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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:10/26/2009 5:02 PMCopy HTML

crystop.png picture by xxbadkitty


crysmiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

I'm not a hooker nor am I a whore, but when you look at me, watching my body move, watching the sweat glisen over my curves... You dream and desire, wishing you could do all the things you see in your favorit porno.. but face it... You'll never touch me, you'll never get to me... So knowing that you can never have.. Your desires for a gentle touch, turn into those of a devlish one....Think you can break me, and make me beg..I hear your laughter in my head... Stand back, you will not get to me so easily... For I am Woman and from here on out, I am calling the shots...

~So now here we are... Crystal finally making it some place... Here she is holding one half of the Tag Titles... Yeah she didn't win them, she didn't even fight for them....Gyspy came out during a match, hell it wasn't even her match.  it was her sisters match up... Oh well, things seem to work out just right anyways.  This time Crystal is going to prove that she is worthy to hold the title... She is going to work with her new tag partner Gyspy and bring one hell of a show.~

/ on Camera /

When Domain comes on the air you see Crystal sitting in her locker room.  Yeah she had her fun with Gyspy at the strip club, but it really wasn't her thing.  It was fun and different way to get the message across to the two men that she was going up against.  But you have to wonder did they get the message, or are they more concerned about what went down, and what Dukey's girly is going to say.. None of that matters... Hell Crystal could of cared less if Duke was out getting his willy wet by someone else.. None of that matter to her, these little mind games dont' mean a damn thing.

||Crystal Sweet||- Just a matter of time.. Things are being set just right...

She smriked a bit as she was thinking about it.  She knew that the men are probably still bitching and crying about what happened at the strip club, but soon they will be focused back on all of this.. As she was sitting there, there was a knock on her door she got up standing there, as she was a bit shocked to see Hope standing there.

||Crystal Sweet||- Hey whats up?

She looked at her sister backing up as she came walking in.  She had a smirk on her face as she looked a bit amused about something...

{Hope Sweet}- Oh nothing, I'm just happy, about my Hardcore match, that is coming up... 

Crystal laughed a bit looking at her as she shook her head some.  Of course she was all happy about that, she was going to be able to be mean, and use all sorts of fun weapons, so yeah it was just her thing..

||Crystal Sweet||- Well glad you are so excited for your match up..

Hope looked at her.

{Hope Sweet}- Aren't you?

Crystal looked at him as she smirked a bit thinking about it, nodding her head.  Oh yeah she was excited about her match up, she was loving the idea of competeting against those two...

||Crystal Sweet||- Oh very much so.  I like the idea of getting in the ring against those two... and I do have a great partner.  She isnt' you, but she still is pretty good from what I've seen.

She said honestly as she was thinking about it as she looked at Hope who was now leaning agaisnt the wall.

||Crystal Sweet||- Shes a bit diffrent from how I am, with how she handles her promos, you know... I'm not all for the strip club stuff, or this back and forth, or fuck I don't even care if Dukey is being naughty on the side, you know.

She laughed thinking about it, but none of it did matter to her, she was focused on what she had to do, and that was work on defending the Titles. She looked at HOpe was just standing there lsitening to her as she was talking about it.

||Crystal Sweet||- Hey seeing as you have a match to get ready for yourself, why dont' you come with me to the gym.  I could use a good work out, before trying a bit of a work out with Gyspy.  Shes a bit busy right now, but I'm still wanting us to spar a bit and see how well we can really work together...See what tag moves fit us better.

She smirked as she was thinking about it as she was focused on this and knew that when it came down to it, they did stand a really good chance at defeinding and keep the Titles... Even if it was her first title defence here, she was still confidnent... after all, Gyspy had to think about who was worthy for it, and she choose Crystal, so she was going to do her part to make sure she didn't regret it...

{Hope Sweet}- Yeah sounds good to me, you just want to use me for a punching bag, I see how you are... You dont' even talk to me, but you are wanting to beat on your big sister.

She laughed as Crystal just shook her head, smiling  abit as she was thinking about it.. NO matter how things where, the two of them were always cool together, and she liked it that way... they were family and even though they didnt' agree on things a lot of the time, they stood by each other...

{Crystal Sweet} - Come on, lets go, my favorite punching bag... We have work to do, and then some fun to be had later.

She smiled as she got up and went walking out of her locker room as the two of them headed out to the parking lot area, to leave and head to the gym... They had there habits and there places they worked out... They got in Crystals car and soon the scene faded to black as her car left the parking lot...    

crys5vq2.gif picture by foxy1350

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