FWAR Contract

Character Information: Face: Sandee Westgate(Dark Hair) Name: Jasmine Marie Sweet Alias: Jasmine Sweet "The Hidden Jewel" Born: Coweta County, Georgia Reside: Coweta County, Georgia Height: 5'5 Weight: 113lbs Ring Attaire: Tights, fancy looking sports bras. Sometimes she'll dress it up a bit more to look fancy.
Professional Information: Gimmick Explanation: For the longest time Jasmine was known as the Sweetest of the sisters, but after a few let downs, and feeling as if she wasn't being taken serious enough, Jasmine has had enough, and she's ready to let her bad self free..... Wrestling Style: Jasmine is mixed, but submission moves are for sure her weakest, which is why you'll almost never see her use any kind of submission move unless she has too. Favorite Match: Any where she wins Strength: Jasmine is a ring veteran. She has seen a lot, done a lot, and knows her way around the ring.. Weakness:Move wise submission is her weak spot. Even though she is willing to fight men, she knows she isn't as strong. Theme Song: "Last Hurrah" By Bebe Rexha In Ring Tendencies: She has no issue with cheating, doing what she needs to get what she wants... Alignment: Heel
Moveset: Basic Moves(Minimum of 10):
1. Handspring Elbow 2. Low Blow 3. Bulldog 4. Spinning Face Buster 5. Suplex 6. DDT 7. Bitch Slap 8. Clothesline 9. Hurricanrana 10. Inverted DDT Submissions:(No More Than 2) 1. Figure Four Leg Lock 2. Crippler Cross face Trademark Moves(No More Than 3) 1. Handsrping Elbow 2. German Suplex
Finishers(No More than 2) 1. Sweet Dreams(Modified Michinoku Driver) 2. Make out(Glam Slam)
Entrance: Everyone is ready for something to happen. The crowd is getting restless. They don't have to wait much longer as "Last Hurrah" By Bebe Rexha blares over the PA System. The fans cheer for Jasmine as she walks out on the stage. Jasmine smiles as she stands up on the stage looking around waving a bit as she walks down the ramp way making her way to the ring. She then walks up the steel steps before she bends over and crawls in the ring. Walking around posing a bit as she waits for the match to start...
Bio: Jasmine has a long career in FWAR. From tagging with her sister Crystal, to holding the Women's Champion on a couple occasions. Always happy to help in anyways, and to be apart of her sisters federation. Jasmine always seems to be around when news travels that Destiny is ready to kick start FWAR. With the big return of FWAR, also brought a change in attitude for Jasmine. As she has grown tired of being looked down, or not taken seriously. Being told she isn't as good as her twin, her niceness being taken granted for far to long. Jasmine has returned with FWAR, but she has come with a new sense of self worth. She is looking to make sure everyone knows just who they are dealing with from now on.. Accomplishments:
FWAR: FWAR Women's Champion FWAR Tag Champion Other: WWE Tag Champion W/ Crystal Sweet as "The Sweet Treats" |