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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/15/2010 6:37 PMCopy HTML

They say with every great leader their is a great team standing behind her... and well this may not be true with the Jasonation, but hell have you seen my team?  Thats right I got the top litter in this pick, and soon we're going to see just what these dogs can do.  It is set to be such a fun event... Of course we have it all just for your entertainment... We have pain, torement, blood, and of course some weapons, we wouldn't leave you with out all the fun stuff... Oh now, I know what you really want to see, and I plan on bringing it all to you.  After messing around for a bit, it is now time… Jasonation is going to see just who they are messing with, and find out just who they are messing with… Its not just one person that they have to worry about, but an entire group.  Hope has not entered this game alone… Oh no the Hardcore Bitch has gone out of her norm, and called upon the help of some of FWAR’s finiest.. First we have Shawn Blade, probably the most shocking out of the whole group… but he was more than willing to get into things and really get it all started… Then we have Psychosis… A clown with nothing better to do, but more than willing to be there to help out stoping the jokes called Jasonation…His girl Lily who is the X Divison Champion is also in on this and doing her thing to make sure that she leaves her mark on them… Then we have The Raven… The man who has shown many just what he is about, and has even alligned himself with Hope Sweet… Oh lets not forget the FWAR Champion Matt Morgan… A power house of a giant… We have a whole team here, ready to take on everything, ready to give one hell of an ass kicking to anyone who gets in their way…. They wanted to play, well now they are getting that chance… Jason may think that he has the perfect team, with himself, Harlem Cena, Chris, Jezzi, Bryan, andDaniel. But hes gonna find out they are nothing compaired to the force coming at him.  His boys and girl have no idea just what they are truly in for… They thought they were something with attacking everyone, with putting Crystal on the sidelines, hurting the Women’s Champion Jasmine Sweet for no reason… They have to learn that they can’t go around messing with the Sweets, with the owners, they aren’t going to get any place that way…but then again all fun lessons are learned the hardway…



When FWAR comes on the air you see Hope Sweet standing in the locker room area, she was thinking about the match up that was coming up soon. You could tell that she wasn’t stressing it at all, she wasn’t afraid or worried at all when it came to this.  She would just wait until the time was right, and then let her and her team unleash holy hell onto the team that will be crying at the end of hardcore Hell. As she is standing there she sees a couple people walking in… She sees Lily and her boy toy as she just smirks a bit.

||Hope Sweet||- Whats up?

She looked at them not sure what they were doing here, but knew it had something to do with the match up at Hardcore Hell… She didn’t have to ask if they were ready, hell she already knew that they were.

{Lily Khaos}- Hell not much, just checking to see who's all here and ready to go, knew you'd be here... Of course. This Jasonatioin things is about ready to come to an end I think?

Hope smirked a bit as she was looking at them as she was thinking about it, yeah maybe ti was, maybe it wasnt', not that Hope overly cared either way, she was just wanting to fuck with them a bit, and show them who's the master and who's the bitch around here..

||Hope Sweet||- Well that may be so, but time will tell and not like I overly care or anything. I just want to show them, that they can't fuck with us like they feel they have been doing... They are my bitches and at Hardcore Hell, we're going to show them all just that.

Hope smirked as she was thinking about it, as she couldn't wait to get things started, she couldn't wait to just have at this match go all out on it, it had been a long time since she really had been a bit part of something, so she was going to enjoy this all very much.

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