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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:03/02/2020 9:51 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:  Hope Sweet & Oliver Horn
Theme Song:  "This is Halloween" By Marilyn Manson
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date: 03/15/2020 @ 11PM

Opening Match
Makayla Jones Vs Gordon Flash
Stipulation: Singles
Title: None
Summary: Gordon is the new man in town, and he is looking for an easy win, so he made his first target someone he feels he can handle, as he takes on Makayla Jones
Winner: Gordon Flash

Match 2
Diamond Jackson W/Frank Stone Vs Ronan Morgensen
Stipulation: Singles
Title: None
Summary: Ronan has been wanting a match against Diamond Jackson since she first meant her, well now Diamond is giving her the chance.
Winner: Diamond Jackson

Match 3
Ciara Fierce W/J.T. Marshall Vs Andrew Parker W/Jayden
Stipulation: No DQ
Title: None
Summary: You can tell there are some ill feelings between these two, after a few words on twitter and then on Terror, it looks like it's time to let these two finish there issues in the ring.
Winner: Ciara Fierce

Match 4
Death Dealer Deranged W/Pandora Vs Spencer Carter W/Danica Grey
Stipulation: X Division Rules
Title: X Division Championship
Summary: Dealer was able to leave Terror with title in tact, can he do the same against Spencer Carter?
Winner:  Death Dealer Deranged

Match 5
Alexandra Callaway W/Aaron Oreza Vs Ruby Orton
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Title: Bloody Vixen's Championship
Summary: Ruby is looking to get her hands on Alexandra Callaway... She wants at her bad enough... The Bloody Vixen's Champion is happy to help, as she happily accepts the match, and is feeling ready to kick some ass after a bit of time off.
Winner: Alexandra Callaway

Match 6
Angelique & Jayden W/ Angelina Acid Vs Daniela Martinez & Scarlet De Luca Vs. Jezabel Jezzi & Kelly Nightingale 
stipulation: 6 lady tag match
Title: Women's Tag Team Championship
Summary: three of the hottest tag teams to hit FWAR, are getting to face it off for there chance to be the first to hold the Women's Tag Championships!
Winner: Scarlet De Luca & Daniela Martinez

Match 7
Shawn Blade(C) W/ Damia Astaroth Vs Antonio Guerrero
Stipulation: Singles
Title: International Championship
Summary: Shawn enjoyed the last fight so much, he was wanting to give Antonio a chance that not many have gotten... A second match with the International Championship on the line.
Winner: Antonio Guerrero

Pre Main Event
Jasmine Sweet(C) Vs Aimee Daughtery
Stipulation: Street Fight
Title: Women's Championship
Summary: This match has been a long time coming, as Aimee is looking for her chance to be champion, while Jasmine is looking to put Aimee in her place once and for all.
Winner: Aimee Daughtery

Main Event
Gage Steele W/ Kevin Khaos Vs Wolf Heathen W/ Elisabeth Adams
Stipulation: Steel Cage Match
Title: None
Summary: The World Champion is taking on the FWAR Champion, as everyone is looking to see if the Rajun Cajun can go toe to toe with the Big Bad Wolf!
Winner: Wolf Heathen due to interference from Elisabeth Adams

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Hard Domination

Date Posted:03/23/2020 12:04 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:  Hope Sweet & Oliver Horn
Theme Song:  "This is Halloween" By Marilyn Manson
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date: 03/15/2020 @ 11PM

Opening Match
Makayla Jones Vs Gordon Flash
Stipulation: Singles
Title: None
Summary: Gordon is the new man in town, and he is looking for an easy win, so he made his first target someone he feels he can handle, as he takes on Makayla Jones
Winner: Gordon Flash

A pretty quick match up as Gordon was showing that he was a young and new talent.  Makayla seemed all eager to accept this match until the bell rang.  A bit of back and forth across the ring, as they hit the ropes... Finally it looks like Gordon is done playing around as he clotheslines Makayla taking her down on her back... He then moves grabbing her by her hair and lifting her up as he hits her with a Snapper DDT... Showing some skills as he was able to get over on Makayla, hitting her with a 630 Splash, as he pinned Makayla and was soon having his hand held up be the ref... The new comer looking very excited to be starting his career off with a victory... As Makayla looks a bit upset that she lost as sets there in the corner a moment just looking up at Gordon in disbelief that she lost.

Backstage Segment : Gordon walks backstage after his victory as you see Tori Adams standing there looking at him... She has a hand on her hip... She has been rather vocal on twitter when it came to how he had went looking for an easy win.  Tori just laughed a bit seeing how sweaty he was looking.

||Tori Adams||- Well now that you had your warm up match....How about you actually face someone who actually knows what to do with a man?

She smirked a bit as she looked at him... She knew for damn sure she would be a much bigger challenge than who he had just faced... She just saw him look at her debating it...She licked her lip a bit then laughed a bit as she the turned off leaving him to think about the offer for a real match...

Match 2
Diamond Jackson W/Frank Stone Vs Ronan Morgensen
Stipulation: Singles
Title: None
Summary: Ronan has been wanting a match against Diamond Jackson since she first meant her, well now Diamond is giving her the chance.
Winner: Diamond Jackson
The match got started as soon as Diamond was done posing and showing off in the ring... She taunted Ronan a bit who seemed to be doing well for herself since her arrival.  Feeling like she was going to continue on her way up the ranks... Though first she would have to get through Diamond...Who had no issue with being her road block.  Ronan was cocky and tried to go on the attack first, but as soon as she came at Diamond, she hit a boot to the mid section... then brought her in, as Diamond then lifted her up and hit her with a power bomb, putting her right on her back... Ronan yelled out in pain as she was holding her back... Diamond didn't stop there though walking around as she had her feet on her hair, leaning down grabbing her arms and pulling her up, causing the pain to her head... Diamond grinned as she was enjoying what she was doing.  it was easy to see that she was just playing and fucking with Ronan...Not taking her as a serious threat at all... The ref finally made her stop as she let her go, walking back around as she leaned down trash talking, then slapped her hard across the face.  Making Ronan stagger back, but there is a bit of fire in her eyes now, feeling fully disrespected as you can hear her yell out as she goes running at Diamond... Diamond moves back, putting her foot out as she trips her... Then laughing at what she did... Diamond gets behind her as she then picks her up by her hair once again.   She then lifts her up, and easily carries her above her head showing her massive strength before she then just tosses her up, walks forward making Ronan crash face first once again into the mat.  Feeling it was close to ending this, Diamond then goes over picking her back up as she moves just right so she can set up Diamond Edge( Lifting Under-hook Sit-out Face Buster)  Diamond then rolls her up for the pin and the win...

 As Diamond gets up Frank climbs in the ring... She smirks looking at him as she nods her head... Letting her man have a bit of fun.. He grabs her up lifting her up as he hits her with a very massive and effective Choke Slam... Diamond grins watching as she then gets out of the ring a moment grabs a steel chair and slides it in the ring as Frank picks it up, a sick grin of his own as he smacks Ronan right in the head with it... Diamond goes and gets another chair as she tosses it in and then gets back in the ring... soon the two of them are both teaming and hitting her with the chairs... Diamond then starts to work on her knee... Grinning a bit as she puts the chair in so her knee is coming out the whole, as Diamond then locks in a leg lock submission making her scream out in horrible pain... Which just made her locker it in tighter.. After awhile Diamond then gets up, as she removes the chair, but then goes back for the knee, lifting her up and smashes it into the mat... She then stops as Frank starts to move Ronan to a corner as Diamond is climbing up on the ropes, as one chair then placed through her her leg to her knee, and another over it.. With out any thought Diamond jumps and you can hear the sick sound it makes as a scream of pure pain comes from Ronan's as she twists and holds leg, trying to get it free from the chair, the leg looked sick for sure... Ref's come rushing out to stop the assault at the hands of Diamond and Frank, but they were already done as Diamond's music was hitting and she was making her way up to the stage... The two of them stood up there looking very pleased with what they had just done, as medics are rushed out to help Ronan as it is sure that she is hurting for sure...

Backstage Segment: When the cameras get backstage as fight has broke out...It only take a moment to see that it is Ruby Orton attacking Bloody Vixen's Champion Alexandra Callaway... The two are just tearing each other apart backstage... Ruby is screaming at Alexandra champion, calling her a coward among other names... Mainly looking upset because the champ didn't have to put her title on the line...Alexandra has no problem fighting back with a punch of her own, grabbing her hair and smacking her face first into a table...Ruby only dazed as she staggers back, then goes and spears Alexandra as the women end up taking the fight to the floor rolling , and pulling at each others hair...Each throwing some punches as much as possible.  Ruby is able to get her leg up and kick Alexandra back off of her, as she hits the wall a bit... Ruby gets back up and goes back on the charge, as she spears her into the door sending her through it, as the damage to the backstage area is noticed now.  Finally after awhile a bit, security was there to break it up as Hope Sweet and Oliver were standing there watching the scene unfold...

||Hope Sweet||- It looks like they didn't want to wait for their match up...

Oliver nodded as he rolled his eyes a bit...He didn't like when things didn't go as planned...He hated when people didn't do what they were suppose too.

{Oliver Horn}- It would seem like the new one is a little upset about not getting a title shot.

They were talking to each other, but clearly could be heard by everyone there as Ruby tried to spit on Alexandra.  Which only enraged Alexandra who tried to kick at Ruby as Hope rolled her eyes.

||Hope Sweet||- Enough, save it for the ring... Just to make sure you do... 

She looked at Oliver as he could sense what she was thinking as he nodded his head, agreeing to it.

||Hope Sweet||- The Bloody Vixen's Championship will be on the line for your match...

She said giving Ruby what she wanted as Alexandra didn't seem to care, just wanting to rip her part.

{Oliver Horn}- Not get them out of here, and clean this mess up...It's disgusting... 

He said leaving before anyone could touch him as he didn't like to be touched as it was, and now with how things were, he was for damn sure not wanting any one to touch him... Hope laughed a bit turning to walk with him as she just slapped his ass as they headed back to the office as he jumped and hissed a bit making her laugh more.

Match 3
Ciara Fierce W/J.T. Marshall Vs Andrew Parker W/Jayden
Stipulation: No DQ
Title: None
Summary: You can tell there are some ill feelings between these two, after a few words on twitter and then on Terror, it looks like it's time to let these two finish there issues in the ring.
Winner: Ciara Fierce
As Ciara was waiting in the ring for Andrew to come out... He appears over the P.A. System... She looks confused as to why he isn't here... This is where he lets her and everyone watching know that he was unable to make it to the arena... Claiming due to flight restrictions because of the virus... Though he didn't leave Ciara empty handed as he was able to get a local talent to come out and wrestle her for the night... Some guy comes out as she looks at J.T. upset that this wasn't happening like it was suppose too... The bell rang and as soon as the man was in the ring, Ciara went right after him, leaving the man with nearly no chance as she made quick work, hitting him with her finisher and getting a quick pin... Ciara got a win, but not the one she wanted...She drops down rolling out of the ring as her and J.T take their leave and head off to the bus.

Backstage Segment :  New arrival Kai Lafao is seen backstage as he is watching the show.  He is looking forward to his own match up against Damian Callaway... The man is looking eager to step back in the ring after so many years... It is long before Roxanne Marshall walks up to him as she says something to him as he smiles then the two walk off down the hall together, leaving the viewers at home wondering what she had said...

Match 4
Death Dealer Deranged W/Pandora Vs Spencer Carter W/Danica Grey
Stipulation: X Division Rules
Title: X Division Championship
Summary: Dealer was able to leave Terror with title in tact, can he do the same against Spencer Carter?
Winner:  Death Dealer Deranged

This was an epic match up... As Dealer was looking to make a statement on the behalf of Plague who has for sure been good at pissing a lot of people off... Spencer though was looking to start off his run as X Division champion.  Which made this interesting for sure as both men had little to no give in them... The only advantage that Dealer had was he was very use to D X Division matches by now as he had defended his belt many times and had been in many matches before winning it... This was almost an anything goes as soon weapons were being tossed in... Though it was Pandora tossing them in , she wasn't really straight directing them to Dealer as they were even in reach of Spencer.  Which was why Danica was letting it go but she for sure was keeping an eye on things... Though Pandora didn't try to get involved.  Knowing that Dealer liked to do these on his own. 

Spencer was able to grab a trash can lid and smack Dealer over the head with it, as it put him down a moment but he was able to roll and grab the ropes as he pulled himself up... Able to avoid contact with another shot, he rises up and pushes forward lifting Spencer right up off his feet, and takes him down... Dealer sees a chain on the mat.  He goes over and grabs it, puts it around his knuckles and as soon as Spencer is up, he hits him in the side of the head with it... Knocking him nearly out, as he is breathing a bit heavy and laid out... Dealer covers him, pinning and getting the 1. 2. 3. to retain the X Division championship.

Backstage Segment :  Scarlet and Daniela are chilling backstage as they are getting pumped for their tag match... With the possibility of winning gold they are sure excited and hyper... The girls are kind of moving back and forth, doing a bit of streching... As they knew that there match up was coming up pretty soon.... They were for sure feeling the hype as they didn't let the the fact that it was an empty arena bother them...

Match 5
Alexandra Callaway W/Aaron Oreza Vs Ruby Orton
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Title: Bloody Vixen's Championship
Summary: Ruby is looking to get her hands on Alexandra Callaway... She wants at her bad enough... The Bloody Vixen's Champion is happy to help, as she happily accepts the match, and is feeling ready to kick some ass after a bit of time off.
Winner: Alexandra Callaway

Ruby is standing out in the ring as Believer is playing around her.  She is looking up at the stage though waiting for the Bloody Vixen's Champion to come out on stage... Knowing what was on the line now as Ruby was looking to not only defeat her, but to become the new Bloody Vixen's Champion... "Come for me" Blares as Alexandra walks out, holding her Bloody Vixen's Championship on her shoulder... Her husband Aaron at her side, as the duo walks down hand in hand.  Once in the ring, she holds her title up, even though there is no fans, she still taunts it a bit, showing it off to those watching at home.  The ref then takes it as the bell rings... With out even waiting Ruby attacks her from behind as Aaron is quick to move out of the way and out of the ring.  The women are once again rolling around, this time on the mat.  They are pulling hairs, and hitting a few punches in when they can... Ruby grabs her by the hair and with a few hard hits slams Callaway's head into the mat.  Callaway is able to get a bit of space and kick her back off of her.. Callaway uses the ropes to get up, as she then goes on the attack, as Ruby catches her and hits with a side walk slam... Not kept down, Alexandra rolls out of the way as she gets up, to a knee.  Ruby goes for a knee, but Alexandra catches it, lefts her up, and hits her with a slam of her own to the mat.  Alexandra walks around a bit, getting her wind back, as Ruby is working on the same as she gets to her feet.  

The girls are once again locking it back up, this time a force of strength, as it seemed pretty well matched, until Ruby had enough and brought her elbow up, connecting to her face, which caused a kick to the mid section, as Ruby was able to jump back before getting to much damage dune.. Alexandra goes at her, Ruby sees her coming and kicks her leg to the gut then htis her finisher Shinning Ruby(RKO).  She goes for the pin... Alexandra is able to get a shoulder up before the three... Trying again, Ruby pins her, this time Alexandra is able to kick out... Almost screaming, Ruby gets up as she looks at her, grinning a bit.. Ruby picks her up, and power bombs her into the ring... Not pinning her this time, she drops down and rolls out of the ring... She is soon under the ring as she pulls something out.. While in the ring Alexandra still isn't moving.  Ruby is seen pulling out a bright red fire extinguisher... She smiles a wicked and sick smile before she then gets back in the ring with it... She stand over Alexandra holding it... As the feeling of the end being near rushes her...

Ruby is holding the fire Extinguisher as she is looking to knock Alexandra out with it... Aaron sees this as he then gets up on the apron as he is yelling to Ruby... Who turns to see him standing up there... Grinning she walks over to him, letting the extinguisher drop down to her side a bit... She is standing right in front of him as she looks like she is about to do something, maybe kiss him, but he grabs her on both sides of her face.. Then jumps down off the apron, hanging her up on the ropes.  Causing her to drop the extinguisher and stagger backwards, holding her neck.  Alexandra moves quick grabbing the thing herself... She picks it up , hits Ruby in the gut with it.. Tosses it out of the way as she then grabs Ruby and hits her with her finisher Bow to the Queen (Split legged Piledriver) She then turns her over, and covers her... As she gets the three and is able to retain her Bloody Vixen's Championship.

Backstage Segment :  Shawn is seen walking backstage holding both the Hardcore Title and the International Champonship.  Heading where, wasn't really known, but where ever it was, he didn't make it as out of know wheres he is struck from behind with what looks to be a broom... The cameras then move to show that it was Juana Gonzalez who is on the attack... She yells at him as she then hits him again... and again, until the broom breaks... She then looks around seeing what else is handy as she happened to see a wrench seated on a crate as she grabs him by the hair as she then brings her knee up to his face as he does push back a bit, sending her back to right where she wanted to go.  She grabs the wrench just as it looks like he was going for a spear... Nailing him right across the forehead with it... Busting him open right away as the blood came gushing out.. He fell on his back... Juana then waves the ref on as she gets down and pins him, as the ref counts 1...2...3!  Giving Juana her first title win as she grins looking pleased with herself... She gets up and is handed the Hardcore title, and getting a bit of pay back for his annoyance earlier in the week...

Match 6
Angelique & Jayden W/ Angelina Acid Vs Daniela Martinez & Scarlet De Luca Vs. Jezabel Jezzi & Kelly Nightingale 
stipulation: 6 lady tag match
Title: Women's Tag Team Championship
Summary: three of the hottest tag teams to hit FWAR, are getting to face it off for there chance to be the first to hold the Women's Tag Championships!
Winner: Scarlet De Luca & Daniela Martinez

Three of the biggest tag teams in FWAR are facing off for the Women's Tag Titles.  Fab members Angelique and Jayden waste no time in waiting for everyone to even be down at the ring... Attacking Jezzi and Kelly as soon as they were in the ring...Not to be left out, Daniela and Scarlet came running down the ramp with only Daniela's music having the chance to play as they slide in the ring and start to fend of Jayden and Angelique.  Giving Jezzi and Kelly a chance to recover a bit... Soon the ref gets some order as it was Jayden and Scarlet starting things out... 

Scarlet able to get the upper hand early on over Jayden as she picks her up and hits her with a side walk slam.. Angelique is yelling and rooting her FAB mate on as Jayden does get set up as Scarlet kicks her in the back, then grabs her from behind, and bends her arms a bit , twisting and bending as she yells out, as the ref asks if she wants to give, she shakes her head.  Angelique runs in kicking Scarlet in the head... as Daniela is right there, pushing Angelique off.  The ref breaks it up making the ladies go back. Jayden is up as she grabs Scarlet by the hair and fliips her, making her hit the mat as she goes for a pin but Scarlet kicks out on the one.  Jayden then gets up , pulling Scarlet with her as they go to the corner as she tags in Angelique and the double teams starts... Daniela yelling for the ref to stop it, but the two lift Scarlet up, and then hit her with a power bomb with double the force.  Angelique then goes for the pin, Scarlet still able to kick out after the two... Which just angered Angelique who was pulling Scarlet up by her hair... Scarlet pulls herself together some and hits a few elbows to the midsection of Angelique then whips her into the ropes , meeting her half way as she then gets a kick in, the grabs and hits a snap DDt... Both women are down, and Daniela is yelling for her to tag her in....No crowd to help support the tag in as Scarlet is near her, but is near where Kelly is, as Kelly is tagged in... Kelly goes after Angelique who is able to duck out of the way with out a though she just goes over with a hard slaps tags Daniela in... A bit shocked and angered Daniela comes in and looks to Kelly as they soon lock up.

Kelly has the upper hand for a  moment but doesn't last as Daniela is able to life her up, and slams her down, almost like a chokeslam type move... Daniela then walks around a bit, as she is at the head of Kelly, as she leans down picking her up, feeling like the end is close, as she starts to lift her up... Jayden and Angelique get into the ring, but Scarlet rushes in as Jezzi does the same, the girls lock arms and hit a double clothesline as they are taken out of the ring... Daniela pins Kelly as the ref gets down counting the 1 2 3... Making the Women's Tag Champions Daniela and Scarlet.  The ref hands them the belts as they raise them up.. They then turn looking at Jezzi who is helping up Kelly.  The women look at each other as they then shake hands... Showing respect to one another.

Backstage Segment :  Gage is backstage as he was talking with Kevin Khaos... As the man was still upset about everything... Mainly the fact that Gage seemed to be okay with working with Antonio... As Gage was trying to explain how important it is to have the back up... But Kevin just brushed it off and said he was on his own, and Kevin wasn't going to be here, and see how it goes when he has to face Wolf Heathen alone... Gage just shook his head as he watched him go and leave the arena.

Match 7
Shawn Blade(C) W/ Damia Astaroth Vs Antonio Guerrero
Stipulation: Falls count anywheres
Title: International Championship
Summary: Shawn enjoyed the last fight so much, he was wanting to give Antonio a chance that not many have gotten... A second match with the International Championship on the line.
Winner: Antonio Guerrero

A last minute decision made by Oliver Horn, changed this match from a singles to a Falls count Anywheres match... Which both seemed to be rather fine with...  Even though it was clear to see that Shawn was still hurting from being smashed in the fore head with the wrench, but he wasn't one to miss a fight.. Damia does kind of semi assist him down to the ring, as it looks like the cripple helping the cripple...Which is a rather funny site to see... Too bad there are no fans in the crowd...

The bell rings as the match is started... Antonio looks rather hesitant at first, but Shawn just tells him to come on and it goes... Though Shawn is in bad shape is still able to bring the fight, showing his spirit, or stupidity depending on how you looked at it... He isn't new to the pain as he has years of abuse behind him as he just keeps on fighting, he does get Antonio backed into a corner... but a head butt changes it pretty quick as it knocks him back, as Shawn is seeing stars... Soon it's Shawn in the corner as Antonio is on the attack... Hitting with some massive punches to the chest... Antonio then goes to go high as he climbs up the ropes a bit... Shawn in the right spot, lifts him up and sends him right over the rope and out of the ring...He hits the ground with a thud as he holds his elbow a bit... Shawn falls down to the mat as he takes a moment to get a breather....Damia is yelling at him to get his ass up and get him... Shawn kind of gives Damia the finger a moment, rolls over and lays on his back.  After a few moments both men are finally starting to get up.. Shawn is on his feet, and Antonio is grabbing the ropes to get back in the ring... Shawn then runs and slides kicking Antonio with both feet as it sends him flying back to a guard.  Shawn then slides the rest of the way out of the ring..Feeling the pain he leans against the ring as he looks at Antonio who is trying to catch his breath looking at Shawn...Shawn putting up more than a fight that Antonio figured he would be able too.  Shawn then starts to move, going towards Antonio who is able to fight back, connecting a fist to Blade's gut, making him hunch over and grunt some... As Antonio then once again hits another punch.  Antonio is up to his feet now as he is on the attack.  He walks over grabs Shawn by the hair, slamming him face first into steel steps... Well that had to make him nauseous as fuck as he closed his eyes a moment.

Antonio was starting to get the upper hand as the match was now outside of the ring, which for some reason the ref wasn't even trying to stop it as he was just letting them do there thing...Then all of a sudden Lorcan's music hits as the large man comes rushing out... Damia is the first to get in his way but a punch to the face and a forceful grip to the neck pushes her back, but Shawn showing he isn't kind of the assholes is right there stopping him from doing more damage to Damia... As fun as she is in a neck brace, he doesn't want her too damaged.  He wasn't much of a fight already out of it, and woozy, as yet another damn head butt takes him down... Antonio is right there looking for his pay back, but Lorcan sees it, again being the fresh man in, Lorcan whips him right into the steel steps back first... Lorcan continues on the attack, but it was Lily who ran down this time.  She has a kendo stick in hand as she hits him first over the back, then across the side of the face with it after he dropped to a knee... She then grabs his hair beings him down to her knee, as it connects... He is down and hit a few more times with the kendo stick...Lily yells to Antonio to get his ass up as she kind of drags him over to Shawn who is still laid out... He covers Shawn as the ref counts 1 . 2.. 3... Giving Antonio the win and the Championship as it is handed to him.

Backstage Segment :  Backstage you see Jasmine talking with Gabriel Hunter... She is getting ready to head out to the ring next to defend her Women's Championship.  She had decided early on that she was actually wanting to go out alone... She wanted to take on Aimee on her own and prove that she was able to do it on her own.  Gabriel didn't look to pleased about having to stay back...It could be because they both knew that Aimee had her friends with her, but Jasmine was still wanting to do it on her own...

Pre Main Event
Jasmine Sweet(C) Vs Aimee Daughtery
Stipulation: Street Fight
Title: Women's Championship
Summary: This match has been a long time coming, as Aimee is looking for her chance to be champion, while Jasmine is looking to put Aimee in her place once and for all.
Winner: Aimee Daughtery

This match was a much waited for match up... Jasmine coming out by herself to the surprise of Aimee and her friends who were ring side.  Jasmine came down and handed the title to the ref as the bell rang.  Not wasting time posing or showing off.  With no fans she didn't feel the need too.  The match got under way as Jasmine had early control as she was able push Aimee to the corner... Aimee had the support and cheer of her friends in her corner as they were cheering her on.  As it may have helped as she was able to push herself out of the corner... She clotheslined Jasmine , but it wasn't enough to keep her down as she was quick to get up, so Aimee hit her with another, and again Jasmine was able to get up quick... A third one was attempted, but this time Jasmine was able to duck and get out of the way.  She grabbed Aimee using her speed against her and was able to hit her with a sit down slam.. Jasmine got back up, as she reached down picking up Aimee hitting her with another slam, as she then puller her over to the corner... Jasmine climbed up and attempted a jump off the ropes but Aimee moved grabbing he and went for a roll up pin, but Jasmine was able to get out of it at the two... Jasmine looked at her shocked as Aimee locked just as shocked she was able to get out of it.

As the back and forth continues it would seem like Gabriel Hunter has had enough and feels like Jasmine needs him in her corner... Even though no one has tried anything... as this street fight for the most part has even been just a straight up Women's title match as to everyone's surprise Jasmine wasn't trying to play dirty... Gabriel starts his walk down as soon Jasmine notices it as she stands up by the ropes looking at him... With out wasting a moment Aimee grabs her, holding her trunks he rolls up the pin, the ref gets down and counts the 1. 2. 3!  

Jasmine sits there shocked as Aimee jumps up to her feet as she is handed the title.  Jasmine punches the mat as she gets up looking at Aimee who had just snuck in a victory to claim the Women's Championship.. Gabriel stops mid way on the ramp as he knows the match is over now.. Not really feeling it was his fault, but Jasmine drops down rolling out of the ring as she just leaves.. As Aimee and her team mates get in and celebrate her victory.

Backstage Segment : After the match backstage Jasmine is having words with Gabriel about him coming out there... As you could see she wasn't happy with it, or with him.. but he just shrugs then just picks her up over his shoulder and walks off with her, as she gasps in surprise, then laughs a little as there didn't seem to be too much anger there... 

Main Event
Gage Steele  Vs Wolf Heathen W/ Elisabeth Adams
Stipulation: Steel Cage Match
Title: None
Summary: The World Champion is taking on the FWAR Champion, as everyone is looking to see if the Rajun Cajun can go toe to toe with the Big Bad Wolf!
Winner: Wolf Heathen due to interference from Elisabeth Adams

The cage was lowered for the main event... Wolf Heathen was the first to come out as he had Elisabeth with him...He was grinning as he had his hand around her neck as they were soon then making there way to the ring... Wolf walked around the cage as he just tugged on the cage a bit, liking the looks of it.  He then climbed inside while Elisabeth stayed to other side... Gage then came out next standing there...No fans to cheer him on as they were all having to watch this from the comforts of their homes... He walked down as he didn't waste any time getting in the ring... The ref taking both titles and having them placed outside the ring... The cage is then closed and lock as the match is soon under way.

Wolf is looking pretty content being in the cage as he he goes right for Steele... The two throwing punches as soon the the ring area was starting to fill up with Plague members... First Death Dealer Deranged and Pandora make their way down to the ring... As Gage doesn't let it distract him as he pushes Wolf into the corner... Then hits him with a spear, his shoulder connecting a few times to his mid section.  Gage then goes getting up on the ropes, hitting a few punches, Wolf then grabs him and walks him to the middle of the ring as he slams him down... Gage returns with a two legged kick to the face as wolf falls back himself... 

By this time the rest of Plague has come out as they were moving around the ring... Elisabeth was yelling something and raising her hands up as all of a sudden the steel cage started to raise up... Gage looking around seeing it get picked up as he knew this wasn't good... He didn't stop though as he went right after Wolf heathen as it was hard to keep focus though as Plague was trying to get into the ring as the cage was ever so slowly lifting up.  When it was up enough and they were all on the apron, Gage looks away from Wolf... Which was a big mistake... Wolf was able to turn him around and set him up for Helvetesmakt( Crucfix Powerbomb)  Getting the victory just as the care was fully up, as the rest of Plague came into the ring and started to attack Gage... 

With that you see Antonio, Lily rush out down to the ring as they were willing and able to back Gage up... As the night was ending with a brawl in the middle of the ring...After a moment you seven see Shawn Blade running out as he is a man looking for a bit of pay back...He goes right after Lorcan who was trying to over power Antonio.   Hope and Oliver walk out on stage as they stand up there watching the fight take place... Both grinning as they seemed to be enjoying what they were seeing as Gage is being forced into one corner, and Lily is trying to hold off Pandora and Ember as Antonio is taking it to Dealer.   While Lorcan was fighting on the outside of the ring with Shawn who is able to spear Lorcan against the table, as he then lifts Lorcan on it, while Antonio is able to get up on the turnbuckle and then jump and put Lorcan right through the table... With that the fight still going, the PPV comes to an end...

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