Rank:Golden Member
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- Register:03/31/2009 7:15 PM
Date Posted:10/05/2009 5:33 PMCopy HTML
++Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show... |
roleplay title: Darkness ICC: I see nothing ooc: Sorry it sucks... |
No, dont' go... Wait. I'm not ready for you to leave... Please stay... I know that we all have to go sometimes... I know that we all have to do things we just dont' want to... To expect what we can not control... But i"m going ot fight, I'm going to struggle to hold on....I'm not ready to give up, do don't you give up either. I know what I have to do, I know what is coming up... I'm ready, I can handle this with out losing you as well. I know its my fault for the way I have been looked upon... but I dont' care no more... I only care about you... Please just wait you'll see that I can handle it, that I'm up for the task... I shall take them all on, and I shall be focused and not strained... You have not lost me, you have not been forgetten... Please don't go, I'm not ready to lose you, i'm not ready to loose myself..
So now here we are, sitting in darkness... Just like always, even when things seem so bright, they are always only dark, I see that now... You can look up on me, I see the cameras glarring and waiting.... Wondering what i'm going to pull this time... What kind of screwing around am I going to do, what out landish thing will I say? I look upon you as you stand there starring at me.. .A glare actully..
||Hope Sweet|| What are you looking at? What are you waiting for me to take off my clothes, to dance for you? Oh no, you're waiting to see who I'm going to fuck huh... You think its all about fun and games, that you can always get your jolly's off of me... Well sorry kiddies not today, go find someone else to fuck with.
I hiss a bit as I'm sitting there.... A new distain coming over me...but I care not, I have other things to do. I have to do this, and I know that I"m ready for this.... I wont' be letting you down, so dont' you worry, I look at the camera man as he is a bit shocked with the tone....
||Hope Sweet|| Oh I know you're waiting and wondering what i"m going to say about what my so called Partner had to say, and about the little rebuttle by Seifer's partner, Cross... Oh yes I heard it....I was actully rather amused by both... I would seem that Cross gets offended and uptaken a bit by posers and wanna be thugs.... Is that what Alex is? I honestly don't know... Nor do I fully care, but we'll see tonight I guess. lets see if the litte man can hold his own..
The camera moves a bit lookin at me, as it looks like its tilting a bit, with a personaly all its own... I pondering a moment starring back at it.
||Hope Sweet|| You are wondring if I am ready for this... If I am wanting this... Or maybe you think now that I have doubts? Well don't be foolish, you'll see that just the oppiste..Oh for I couldn't be more focused than I am right now... I'm more than done playing games for today. You see, Rape, Seifer, Cross, you can talk about be being a slut, hell I am one, I dont' give a fuck..I like to have a good time, and enjoy myself.. but the time for that is done and up....You can't say anything that is going to bother or get to me, I've heard it all... You have nothing to throw at me...
I'm not standing as I'm looking at the camera, I smirk a bit, a different type, much unlike my usual, seducitve and amused one that curves my lips just right, this one is, a rather sadistic and menicisng glare as I look upon the camera, knowing that the BUD universe can see this..
||Hope Sweet|| Play time is over boys... I know you are the big dogs around here, and have been for the longest time, but keep this in mind, even the biggest and baddest does can be nuttered and taken down.. So watch your step, before someone puts you to sleep for good...
That is all, I can't stand to say anymore, at least not right now, its all done and over with for now,,, I walk off... Where too? Who knows, maybe to actully try to talk with that little gangsta I'm suppose to be working with... Lets see if I can't get his head in the game, or find out if I'm pretty much going this one alone....
Scene 1 Fade
~Here we all are...sitting in darkness. playing around... Now that the time has come for no more play... Will you still be around.... No more can we play ring around the rosie. No more can we sit and laugh... for that time has long passed us.... Are we ready for the new form of darkness?~
Scene 2
When Domain once again comes back on the air, the cameras are buzzing around the hall, as you can see some chitter chatter about the days events going on. Some seem to be excited, others not so much, eh what can you do... So here we go as we keep wandering and looking around... We past so many talents, but not the one we are looking for just yet.
Where is she, where could she have gone... She didn't leave did she? Oh no, she couldn't have gone, not yet, not now, we need her. There is just so much to do, so much for her to say, we need more, we want more.... Where has she gone... "Crazy Bitch!" By Buckcherry blast out thru the PA system... Ah there she is... The camera rushes out, to the stage area, switching over as it finally hits the stage area as the crowd is up, as Hope is standing there... She looks around a bit, gazing from left to right...
// Christiopher De Leon // - Ladies and gentlemn, making her way to the ring, Weighting in at a hundred and twenty two pounds, coming from Coweta County, georgia... Hope Sweet!
The announcer just makes up there in time, not knowing that Hope was even coming out. Hope stands there for a moment as she then after a bit walks down the ramp way as she is making her way to the ring..
||Commentator; Mark Hellion || - Wow its Hope Sweet, I'm surprised she isn't out here to put on some kind of sex show....
Mark looks to his commentator buddy as he is watching as Hope is walking down making her way tot the ring...
|| Commentator: Ernie Schivone || - I dont' think that is even something on her mind today... She seems to be some place else.
Both men looked at her watching her as they nod there head, they hadn't seen this look on this diva before, but yet again she is new to the area... they watch as she walks up the steel steps and then cralws in the ring... She stands there a bit, not really posing or anything, as she just looks around some... She then after a moment walks over as she grabs a mic. After a moment of silence Hope raises up the mic and then starts to speak.
{Hope Sweet} I bet you are, all expecting me to come out here and be a smart ass right? I know you're just waiting for a reason too boo.... Why wait just do it... Why do people always need a reason to act, to do somethign they have been wanting to do... What do you want to feel justified for your out put...
She paused looking around as the crowd was silent as she just shook her head grinning a bit, as she was thinking about it.
{Hope Sweet} That is what your problem is, what the problem with the world is for the most part. Always needing an excuse to act a certin way, or to judge someone... Well go ahead, act like you're better than I am, act like you can look down to me... Do you honestly think when the day is over, that i'm going to care.... I'm still going to be paid the same, weather you like me or not...
She paused a bit as she was thinking about things, thinking about her match up tonight as she was actully pretty well focused on that...
{Hope Sweet} I have heard what the members of "RAPE" all had to say. I'm sure that they are thinking that they have this one in the bag, that its just going to be an easy victory, but boys, don't go counting on that....As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be counting on winning at all.... Not if I have anything to say about it... I know you're thinking well what can you do, besides lay down on your back with your legs spread..
She paused a moment as she was looking around... It was different to see the crowd so quiet, actully listening to her as she was speaking.
{Hope Sweet} Well Cross, you should think less of me on my back, and who I'm fucking around with. You may think I'm a hot piece of ass, a bitch who only knows how to do one thing... but go right ahead and think that... What do you want me to what say i'm not, defend myself, hell I'm not going ot do that... I can say all I want... but its not going to matter... Its not like you're going to change your view... Or if I honestly care....
She was pacing around now as she was thinking about everything, as she was putting it all in her head, before she was speaking it out.
{Hope Sweet} I'm just going to let you both see just what I can offer when it comes down to our match up... Then we'll see if you have any other thoughts of me... As far as Shattered Soul goes... Well that was a fun part of my life... but by the way it looks, its just time to move on... Its time to make a few changes... And I"m going to start on Hangover tonight...
Hope dropped the mic as she stood there, looking around, her music hit after a moment, as she then dropped down as she rolled out of the ring, and was making her way back up the ramp way. She walked up on stage, not even stopping as she just walked off and headed into the back, as she was making her way once again back to her locker room.
||Commentator; Mark Hellion || - This seems to be a different attitude for Miss. Sweet... Who would of thought that she could actully be serious about something....
Mark looks to his buddy as they were watching as things were being undone a bit.... Both seemingly in shocke with Hopes actons and words as Ernie is just watching Hope leaving.
|| Commentator: Ernie Schivone || - It would look to be... I wonder what has brought on this change, to the so called "Hardcore Bitch" . It even looks like she has finished things off with Shattered Soul..
||Commentator; Mark Hellion || - Everyone has to grow up sometime. and it would look like this match up has brought that out in her.. thanks to Seifer and Cross... they had brought out the fighter in her.. Will it last? Hard telling, some people just can't change, and other well they only change to go with what is around them.... I dont' trust Hope, She just isn't this way, she has to be up to something.
|| Commentator: Ernie Schivone || -Up to something? What could she possibly be up too... It looked like she was actully just being serious and straight with everyone.
Mark just keeps looking on, by the stage where Hope had just walked off of as he was thinking... There had to be more, things like this just dont' happen over night.. Do they. Hope had to be up to something, but just what was it...The cameras linger on for a bit longer, before finally starting to fade out to black, as it goes to a commerical break. | |
Blood Passion made for Christina and her use as Hope Sweet...Why waste the time stealing one when you can have one made for yourself at layouts_R_Us. | | |
