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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/05/2020 6:06 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Was kind of wanting to do something different.   So working in a back story and this how I got here today.

Road Runner is blaring on the T.V.  Mainly so I can hear it from the dinning room as I'm eating my Cheerios.  I was taking in a big spoonful just as good old mom and dad came down the stairs.  Dressed and ready for work... I did notice the luggage that trailed behind them.  Mom came over to me as she kissed me on the head.   I looked up at her after seeing what came down with them.

||Makayla Thompson||- Where you off to, this time?

I asked in between mouthfuls of Cheerios.  Not that I really cared, just felt like it was the thing to do as I'm sure they'd be gone for awhile.  Not like I wouldn't be taken off as soon as they were gone... Actually this time, I'd be taking off for a very long time... Not that they paid attention enough to notice... I actually doubt they even realize that I just turned 20, as they were gone for my Birthday.

{Mrs. Thompson}- Your father and I have business in Europe.  We have to leave early to follow Covid guidelines.  It's going to be a long trip this time.  

She said as she was thinking about it, as Makayla just nodded her head as she was thinking about it.

{Mr. Thompson}- You just make sure you don't skip your classes, and don't give the sitter a hard time.

I roll my eyes a bit.  letting out a sigh as I let the spoon drop in the now empty bowl.

||Makayla Thompson||- Sure thing, pop.

Feeling no need to once again remind them that I'm not in school any longer, nor has the sitter been here since I was like thirteen... Have this conversation a few times over the past couple years...So just better to go with it.  I have been taken care of myself now for a few years.  Though when they did leave, they always left cash for the the "sitter" to buy food and other basic needs.  Which I just started to save away for a rainy day fund... It looks like it's going to be quite the showers this time.  My bags were packed and up stairs waiting... I'm not a total jerk, I did write out a nice letter.  Tucked it into moms purse for her to look at once she is on the plane.... As she will go in to pull out her ear buds to listen to music as she blocks out the rest of the flight.  

{Mrs. Thompson}- We are going to get going now.  I'm sure Ellie will be here in a little bit.  So just sit tight and watch television until she gets here.  Give her this when she gets here.

Ah, the envelope of cash... Usually about two thousand dollars in it... Which gives a nice pile of cash to go with me on my trip to Toronto.  

{Mr. Thompson}- You won't be able to get a hold of us for a few days.  As soon as we land though, and get to the hotel, we will call. 

I nodded as I was just taken it all in.  After a bit more of rules and chatter they were soon off out the door and taken off down the road.  I smile as jump up excited from my seat.  Flick off the cartoons and then drop the bowl in the sink.  Putting some water in it, and then straight to the dish washer... With out missing a beat, I'm jumping up the stairs, grabbing my belongings that I needed and was off.   I hid my car, so they wouldn't see it, as it was always parked off by the Neighbor's place.  They didn't mind, cool like that.  They waved from door as they saw me putting my bags in the trunk.

||Makayla Thompson||- See ya!

I said with a wave, putting my sun glasses on as I got in behind the wheel... Heading off down the road in the opposite direction than my birth givers.  Music blaring, singing along.  I have one pit stop on my way.  It isn't anything that is going to take long... Just a bit of a tear jerker moment as I say goodbye to the family I made for myself.  I pull up on the side of a dirty old building... I get out looking around some, and then sneak through the side and let myself in... It's dark, but I don't need to see my way.  Something I got use to coming here nearly daily for the last four years.  I make my way down, as I see them all hanging out.

{Voice}- Hey! Ryder... You still here... Thought you'd be long gone by now.

Turning to see Marky coming to me.  A smile flashes as I shake my head.  Knowing I wouldn't leave with out saying goodbye.

||Ryder Whitlock||- I wouldn't leave with out saying goodbye to you guys and gals... 

I glance over at Sue as , I didn't want to leave her feeling left out.. This is where Makayla goes away, and Ryder Whitlock is created... As here I'm Ryder... Here I made a name for myself, making money fighting with these guys...Doing other jobs now and then, but here is where I learned real family, real friends... Got into all sort of trouble, but these people made sure that the police never caught me, made sure that I was never ratted out.. We took care of each other, helped each other, and had the best time together.  Now here is where I have to say goodbye to them.  A few moments linger before I finally need to get out of there...  Once again back behind the wheel and on the long road trip to Calgary to Toronto... Knowing that she was going to be spending the night in her car, but for the most part she would make the long trip, make a few pit stops... Going as long as she could before she stops at a hotel for a night.  Already having it mapped out, and figured out as she called ahead for the hotel...


Camping out at the hotel, I try not to waste too much time and start looking at what I should expect out of my future career.  I am able to kind of start to get connected to the world that would be my new life.  Getting connected into TXW as I am wasting no time, as I'm getting on the social media part of it.  Adding as many people as I see and  could think of, following as many as I can, wanting to make sure I watch and observe everyone.  Getting a nice start to things, and some mild interaction... Feeling good about how things will play out for me once I get there... Even having a little fun on Twitter and Instagram.. Not spending too much time on her phone... A half hour at most, I put it to the charger, and place it to the night stand, as I go about calling it a night, knowing I need to get an early start...


It feels like I've been on the road for days as I finally roll into Toronto.  It is pretty late, as the lights are beaming from the city... It looks like a beacon... Guiding my way...Home... I kind of just sit back and take it all in for a moment... The weary feeling I had just moments ago, replaced with a new feeling, a new energy... An eagerness emerges from with in... 

||Ryder Whitlock||- So this is what a new start looks like... Wild times... Here I come.

With a smirk , I put the car back in gear as I urge it forward, going into the city... Knowing that my entire life was never going to be the same... Oh yes, I the excitement is very much there... Tonight I take in the city... Get another hotel, and then meet with the man on the phone who told me this is where I needed to be to change my life... He made it all sound too good to be true... Yet promised it would be all he said and more... I'm so ready for more...


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