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- Register:11/27/2009 1:05 AM
Date Posted:06/04/2011 2:22 PMCopy HTML
Title: Getting Ready OOC: Here | |
It had been a good night at Hells Fury... Jezzi's plan had worked really well, mainly part to the man that was her tag partner. Lucas had sure cleaned house...Now don't get me wrong Jezzi helped too, but the real power was Luke. and Jezzi was happy as hell to not only have him on her team, but to know now that soon they would be getting a shot at the Intergender Tag Titles....First though is Mayhem a real debut match for Luke and a real good chance for the two of them to see how well they work in the ring... She knew that she was going to have to work hard, she wanted to prove that she was good enough to be his tag partner and good enough to go all the way with him and win the gold..
When FWAR comes on the air you see Jezzi and Luke walking down the hall together, she smiled as she was leaning into him a bit, bumping his arm as he looked down at her... As it really pointed out how short she was compared to most as she was just happy as hell though..
{Jezabel Jezzi} You did great Luke, never seen anyone clean house like that, you were just so dominate... I'm glad you are on my side.
She smiled happily as she looked up at him as he grinned a bit seeing how proud of him she was as it made him feel pretty good, and to have her all over him, was a differnt type of goodness.. She was really starting to warm up to him more and more, as she looked up at him.
{Jezabel Jezzi} Mayhem we face the old champs in a warm up match, and then come the Pay Per View, we get to go for the gold! I"m so excited, I can't wait to get the chance to battle for the gold.. I know we can win... I know we're going to win against Desiree and Matt.
She said grinning as she was thinking about it. She knew that her and Luke would make the perfect team... He was a sweet good ol'e kick ass country boy. who could probably take on any of the superstars here, and Jezzi was more than willing to handle the women who would try to get in thier way of tag gold... Yep perfect team alright.
{Jezabel Jezzi} I think we're perfect together.
She smiled looking up at him, Luke's thoughts were wandering again as he snapped back at her comment.
{Lucas} Huh?
{Jezabel Jezzzi} I said I thin we're perfect together... Like the perfect team, we're great friends, we're great in the ring, and you're really cute when you're distracted.
She teased as she skipped ahead a bit just feeling on top of the world as she was thinking about how things were going, she hadn't been this active or had this much fun in a long time, and she knew it was all thanks to Luke, She was glad to have been able to get him a job here as she knew he would be great, but she could have never imaged how great he would be for her too, as she smiled thinking about it. | |
