FWAR Contract

Character Information: Face: Briana Banks Name: Hope Sweet Alias: Hardcore Bitch & Hardcore Whore Born: Coweta County, Georgia Reside: Coweta County, Georgia Height: 5'9 Weight: 112 lbs Ring Attaire: Leather shorts, Booty Shorts, Tank tops, Big boots, can be combat style sometimes.
Professional Information: Gimmick Explanation: Hope is a fun and mean party girl. She loves to play rough, loves to fight, loves to fuck. A huge fan of anything Hardcore. Loves to just jump in on fights, even if it really has nothing to do with her. She just loves to fuck around in every meaning of the word... Wrestling Style: Brawler, she doesn't do high flying moves, can be a bit on the technical side, but not usually.. Favorite Match: Hardcore , the more violent the match the better. Strength: Her energy, her easy going attitude, She doesn't get angry very easily, and is pretty go with the flow, unless she is looking to cause trouble. Other wise she is hard to get a negative rise out of. Weakness:Her don't care attitude, the fact that she can go into a fight with out thinking, nor caring if it's a set up, she'll go into any fight with out a care. Theme Song: Crazy Bitch By Buckcherry In Ring Tendencies: To Hope anything and everything is fair game. She doesn't have an issue with cheating, using a weapon, nor does she car to fight fair. Not bothered if she is disqualified in a match. Alignment:Neutral
Moveset: Basic Moves(Minimum of 10):
1.DDT 2.Bitch Slap 3.Low Blow(She bends down and grabs, arm up, or kick) 4.Power bomb 5.Super Kick 6.Neck Breaker 7.German Suplex 8. Clothesline 9. Bulldog 10.Headbutt 11. Arm Bar 12. Spear 13. Camel Clutch 14. Face Buster 15. Back Buster 16. Leg drop 17. Diving Elbow Drop 18. Diving headbutt Submissions:(No More Than 2) 1.Anaconda Vice 2.Figure Four Leg Lock Trademark Moves(No More Than 3) 1.Low Blow(Used it twice cause she loves to do this to men) 2.Sharp Shooter 3.Shooting Star Leg Drop Finishers(No More than 2) 1.FUCKED(CM Punk's GTS) 2. Sadistic Sweetness (Cross Rhodes)
Entrance: The lights go out as the crowd looks around...After a moment lights of different colors start to flash around as then finally you hear..."Hey Your Crazy Bitch...Fut you fuck so Good I'm on top of it" The crowd yells and hollers as Hope walks out on stage. "Crazy Bitch" By Buckcherry is playing through he PA System. She stands out there with a smirk on her face. She then walks down the ramp way as she heads down to the ring. She walks around the ring before going up the steel steps and crawls in the ring. She walks around posing a bit, teasing some before she walks over and grabs a mic. She then raises it to her lips and says "Hello Fuckers!" She grins as the crowd gets loud as she drops the mic waiting for the match up to start.
Bio: Born on July 4th 1980, Hope is the wild child of the many Sweet siblings. She has always been rough and wild, even as a child. She got kicked out of high school. She finished her education by being home schooled, never going to college. She went traveling and looking for the better parts of life. She went into the militay for about four years, then was let go after doing her time. She was arrested a few times, spent about a year locked up for assault and battery. When she gout out she got a call from her sister Crystal, who had an idea on how to put her aggressive talents to use. There she meant and hooked up with Shawn Blade, who really helped release her mean and hardcore side. Showing her just what she was capable of doing. She had a good run with the Blade Brothers, and a few crazy hook ups. Once FWA was started she hooked up with Coke Brown. They were wild and crazy, but he just wasn't able to control the wild side of Hope. Mad Mick was next as his Hardcore side turned Hope on, and the two had some crazy fights, that usually ended with them fucking in the halls, while they traded the title on and off.
After a few run ins in a few different federations, Hope found herself having a good time in WWF, WWA, and even in TXW, before finally landing back here in FWAR. Helping run the show as she knew Destiny would need some help keeping the crazies under control.
Accomplishments: -WWF(2003-2006) Hardcore Champion Manager to Coke Brown First diva to fight men in WWF One half of the Tag Team Champions
-WWA(2004-2007) One half of the Intergender Tag Champions W/ Mad Mick Manager to Mad Mick
-FWA(2003-2005)On MSN Circuit Manager to Shawn Blade First Hardcore Champion Hardcore champion 35 times Manger to Mad Mick
-FWAR(2006-2009)Close of MSN Circuit Manager to Mad Mick Hardcore Champion til the close Tag Champion with Crystal Sweet
-IWF(2001-2004) Manager Mad Mick Manager Lance Khaos Hardcore Champion from start to end Merged IWF to FWAR with sisters Destiny and Crystal)
-FWAR (Current) FWAR management/problem solver/creative control Hardcore Champion at start Hardcore champion 9 times... Hardcore Champion Manager to Coke Brown First diva to fight men in WWF Pay Per View General Manager with Oliver Horn
-TXW(Current) TXW Hardcore Champion x3 TXW Tag Team Champion W/SVD TXW Tag Team Champion W/Vincent Underwood TXW Tag Team Champion W/Wrath TXW Badass Champion X7 TXW Adrenaline Champion(First) TXW Legacy Champion