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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/19/2009 2:26 AMCopy HTML

//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

Untitled-1-1.jpg picture by foxy1350

|Crystal Sweet|..Still the Baddest Bitch there is

So this was how it was going to be.... For Crystal to be able to get to the top she was going to have to, go thru her boy friend.  So Vince thought he could get to her, thought that he could count her out... but you have to know better than that.  Crystal was going to do this, she was going to go into the ring, and compete against SVD and work on making her way to the Scramble and getting her World Championship.  And to everyones shock, and some's dismay.  Crystal and SVD where still a couple and going strong.   They had worked thur this and even agreed to do this match, and not hold anything against anyone.  Vince would almost get what he wanted... Harlem thought he come in when Crystal was at her down time, but Crystal shot him down, not being the cheating kind... Well now here we are, its nearly show time, as Crystal makes her way to the EBW arena..

{Crystal Sweet} I'm more than ready to get his party started...First I'll do this match up, then I'll get to Ryan, and take my Championship... but i stil have some unfinished business with Randy Orton.. but all in time... I can see things starting to go my way, and I know its just a matter of time.

she grinned as she was thinking about it, as she couldn't wait to see how things were going to go. She knew that it was all coming together... She had a lot of fighting and work to do, but she was more than willing to do so.  She was ready to get in the ring, and she was ready to do her part and kick some major ass.She went on walking down the hall as she was making her way to her locker room she was looking around a bit as she smiled seeing SVD standing in the hall by the locker room as she walked over to him, she leaned against him kissing him a bit.

{Crystal Sweet} Hey baby.. You're here early.

She smiled, happy about it, as she walked with him, as he had his hand down by her waist as they walked into the locker room as they both where still thinking about everything, and you could see just how amused she was, as she was happy, that things were going to be alright, as she thought a bit about Vince knoiwng he couldn't be too happy.

{Crystal Sweet} I'm sure Vince is pulling the rest of his hair out, right about now... Seeign that we're still together, and actully mature enough to go thru with this match up.  We both have the business to much in our blood to not do this, but we also know that when its all said and done, we'll be leaving together.

she said as she looked at him smiling softly as she was thinking about it.  They walked in and sat down on the couch in the locker room, she sat down next to him leaning on him on the couch, as they were talking a bit more thinking about it.. she didn't say that she was confident about winning, or how much it ment to her... She wasn't going to put that kind of pressure on him...  She wanted it to be a good fight, she wanted to be something to be fun between them. 

{Crystal Sweet}  You know I can't belive Randy Orton was thinking that everyone is out to get him because he is the top of the business... Please the asshole couldn't even do the job right when he took me out of action, and hell he got me out of the way and still couldn't win the title... And now he goes around acting like a little bitch, and when people return the favor, he thinks hes so targeted because hes the best in the business.

Crystal laughed as she was thinking about it... she planned on going on getting the Championship, hoping a bit that as soon as she had it, that maybe Randy one try to take  his chance and get it again... This time she would be ready for him, she would be ready, and she would be the World Champion... She knew it was just a matter of time, and her time was soon coming.

{Crystal Sweet} I know that you have to have your doubts about all of this, and that your probably still not liking us fighitng and competeting against each other.. but on the plus side, its better to get it done and over with now... and after Vince sees that he can't mess with us, and get to us like this, then I'm sure he'll learn to back off... I mean come on, we're probably the top couple around here... Hell you can't belive Randy and his bimbo are any competition for it... We dominate here, and no one else.

She smirked as she looked at SVD as she was thinking about it. She leaned over kissing him softly, as she leaid her head on his shoulder a bit as she was thinking about it.. Crystal then looked up at him, after a moment.

{Crystal Sweet} How about the loser buys the winner dinner, and the winner gives the loser a massage back at the hotel?  So by the end of the night, we all win.. and have some fun.

She smirked a bit as she looked at him as she was thinking about it.  She was in a rather playful mood, and was enjoying her time with him, in their locker room, as he smiled back at her, as she kissed him again, as the camers where watching it for a bit, until things got a bit more heated... as the camera then cut out to a comerical break.

©.caramel kisses. Made for Christina by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

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