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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:01/23/2010 2:00 AMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.


Personal Message:???

Finally the time has come... The darkness has its chance to rise from the underbelly... For we come from hell to give you all what you are wanting, what you are lusting for... We know how evil and twisted you truly are.  For you crave the flesh, the blood, and the terror.  So now we shall give it to you.  you shall have it all.... You think to come at us, you think you can claim what we have held onto for so long.  Ah yes you are so funny, ah yes I can just giggle at what you have done... What you think you can do.

You come out acting all tough, acting as if you're not afraid of all the things to come.  You joke, you just and make light of the hell that is truly before you.  You think you can beat me down, defeat me and take what I have already claimed... You have no idea just what you say.  No worries, for I am not mad, for I do not care what little games you boys play.  I have come to far to lose my cool, I am trained and set.. I lurk and wait.

When FWAR comes on the air you see the cameras moving around the arena looking and checking things out as they are waitign to see just who is around and who is ready for things to come, come Retibution.  Talks and chats have already started to come from the talents here as they grow ever so excited about there matches coming up.

{Elisabeth Adams} Wander all you want, think to show what hasn't come to pass yet.

The voice is heard but she isn't heard as the camers start to look around as she laughs out a bit, knowing that she will nto be seen yet as she was getting ready for her own battle that would take place later that night ont he Pay per view.

{Elisabeth Adams} I see the fun you have, looking and seeing just what people have to say, you seemed to have a good time with dark Carnival.. Even though there bit was a bit rough, and seemed to be mroe forced then natural... They pretend to be ready for me, but yet deep down I can tell they are scared.  They have no real idea just what they are in for.

Her laughter is heard again as she was thinking about it. Knowing that it was going to be one night that Dark Carnival will not forget.  She knows that she is greater than the two of them... It was just a matter of time before she go tthe chance to prove it..

{Elisabeth Adams} Joker has come at me, not once or twice, but three times now, each time with someone new... Do you think that changing partners is going to increase your odds, or make your fear go away.  This will be your third attempt Joker... and it shall be your last... I shall put an end to you once and for all.

Her laughter is even louder now as the camera is still searching around trying to find her, wondering where she is, but soon its all gone, and the camera even cuts to black as you hear a bit of a struggle then the camera man yelling out, before you hear nothing at all.

©şїиƒũℓℓў ѕẁззт Made by Jen for Christina at DAF... dont be a fucking idiot and decide to steal cause if you do there will be some serious trouble! You have been warned so you better take heed to it or else!
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