopy HTML
■Picture Base: Masumi Max ■Real Name: Lily Khaos ■Ring Name: Lily Khaos ■Alias(es): Dirty Lil Geisha ■Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 08/21/89 ■Born: She doesn't talk about it ■Residing From: NYC, NY ■Height: 5'4 ■Weight: 111obs ■Theme Music: "Problem" By Natalia Killz ■In Ring Attire: Black booty shorts, tight tops, black boots, wears a choker of some kind usually, hair usually pulled back into a pony tail, so it's kept out of her face. ■Favourite Match Type: Extreme type matches ■Crowd Status: Both, she for the most part is pretty neutral, but can have her bad side. ■Gimmick Explanation: Lily can be a bit of a hell raiser when she wants to be. Even though is pretty fun to be around, she is a take no shit kind of girl and can get down right mean when someone fucks with her. She is rather edgy , inked up, though she can be a bit of a party girl, she is still very strict on her training, which is due most to her owning her own gym.. |
■Wrestling Style: What style do they have? Brawler? Technical? Submission artist? ■In Ring Tendencies: Lily for the most part will fight fair, but she isn't above cheating from time to time. ■Strengths: Lily has years of experience, and knows her shit. She doesn't get upset easily, and isn't reckless when she goes into a match up. She is a quick thinker on her feet. ■Weaknesses: Being her small frame, Lily isn't the greatest with submission matches, and when she fights men, she will almost never use a submission move, or anything where she has to out power, because she is so much smaller.
■Moveset: [minimum of 10] -Drop Kick -Super Kick -Chick Kick -Hurrirana -Stomp -Bulldog -Clothesline -DDT -Atomic Drop -Bitch Slap -Low Blow -Camal Clutch -Flips off the top rope -Powerbomb -Sharpshooter
■Submissions: [maximum of 2] -Crippler Crossface -STFU ■Trademarks: [maximum of 3] -Widows Peak -Handspring Elbow -RKO ■Finishers: [maximum of 2] -Sadistic Butterfly (Royal Butterfly) -Sadistic Stomp_Moonsault Double Foot Stomp) |
■Entrance: When "Problem" By Natalia Kills blares, Lily walks out on stage. She smirks standing up on the apron before walking down the ramp way and heading to the ring. She looks around at the crowd, slapping some high fives as she walks quickly down towards the ring. Walking up the steel steps after a moments she grabs the top rope hangs back a bit as she looks around. She then bends over and crawls in the ring. Walking around posing a bit, while waiting for things to get started. |
■Biography: Lily was born and raised pretty much on the streets, but was found and taken in by a caring old gym owner. They were close, he was like a father to her. When he passed away he had left his gym to her. In hopes that she would carry on with the tradition and make it even better than he had. She put everything she had into fixing it up, getting it the best of everything. All the hard work had paid off as it is one of the biggest and most popular gyms in Georgia.
Lily is the longest reigning X Division Champion, she has held the title for most of her stay in FWAR, after bringing it with her from IWF when the company had closed its door. Lily was also a long time member of Dark Carnival, after a few issues here and there, a main feud with the leader, Joker, it caused a bit of a rift for awhile with her long time boyfriend, Psy, but things did manage to work itself out for a little while, but then time caught up and everyone seemed to have gone their separate ways.
Lily then found herself in a new company called TXW, where she meant a new friend, Justin Jupiter. Things clicked and the two found themselves TXW tag champions. It didn't last long though, as Jupiter had his own demons that took him out of the company and caused the end of the Tag run for Lily as she soon left the company after a bit herself.
Lily then took some time off to just run her gym, enjoying the retirement a bit, but it didn't last too long as she did make a return to wrestling, going back home she could say to FWAR as she was doing thing part time there, but it just didn't seem enough, as soon she had an open invite to return to TXW. After putting a little thought into it, she decided to give it ago... |
■Achievements: [list below] -IWF IWF's first woman X Division Champion. 6 time X Division Champion in IWF, also their last X Division Champion. -FWAR X Division Champion Member of Dark Carnival -TXW Tag Champion with Justin Jupiter | |

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