Date Posted:08/11/2023 1:47 PMCopy HTML
| Picture Base: Jenna Ortega Real Name: Macy Sweet Ring Name: Kandy Caine Alias(es): @TwistedCandy Date of Birth: 03/27/2006 Born: Coweta County, Georgia Residing From: Coweta County, Georgia Height: 5'5 Weight: 107lbs Theme Music: "American Horror Show" By Snow Wife What do you do you: Staff/ Owner's assistant Personality: Pretty chill for the most part. Is looking to learn and be more in the business side of the wrestling world for now. Crowd Status: Neutral Gimmick: Kandy is pretty friendly for the most part, often when you see her, she'll have a piece of candy in her mouth, usually a piece of strawberry licorice.. Most likely getting that sweet tooth from her father. Sport History: She is very new to the company, but is a part of the Sweet family so has always been around it. Ring Willingness: Not right now. Wrestling Style: As of right now she doesn't have a wrestling style that anyone knows about. As she is still pretty young and again she is pretty much just working in the office, and shadowing Destiny.
| Entrance: "American Horror Show" By Snow Wife blares over the P.A. System as you see Kandy walk out on the stage with a mic in hand. She smiles as she looks around a bit, letting her music play some before she then raises her mic and starts to speak. (In most cases you won't see her out in the ring... Mainly backstage). | Biography: Born Macy Sweet, Kandy is the daughter to Sydney Sweet and Mason Caine... Yep the creepy masked, junk food and candy loving monster... For the most part she was raised by her mother, limited connection to her father until later in life, which was mainly calls, and texts... Mason made sure to pay child care as she grew, or maybe Nova did as god knows how Mason would get money and not spend it... Macy has always had a good head on her shoulder, and was bit more of a business head on her shoulder, much like her aunt Destiny, who thought it would be great for the young girl to come on as staff and learn the insides to the company.. | Achievements/Accomplishments: Nothing yet, as she is new. FWAR*2020
