| STATISTICS | Ring Name: | Hope Sweet | Real Name: | Hope Marie Sweet | Face Being Used: | Briana Banks | Alignment: Age: | (Neutral with heel tendecies) 29 | Height: | 5'8 | Weight: | 122lbs | Origin: | Coweta County Georgia | Theme Music: | "Crazy Bitch" by BuckCherry |
Hope Sweet
About You. Name: ...Hope Sweet DOB: ...July 4th 1980 Hometown: ...Coweta County Georgia E-mail Addy: ...Most of you already have it Wrestling Specifics. Valet/Manager: ...N/A Stable: ...N/A Tag Team Name: ..The Gems. Tag Team Partner: ...Crystal Sweet Marital Status: ...N/A Weapon of Choice: ...Handcuffs Style: ...highflyer to techincal Out-Of-Ring Appearance: ...shorts, tank tops, tight jeans, or skirts In-Ring Appearance: ...vaires with her mood, but its tight, but easy to move in, f Favorite Matches: ...Hell in the cell Taunts/Quotes: ..."Hello Fuckers" Accomplishments:
- WWF Hardcore Champion Manager to Coke Brown First diva to fight men in WWF One hald of the Tag Team Champions
-WWA ONe hald of the Intergender Tag Champons Manager to Mad Mick
-FWA Manager to Shawn Blade First Hardcore Champoin Hardcore champon 35 times Manger to Mad Mick
-FWAR Manager to Mad Mick Hardcore Champion til the close Tag Champion with Crystal Sweet
-IWF Manager Mad Mick Manager Lance Khaos Hardcore Champion from start to end
-FWAR (Current) FWAR mangement/problem solver/creative control Hardcore Champion at start Hardcore champion 3 times...
Moves. 1] ...Full Nelson Face Buster 2] ...Anconda Vise 3] ...Bulldog 4] ...Powerbomb 5] ...Super Kick 6] ...Sharpshooter 7] ...Hurricrana 8] ...Twist of Fate 9] ...Neck Breaker 10] ...Low Blow Finishers/Trademarks. Finisher #1: ...SEX Description/youtube link: ...RKO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFch0LfrSgo
Finisher #2: ...Primal Urge Description/youtube link: ...Spinning Unprettier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMg4NTbVoWg&feature=related
Finisher #3: ... Description/youtube link: ...Double Moonsault http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laI3_FvE70o&feature=related
Trademarks: 1] ...Widows Peak 2] ...Handspring Elbow 3] ...Piledriver Character's Biography. ...Born on July 4th 1980 Hope is the wild child of the many Sweet siblings... She has always been rough and wild even as a child.. She got kicked out of highschool, but finished her eduation at home, by being home schooled.. She never went to college, as she went looking for the better parts of life.. She went into the miltary for four years, then was let go, after doing her time there, she was arrested a bit, and spent a year in jail for assulat and battery. when she got out, there she got an offer from her sister to come work for her... Once she made it to FWA she ment up and had a fling with Coke Brown... The two had a wiile and reckless relationship, but it didn't last long.. After a bit, Hope then moved on to a few others, most memorbale in the early days was Mad Mick, the crazy side of him, turned her on, as they would always be fighting it out for the Hardcore Title, to the point where it became a game for them, the soon it was fun make out time.. After a bit Hope moved on as Mick left to better and bigger things, Hope hooked up with Shawn Blade for a time, but it didn't last all that long, as he was out of his damn mind, and then went on this rampage to hurt all the Sweets, when things calmed down, Mick was back in her life, only to be out again after a bit.. As then she started working and trianing with Lance Khaos, and after a bit the two hooked up. but alas with her look, he was in and out, just like all the rest.. She even married on the outside of the wrestling world, but it would seem Hopes wild and reckless life would chase another one away, as divoce papers where signing and Hope found herself single again... But the diva isn't heart broken, as she is on a bit of a wild and crazy rampage thru FWAR, having one hell of a time, as she plays with those in the Hardcore world, wanting to play with the belt, and even going around, doing the dirty work for her sister Destiny...
Belive it or not, Hope has actully calmed down and matured since her starting days.. She is more focused and more knowing what she wants out of life... She may not be the typical diva that wants to be at the top of the womens divison, and hold the Women's Championship... but she is no longer on a destruve path... Even though her main passion is still the Hardcore Title, she is more focused on getting it, and is more patient when it comes to getting things that she wants.
Thinking that it was time for a change and a new pace. Hope has made her way to The Domain, to once again unite and work with her sister Crystal Sweet... Doing her own thing for a little while, Hope is more than ready to try something knew, and to improve on some skills that may need working, or who knows maybe she could learn some new moves, in a new place, as she knows that where she is, nothing like any other place she has ever been before, but who knows just wthat could happen, once Hope Sweet gets in the mix.
Detailed Entrance. ...The lights go out as the crowd looks around... After a moment lights of different colors start to flash around as then finally you here... "Hey your crazy Bitch.. But you fuck so good I'm on top of it"... The crowds yells and hollars a bit as Hope Sweet comes out to "Crazy Bitch" By Buckcherry playing... She stands out there with a smirk on her face.... She then walks down the ramp way as she heads down to the ring... She stands there infront of the ring, as she looks around at the crowd, grinning a bit before she walks over to the steel steps. She runs up the steps, and then walks up on the turnbuckle as she holds on the ropes a moment, taking her time, before she then bends over and crawls in the ring.... She walks around posing a bit, teasing some before she walks over grabbing the mic... "Hello Fuckers!" she yells out before throwing the mic and waiting for her match up to start... © 2001 - 2009 The Domain, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |