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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:06/14/2022 11:06 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:   Hope Sweet
Theme Song:  "Coming Soon" By Someone 
Location: Coweta County, Georgia
Date: 06/14/2022 @ 11PM

Opening Match
Mikah Castile Vs Everleigh Lux
MatchType: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: It has been some time since Mikah has seen action.  With that said we're giving her a warm up match against new arrival, Everleigh Lux.  Will this be a good warm up, or will Everleigh pull off a surprising victory.

Match 2
Crystal Sweet Vs Ryan Burgess
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Summary: Ryan has been complaining about how talent today has no idea what it was like in the past... That they aren't as motivated, and willing to work... Well Hope wants to help him relive the past... So he puts the now friends up against each other in an old school wrestling match.  Lets see if that makes Ryan happy.

Match 3
Shawn Blade Vs Calvin Diamonte
Match Type: Hardcore Match
Stipulation: N/A
Summary: Calvin finally on the winning side of things.  Is looking to continue with this streak.  As he finds himself booked on the biggest Pay Per View of the year.  Facing a Hardcore legend, Shawn Blade.  Can he continue on with another win, or will the streak be over before it even gets started.

Match 4
The Outlaws(C) Vs Aimee Daughtry & Ryder Whitlock Vs Angelique & Jayden Vs Damian Jacobs & Jacob Night
Match Type: Tag Match
Stipulation: FWAR Tag Titles
Summary: It's time for the tag titles to be on the line... But it's hard to just choose one tag team, so why not put a few out there.  Let's see how they all interact and play together!

Match 5
Jasmine Sweet(C) Vs Axel Gunner
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: Revolution Championship
Summary: This match has been in the making ever since Axel was able to obtain a victory over Jasmine.  Though many would think it was Axel who was demanding this match.  In fact it was Jasmine who was looking to even the score.

Pre Main Event
Kevin Khaos Vs Matthew Taylor
Match Type: 3 Stages of Hardcore Hell
Stipulation: None
Summary: Taylor had asked for a final match against Khaos.  Not wanting the tag match on Mayhem to be the end of it.  Hope was more than happy to make this a battle that won't soon be forgotten.

Main Event
Gage Steele(C) Vs Lorcan Balthazar W/ Belladonna
Match Type: Pinfall count anywheres.
Stipulation: World Championship 
Summary: Gage did the one thing that none have been able to do in a year.  He defeated the man, and captured the World Championship.  Lorcan has not been pleased about it, and now he is getting his rematch.   Will Gage's luck run out finally?

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Immortality Results

Date Posted:06/14/2022 11:08 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:   Hope Sweet
Theme Song:  "Coming Soon" By Someone 
Location: Coweta County, Georgia
Date: 06/14/2022 @ 11PM

Opening Match
Mikah Castile Vs Everleigh Lux
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: It has been some time since Mikah has seen action.  With that said we're giving her a warm up match against new arrival, Everleigh Lux.  Will this be a good warm up, or will Everleigh pull off a surprising victory.
Winner: Everleigh Lux
The training with Andrew Parker seems to have paid for for Ms. Lux as she is pretty easily able to get the upper hand against Mikah Castile.  Though she did start to get a little to relaxed and a bit cocky.  Which was when Mikah started to fight back some.  To the point where Mikah was able to put Lux down for a two count.
That was enough to snap the new comer out of it, and put herself back on focus.  The crowd really seemed to be into the match up as they were cheering, and yelling out at many moments.  Finally Lux was able to once again get the upper hand.  It didn't take long for the match to come to an end, as Everleigh Lux was able to get her fist big victory here in the company, and right on Immortality to boot!

Match 2
Crystal Sweet Vs Ryan Burgess
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Summary: Ryan has been complaining about how talent today has no idea what it was like in the past... That they aren't as motivated, and willing to work... Well Hope wants to help him relive the past... So he puts the now friends up against each other in an old school wrestling match.  Lets see if that makes Ryan happy.
Winner: No Contest
This was suppose to be a straight up wrestling match.  As Ryan was wanting to show everyone just how it's done.  Feeling as if the wrestling world today had no clue on wrestling.  Pleased at first with the thought of fighting Crystal.  He was looking forward to the match up.  Well that was until the match up actually got started.
Crystal was more than happy to remind him just how she use to do things.  How she was not to be trusted, as Tyrone who was suppose to be watching ring side, kept getting involved.  Crystal not caring about getting dq'd, had Tyrone come right in... As soon as he hit Ryan from behind, the red called for the bell.
Crystal was laughing a bit as the attack went on for some... Crystal leaned down getting in his face as she laughed a bit, and asked if this was Old School enough for him.  She then head butted him, as it became a two on one beat down soon enough.  Lucky for Ryan, Spencer and Danica came rushing out to help.  Spencer getting right in the ring, while Danica was able to get Ryan out of the ring.  Spencer fought it off with Tyrone, but it was still numbers, as Crystal attacked him from behind, going below the belt with a low blow.  Danica was able to grab and pull Spencer out before any more damage could be done.  Crystal had a smirk on her face as she was standing in the middle of the ring with Tyrone, 

Match 3
Shawn Blade Vs Calvin Diamonte
Match Type: Hardcore Match
Stipulation: N/A
Summary: Calvin finally on the winning side of things.  Is looking to continue with this streak.  As he finds himself booked on the biggest Pay Per View of the year.  Facing a Hardcore legend, Shawn Blade.  Can he continue on with another win, or will the streak be over before it even gets started.
Winner: Calvin Diamonte due to Eddie McGinlay
Calvin's biggest goal since his return was to get back on a winning streak.  It had started to look like he was making that happen.   Though he started to get cocky and not take Shawn seriously.  Which gave Shawn his chance to kick out of an early attempted pin.  Kicking out just after a one count.  Which was starting to annoy Calvin as he was looking to put a quick end to this hardcore match up.  Shawn of course didn't like that idea as he started to pull out items from under the ring. Wanting to use as many weapons as he could. 
Shawn hitting Calvin with a stop sigh, as he laughs a bit, and then continues to go on the attack.  He didn't seem to notice though when Eddie McGinlay came running out on stage and down the ramp.  He stopped in front of the ring, seeing a Kendo stick.   Before Shawn could go for the pin, Eddie gets in, forces Shawn to turn around.  Soon smacking him right in the head with the Kendo stick.  Shawn stumbles backwards as Eddie then takes the chance to set up and  hit with one of his finisher, Tarton Tomb(Leaping Tombstone Piledriver).
Shawn is out cold now, as eddie is standing over him grinning.  He then goes over pulling Calvin over, and letting Calvin pick up the win, after Eddie has done all the work. Adding a loss to Shawn, and a very lucky victory for Calvin Diamonte...

Match 4
The Outlaws(C) Vs Aimee Daughtry & Ryder Whitlock Vs Angelique & Jayden Vs Damian Jacobs & Jacob Night
Match Type: Tag Match
Stipulation: FWAR Tag Titles
Summary: It's time for the tag titles to be on the line... But it's hard to just choose one tag team, so why not put a few out there.  Let's see how they all interact and play together!
Winner: Aimee Daughtry & Ryder
This was a very intense match up... Ryder tagging for the first time, but it looked like she was doing just fine with Aimee's help.  The two working rather well together.  Though it was clear they weren't on the same level as FAB pals, Angelique and Jayden. Who were very much in sync with their timing and team work.  Damian Jacobs and Night had been hoping to have the advantage with their size, but it didn't work out that way as The Outlaws kept them at bay, while the ladies were fighting it out inside the ring. 
Damian did start to get the upper hand, and even was able to hit a choke slam outside of the ring.  He rolled Will into the ring, and was looking for a pin, but Jayden was on the top rope, Angelique knew what she was thinking, and helped boost when she jumped, hitting both feet right into Damian.. Angelique kicked as he rolled out of the ring, as Jayden went for the pin. 
Angelique's foot was grabbed by Night, as she was yanked out of the ring... Ryder went high as she hit an elbow to Jayden , causing the count to break, as Ryder went for the pin.  A kick to the face to Jayden from Aimee stopped the count from being broke, as the ref came down for the 1 2 3!  Giving the Misfits the Tag Titles.. Both girls looking very excited and happy as they were handed the gold, while Jayden and Angelique look pretty upset to have lost out... 

Match 5
Jasmine Sweet(C) Vs Axel Gunner
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: Revolution Championship
Summary: This match has been in the making ever since Axel was able to obtain a victory over Jasmine.  Though many would think it was Axel who was demanding this match.  In fact it was Jasmine who was looking to even the score.
Winner: Jasmine Sweet
The much awaited match up between current Champion Jasmine Sweet, and Axel Gunner.  These two have been very vocal about their feelings for each other.  As They hadn't tried to make nice at all.  Axel with already one victory over Jasmine is looking to obtain another victory, and claim the Revolution Championship.  Even the locker room is split one who they want to see win, as both sides seem to have some fans in the back.  Once the bell rings the match is under way.  Axel looks to start off strong going right for Jasmine, and whipping her around the ring.  She is able to duck and miss a clotheslines, and turn it, as she comes back with a big kick, knocking Axel back.  She then hits a few chops to the chest, as the crowd is yelling for Axel... As it seems the fans are wanting to see a new champion... 
Not caring, Jasmine continues to fight back... Axel though gets the upper hand, and soon we see Jasmine on her back, after a suplex... Jasmine rolls out of the way quick. but is soon stuck in a corner as Axel hits kicks to her midsection.  Then goes picking her up , looking like he is about to start putting an end to things... 
Then unnoticed to just about everyone, a man gets in the ring.. As Axel is holding Jasmine up, Johnny Mercer forces Gunner to turn around and look at him.  First it's a slap to the face, which shocks then angers Gunner.  Jasmine not one to just wait, brings her knee down and knees Gunner in the head... Gunner drops her hard, as Johnny doesn't stop with the attack.  The men trading blows, before Mercer is then seen pulling out a pair of brass knuckles.  The ref is checking on Jasmine who is holding her head a bit... 
With out missing a beat, Mercer punches and hits Gunner in the face head area... Axel is then knocked out cold.  Johnny then goes over, pulling Jasmine up and then puts her right over Axel, as the ref is confused but then counts the 1 2 3! 

Jasmine moves a bit, getting up as she is handed the title.  Johnny just grins as Jasmine is very much confused by this, as it is clear this wasn't planned.  Jasmine holds the title up, still watching Johnny Mercer as he just walks up the ramp and off the stage after a moment.

Pre Main Event
Kevin Khaos Vs Matthew Taylor
Match Type: 3 Stages of Hardcore Hell
Stipulation: None
Summary: Taylor had asked for a final match against Khaos.  Not wanting the tag match on Mayhem to be the end of it.  Hope was more than happy to make this a battle that won't soon be forgotten.
Winner: Matthew Taylor
The first stage, takes place out in the parking lot... Both men are already fighting by the time the cameras are getting out there to see the action.  Could be the match started ahead of time, but it was most likely because they couldn't wait to get to each other.  The is just the two of them as both ladies were told they were not allowed any where near this match up...  Taylor is seen trying to take advantage of the cars , as he tosses Khaos into them.  Though Khaos turns the tables and trips Taylor into a car head first.  Khaos grabs his head, and smashes it once again into the hood of the car.. Then going again, busting Taylor's face open.  
Khaos goes for a pin, but Taylor kicks out in the two.. Khaos gets up and starts to stomp him, and then leans down to pick him up, Taylor going low for this, hits his forearm between the legs, causing Khaos to go down to eye level.  This was legal in this match up... Bloody head, Taylor hits Khaos with a head butt.  Which seemed like a good idea, but did more damage to the already busted open Taylor, as Khaos has a very hard head.  So khaos heads butts him again, and again... and one last time... Khaos then gets up, yanking Taylor up, and then hits him DDT, as Khaos gets the first pin.
~Break to move~
When the show comes back on, the men this time are inside the arena some place.  chain fence is hooded around the wall, and each area has a wide variety of weapons and items hooked to it.  The men are looking at things, Taylor still seems to be bleeding a bit, but yet is looking ready to fight.  Khaos is distracted as he is looking to get a sledge hammer off the fence.  Taylor rushes and slams him into the fence, as he actually smacks into the sledge hammer a bit... Taylor doesn't waist time as he hits a few punches, then tosses him across the room into the other fence.
Khaos is down, and then Taylor is able to get a 2x4 loose, and with out missing a beat, hits Khaos right across the back, whipping him a few times... Then using it to choke him.  After a moment Khaos is blacking out.. The ref seeing enough calls the match and gives this win to a tired Matthew Taylor.
~Break to move~  
After the break, the match is now in the ring.. Both men looking rough by this point.  Yet nether ready to give up, as soon as the bell rings, the men are going at each other.  The fans are on their feet by this time, exciting as it is, they are dying to see who is going to win the final match up.  As right now it is tied... This was the deciding match up that would declare the winner... 
After what seems to be several long minutes, it is Taylor who gets the upper hand, as it was just one minor mistake from Khaos, as Taylor doesn't waste any time, hitting his finisher and then getting the pin...
Taylor rolls to the corner of the ring, as he is breathing hard, blood pouring down his face still.  Both men have given their all, and are both exhausted by this point.  As even Taylor knows that this match up could of gone either way.. The crowd is cheering and chanting for both men.

Main Event
Gage Steele(C) Vs Lorcan Balthazar W/ Belladonna
Match Type: Pin fall count any where.
Stipulation: World Championship 
Summary: Gage did the one thing that none have been able to do in a year.  He defeated the man, and captured the World Championship.  Lorcan has not been pleased about it, and now he is getting his rematch.   Will Gage's luck run out finally?
Winner Gage Steele

This was a huge match up.  Lorcan was looking to get his pay back.  Not only pay back, but looking to reclaim the World Championship.  Feeling like he had been slighted before.  Gage's run was just a fluke, and nothing more than that.  Of course there were many who did not see it that way.  Gage was making his way out to the ring, as Lorcan didn't even wait to attack, hitting Gage from behind right on the ramp, and knocking him down.  The crowd boos seeing the lowly attack to Gage.  As Bella is coming out grinning and happy about what she is seeing.  Lorcan continues on the attack , as Gage is trying to get some space between them, to get a moment to get to his feet.  Lorcan grabbed him and tossed him into the ring back first.  Gage hits the ground on his knees.
Lorcan takes his time getting in the ring, taunting a bit, treating Gage like an injured animal.  Which was a mistake as soon as Lorcan was in the ring, Gage went on the attack... Hitting a few punches, and then clotheslining him right back out of the ring.  The bell has already went on, as pinfall can happen any place, not needing to be in the ring.  Gage stands up on the apron, and then jumps off, but Lorcan catches him, and then slams him on to the ground.  Lorcan goes for a pin, Gage is able to kick out after a 1, and the fighting goes on.  Lorcan has the upper hand through most of the match up, but Gage is finally able to get the upper hand, as the men are back in the ring.. 
In the end it is Gage who ends up getting the final hit, as he hits his finisher, raging cajun.  Then pins and gets the win before Bella can get in to break it up.

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