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  • Register:03/31/2009 7:15 PM

Date Posted:04/14/2009 1:18 AMCopy HTML

Oh yes... two down, another one to go... Oh this is getting fun... but I guess I should take a break from my list and play with the old man.  Give him the thrill of his life.  Now lets see if Rowdy Roddy Piper can get his mind of Austin for a bit, while someone else beats the living hell out of him.   Well now it looks like Piper is getting his chance to get some revenge, to make Hope Pay for making Piper go back on his word, because he wasn't able to protect his tag Partner Madeline Blade.. Oh the poor thing, what happened to her was so unfair, so uncalled for...but hell it was a lot of fun, I mean come on, the look on her face as Hopes boot connected to her head, it was music to her ears.  Hey though you should be proud of Madeline, she didn't once beg Hope to stop, or plead to get free, she took her beating like a true woman.  Hmm wonder how Piper is going to act when he is cornered and knows that there is no way out, that he will be suffering, maybe even worse than what Madeline Blade got... When it comes to Hope you just never know what is on her mind.   When you know what she is thinking, thats when you know its truly dangerous.. Haha, when you're in the mind of "The Hardcore Bitch" Then you know that you're in trouble.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Hope vs Rowdy Roddy Piper Terror RP 1

Date Posted:04/14/2009 3:07 AMCopy HTML

Oh yes... two down, another one to go... Oh this is getting fun... but I guess I should take a break from my list and play with the old man.  Give him the thrill of his life.  Now lets see if Rowdy Roddy Piper can get his mind of Austin for a bit, while someone else beats the living hell out of him.   Well now it looks like Piper is getting his chance to get some revenge, to make Hope Pay for making Piper go back on his word, because he wasn't able to protect his tag Partner Madeline Blade.. Oh the poor thing, what happened to her was so unfair, so uncalled for...but hell it was a lot of fun, I mean come on, the look on her face as Hopes boot connected to her head, it was music to her ears.  Hey though you should be proud of Madeline, she didn't once beg Hope to stop, or plead to get free, she took her beating like a true woman.  Hmm wonder how Piper is going to act when he is cornered and knows that there is no way out, that he will be suffering, maybe even worse than what Madeline Blade got... When it comes to Hope you just never know what is on her mind.   When you know what she is thinking, thats when you know its truly dangerous.. Haha, when you're in the mind of "The Hardcore Bitch" Then you know that you're in trouble.  So Piper what are you going to be thinking about... Are you going to be blaming Xtreme for this as well... Are you going to be unable to yet take blame for your own actions or hell let me take the blame for all that I have done... I mean all Xtreme did was listen and put in his input.  Do you think he could have really known just what we, or i, or Hope, haha, Don't know how to read my mind, my inner thoughts, do i go back and forth, or dos Hope just not know how to really communicate to you all just yet.  Its a good thing that you don't have to take mental capicty test to get a contract into the wrestling world... Not sure if we would of passed.  Ah but that does not matter right now, the only thing that matters is what will be taking place on Terror... Oh what a fun name don't you think... Oh but here we go rambling again, lets not, and lets just go on, and see the horror and tales to come.

~scene 1~

Here we are an early morning day... The sun rises and peaks thru the curtins of a hotel window.  Movement from a large kingsize bed, as Hope stirs a bit waking up, she smriks a bit as she looks at her sleeping husband laying there. She moves over him a bit nibbling on his chest and then up as she nibbled on his lip as she kissed him softly

{Hope Sweet} Mm good morning baby, its time to get up.  You said you were wanting to train with me today.  I have to get ready to go up against that old man...

She said as she moved her hands over his body a bit as she was waking him up, getting a responce out of him, as she smirked a bit licking her lips

{Hope Sweet} mm good baby, I see that you're starting to get  up there a bit.

She teased as she leaned down kissing him again.  She liked that he was wanting to train and work with her, that she had someone to use a bit as a measure up, but she knew she would never hurt Lucas, not her husband, but she would use him to help her a bit. To get her ready to be in the ring..

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Hope vs Rowdy Roddy Piper Terror RP 1

Date Posted:04/14/2009 3:31 AMCopy HTML

~Out of Character: Never take to hear words written in fiction....

     First was Madeline Blade... The reason behind it, was thought because Hope was a sore loser, that maybe she couldn't handle losing a match to a retired now IWF interviewer.... But things came clear and it all came to light, even as Piper was cuffed and forced to watch the joy Hope showed as she beat the living hell out of Madeline.. Then poor Blaze Inferno was next as the diva had what Hope needed to move on to the next victim.. The hardcore Title.. Poor Lily Khaos just didn't know what she was in for, and was no match for the pure violence that was unleased from Hope once she heard that bell ring, and even after so she just couldn't seem to get herself to stop... And now, she will be up against Roddy Piper, a man she has no respect for at all, Nothing but a waste of space to her, running his mouth ranting on over and over about his issues, about his problems with Xtreme, always looking for things to blame him for.. Sounds like an old man, so at least Piper is acting like what he truly is.. haha... but now what is next for Hope, I mean do you really think she sees Terror as a step, a footnote, what do you think is on this mind of the "Hardcore Bitch?"  Oh yes... two down, another one to go... Oh this is getting fun... but I guess I should take a break from my list and play with the old man.  Give him the thrill of his life.  Now lets see if Rowdy Roddy Piper can get his mind of Austin for a bit, while someone else beats the living hell out of him.   Well now it looks like Piper is getting his chance to get some revenge, to make Hope Pay for making Piper go back on his word, because he wasn't able to protect his tag Partner Madeline Blade.. Oh the poor thing, what happened to her was so unfair, so uncalled for...but hell it was a lot of fun, I mean come on, the look on her face as Hopes boot connected to her head, it was music to her ears.  Hey though you should be proud of Madeline, she didn't once beg Hope to stop, or plead to get free, she took her beating like a true woman.  Hmm wonder how Piper is going to act when he is cornered and knows that there is no way out, that he will be suffering, maybe even worse than what Madeline Blade got... When it comes to Hope you just never know what is on her mind.   When you know what she is thinking, thats when you know its truly dangerous.. Haha, when you're in the mind of "The Hardcore Bitch" Then you know that you're in trouble.  So Piper what are you going to be thinking about... Are you going to be blaming Xtreme for this as well... Are you going to be unable to yet take blame for your own actions or hell let me take the blame for all that I have done... I mean all Xtreme did was listen and put in his input.  Do you think he could have really known just what we, or i, or Hope, haha, Don't know how to read my mind, my inner thoughts, do i go back and forth, or dos Hope just not know how to really communicate to you all just yet.  Its a good thing that you don't have to take mental capicty test to get a contract into the wrestling world... Not sure if we would of passed.  Ah but that does not matter right now, the only thing that matters is what will be taking place on Terror... Oh what a fun name don't you think... Oh but here we go rambling again, lets not, and lets just go on, and see the horror and tales to come.

~scene 1~

Here we are an early morning day... The sun rises and peaks thru the curtins of a hotel window.  Movement from a large kingsize bed, as Hope stirs a bit waking up, she smriks a bit as she looks at her sleeping husband laying there. She moves over him a bit nibbling on his chest and then up as she nibbled on his lip as she kissed him softly

{Hope Sweet} Mm good morning baby, its time to get up.  You said you were wanting to train with me today.  I have to get ready to go up against that old man...

She said as she moved her hands over his body a bit as she was waking him up, getting a responce out of him, as she smirked a bit licking her lips

{Hope Sweet} mm good baby, I see that you're starting to get  up there a bit.

She teased as she leaned down kissing him again.  She liked that he was wanting to train and work with her, that she had someone to use a bit as a measure up, but she knew she would never hurt Lucas, not her husband, but she would use him to help her a bit. To get her ready to be in the ring..

{Hope Sweet} Mmm I think we should start our work out now love, you know there is nothing wrong with starting early to make sure that I'm ready . And I would love to be ready, inside and out..

She smirked as she rubbed up against him seeing a smile curving his lips as he opened his eyes looking at her as he grinned a bit, leaing up as he kissed her.

||Lucas Granger|| You know I can never tell you no, and not like i'm wanting too

He said as he kissed her again. Hope kissed him back moving a bit as they shared a steamy passionate morning...


After the fun time, you see the happy couple up and out of bed, Hope is walking out of the bathroom, as she had just showerd and put her hair up, she went picking up an apple that was on the table as she took a bite of it.

{Hope Sweet} You about ready baby? I'm wanting to hit the gym before it gets crowded, I hate working out when there is people around.

She smiled as she heard noices coming out of the bathroom, as she walked back in seeing him brushing his teeth as she just shook her head a bit, as she walked back out putting her sneakers on as she then waited for him to get done, as she was all ready to go....She smiled when he walked out as she saw he was all ready to go, and then afer a moment the two of them walked out of the hotel room, heading down to their car, wanting to get to the gym, before it got to late in the morning.

{Hope Sweet} I can't wait for Terror, I can't wait to get in the ring... Hopefulloy this time, Shawn won't disapoint me, and he'll show up, to play with me.  Or poor Piper may end up suffering just as his little partner Madeline Blade had..

She smirked thinking about it, as she couldn't wait to get in the ring againt him, she coulnd't wait to show that old man just what she could do.. Make him regret returning to the ring.. She would put him out of his misery once and for all..

{Hope Sweet} Now lets just see if Piper can't get his head out of Austins ass long enough to focus on his match up, and see where his real threat lies..

Hope laughed as she thought about it a bit, as Lucas held the car door open for her as she got in, she was so inot this match, as she couldn't think of anyway better to spend her time, as she knew she was going to love this, love Terror...

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