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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/27/2014 1:17 AMCopy HTML

warning: What you are about to read may not be for the innocent or people under the age of 13 that have very fragile minds. This role play will mention sex, drugs and anything that may contain violent thoughts that would not be thought up be the corrupted media who spread lies into your head.If you think you are going to lose it, hit the back button or hit the "x" button on the corner on the screen. If you can handle it, move on but I warn you that you made your death wish.

RP Title:

Let's Go


Just a little something to get started! 

Oh wow wasn’t the Pay Per View awesome! I mean really look at all the great matches that took place… It was all so great you got to see the GWC talent at there best, you got to see epic matches that you won’t forget for sometime… Oh and let’s not forget you saw Lily get her ass kicked by some bitch who wasn’t even apart of the match… You saw the return of Jade Jiles who sent the bitch to do her dirty work and attack Lily… For a little while Lily had no idea why the fuck she was even a target I mean really, Lily hasn’t pissed anyone off yet… Or actually yes she has… While Jade has been away, fucking some ken doll, she has noticed that her hubby Sparrow has made a new friend… Jealously is an ugly thing isn’t it? But you know what is worse… Not being able to wear your big girl panties and confront Lily personally instead hiding behind someone else who has nothing to do with anything… Just because Louise can’t think for herself, and do her own thing, she has to have someone tell her what she needs to do, what is good for her, and to attack a woman she really had no beef with what so ever… I guess you’ll do any damn thing when you’re fucking bored enough right… Yeah that is how the Pay Per View went for Lily, and as you can guess this shit is far from over…

Someone is very caught up on my life… Is she that jealous of my fun time with her hubby that she has to go pick apart every little detail of my past life? I guess so, I mean for a bitch who seems to have a man at her side, and a chick who seems to love getting laid more than a stamp collector likes getting stamps, she is really up Lily’s ass. I guess as long as she is having a fucking good time, Sparrow can’t? Is that her way of thinking it? It’s really hard telling what is going thru Jade’s mind, but it really doesn’t matter because Jade got off lucky, seeing as she wasn’t the one who attacked Lily, but ordered one of her dogs.. Sorry I mean Lackies to do it, Lily gets to fight that bitch instead… But don’t worry, Jade will be ring side, so at least Lily will get to see the sorry excuse for a whatever you want to call her… Ooh!! But Lily won’t be out there alone, no as you all know Lily has someone in her corner… This should make things so interesting, so much fun… This is better than any shit you’ve seen on Jerry Springer, because unlike those hicks we’re actually fun to watch, to look at, and can actually get away with a lot more… There will be no Steve out there to separate us after the bell rings, and I’m sure the ref is going to stay back and not get in our way… So shit is about to get real here! YEAH! Let’s get it on! Oh my bad too soon….I’m just so impatient sometimes… I just can’t wait to beat up stupid bitches…. Especially when they ask for it like they do, and Oh baby, is Louise wanting a spanking…Bend over baby because I’m about to give you a whipping you won’t forget anytime soon… I can tell you’re the type who is going to enjoy it though… When I’m done with you, maybe you’ll learn to be your own person and let your master do her own dirty work… Unless you like being her bottom bitch.

Lily is a pretty easy going laid back chick.. She doesn’t ask for much, isn’t all that demanding… And some will say she is a lot of fun, and not even talking about in the fucking department. She just likes to go out and have a good time, make friends where ever she goes, and she did just that coming to this new company. Great huh…So Lily not being one to pry in one personal or past life unless it was needed, found herself just enjoying her time with Sparrow, the two had fun, went out and pranked people, trained together, just had a blast, but now it would seem there parade has been rained on a bit… Like that was going to stop them from doing there thing… Some people have a lot to learn… I see that Jade has done a little research on my past, but didn’t do to well as she doesn’t know me all that well, not that I am surprised, she only picked up on the first thing that caught her eye that she felt would bring me down, would make me to upset to think about the match up against her friend Louise. That is fine, I don’t regret one bit about my life… I was homeless for awhile, I grew up on the streets, I embrace my past, I feel it has made me stronger. There is so much more to me than that… She may not like my tats, but I really don’t care, they feel good to me, and are a huge part of who I am today, I love each and every one of them. Again though this is about Louise, a chick I know nothing about, only that she doesn’t have a mind of her own… Ah aren’t those types fun. Every man out there is going to want you… ha ha. You like to do as your told by your master, you like to get involved in matters that really are outside your area, as long as you make her happy… Does she know where that spot is that makes you pur or something? Got to be something to make it worth your time to be someone else’s bitch instead of your own keeper… Who knows maybe we’ll all find out later on. Right now we’re going to take a little trip down memory lane…

When GWC comes on the air, the cameras seemed to have taken a little trip away from the arena. Figuring since Lily’s past has made a step up in the company, maybe it was time for Lily to take a trip down memory lane herself. To think about where she came from, how she grew up… And really what helped shape her into the person she really is today. She didn’t grow up like some of the rich bitches, not to say she had the worst up bringing ever. But yeah things didn’t start out so good for her… A lot of people know some of the history but it wasn’t something she overly talked about, nor was it something that she used to get her places she wanted to go. Lily was never afraid of working, never afraid of busting her ass, no Lily worked for everything that she had, and she was proud of where she was and felt she had nothing really to prove, but then again, not everyone agreed with that and felt like Lily had a lot to prove just by where she did come from. Which leads us to where we are today.

{Sparrow}- You ready to do this?

Sparrow was walking around with a camera in hand as he was following Lily as she was walking down a busy street. It had been raining a bit, but now it was just a bit of a drizzle so nothing to bad, knowing this was a good time to do this.

||Lily Khaos||- Yeah I’m ready to do this…

She said as she smiled looking around and then looking back at the camera that Sparrow was holding in his hands, as he was keeping it right on Lily, trying hard to not let it wander as he was looking around a bit himself. As this wasn’t some place he visits much so hey, might as well look to see what is around this place.

||Lily Khaos||- So we took a little trip to a place I have been before, a place that I was awhile back before I came to all this… Looks awesome doesn’t it..

She said as the camera looked around the streets, they looked rather run down, a bit on the dirty side, and you could see others walking around as they seemed to be down on there luck thru the hard times… She could go this deep, it has been awhile and Lily really isn’t one to get all that serious but maybe it was time to take a step back, and look back at what her life use to be like.

||Lily Khaos||- Things got real interesting for me, in what I feel really is my first match up in the fed… The first where you saw my name up on the paper… A good chance for me to get myself noticed in some place new… Well I got noticed alright, but it wasn’t the way I was expecting it too, if you know what I mean…

Yeah thinking about it actually made her laugh a bit, but you could tell that it was a fake laugh, as she didn’t find it all that amusing or that important, as she didn’t want her claim to fame to be , when she was attacked by some bitch who wasn’t suppose to be there, attacked by some bitch who’s only beef with her was because her friend was upset with her husband… Lily didn’t like to be in the middle of that shit.. But she was in it now, and she was going to show them that they fucked up bad…

||Lily Khaos||- Well seeing as my past has been a twitter hot spot for someone, and has been a hot topic I guess, might as well work with it… So I’m going to give you all a little look back at what my young life was, before I was taken in by the greatest man that I have ever known…

Yeah that’s right, Lily wasn’t homeless forever, she only spent her younger years on the streets. When she was a teenager, she was taken in by a gym owner, a man that she considered a father, a man who showed her work, responsibility, and gave her a chance to train and work out… Where she learned about wrestling watching a lot of others, and where she grew to love it, and want it to be a big part of her life… Which it was… But that isn’t what where here to talk about right now…

||Lily Khaos||- As you see around me, are dirty streets, a lot of homeless people… This is where I grew up, I had to do a lot of things that people should do to survive. To live it day by day. I wasn’t some druggy though, I wasn’t out here because I was addicted to drugs… I was out here to get away from an abusive ass old man who was my sperm donor, who I would never call father… I thought it was better to be out here than in that home, and I don’t regret my choices. I did odd jobs, to have a meal, I wasn’t some hoe on the streets, I was far to young for that, and I guess I wasn’t around those sick fucks of the world… but I wasn’t above stealing, or eating out of the trash behind one of the popular restaurants…Life wasn’t easy out here, You had to be tough or die… I didn’t want to die, so I got tough, I fought to live, and even though I had some hard times, I also had no rules… Hell I was a young teen able to do whatever I wanted, go to bed when I wanted, get up when I wanted… I did find myself running from cops a lot, but hey it happens when you’re a street kid… So Louise you think you can give me a hard time… You think you can make things worse on me that I have, ever had? I know Jade seems to think that I’m just some push over… She may have did her homework a little bit, but I have her a D, because she didn’t find enough information about me.. Because if she did, she would have been a bit more weary on coming at me, then again, she was, she sent your dumb ass out to the ring to attack me…

Lily smirked a bit as she was standing there, as she had stopped walking as the focus was on her once again, as she was thinking to her match up that she had coming up in a little while on WareFare. Yeah there was a lot of time before she had to get in the ring, but Lily wasn’t one to waste time, she was going to make sure she is ready. This was something that was a big deal to her, and she wasn’t about to just let it push her aside. She was in Sparrow’s life, how she was in his life was up to them, and they liked how they were… They enjoyed not giving a fuck about what everyone was wanting and thinking… They were in there own world.

{Sparrow}- You don’t have to worry about Jade, I’ll be out there to make sure my wifey behaves herself.

Lily had to laugh a bit hearing him say that as she smiled nodding her head as she was looking forward to it… Yeah Lily actually would of rather had it as a handicap match, she wasn’t scared of Jade, nor was she worried about taking them both on, not to say it would have been a fair fight, but hell who says Lily fights fair… But that isn’t how its playing down, so we will never know how that would of worked out.

||Lily Khaos||- I couldn’t has for anyone better to have my back… Just try not to spend the entire time starring at the ass’s in the ring, and we should be good.

She teased looking at him as Sparrow grinned shrugging a bit… Hell he was a man after all and men did like to look whenever they had the chance.. Lily seemed to be a bit more relaxed now, what had started off as a serious thing seemed to have turned a different way… Then again Lily wasn’t uncomfortable here, she grew up in this setting so this was just life to her….Yeah it wasn’t her life anymore , but it was still something she understood very much…

||Lily Khaos||- So Louise You’ll have your hands full with me, I hope you do realize this. I hope you’re not thinking this is going to be a quickie… I never did like quickies… I love to take my time with things… Really get you worked up, before things go down…This time when we meet face to face, things will be a lot different… You won’t be able to be a sneaky little bitch, oh no… I’ll see you coming this time.. And you’ll get to see first hand what I can do… I’m not as easy as you seem to think I am… I know Sparrow is wishing I would give it up a bit more, but I like to make him work for it… and well since you worked for it… I’m going to give it up to you… Just not what the male roster is wanting me to give up.

She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it, hell she wants to be thought of as some hoe, some tramp, she might as well play it up, drive them a little nuts.. Who knows maybe piss them off a bit… She was sure they would have some shit to say, but in the end it wouldn’t matter… Lily was going to teach them all a very important lesson…

||Lily Khaos||-I hope you all enjoyed the little show I gave you today.. The little look into what use to be my world. Don’t be mistaken just because I’m not longer in this spot doesn’t mean I regret anything… So you go on Jade and rant on in your tweets, keep putting your cheap shots to me… You’ll see that in the long run, you running your mouth isn’t doing a damn thing for you… You’ll see soon that it won’t help your little friend Louise at all… You can rile her up all you want, try to get her ready for this match up, who knows maybe she actually has some talent of her own, and feels like she can over come me, and push me down… Maybe you all already think I’m down and out , after the last little stunt… But I hope you’re not stupid enough to think that…. Because I am really looking forward to playing with you… I will enjoy our little games together, but I am a game master, and I have a hot piece in my corner..

She winked looking at Sparrow..

||Lily Khaos||- So I think that I am going to best you both this time around… Oh but don’t hold back, don’t give up just yet… Let me be the one to bring you down, and knock you off your perch….I enjoy the challenge, and I enjoy destroying any dreams that you all may have.. So let us enjoy this game..

She smiled as she waved to the camera as she was done with this promo, it was just a small start to things, but she felt it was a good little start, and she was feeling good about things so far. She was looking forward to getting in the ring, and even though she hadn’t expected anything like this to happen, it has and she wasn’t about to run from it… She would take this face on, and beat the living fuck out of the stupid bitches for thinking they could use her to get to Sparrow to begin with… This is War baby!

Disclaimer: This layout is made by Bloody Phantom for the use of Christina as Lilly Khaos. If you are caught claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and fed to the dogs. The designer and the person using this layout is not sponsoring any real life people and events. It's a mere concidence.

11/26/2014 6:15 PM

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CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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Re:Lily GWC

Date Posted:12/10/2014 11:11 PMCopy HTML

here is number two, sorry for the grammar errorsby me if anyone
(c.) BLOODY MAKEOVER//ET 2014; Want one of your own? Click HERE.
So after this bit of fun, I guess now it is time to get ready to get to work, after all this is a big deal,  Lily has to show that she can't just be attacked and nothing is going to happen.  She has to show that she will make people pay who wants to fuck with her.  Yeah the only reason she was attacked actually personally has nothing to do with her, it was all because of Sparrow, but she was brought into it, so well now she's going to have to do something... She wasn't going to get frustrated or pissed off, oh no, this chick was staying nice and calm. She knew that at some point she would be getting to Jade, and she knew that right now she would have to deal with the little attack dog, and that is fine with her... I'm not even going to get into the dude she has running behind her like some love sick puppy dog, running his mouth about her, when he has no need too, she could care less about that... Right now its all about Laurie, and she was going to make sure this chick suffered tonight...

When GCW comes on the air you see Lily walking down the hall as she was talking to Sparrow who seems to be rather distracted as of late.  She didn't really ask why , didn't overly care to pry unless he was wanting to talk about it, but right now the two were talking about his little wife and her little dogs...

{Sparrow}- You ready for tonight?

Lily nodded as she was thinking about it, as she did feel ready, she had been training and working hard, busting her butt off to make sure she was ready for this bitch. 

||Lily Khaos||- Hell yeah! 

She smirked as she was thinking about it as they were walking.  She had been pretty focused on this, and for Lily that was pretty damn good.  Lily didn't like to be serious she liked to have fun and enjoy herself.  This little petty shit, she didn't enjoy, being a target for no reason, just wasn't all that fun.

{Sparrow}- It sucks that you were dragged into this like you where, I'm sorry.  If I had any idea she was back, I would of warned you.

Lily shrugs a bit as she was thinking about it as she wasn't going to let it get to her, knowing shit happens... She was in it now and knew that she wasn't going to back off, or try to get out of it.  She had to be apart of this now.  She didn't start this shit with them, they had came right at her.

||Lily Khaos||- Eh, I'm not upset about it... Well I'm pissed, but not at you.

She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it, as she was bugged by this, she wasn't one to usually go looking for fights, which those who really knew her, knew this, so this was out of character for her, but then again, she wasn't a push over.

{Sparrow}- I know you'll beat her tonight, and I'll be right there to make sure none of the others try anything.

She smiled as she looked at him as she was thinking about it.   She didn't' have really any friends here, besides the man with her, so it was good to have a little back up.  Lily was a tough bitch but she knew she couldn't' take them all on, and she knew that she would need the back up if something did start.

||Lily Khaos||- Good to know.. I know that you have a lot of deep shit on your mind, and I'm sure that you know if you need to let it out, you can talk to me.

She smiled looking at him as he nodded his head as he did know this, she was glad, when he didn't say anything else to it, she just moved on going back to what was important to her at the moment, or well tonight.  She knew that she was having a lot of thoughts about tonight, about her match up, and she was pretty excited about it. 

||Lily Khaos||-I'm going to go take care of a few things, I'll catch up with you later...

{Sparrow}- Oh, what are you going to do?

She smirked as she looked at him.

||Lily Khaos||-I'm wanting to go out the ring for a bit, and say a few things, you know do this shit proper and all.

She grinned as she kissed his cheek before she went taking off heading down the hall wanting to make her way to the ring.  She had a few things she wanted to get off her chest and she wanted to make sure she was heard loud and clear...

~ Commercial Break~
When GWC comes back on the air, the cameras are scattered around the arena.  Moving looking at the fan base before the lights cut out.  The crowd hushes up waiting to see who it is, as after a moment "Problem" Blares as the lights flicker on, different colors shooting out from the stage area, as after a moment Lily Khaos walks out on stage.  She stands there with a smirk on her face as she is looking around a bit.  She then walks down the ramp way as she is making her way to the ring.  She is high fiving a few fans on her way as she runs a bit rushing to the steel steps as she then walks up them.  She stands up on the apron a moment as she looks around.  She then grabs the ropes as she bends over and crawls in the ring.  Lily walks around posing a bit before she goes over taking a mic.  Standing there holding it as she looks around waiting for her music to cut so she could talk.

||Lily Khaos||-Well hello my lovely people... It is so nice to see you all out here tonight.  I hope you are having as much fun as I am!

She smiled looking around as she heard them cheer as she was thinking about it.  Happy to see the crowd so excited as she was happy to be out here right now, sharing this moment with them, as she knew for her, this was rather rare.  She had taken such a long time off from wrestling, she had forgotten the rush she got from being out here in front of all these people.

||Lily Khaos||- Being out here right now, fills me with so much energy and happiness.  I am feeling so alive right now, so ready to fight.  And seeing you all out here, cheering likes this, makes the feelings even greater.

She smiled thinking about it as she was looking around.  Yeah usually Lily wasn't like this, she didn't feel mushy, or soft, she just really enjoyed her moment out here like this, knowing that it has really been some time since she taken the time to enjoy this feeling of excitement.

||Lily Khaos||-So by now I'm sure you all know what I'm doing out here, you all know what I have going on?  Right you saw what went down on the last show?  About how I got my ass kicked by some chick doing the bidding of her master... Seems kinky right?

she chuckled a bit as she was standing there thinking about it, shaking her head some as she didn't find it really all that grand.  She went on talking after a moment.

||Lily Khaos||- So this chick, who beat me like I was her bitch at this Battle Royal, didn't even attack me because I did her wrong, fucked her man, took her spot on the bus, oh no, she went ape shit because she was told too... Hell right at first I didn't even know what the deal was, I had to wait to get a memo later to find out what the blondes deal was... Then I got to meat Jade... Oh Jade...

She chuckled a bit as she was standing there thinking about it, ah her new buddy.

||Lily Khaos||- My new bestie right?  I mean come on, we're like chums, can't you see how much fun we've been having on Twitter... turns out she comes back to find her husband having a little fun with a girl who is more fun that her cranky ass is... but not all is loss, because this sleeping beauty has come back with a beast of her own...

She grins a bit as she was thinking about what she had picked up on all of this so far, she didn't put too much of her time into getting to know who everyone was, but she knew it could be a lot of people coming, from what she had been told.

||Lily Khaos||- So The Evil Red queen, has her red night, her Jabberwoky, and is now looking to leave her royal mark upon my head... Well I guess in this you can call me Alice, and Sparrow, eh he's fun enough to be the Mad Hatter.

She laughed thinking about it as she was making a movie reference to Alice in Wonderland... You know that new one, with Johnny Depp, mmm Johnny, eh anyways, where are we...

||Lily Khaos||- So this is like the epic battle of good Vs evil, and well you know how that ends, I mean I'm sure you've seen the movie, I'm sure you know what happens to your Jabberwoky?  OFF WITH ITS HEAD!

Lily laughed as she was standing there thinking about it.  She wasn't going to get to serious on this, she wasn't going to let her anger get the best of her... Oh no Lily has been on this trip way to long to make those kind of stupid mistakes, she knew that Laurie had a bunch of shit to say about her, that was nothing knew, it always came with the territory, its about getting in your head, making you twists things so much in your mind, you lost sight of the game... Something Lily wasn't about to do...

||Lily Khaos||-So, Jabbers, I shall call you that, Laurie, Jabbers... You may think that you have this in the bag, you may think that with Jade at your back, that will put me out of my misery, but hell I wouldn't count on it, I wouldn't go second guessing me... I mean I know that's what we do... We all come out and bash down the other, say how much you suck, how much you don't stand a chance, blah blah blah blah... but we all know that by the end of the day, the winner will be decided by who gets in the best hits, who gets in the best move, and who doesn't wear down first... So well I'm a springy little shit, and I can go on and on for hours... Just as Sparrow...

She winked standing there, as she got an "Oooooooo" from the crowd as that amused her as she was standing there thinking about things, she was enjoying this, this wasn't the final bit, she knew that would come later on tonight, when the show officially starts....

||Lily Khaos||- Jabbers, I hope you're watching this, I'm sure you and the lot are getting either pissed off, amused, or just totally missing the point, or maybe a bit of all three... Which would be funny as hell to see, but eh off topic.. Who cares... Anyways, Jabbers, I hope you are big and bad as you seem to think you are... I'm not going to take anything away from you, no, I won't do that, I'm going to come out here tonight, expecting the fight of my life, and you better give it... You should not count me out so soon either though.  I have no idea what you have dealt with in your past, but I promise you, I'm a one of a kind, I'm an original chick... I'll make sure that I give you a fight that you will never forget... Planning on dishing out an ass kicking that you'll never forget as well.  So I'm looking out , seeing all these people, and they are wanting the same thing that I do... I know I can do my part in giving it to them... Let's see if you can...

She grins as she then drops the mic as she stands there thinking about what she had just said, thinking about what was going to be taken place with her later tonight... Making her smile even more as she was thinking about it... Oh yes she was totally looking forward to this... She poses a bit more for the fans as "Problem" Blares once again before she takes her leave from the ring.  She took her time walking up the ramp way as she was heading up to the stage.  She turns around posing once more as she took a bit of  a bow before turning and walking off the stage and heading to the back to meet up with Sparrow once again..

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