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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/28/2010 6:15 PMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.


|Crystal Sweet|..Still the Baddest Bitch there is

So now Johnny wants to play games with the boss.  He thinks to get himself a title shot and to use her ego to get it.  Did Crystal need another bitch to follow her around and do as she said... Not really, nor was it really her style.  She did however like control, and she liked to know that those who were working under her, respected her.  Unlike this smuck who feels as if he has done it all.  He may have been in the wrestling business awhile, but as for proving anything, well he hasn't proven anything by  her.  Yeah Crystal held many titles, and has been at the top more times than she can count. But Johnny truly has no idea just what is in store for him.  He may feel as if he has the advnatage here, but he'll see soon enough that he has nothing...Now I know that you are thinking, wow what a bitch... Why so cold?  Well its not being cold at all... No I'm just being real.  I"m sure out there some place, Johnny was use to being the top dog, but well that just isn't how it is here... Yeah he may make it big, may be a well respected talent later on, but well that just isn't going ot happen now.  Or probably anytime soon...


When FWAR comes on the air you see Crystal standing in the hallway as she was laughing a bit.  She was very amused with what Johnny had to say this time around.  So this was the game that he was wanting to play.  He was wanting to go down that route..

{Crystal Sweet} He wants to play this as a game, then so be it.

She grinned as she made her way walking down the hall.  She talked to a few workers then went on her way heading to the ring.  She hadn't really been out to the ring in a while, so this was a perfect time to do it.  After a moment she steps thru, making her way on the stage, as "Straight Out of Line!" By Godsmack blares.  Crystal stands on the stage as she smirks a bit looking around.  She then after a moment walks down the ramp way as she was heading to the ring.  After a moment she walks up the steps, stepping up on the apron before she bends over crawling in the ring.  She poses a bit before walking over and getting a mic.  As soon as her music stops playing she raises the mic up and then starts to speak.

{Crystal Sweet} Well this has been a long time coming.  I know that some of ynou are pretty pissed at me for what I did.  You can be, I dont' really care.  This isn't about always being nice, and well I'm not out here to address anything concerning Jasmine Sweet right now.  Oh no, I'm out here to talk about the Hardcore Champion, Johnny Camaro. 

She paused a moment before she started to go on speaking.

{Crystal Sweet} Now Johnny I know that you seem to think you are big stuff around here, and that I have it out for you... I dont'... and you're really not.

She smirked a bit.

{Crystal Sweet} You see, I didn't put you two your knees for any stupid reason, that you seem to be thinking of... Hell I did it, because I wanted too.  I happened to found pleasure in your pain.. I've always found pleasure in other peoples pain. So now this is where we are... You have added a bit more to this match up... Wanting a stipulation, wanting to be my bitch.

She laughed as she was thinking about it.

{Crystal Sweet} Everyone always wants to be my bitch...I'll give you a chance... If you beat me, I'll give you a title shot at any title you like, but when you lose, you're my bitch and doing my bidding for the next two weeks, or so.

She said as she was willing to accept that challenge as she laughed standing there in the ring as she was thinking about it.  Oh yeah this was going to be a lot of fun.  Johnny may be liking this right now, but come Terror, she knew that he would be changing his tone, but it won't matter.  Crystal drops the mic as she just stands there with her hands on her hips a bit, shaking her head, as she then laughed a bit, before her music hit once again.  She then dropped down as she rolled out of the ring, as she made her way up the ramp way, off the stage and to the back  heading to her office.

©.caramel kisses. Made for Christina by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

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