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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/22/2020 10:10 PMCopy HTML

General Managers: The Sweet Sisters
Date and Time: December 25th
Theme Song: "Carol of the Bells" Trans Siberian Orchestra

Match 1
Ronan Morgensen VS. Desiree Oullet
Match Type: Christmas Spirt
Title: Non Title
Summary: These ladies will have to come out in there happiest Christmas outfits to give us all a match! It'll sure be a Merry Christmas.

Match 2

Jasmine Sweet(C) W/ Gabriel Hunter  Vs Kevin Khaos W/Eden
Match Type: Santa's Lil Helpers
Title: Revolution Championship
Summary: Need to come out dressed as elves, and fight it out for the Revolution Championship.  Khaos has been building up his aggression for weeks, can Jasmine put him in his place, or will Khaos have some new gold?

Match 3

Amara Matthews(C) Vs Danica Grey Vs Tara Malice Vs Daniela Martinez Vs Jezabel Jezzi Vs. Mikah Castile
Match Type: Mrs Clause's of FWAR
Title: Bloody Vixens
Summary: These girls will have to come out in there finest Mrs. clause's outfits, and show us why they may or may not be on the naughty list.

Match 4

Axel Gunner Vs: Drew Stevenson
Match Type: Champion Vs Champion
Title: Non Title
Summary: Badass Champion is looking to take on the World Champion.  Can Drew make his Christmas wish come true and get one over on the World Champion?

Match 5
Arnica Blane & Amari Rose(C) Vs: Gage Steele & Mike Malice
Match Type: Twisted Candy Cane Match
Title: Tag Titles
Summary: In this match up, the Tag Titles are hung over the ring, on what looks to be giant candy canes... You have to climb up on a ladder, break the candy, and take the sweet prize.

Match 6

Juana Gonzalez(C) Vs Valissa Oreza
Match Type: The Christmas Gift
Title: Women's Title Match
Summary: All around the arena are there Christmas gifts...In one of those packages there is the Women's Championship.  These women will fight it out, and run around and open their presents, in hopes of finding the title... Oh... The boxes that don't have the title, can have other fun things to help the ladies get the advantage.

Pre Main Event
Lily Khaos (C)Vs Andrew Parker Vs. Matthew Taylor:
Match Type: Triple Threat/No DQ/Falls Count Anywheres
Summary: For the past month, these three have been showing off and making each other see the fight they will have... Now they will get to fight each other, in hopes of glory... 

Main Event
Eddie McGinaly(C) W/ Lana Starr Vs Kai Lafao W/Roxanne Marshall 
Match Type:  Santa's Sack
Title: FWAR Title Match
Summary: Eddie is still seething over what he calls a fluke win... Kai is feeling ready for his FWAR Championship reign.  Who will prevail?   These lucky men will get to peek in Santa's sack, if they want to have an advantage to win this main event... Lucky for them... There are four sacks around the ring, so they can either fight over one, or hold their own.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Holiday Bash Results 12/25/2020

Date Posted:12/22/2020 10:13 PMCopy HTML

General Managers: Hope Sweet & Oliver Horn
Date and Time: December 25th 
Theme Song: "Carol of the Bells" Trans Siberian Orchestra

Match 1
Ronan Morgensen VS. Desiree Oullet
Match Type: Christmas Spirt
Title: Non Title
Summary: These ladies will have to come out in there happiest Christmas outfits to give us all a match! It'll sure be a Merry Christmas.
Winner: Ronan Morgensen.
The first to come out was Desiree who was dressed in a very sexy Nightie.  She had red and white lace, and little slippers on as she smirks then walks down the ramp way.  Roanan is soon after as she has a hat on, plaid pjs, looking pretty stunning as she doesn't look to amused but makes her way to the ring.  As soon as the bell rings the match gets started. 
Desiree has an impressive start as she goes on the attack from the start.  She even tries to end things early as she gets a one count on, but Ronan has a lot more fight in her.  Realizing she needs to get on the ball if she's going to break her losing streak...  Fired up, she pushed Desiree back as she then hits with a chick kick, knocking her back and nearly knocking her down.  Desiree holds the ropes to keep herself up.   Ronan comes at her running and hits her with a Springboard drop kick.  Taking her right down...
Not going for a pin as she doesn't want to risk it, Ronan grabs her and sets her up for a submission move instead.  As Ronan attempts and is able to lock in Odin's Fear(Anaconda Vice)  Desiree struggles trying to get out, even attempting to get to the ropes.  The ref is down waiting as Desiree has no other option but to tap out... Ronan holds it a few moments longer than needed but finally does let go  as she gets up.   Getting a big win and starting out the Holiday Bash right. 

Segment: The scene opens up with Hope walking to her office... She goes to open the door , finds it locked... Cussing a bit as she didn't know who was messing in there.  Hearing all kinds of noise as she then just kicks it open.  Walking in with a look of disgust and surprise, then amusement.

||Hope Sweet||- Holy shit, where did you crawl out of?

She said grinning as the man sitting in her seat was non other than Oliver Horn.  Once again making himself at home.  He just grins, spreading his arms a bit leaning back in her chair.

||Oliver Horn||- Please, you missed me... 

He said grinning knowing he did the boring part of the job for her... She shrugged a bit.

||Oliver Horn||- Besides, you know we work so well together... I've seen the past shows.... They sucked with out me.

He grinned... Hope just rolled her eyes as she didn't kick him out of the seat, but sat on the desk as she was looking at him.  A smile did show though as she did seem pleased he was back.  

Match 2

Jasmine Sweet(C) W/ Gabriel Hunter  Vs Kevin Khaos W/Eden
Match Type: Santa's Lil Helpers
Title: Revolution Championship
Summary: Need to come out dressed as elves, and fight it out for the Revolution Championship.  Khaos has been building up his aggression for weeks, can Jasmine put him in his place, or will Khaos have some new gold?
Winner: Jasmine Sweet
Khaos was out in the ring by himself as Eden had decided it was best that she stay in the back.  Which of course was a good laugh for Gabriel and Jasmine as they were standing on the apron taunting Khaos.  He just glared at them talking some trash of his own.  Telling Gabriel to get out of the ring, and for Jasmine to give her title to the ref.   Jasmine holds the title up , showing it off some before she starts to hand it over.  Refusing to wait, Khaos goes right on the attacking, hitting Jasmine from behind as it knocks it forward into the ropes.  He was ready for a fight.  He grabs her by the hair pulling her back as he goes to lift her up.  She wiggles out, going behind him as she pulls him back her knees coming up as they hit the mat.  Jasmine then goes for a pin, as Khaos just tosses her over his head, as she hits the mat.  She holds her side a bit as she starts to get up.  Khaos rolling over as he gets up as well.  As soon as Jasmine is to her feet, he runs at her hitting a spear, taking her down hard.  Khaos then goes for a pin, rolling her up... Gabriel this time leans in grabbing Khaos's leg and pulling him off Jasmine.  
Pissed, Khaos gets up and starts to yell at Gabriel, telling him to stay out of it... Yelling and screaming to him.. Jasmine has the ref distracted pretending she is injured while Gabriel gets up on the apron , grabbing Khaos by the neck and launching him right off the ropes.  Making him falter back , as he turns to Jasmine who is waiting. She is able to set him up and hit her finisher Kiss of Fate(Future Shock) as she then pins him 123!  As she is able to retain... Gabriel gets in the ring, grabs the belt from the ref as he hands it to Jasmine.  Lifting her up as she shows it off holding it up high.  Pissed off Kevin rolls out of the ring as he holds his neck a beck, and heads to the back... As shortly Jasmine and Gabriel do the same thing.

Segment: Backstage you see Eve, Santiago, and Antonio all standing backstage just watching the show.  As both men have the night off, so they are just spectators here tonight.  Both are talking and feeling a bit bummed to have been left out.  Antonio pats the International title on his shoulder.  Thinking that he would have more challenges for himself.  Eve keeps her guys calm as they are talking about it.  As Antonio tells Eve that he isn't just going to continue to stand around and wait for much longer.  He will start to take matters into his own hand if management isn't able to do their job correctly.  With that the cameras go back tot he ring as the Bloody Vixens Championship match is about to start.

Match 3

Amara Matthews(C) Vs Danica Grey Vs Tara Malice Vs Daniela Martinez Vs Jezabel Jezzi Vs. Mikah Castile
Match Type: Mrs Clause's of FWAR
Title: Bloody Vixens
Summary: These girls will have to come out in there finest Mrs. clause's outfits, and show us why they may or may not be on the naughty list.
Winner: Daniela Martinez
Everyone looked very festive in there outfits as they came out for this Bloody Vixens Championship.  All the ladies gave it there all.  As this was a huge chance to end the year on a high note, and to start off 2021 on top.  Amara and Jezzi seem to be the target off the start as most are teaming up to go after the the two of them.  Both ladies do their best to fight it off.  Jezzi finds herself being tossed to the outside of the ring, while Amara herself finds herself rolling out of the ring in attempt to catch her breath.  She doesn't go alone though as Danica follows her right out.  The two women are fighting on the outside of the ring.  The ref just lets it go as there was just too much to watch and try to keep control of.
Tara, Daniela, and Mikah are starring each other down in the ring at the moment as the three of them start to battle it out.  Soon it's a two on 1 as Mikah is the odd one out in this.  As Mikah hits the mat hard.  Tara goes for a pin, but Daniela breaks it up.  As it looks like the team work is now over as the two women get in each others faces.  Tara pushes Daniela... Of course Daniela doesn't take that well as she pushes back.  The women start to fight it out, tossing each other around the ring.  
Mikah takes this moment to try to take down both ladies, going for a double clothesline, but Daniela ducks it, but Tara is taken down.  Daniela turns using the speed and hits with a super kick, knocking Mikah down.  Daniela turns her attention to Tara who looks worse for ware as she gets her up and with out wasting any time, sets up her finisher Daniela Drop(Last Ride).  She then quickly gets down and pins Tara.  1 2 , Amara and Danica both try to get back in the ring to break it up, but they are just seconds too late as the ref counts the 3!  
Daniela has done it, she has won the Bloody Vixen's Championship.  Amara looks shocked as she can't believe that it's over already as she wasn't even pinned...Daniela seems just as surprised with the win as well, but very pleased when she is handed the Bloody Vixens championship as the ref raises her hand up in victory...

Segment: Hope is seen standing out on the stage as she has a mic in hand.  Knowing that the fans were expecting to see probably one of the biggest match ups of the night... Though it looked like she had something to say about it.  As soon as it is quiet enough she raises up her mic and then starts to speak.
||Hope Sweet||- Well, I'm just going to get to the point... Because of some stupid regulations and shit... We are having to cut the show time down some.  So in order to meet the new guidelines, we are making some changes. 
She pauses a moment as she was thinking about it.  Actually rather looking forward to this change.
||Hope Sweet||- So that Singles match up between Drew and Axel that was to take place next, isn't happening.  Instead I've gone ahead and made some changes to the main event, just because I can.  The Main event will be a fatal four way, and both titles will be up for grabs... With a bit of rules of course... For a challenger to win any gold they have to pin a champion... If a challenger is pinned no title will exchange... Champions can either try to pin who ever to get it done and over with, or they can actually get the pleasure of trying to hold both the World Title and FWAR Title... 

She said as she felt that was a neat way to do it... With what she had said out and done, she turned and walked off heading back to her office.

Match 4

Match moved to Main event, as now is a Fatal Four way!  Don't mess out!

: After hearing about his match change, Drew looks a bit shocked as he was standing there looking at Sarah as they were talking about the big change.  As it wasn't taking his title shot away, just changing it to the main event, which Sarah felt was better in the long run.
||Sarah Boston||- You deserved to be in the main anyways. Now you have a chance to win either World or FWAR title.  That is very exciting.
She was feeling good about this happy for him as Drew seemed to be taking it all in.  As it was a big change and a lot to take in.  
||Drew Stevenson||- You are right.  This is a good change... I went from a non title singles match to a huge main event where I am given the chance to walk out as either World Champion or FWAR Champion.  It's a gift that I won't look down on for sure.

They both smile as they were thinking about it.  Yeah, Drew may have been ready to face Axel as that had been his focus for weeks, but that didn't mean he couldn't adapt and take advantage of the opportunity that was just given to him.

Match 5
Arnica Blane & Amari Rose(C) Vs: Gage Steele & Mike Malice
Match Type: Twisted Candy Cane Match
Title: Tag Titles
Summary: In this match up, the Tag Titles are hung over the ring, on what looks to be giant candy canes... You have to climb up on a ladder, break the candy, and take the sweet prize.
Winner: Gage Steele & Mike Malice
Arnica and Amari are looking very much ready for this match up.  Already wanting to put Mayhem behind them, and make sure that these guys are shot down here tonight.  None of them looking to lose their gold here tonight. Though Malice and Steele seem to have other ideas as they are both ready to give them hell.  The match starts off with Malice and Arnica as the two lock it right up.  Malice showing that he has no care that Arnica is a woman, starts to hit chops to the chest, and whips her around the ring.  Amari is yelling from her corner as Arnica does start to get back into it, as she kicks the knee of Malice , taking him down a moment, as Arnica then goes for a kick to the head.  As that does take Malice down for a moment. 
Not long enough for a three count as Malice power kicks out of just one, sending Arnica flying.  She rolls a bit as Amari is asking to be tagged in.  
Once Amari is tagged in, she goes right for Malice, as she knew she couldn't over power him, but could try to wear him down.  As she goes for a take down, using his weight against him.  Another take down as, Amari goes to attempt to lock in a submission hold.  Grabbing the arm, as it doesn't last though, as before she can even lock anything in, Malice is up and pushing Amari off him.  He then goes for a tag in on Gage, as Gage comes in for the match.  
There is a lot of back and forth, but Gage does get the upper hand as he is able to set up and hit his finisher Ragin Cajun (The Shoulder back to belly Piledriver).   Malice by this time is grabbing a ladder as he has it in the ring...l Arnica runs in and kicks it into him.  Gage grabs Arnica from behind hitting a neck breaker.  Gage then picks up the ladder as he starts to set it up... He looks at Malice who is getting up.
Gage makes the climb, and starts to go for the titles.. Both Amari and Arnica are back up as they are trying to stop Gage.  Arnica jumps on Gages back, while Amari make the climb herself.  Gage is able to shake Arnica off sending her falling and hitting the mat.  Malice is there, as he puts Amari on his shoulders then walks off hitting a huge slam...
Gage is able to break what is holding the tag titles as he grabs them both holding them up as the bell rings calling for the match to be over.. As we see new Tag Team Champions here tonight!

Segment: Kevin Khaos is seen walking backstage pretty upset about his loss to Jasmine Sweet... Eden is trying to make him feel better as the two are talking... They don't get far down the hall as Spencer Carter is seen with a big cocky grin on his face as he stands there looking at Khaos... There are words said as it doesn't seem to go over well with Khaos.  As he goes on the attack, and a Hardcore Match seems to be going on in the backstage area.  Spencer of course fights back as he is able to push Khaos away, and hit a few left and rights.   Spencer looks like he is about to lean down, until Eden strikes him from behind with the Hardcore Championship that he dropped... Eden smiling as she hands the title to Khaos... As this was the kind of help she was wanting to be apart of.  Khaos waits and stalks, as soon as Spencer starts to get up, he hits him again with the title.  He then goes for the pin just as the ref comes running as Khaos gets the 123!  Becoming the new Hardcore Champion. 
Eden claps and jumps as she pulls the title away from the ref and hands it to Kevin herself.  Giving him a kiss as the two make a quick exit, not wanting to stick around for any more issues.

Match 6

Juana Gonzalez(C) Vs Valissa Oreza
Match Type: The Christmas Gift
Title: Women's Title Match
Summary: All around the arena are there Christmas gifts...In one of those packages there is the Women's Championship.  These women will fight it out, and run around and open their presents, in hopes of finding the title... Oh... The boxes that don't have the title, can have other fun things to help the ladies get the advantage.
Winner:  Valissa Oreza
This is another one of the fan favorite matches of the night.  As many have been waiting to see these two woman lock it up.  as it is quite apparent that there is no love loss between the two of them.  Juana didn't even wait for Valissa to get in the ring as she was running down and attacking her from behind.  Knocking her right into the outside of the ring.  Juana then goes further to grab her and toss her into the fan block, as she hits it and falls to the ground.  The ref is telling her to get it in the ring.  When she finally does, the bell rings and the match starts up.
Both woman start to lay into each other. Valissa is able to catch her breath and get to her feet.  Just hits Juana with an elbow knocking her back... she then pushes her into the ropes and hits a clothesline as it takes her down... Scooping her up to add insult to injury at she locks in a figure four leg lock.  Knowing you can't win that way.   Juana screams out in pain, and tries to get out of the hold... Knowing tapping does no good.  She is finally able to force herself into the ropes as Valissa is finally forced to break the hold.  She then makes her way out of the ring as she starts to go through the boxes , ripping the wrapping paper and checking boxes out... She sees some weapons and tosses them aside, but does hold on to something small.  As she keeps going.
Juana makes her way out of the ring as she picks up one of the discarded weapons, which happens to be a paddle... Running up behind Val, smacking her right in the back with it.  Putting a stop to what she was doing.  Juana smacks her across the back again, as it takes Val down to her knees.  You can hear some trash talking as she goes to smack her again, but Val this time moves out of the way, pushing back, and knocking Juana back a few steps.  The two start exchanging punches and slaps... Juana taking the paddle again and smacking her on the side of the head.  That put Val down... 
Just then you see three ladies of FAB come walking out... There music blaring.  Diamond is front and center while Jayden and Angelique are right at her side, and Frank bringing up the back.  Juana sees them coming down as she starts to yell at them, as she looks ready to fight them all...  As they are distracting Juana, Val is able to get to her feet... She pulls out the small item she had kept while going through boxes.. Putting the brass knuckles on as she goes up behind Juana, hitting her on the side of the head... Grinning, Val watching Juana fall to the ground.  FAB then continues to walk down the rest of the way.  Diamond seemed to know just where she was going, as she went picking up a large and silver box, and walks over handing it to Val.  
Valissa stares at Diamond a moment. as she is told to open it.  She then does as it is seen to be the Women's Title... The ref calls for the bell , as the match is now over.  FAB is seen grinning taking their leave, while Valissa gets back in the ring with her newly won Women's Championship.

Segment: The ladies of FAB are seen standing backstage feeling pretty proud of themselves right now.  They have grins on their face after helping cause Juana Gonzalez The Women's Championship.  She grins seeing the new Women's Champion with Valissa Oreza walking down the hall in there direction.   The girls for sure look super pleased as they pull in Valissa the girls sharing a hug before they all walk off to celebrate. 

Pre Main Event
Lily Khaos (C)Vs Andrew Parker Vs. Matthew Taylor:
Match Type: Triple Threat/No DQ/Falls Count Anywhere
Title: X Division
Summary: For the past month, these three have been showing off and making each other see the fight they will have... Now they will get to fight each other, in hopes of glory... 
Winner: Lily Khaos
As the show returns, we know it's getting close to the end.  As everyo9ne is in for a treat here with this triple Threat X Division match up!  Taylor and Parker are already out in the ring.  Lily is the last to make her way out.  The champion doesn't waste much time getting in the ring.   As she is just as ready for a fight as the other two men in the ring.  The bell rings as soon as she is in the ring and hands off the title.
They all stare each other down, but it's really Taylor and Parker who seem more eager to start things off, as they start going blow for blow.  It is very clear that these two men have a history.  Lily for the most part jut lets them have at it.  Smart enough to let them fight it out of they feel the need.  As it only helps her in the end.  Though she doesn't stay out of it for long as she watches as Taylor kicks Andrew hard enough he goes between the ropes and out of the ring.  Taylor looks like he is about to follow, but is stopped by Lily who is looking to get into this fight now.  Striking from behind first as he does turn around... Pushing her back first, but not one to be pushed aside.  Lily comes at him with some massive kicks to the side, and then goes for a take down, holding onto his arm as she goes for an arm lock.  Looking to do some damage to the arm.  Taylor feeling the pain, fights  to get out of it, as he is able to move and roll just right.  Changing from belly to back, as he goes to flip Lily.  Who is lucky enough to catch herself...Only to get stomped by Parker, who has made his way into the ring.  He then goes and clotheslines Taylor who comes running at him. 
Parker goes for a pin too soon, as Taylor kicks out after the one count.  Parker growling a bit as he was hoping to pit a quick end to it, gets up and starts to go on the attack again.  Parker goes to whip Taylor into the ropes as it is reversed and Lily holds the ropes.  Once again Parker finds himself on the outside of the ring.  Though not alone as soon Lily is sending herself high as she jumps up on the ropes and sends herself flying right onto Parker.   Taking him down, the ref goes to the outside of the ring.  Lily goes for the pin... Seeing Matthew making the climb up the turnbuckle... He jumps and goes to hit Lily.  She sees him just in time, moves out of the way as he lands hard on Parker.  Rolling off him holding his side, Lily sees her opening as she quickly goes over rolling up Parker and gets the pin and the win.  As she is able to retain her Championship Belt.

Segment: After the match Lily is seen walking down the hall, feeling pretty good at her title defense.  Not really paying attention, not thinking anyone would come at her, until it was too late.  It was Lorcan who attacked her in the hall, grabbing her and slamming her up against the wall.  Belldonna yelling to Lorcan to take care of business... Which he does as he walks over and lifts her up and hits her with a back breaker... Lily trying to fight back, fully at a disadvantage here.  She does get in a few punches, but a massive head butt takes the wind out of her again.  He then picks her up and then slams her right through the near by table... Belldonna grinning as Lily is laid out cold.  As it looks like Lorcan has decided his next victim...

Main Event
Eddie McGinlay(C) W/ Lana Starr Vs Kai Lafao W/Roxanne Marshall Vs Axel Gunner(C) Vs Drew Stevenson
Match Type:  Hopes Fatal Fun Fourway!
Title: FWAR Title Match/World Title Match
Summary: Last minute this match up was changed... Being told that the screen time needed to be cut... Refusing to let anyone miss out, Hope did the next best thing as she made two matches one... In this mix up, both Champions have the chance to either retain by pinning any of the challengers, or winning double if they pin the other champion... The challengers must pin a champion to win gold... 
Winner: Drew Stevenson pinning Eddie Mcginlay to become FWAR Champion
The biggest match of the night, with the biggest change... As we go from two men facing each other to, four men fighting it out... A lot was at steak here.   Kai Lafao is the first man to come out as he has Roxanne wit him.  The two get in the ring, as soon as Drew comes out she gets out of the ring.  Drew grins as he was glad that he was still in this, but even better at the chance here tonight.   FWAR Champion Eddie Mcginlay is next to emerge as he has Lana at his side.  Eddie gets in the ring, not giving much attention to the men behind him as he just holds up the FWAR title.  Last but not least is World champion Axel Gunner.  Who stands up on the stage a moment, taunting before he goes down to the ring.  As soon as the titles are handed off the bell rings and the match is under way.  
A smug look on Axel's face as he was looking around the ring.  All the men seemed to have a bit to say as Kai couldn't hold back any longer, going right after Eddie.  As he had put up with enough over the past month and was ready to let him have it. Knocking him back into the corner, as he in a few left and rights.  Not to miss out, as Drew and Axel lock it up.  A test of power as they try to force the other to break.  Not one to care about playing fair, Axel drops his arms and hits an upper cut.  Only to be meant with a knee to the mid section.  As Drew then goes for a head lock.  Axel is able to turn it around though as he lifts Drew up and hits a side walk slam.
By this time, Eddie is also powering himself out of the corner as he hits a few powerful rights , then a big boot to the face.  Drew leans down, pulling him up and tossing him out of the ring for now.. As he then goes to help Axel double team Drew.  As both men look to take Drew down and out.  Could it be because they wanted to fight each other for the chance to be a double champion?  Sounded good either way... Drew seems to be able to think quick though as he is able to move around Axel and hit a German Suplex.  Then pushing Eddie back as he is next in the sites of Drew.  Hitting with a hell of a spear.  As at the moment both Champions are down... Drew is standing tall in the center of the ring.  
Drew looks between the men, seeing Axel getting up first as he starts to go there... Axel fighting back, hitting a few hits, even getting a good knee to the gut.  Tossing Drew into the ropes.  Axel looks like he was about to hit with a spear of his own, but Drew moves out of the way.  As Axel finds himself outside of the ring as well.  Holding his head a bit as he looks to be down for a moment.   Kai is seen getting back up as he starts to make his way back into the ring, but Eddie is right there, as he runs over and hits a big boot to the face of Kai, knocking him right back out of the ring before he can even get started... Causing him to fall back to Axel who was just starting to get up himself.   
Eddie goes to turn around as Drew is right there waiting... He goes and hits his finisher HT3(Arn Anderson Spinebuster)  With out wasting any time he pins Eddie, getting the biggest upset of the night.. As Drew has done it, he has captured gold... The FWAR Championship!

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