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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/05/2020 3:01 PMCopy HTML

Title:  Let the games begin
OOC: Here is just a little bit of fun stuff.  Tried a bit of a different style for me... Let's see how this works out.

The fun is just days away... Terror is my show after all.  Why would I do anything that wouldn't show to be a good time for myself.  This match against Kevin Khaos has been a long time in the making.  So of course I have to go out on a limb and make sure it's a real good time.  Now we all know how Kevin Khoas is feeling, and even what he is thinking.  As he has been a very vocal boy from the get go.  Trying and trying to get a reaction out of me... Though I have been enjoying this little game... So of course there is no intention of me letting it be over with just yet.... Some think I may be trying to teach Khaos a lesson.  Really that isn't the case at all.  It's turned into a game.  I'm enjoying this play time.  Have been very amused , and loving his reaction for sure.. So of course this can't be over yet... 

||Crystal Sweet||- I love to see the look on his face... 

Laughing as I watch the television.  Glancing over at my friend who is seated just out of view of the camera.  I'm not ready to show off my friend just yet. 

||Crystal Sweet||- He's trying to come up with every reason as to why I've been treating him the way I have.  Why I've been a, what has he been calling it... a "Bitch". 

I'm laughing as I am very amused... The recap of Kevin Khaos is by now over... Though the thought it still there... Why I am still thinking about him?  Well, Terror is tonight... I have given myself something to do besides just watch everyone have a fun time... As I plan to enjoy the night myself...  Khaos though, he won't be enjoying himself nearly as much as he seems to think he will.

||Crystal Sweet||- So are you ready?

I smirk, looking at my friend... Of course no one can see him... Just hear a bit of a laugh, as you can tell it is a male voice.   Oh what do I have planned?  What fun things will I give you all tonight? 

||Crystal Sweet||- I think it's time we start to get ready... 

With that said...I look at the camera as I get up, moving towards the camera man... As I back him up out of the office.  Shaking my head, as can't have him in here...

||Crystal Sweet||- Don't worry, you'll see us both later on tonight... You know me... I'm all about making things very fun.... I have always done well with Terror... I've always made sure that you're all entertained... Tonight will be no different.  If anything... It'll be even better.

With a wink, and a smile, I push the camera man out of my office.  Then closing the door... putting an end to this brief moment... It's not about how much you give at the start... But what you leave when it's over.  Always leaving them wanting for more right?  I know you want more... 

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