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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/23/2023 12:50 AMCopy HTML

General Managers: The Sweet Sisters
Date and Time: December 25th 11 P.M
Theme Song: "Carol of the Bells" Trans Siberian Orchestra

Match 1
Lana Starr VS Gizmo
Match Type:  Singles
Title: Non Title
Summary: Lana has made it very clear that she isn't pleased with Gizmo's newest gimmick change... Feeling a bit more than insulted, Lana looks to beat some common sense into Gizmo, while Gizmo looks to show that she is the newest Scottish queen to dominate the FWAR.

Match 2

Dante Carter  Vs. Johnny Mercer 
Match Type:  Falls Count Anywheres
Title:  X Division Championship
Summary: Johnny made his intentions clear more than once as he is now once again in the main view two Dante, who will do more than give an ass kicking if giving the chance.

Match 3

Open to all
Match Type: Santa's Little Helper
Title: Contendership for any Championship
Summary:  The goal of this match up is to make it through a box of gifts that are all over the arena.  Find the golden ticket, run back and give it to Santa.

Match 4

Tori Adams & Serenity Sixx Vs: Diamond Jackson & Angelique
Match Type: Tag Match
Title: Non Title
Summary: After Carnage, Tori is looking for a little pay back, while Serenity will do a little more than just have her back this time around.

Match 5
Matthew Taylor & Gage Steele Vs: Mike Malice & Dean Creed
Match Type: Street Fight Tag Team
Title: FWAR Tag Championship
Summary: Mike has made it clear that he feels Gage is a traitor, while at the same time Gage feels like it was no such thing... Can the tag champions come together once again to take on Malice and Creed of Savages.

Match 6

Amara Matthews Vs. Kitty Granger
Match Type: Cage Match
Title: Women's Championship
Summary: Just as stated on Neophyte, Kitty would take on Amara Matthews for the Women's Championship.  This feud finally comes to a head as Kitty is looking to put this behind her, and teach the newest FAB member a thing about loyality.

Pre Main Event
Damian Jacobs  Vs. Nova Caine W/ Mason Caine
Match Type: No DQ
Title:  Badass Title 
Summary:  The continue attempted take over by the Caine family as they continue against the Sweets has led them here as Nova is taking on Damian Jacobs.  

Main Event:
???? Vs Lorcan Balthazar Vs. Shawn Blade Vs. Kabuki Dragon
Match Type: Hope's Hardcore Playground
Title: International Championship/Hardcore Championship Match up
Summary: This match happens in stages and goes by eliminations...Both Championships will be on the line at the same time.   

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Holiday Bash Results

Date Posted:12/23/2023 12:53 AMCopy HTML

General Managers: The Sweet Sisters
Date and Time: December 25th 11 P.M
Theme Song: "Carol of the Bells" Trans Siberian Orchestra

Match 1
Lana Starr /Eddie McGinlay VS Gizmo
Match Type:  Singles
Title: Non Title
Summary: Lana has made it very clear that she isn't pleased with Gizmo's newest gimmick change... Feeling a bit more than insulted, Lana looks to beat some common sense into Gizmo, while Gizmo looks to show that she is the newest Scottish queen to dominate the FWAR.
Winner: Lana Starr.
This quickly turned into a bit more than just a match up, after the attack at the company Christmas party, Lana was fired up and ready to go.  The match lasted less than eight minutes.  Eddie yelling to Lana to make it quick, as he had a smug grin as he was watching the match ringside.  There wasn't a lot of back and forth, even though Gizmo did put up a decent fight, but Lana would be the one to make quick work of the match, and get a win.  Eddie gets in the ring as he Lana's arm up.. Gizmo looks like she's about to attack from behind but Eddie not caring returns with a big boot to stop the attack from taking place, as the ref checks on Gizmo while Lana just looks pleased with her man before the couple go and take their leave from the ring.

Match 2

Dante Carter  Vs. Johnny Mercer 
Match Type:  Falls Count Anywheres
Title:  X Division Championship
Summary: Johnny made his intentions clear more than once as he is now once again in the main view two Dante, who will do more than give an ass kicking if giving the chance.
Winner: Dante Carter.
This was a hell of a match as Mercer was trying to get the win wanting the X Division Championship, but Dante wasn't wanting his last match in the company to be a loss.  After a lot of back and forth , it was Dante who was able to get control and was able to hit his finisher.  Getting the 1 2 3!  As he got a huge victory.

Match 3

Open to all
Match Type: Santa's Little Helper
Title: Contendership for any Championship
Summary:  The goal of this match up is to make it through a box of gifts that are all over the arena.  Find the golden ticket, run back and give it to Santa.
Winner: Mike Malice.
This was an open for all match as everyone seemed very eager to get things going and were running around trying to find the packages all over the arena.  Santa was seated up on the stage waiting to see who would be coming with the golden ticket.  Which took a lot longer as there was a lot of destruction going on in the back. As you saw Vincent and Blair running around, and then you could see Jezzi even hunting for the golden ticket.  You even saw Amari Rose also looking as then Denzel then Eddie were seen fighting over what turned out to be an empty box.  The cameras then pan over to Gizmo who of course trying to get herself a golden ticket.  Finally you see Claire actually looking into a box pulling out the golden ticket!  She jumps excited but doesn't get to celebrate long as it was Mike Malice who happened to see what she had, he went over, looking at first like he was excited for her, but the took the ticket, and pushed her hard so she fell , as he then took off.  He made his way to the stage where he tossed the ticket to Santa grinning at what he done and knowing he has just won a title shot at any belt he wants.

Match 4

Tori Adams & Serenity Sixx Vs: Diamond Jackson & Angelique
Match Type: Tag Match
Title: Non Title
Summary: After Carnage, Tori is looking for a little pay back, while Serenity will do a little more than just have her back this time around.
Winner: Tori Adams & Serenity Sixx
This was not the way that FAB was thinking things were going to go, as when Serenity was able to get the pin over Angelique, thanks to Tori interfering and helping, Angelique snapped.  She went right for both Tori and Serenity who were celebrating.  Knocking them both down, as Diamond was soon joining in on the attack until security came down and broke it up... Angelique was dragged off still yelling, kicking and screaming...

Match 5
Matthew Taylor & Gage Steele Vs: Mike Malice & Dean Creed
Match Type: Street Fight Tag Team
Title: FWAR Tag Championship
Summary: Mike has made it clear that he feels Gage is a traitor, while at the same time Gage feels like it was no such thing... Can the tag champions come together once again to take on Malice and Creed of Savages.
Winner: Matthew Taylor & Gage Steele.
Many were thinking that the team of Taylor and Steele would implode from the start, feeling as if Malice and Creed would have the advantage, but it was soon clear that the two were working together just fine.  Both having common goals and putting the trust into each other... 
It was a lot of back and forth and a near fall from Creed, but both times his count was broken up... Steele was tagged in as it went for a moment, as Taylor was able to keep Malice busy while Steele got the pin fall on Creed, as the team retained the FWAR Tag Championships.

Match 6

Amara Matthews Vs. Kitty Granger
Match Type: Cage Match
Title: Women's Championship
Summary: Just as stated on Neophyte, Kitty would take on Amara Matthews for the Women's Championship.  This feud finally comes to a head as Kitty is looking to put this behind her, and teach the newest FAB member a thing about loyalty.
Winner: kitty Granger
This turned into a huge mess from the start really, as FAB started to get involved early on.  Ryder and Aimee of course having their friends back.  Angelique still looked unhinged from earlier as she went right on the attack, going after Ryder as she was trying to rip her hair out, and even biting her.  Distracting just about everyone, as Kitty was able to take advantage of even Amara being distracted inside the cage.  As she was able to hit her finisher , leaving her in the middle of the ring as she was able to get the door open and get out of the cage to win the match, and to win the Women's Championship.

Pre Main Event
Damian Jacobs  Vs. Nova Caine W/ Mason Caine
Match Type: No DQ
Title:  Badass Title 
Summary:  The continue attempted take over by the Caine family as they continue against the Sweets has led them here as Nova is taking on Damian Jacobs.
Winner: Nova Caine.
No one expect Nova to win this match, not when the Sweets were all over this Pay Per View... Crystal was seen walking ringside as she had a smug look on her face.  She just walked around the ring a bit, as her and Mason had some words... It looked like Crystal was taunting a bit as then Damian's girlfriend who was ringside was thinking this was good thing.  Carmen looked rather smug for a bit, as Crystal was just standing there looking up at Nova, who couldn't help but look back every now and then... Which looked like it nearly cost him, as he just missed a big boot... Crystal then leaned on the apron as she was yelling a bit, and then tossed a pair of brass knuckles in... Which went right to Nova, as Crystal smirked telling him to hurry up already... He grinned then used them knocking Jacobs right out, which was very much legal in this match... As the ref counted the three Crystal entered the ring.  She took the Baddass title from the ref, pushing him away.  She stood there looking at the belt a moment, holding it up, looking like she wasn't going to hand it over for a moment... Before she moved and leaned close as she put it around his waist... He then grinned leaning in to look at her, shocking all in the arena when the two kissed right there... Having a mini make out session right in the ring, before Crystal moved holding his hand out as he had the Championship around his waste.. Mason got in for damage control kicking Damian out of the ring, as Carmen was helping him up as you could see they were not happy about this.  

Main Event:
Hope Sweet Vs Lorcan Balthazar Vs. Shawn Blade Vs. Kabuki Dragon
Match Type: Hope's Hardcore Playground
Title: International Championship/Hardcore Championship Match up
Summary: This match happens in stages and goes by eliminations...Both Championships will be on the line at the same time.
Winner: Hope Sweet. 
First one eliminated was Shawn Blade as Hope cheated, locking him in the trunk of a car that was out in the parking lot... Lorcan then attempted a neck breaker on the hood of the car, but Hope was able to get out... The three moved to the backstage area as the fight was slowly making it's way to the ring.. 
Kabuki would be the next one eliminated as it would be Lorcan who put him through a table, as Hope attempted to put Lorcan through the door to one of the locker rooms... Kabuki was able to recover briefly , but it would be them taking the fight to the showers as Hope attempted to choke out Kabuki with someone's shirt.. Lorcan took a chair hitting Hope in the back with it, as she was able to get out of the way as Lorcan then took the aggression on Kabuki hitting him with the chair a few times... Lorcan would pin him.
The fight then make it's way out to the ring, as Lorcan could be seen tossing Hope out on the stage as she rolled down the ramp way a bit... When he got close she hit with a low blow and then tossed him in the ring.  The two went back and forth for awhile, as Hope started to take the padding off the corner turn buckle... Lorcan seeing this, grabbed Hope and busted her head open on it... As he attempted a pin, but she was able to kick out... Hope then was able to get up as Lorcan tried to whip her into the ropes, Hope was able to use his weight and speed against him, as he went into the open turnbuckle, only to turn to the brass knuckles that had been left from the last match...She busted him open with them, as she then was able to go high, and hit a high flying move, as a bloody Hope pinned the bloody Lorcan... She picked up both titles, Looking as she just dropped the International Championship, not wanting it but kept the Hardcore Championship as she was slowly making her way to the back. 

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