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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:06/03/2021 8:25 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:  Hope Sweet
Theme Song:  "Coming Soon" By Someone 
Location: Coweta County, Georgia
Date: 05/31/2021 @ 11PM

Opening Match
Demon Ryan W/ Raven Kingsley Vs Zak Castile W/ Mikah Castile
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: A big event this year, and we have two great talents starting the show off... This looks to be the makings of a great match!  Will the demon stand tall, or will  Zak show that he is right where he belongs.

Match 2
The Texas Outlaws (C) Vs Austin and Adam Fury
Match Type:  Tag Team
Stipulation: FWAR Tag Titles
Summary: With a victory over the champs already, Austin and Adam Fury are looking for the big win in hopes of becoming the new FWAR Tag Champions... Can they take out the Texas Outlaws?

Match 3
Matthew Taylor Vs Kevin Khaos
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: International Champion
Summary: Kevin Khaos has been saying that he was about to make waves, that he was about to put people on notice... Well he is doing so as he is setting his eyes on current International Champion Matthew Taylor.

Match 4
Danica Grey(c) Vs Raine Vs. Katherine Wylde Vs. Amara Matthews Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Match Type: Ladies Brawl 
Stipulation: Bloody Vixen's Title
Summary: Here

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden  Vs Amari Rose & Arnica Blaine
Match Type: Tag
Stipulation: Women's Tag Title
Summary: Amari and Arnica are former tag champions, feeling they are worth a shot at the Women's title, Hope has put them up against FAB's own Angelique and Jayden.

Match 6
Gage Steele W/Amara Matthews Vs Andrew Parker W/Jayden
Match Type:  Singles
Stipulation: FWAR Title
Summary: Andrew Parker finds himself giving a lucky shot... Well usually they say luck has nothing to do with it.. Maybe finally his talents were just noticed and put to use... As he is very much eager to be taking up against the FWAR Champion.

Match 7
Jasmine Sweet(c) Gabriel Hunter Vs Thunder W/ Savanna
Match Type:  No Dq
Stipulation: Revolution Championship
Summary: This has been a match in the making... Both sides had seen the other in action, now the two of them will be facing off against each other as Thunder looks to start his title climb here in FWAR.

Pre Main Event
Tara Jeanne W/Roxanne Marshall Vs Valissa Oreza
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: Women's Title Match
Summary: Finally Tara is getting her shot at Women's Champion Valissa Oreza.  Valissa has been able to hold Tara off for sometime, but it looks like Valissa will now have to step up and take down Tara in order to keep her precious Women's Championship.

Main Event
Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna  Vs Axel Gunner
Match Type:  Singles
Stipulation:  World Title
Summary:  Axel is getting his rematch against the monster who had taken him out of commission for the past couple weeks.  Lorcan feeling pretty good ever since he started his reign as Champion.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Immortality Results 5/31/2021

Date Posted:06/03/2021 8:28 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:  Hope Sweet
Theme Song:  "Coming Soon" By Someone 
Location: Coweta County, Georgia
Date: 05/31/2021 @ 11PM

Opening Match
Demon Ryan W/ Raven Kingsley Vs Zak Castile W/ Mikah Castile
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: A big event this year, and we have two great talents starting the show off... This looks to be the makings of a great match!  Will the demon stand tall, or will  Zak show that he is right where he belongs.
Winner: Demon Ryan

Match 2
The Texas Outlaws (C) Vs Austin and Adam Fury
Match Type:  Tag Team
Stipulation: FWAR Tag Titles
Summary: With a victory over the champs already, Austin and Adam Fury are looking for the big win in hopes of becoming the new FWAR Tag Champions... Can they take out the Texas Outlaws?
Winner: Texas Outlaws

Match 3
Matthew Taylor Vs Kevin Khaos
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: International Champion
Summary: Kevin Khaos has been saying that he was about to make waves, that he was about to put people on notice... Well he is doing so as he is setting his eyes on current International Champion Matthew Taylor.
Winner: Matthew Taylor

Match 4
Danica Grey(c) Vs Raine Vs. Katherine Wylde Vs. Amara Matthews Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Match Type: Ladies Brawl 
Stipulation: Bloody Vixen's Title
Summary: Bringing in some of the meanest and toughest ladies to battle it out for the Bloody Vixen's Championship
Winner: Raine

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden  Vs Amari Rose & Arnica Blaine
Match Type: Tag
Stipulation: Women's Tag Title
Summary: Amari and Arnica are former tag champions, feeling they are worth a shot at the Women's title, Hope has put them up against FAB's own Angelique and Jayden.
Winner: Amari Rose & Jezabel Jezzi

Match 6
Gage Steele W/Amara Matthews Vs Andrew Parker W/Jayden
Match Type:  Singles
Stipulation: FWAR Title
Summary: Andrew Parker finds himself giving a lucky shot... Well usually they say luck has nothing to do with it.. Maybe finally his talents were just noticed and put to use... As he is very much eager to be taking up against the FWAR Champion.
Winner: Gage Steele

Match 7
Jasmine Sweet(c) Gabriel Hunter Vs Thunder W/ Savanna
Match Type:  No Dq
Stipulation: Revolution Championship
Summary: This has been a match in the making... Both sides had seen the other in action, now the two of them will be facing off against each other as Thunder looks to start his title climb here in FWAR.
Winner: Jasmine Sweet

Pre Main Event
Tara Jeanne W/Roxanne Marshall Vs Valissa Oreza
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: Women's Title Match
Summary: Finally Tara is getting her shot at Women's Champion Valissa Oreza.  Valissa has been able to hold Tara off for sometime, but it looks like Valissa will now have to step up and take down Tara in order to keep her precious Women's Championship.
Winner: Tara Jeanne

Main Event
Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna  Vs Axel Gunner
Match Type:  Singles
Stipulation:  World Title
Summary:  Axel is getting his rematch against the monster who had taken him out of commission for the past couple weeks.  Lorcan feeling pretty good ever since he started his reign as Champion.
Winner: Lorcan Balthazar

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Immortality Results 5/31/2021

Date Posted:06/03/2021 8:35 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:  Hope Sweet
Theme Song:  "Coming Soon" By Someone 
Location: Coweta County, Georgia
Date: 05/31/2021 @ 11PM

Opening Match
Demon Ryan W/ Raven Kingsley Vs Zak Castile W/ Mikah Castile
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: A big event this year, and we have two great talents starting the show off... This looks to be the makings of a great match!  Will the demon stand tall, or will  Zak show that he is right where he belongs.
Winner: Demon Ryan
This was a rather quick match as Zak seemed to be out of sorts his last few bouts... Though he was trying to show up and do better tonight... he did make it in with a few good hits, but Demon Ryan seemed to have his own fire as he was able to easily handle Zak.  First taking him down with one hell of a choke slam, than finishing the match with a tombstone piledriver just for kicks.  Raven ringside was clapping as she was looking very pleased with how the match had gone.
Mikah on the other hand didn't look all that impressed as she was reaching in pulling her brother out, telling him he needed to train more and she was going to make sure that he was training right as they took their leave from the ring area heading to the back, while Demon Ryan and Raven were enjoying the victory for a few moments longer.

Match 2
The Texas Outlaws (C) Vs Austin and Adam Fury
Match Type:  Tag Team
Stipulation: FWAR Tag Titles
Summary: With a victory over the champs already, Austin and Adam Fury are looking for the big win in hopes of becoming the new FWAR Tag Champions... Can they take out the Texas Outlaws?
Winner: Texas Outlaws
This was a pretty fun match as The outlaws came down with some beer , hollering and hooting to the fans as they were yelling and cheering... The energy was just as big when The Fury brothers came out on stage as they looked like they were ready to win some gold.  Of course that meant they would have to go through the likes of Will and Luke... Which we all know isn't going to be an easy task... But it has happened before.
The match got started pretty quick, as Luke tried to get in a few more sips of his beer, but Adam wasn't having any of it, just wanting to get things done and going, slapping the beer out of Luke's hand.  Which was soon realized to be a big mistake, as it made the big man angry... He went and hit a big ol'e boot right to the face of Adam Fury taking the young man right off his feet... Not down for long, he was up quick and went for a spear... Luke seemed ready and went to left him up...  Austin seeing how this was looking, rushes in, and with a hard kick to the mid section saves his partner... Luke drops Adam, as he hunches over a bit... Austin is back in his corner demanding to be tagged in.. Which Adam does.

There is plenty of this back and forth... Luke is able to tag in Will is seems to be ready to put a quick end to this... As Luke just rolls out and grabs himself another beer, enjoying himself as he walks around chatting it up with the fans, leaving Will to do the dirty work.. 
Which lucky for him, Luke is able to get in a clothesline, and then a sidewalk slam, and is able to then apply his finisher... Before Adam can break it up, Will is able to get the three and the win.

Match 3
Matthew Taylor Vs Kevin Khaos
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: International Champion
Summary: Kevin Khaos has been saying that he was about to make waves, that he was about to put people on notice... Well he is doing so as he is setting his eyes on current International Champion Matthew Taylor.
Winner: Matthew Taylor
With all the heat between these two men... It was good they didn't have to wait all night to get to each other.  As they were more than happy to rip each other apart infront of thousands of fans.  Taylor was looking to prove why he was the International Champion, of course Khaos was looking to add another title to his title history... 
There was no respect between either of these men, as they just where hitting punch after punch.  It turning into more of a brawl than an actual wrestling match... The fans were loving it, and eating it all up... Matthew started to get more on the offensive.  Backing Khaos into a corner.. Then hitting with the punches...Lefts and rights, at full force... Then backing out as he grabs Khaos and whips him across the ring, and then runs at him, speaking him into the turnbuckle.  The crowd is just loving this abuse as they are cheering... 
Matthew is going for another one, but this time, Khaos is able to get a knee up, which causes Matthew to stager back from it... Khaos then runs and goes for a neck breaker... Taylor grabs him , spinning him around and then hitting with a hell of a side walk slam.
Then end is near now, as Taylor is looking to put this away, and be done with it.  Which he does, after he is able to lock in a Crossface... Leaving Khaos no choice but to tap out once the pain becomes to much to deal with.  

Match 4
Danica Grey(c) Vs Raine Vs. Katherine Wylde Vs. Amara Matthews Vs. Ronan Morgensen
Match Type: Ladies Brawl 
Stipulation: Bloody Vixen's Title
Summary: Bringing in some of the meanest and toughest ladies to battle it out for the Bloody Vixen's Championship
Winner: Raine
This brawl went all over, inside and outside of the ring... These ladies were all about not only putting on the best show, but being on top.... As the idea of winning the Bloody Vixen's Championship was singing to all of them... Katherine and Amara were fighting it out outside of the ring, while a triple threat was happening on the inside... Danica, Raine, and Ronan were going back and forth... Raine was  able to hit a high kick to the face, knocking Danica right out of the ring.  Leaving Raine and Ronan to fight it out, as Raine was out for blood... Showing her violent and cruel side as she brought her dagger out... Which took Ronan off guard and made it hard for her to handle... Which was what Raine needed.

Raine was able to easily take control over Roanan, and to get the win... Danica trying to get in to stop the count, but was just a few seconds to late.. As Danica lost the Bloody Vixen's Title to Raine...

Match 5
Angelique & Jayden  Vs Amari Rose & Arnica Blaine
Match Type: Tag
Stipulation: Women's Tag Title
Summary: Amari and Arnica are former tag champions, feeling they are worth a shot at the Women's title, Hope has put them up against FAB's own Angelique and Jayden.
Winner: Amari Rose & Jezabel Jezzi

True to FAB fashion... The ladies attacked early on, and tried to take out both Amari and Arnica... The ladies fought back.  It was a few minutes before security and refs came back to break it up... The damage seems to have been done as Arnica is laid out, and is being checked on... Amari looks pretty pissed off... As it leaves up in the air about what will happen later on in the match up...

When the match is set to begin... Angelique and Jayden are standing out in the ring, grinning thinking that they would have the night off after that... Though are soon to realize that is far from the truth... Amari walks out on stage and walks down the ramp... The girls in the ring think it may be a handicap, until Jezz's music blares and she comes skating on out... Smiling as she skates down the ramp and then hugs Amari... They look in the ring.. Jezzi kicks the skates off and then the girls hop in the ring... FAB not looking so please.

This match has a lot of back and forth fighting... FAB trying to hold there own, and looking like they were about to win, but Jezzi continues to fight out, and in the end Jezzi pins Angelique to win the match and the Women's Tag Titles.

Match 6
Gage Steele W/Amara Matthews Vs Andrew Parker W/Jayden
Match Type:  Singles
Stipulation: FWAR Title
Summary: Andrew Parker finds himself giving a lucky shot... Well usually they say luck has nothing to do with it.. Maybe finally his talents were just noticed and put to use... As he is very much eager to be taking up against the FWAR Champion.
Winner: Gage Steele
Gage seemed to be on it tonight.  As he was ready to defend his Championship... The two men locked it up, exchanging blows, and trying to out power the other.  Though it was Gage who was able to over power, and then hit with one hell of an upper cut.  This back and forth did go on for sometime.  Though it was Gage who put an end to things pretty soon after... As he was able to hit his finisher and get the pin and victory... Retaining his FWAR Championship.

Match 7
Jasmine Sweet(c) Gabriel Hunter Vs Thunder W/ Savannah
Match Type:  No Dq
Stipulation: Revolution Championship
Summary: This has been a match in the making... Both sides had seen the other in action, now the two of them will be facing off against each other as Thunder looks to start his title climb here in FWAR.
Winner: Jasmine Sweet
Thanks to the help of Gabriel Hunter this was a pretty quick match... not to say that Jasmine didn't have her fun with it, as she was able to best the so called God... Savannah had tried to keep things fair, but it only resulted in her getting pushed off the apron, and put through a table.. Which angered Thunder, but he still never fully was able to get ahead in this match up.
With it being a No DQ, the ref couldn't do anything when Gabriel started to bring weapons in the ring and even started to attack Thunder himself.  Jasmine seemed please as she let Gabriel handle most of the dirty work... Until she decided it was time to put an end to things... She went and got down low as she hit him with a hell of a low blow.. When he went down, she hit him with a hard kick to the face, and then was able to get the pin and the win... 
Pleased with herself as she was handed back her title.  She stood around posing a moment before her and Gabriel went taking their leave, heading to the back to celebrate some more.

Pre Main Event
Tara Jeanne W/Roxanne Marshall Vs Valissa Oreza
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: Women's Title Match
Summary: Finally Tara is getting her shot at Women's Champion Valissa Oreza.  Valissa has been able to hold Tara off for sometime, but it looks like Valissa will now have to step up and take down Tara in order to keep her precious Women's Championship.
Winner: Tara Jeanne
This was a pretty quick match, and not a good day for Valissa as she ended up having to watch her back nearly at all times... As Roxanne Marshall was right there taunting and backing up Tara... Which just made Oreza angry and put her on the attack early on... As she was woman handling Tara, trying to what ever she could to take her down and out... Going after her arm, bending and twisting it... 
This ended with Tara distracting the ref to look at her arm, while Roxanne snuck on from the other side, and with a pair of brass knuckles punched Oreza in the side of the head.  As it knocked her right out... Roxanne quickly rolled out of the ring, as Tara moved and the ref looked seeing her down as Tara went for the pin.  The ref standing there a moment looking confused, but couldn't do anything as he then went counting the 1 2 3!
Roxanne grabbed the Women's Title and got in the ring.. Jumping and cheering as she went handing the belt to Tara as the girls hugged and she held up her hand as they celebrated her win...

Main Event
Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna  Vs Axel Gunner
Match Type:  Singles
Stipulation:  World Title
Summary:  Axel is getting his rematch against the monster who had taken him out of commission for the past couple weeks.  Lorcan feeling pretty good ever since he started his reign as Champion.
Winner: Lorcan Balthazar
This was a long and grueling match up... As both men seemed to be wanting to hurt the other.  Axel did get the upper hand for most of the match and even got a couple real close near pin falls on Lorcan.  Belladonna seemed to be the ever distraction, and even the deciding factor, as she time after time seemed to get involved.  Which it was the last distraction, of her grabbing Axel's leg from under the ropes that turned the tides... As Lorcan was able to take advantage of him being distracted and telling Belladonna to get away.  A surprise finisher from Lorcan is what finishes the match as Belladonna is able to hold Axel's feet down with out the ref seeing as Lorcan gets the 3 and the win.  As he is able to retain... 
After the match Bella gets in the ring, grabbing the World title from the ref as she hands it to Lorcan as he holds it up grinning, lifting up Belladonna as she sits on his shoulder as the two are celebrating a big win, and a huge main event... 
Knowing that Belladonna was a huge factor in Axel's defeat... As you can see an angry Axel looking into the ring as he is up, glaring angry at being screwed over... As he looks at Lorcan and mouths this isn't over before he takes his leave heading up on stage and into the back...

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