Title: Getting down to Business OOC: Good luck to you... This is fun, Yeppy!
Finally it looks like things are rolling and kicking once again in EBW.. Even talk of SVD making his return to action... DX has come out of the nursing home once again, to walk around anfd annoy the living hell out of the important people... The battle Royal seem to be gaining a lot of attention... Everyone wanting there shot at glory, to make a name for themselves, to earn a shot at the World Title... Hmm think SVD will try to get into that? Or do you think he'll just watch from the side after seeing all the toughies getting in on it now? What does a diva have to do in this place to make people realize that she isn't going to go down. Do you really think that I am just going to lay down. Take the defeat, I don't think so. I'm not going to let anyone take away what I worked so hard to win. I will not fall, I shall rise about it all and make all you people see, that I'm just better than you are...Haha, now i'm not really that cocky or anything, but still... I have to say my chances are winning are really pretty good. so sit down have a seat enjoy the show, because baby I'm just getting started.
~Scene 1~ On Camera
After last night, the little mini run in with DX, people have a bit of a look what is going on with Crystal behind the cameras, but yet she didn't elaborate too much just on this... Not that its over important.... But I guess just because something or someone is gone, doesn't mean things are over...
{Crystal Sweet} Yes , I'm coming.
Crystal stood outside a bit as she was holding her water looking around a bit, as she looked at one of the security that was waking for her to come and sit down for the autograph signings.. It was still early no one was even there yet as she was looking around seeing some others out there, waiting.
{Crystal Sweet} Rushing me and, its not even open to start yet..
She laughed as she took another sip of her water then walked over as she sat down next to one of her fellow wrestlers. After a bit she sat down as she was sitting there, she leaned back in her seat sighing a bit.
{Crystal Sweet} You know I could be at the gym right now, working out, getting ready to kick some ass and what not.. but nooo I’m sitting here, and i"m not even doing anything... Why are we here two hours before this thing even starts..
She sighs sitting there as she looks at the camera man a bit, then backd own, she hears her phone go off as she reaches into her pocket pulling out her phone as she starts to talk a bit... She then hears a voice on it, and its telling her to stop complaining. as she laughs a bit..
{Crystal Sweet} ha-ha, funny, Mason... You got lucky.. You don't have to sit and do this,, but then again, I don't think they would of made you if you were here.
She teased as she was thinking about it..
{Crystal Sweet} Yeah, I'm still on for tonight... I don’t' have any plans.
She said as he had came to the London area, even though he wasn't a part of the federation any longer, he still kept in contact with Crystal so it was all good and she wasn't so mad at him. She understood why he left... and he understood why she stayed...
{Crystal Sweet} I just have to be up early you know I have that big massive training session in the morning, to get ready for my match up against Morgan. I want to make sure that I'm more than ready kick his ass, come Highway to Hell.
She smirked as she was thinking about it. Talking on her phone made time go by a bit quicker, and before she knew it, it was time to get things starts... She said bye to Mason, and then went to do her thing, doing her job..
{Crystal Sweet} Hello, how are you?
She smiled as she looked at a fan as he seemed all giddy and happy as he was getting an autograph from her..
{Crystal sweet} So who am I making this out too?

.||Fan|| lM.. Muy.. My name is Jonny... Jonny... Smith...
She nodded and smiled as she signed it, putting it to him, as she then looked up at him handing him the signed picture. It was rather funny how he stood there, a man in his mid twenties' stuttering and drooling a bit as he looked at her... It was cute and entertaining as she waited to see what he was going to say as he looked at the picture that she signed for him.
||Johnny Smith| Oh.. Miss Sweet I'm such a big fan, I've been watching you since you first started.. I know that you're going to win, Sunday, you are like wicked awesome, and wicked hot...
She smiled looking at him, when he said that, as it was nice to hear a bit of support..
{Crystal Sweet} Awe, why thank you, sweetie.. It’s nice to see the fans being so nice like this, I shall do my best. Morgan isn't going to be easy, but I will do all that I can to make sure that I don’t' lose this Sunday.. With fan support like yours, though, how can I lose?
She said as she was smiling softly looking at him. She watched as he went leaving, as another fan came up, as she smiled signing the picture for her, as it was a good day, and she actually had a lot of fun doing it. After it was done and over with Crystal got up as she went getting her things and her water as she went and started to take her leave..
{Crystal Sweet} Wow that was fun.. I think it’s just what I needed.
She smiled thinking about it, as she headed away from the area to her car as she unlocked it, and then tossed her things in the back seat, before she then went getting in her car, as she waved a bit as the camera was still looking at her, she then blew it a kiss, laughing as she then went driving off, as she had a lot of things to do today... And wanted to get everything done before heading to the arena.
~Scene 2~ on camera
Later on that day you see Crystal Sweet walking from her locker room. She had a smirk curving her lips as she was heading down the hall... As to when she got there, it was a bit ago. She had been there for a bit, and was now wanting to do something.. She walked past her sister.
{Crystal Sweet} Hey Jassy, we'll catch up later.
She said knowing that she had told her sister earlier that she was wanting to talk with her... Jassy just smiled and nodded as she watched her sister go on, as Crystal continued to walk on down the hall, making her way to the ring area... She stopped at the sound room.
{Crystal Sweet} Hey guys, want to hit my music in a couple minutes, I'm heading out to the ring.
||Sound Man 1|| Sure thing Crystal...
||Sound Man 2|| Yeah, we can do that for you...
They both looked at her grinning as she smiled looking at them as she was leaning in the door a bit holding the frame to keep her up as she was in a very good mood.
{Crystal Sweet} Thanks, guys.
She said pushing herself up and out of the door as she turned around heading to the ring area, she stood by the curtain as she waited when she heard her music blare she then walked out on stage.. She stood there with a smirk curving her lips as she held her World Championship up in the air for everyone to look at. She got a mixed reaction from the crowd, as she then after a moment went walking down the ramp way heading to the ring. She walked around heading to the ring, as she walked around heading to the steel steps. She walked up the steps and onto the apron. She stood there a moment then bent over as she then crawled in the ring. Crystal then moves around the ring, posing as she holds up the World Title. She then after a moment walks over and gets a mic, as she then starts to speak out a bit...
{Crystal Sweet}-Well good evening ladies and gentlemen, I trust that you are having a good time, and enjoying yourselves here tonight.
She smiled as she was looking around as she was thinking about everything, as she was excited about things to come, knowing that it was going to be a great night Sunday, and she planned on making it better, as she defended and kept her Championship... She had no intentions of losing, no matter how good, Matt Morgan was... She knew deep down that she was better…
{Crystal Sweet} As most of you know and are excitingly waiting for… Sunday November 8th, is Highway to Hell. I know that you all have to be just so excited about this. Knowing that you are going to be in for a treat that night.
She smiled looking around as she was thinking about it. She was happy about this, she liked that the crowed was so into this.
{Crystal Sweet}- The main event is the match, I’m most excited about. Easy to understand, right?
She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it.
{Crystal Sweet}- I know that many in the, and probably many of you, thinking my time as Champion is about to come to an end. Well I wouldn’t be so quick to think that. After all I have been holding this title for how long now.
She smirked a bit as she was thinking about it. She was a long worked champion. She had done everything she had said she would do thus far. Defending her title, fighting to keep it, and she wasn’t going to stop now, she wasn’t going to let Morgan best her… Not now, and not any time soon. She had so much riding on this match up. The World Championship was her life. It meant everything to her...
{Crystal Sweet}- I do want to wish, Morgan good luck though. I mean after all I am a good sport. I want to make sure that when he comes into the ring, he brings everything that he has. Oh don’t hold back. Then again..
She paused a moment as she was thinking about it as she had a bit of a smirk curving her lips as she stood there pacing around.
{Crystal Sweet}- Then again, I know that you won’t’. I’m sure you’re building up that rage. Working yourself up now. Finding that anger inside yourself that you feel you need. Good, do whatever you have to big man. I want to see you at full force; I want you to pull it all out. I know that you are better than you have been showing around here lately. So don’t’ hold back. I already know that you don’t care that I’m a woman… See me as I do. See me as the World Heavy Weight Champion. Because that is just what I am.
She laughed a bit as she stood there thinking about it. She was so pleased with how things were going. She didn’t see anyone else worthy to face her as Matt Morgan was. Now she was sure there where, but she hadn’t really seen them. Morgan was loyal, he was there, dependable. Week after week he was there. Crystal stood in the ring pacing around the ring a bit as she was thinking about it all, as she was taking it all in... She then after a moment dropped the mic as. “Straight Out of Line” By Godsmack blares. Crystal drops down as she rolls out of the ring. She then walked up the ramp way, heading up on stage. She stood there, looking around at everyone as she held up the World Title, holding it with pride as she grinned. She then after a moment turned around walking off stage as she went heading to the back, knowing that her sister Jasmine was waiting there for her. |