This is like a fairy tale... A dream can not come true with out something to come against you... Happily Ever After doesn't take place until after the nightmare begins. You can't make it to the end with out starting things off just right... So set back, and enjoy the show... The women's champion as a tale just for you!
*Beauty meant the beast and changed him into a handsome prince by just one beautiful kiss*
This is the month for freaks and scares... That is for sure.. What all that has been going around FWAR... Hell for the longest time FWAR has been Freak Central... I bet they are all loving this time of the year as well... I have worked hard to show the pretty side of FWAR, to show that true champions can look hot, can be pretty... Not ugly freaks who would scare a child... or break a mirror if they were to look into it... I have set a new standard here in this company, by me winning the Women's Championship... I have set new ground as well... Showing that you don't' have to look like a man in order to be strong... You can be tall, slender, and beautiful to make it far in this place... I will continue to do so... Even at Halloween Hell... A Pay Per View that is surely meant for the freaks, Like Damia, Michelle, Plague... Beauty will stand out... and beauty will win this night! Let the twitter war start... right? Um yeah no.. I don't think so. I don't play those kind of games, I'm not all about showing the social world that I'm quick when my fingers when i'm more about showing the world that I'm good with my fists... You may think that you are the better diva in this, that you are going to be the one to take the belt away from me, when I took it away from what most consider to be the top divas here in FWAR.... I have proven that I am better than all of them, that unlike them I am the most dominate force here in FWAR... I'm not about to let that all go... Oh no, I'm so not ready to let that all go. I know that I need to step up though, I'm not going to act as if this isn't a big deal, no not at all. I have seen you in action and I know you are very impressive. I”m so glad that its you I'm facing, instead of one of the old timers here in the federation... A fresh face a true challenge.. but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you beat me, that i”m just going to step back and let you rise above me.. Oh no, I'm enjoying myself at the top way to much. As much as I have been watching you in the ring, I hope you have been paying attention to me.. I not only won the Women's Championship at the last Pay Per View, but I pushed myself in, I made it clear that I was going to take what I wanted and I took it. I fought the contender, I fought the champion, and then I fought them all at the same time and I am the only one who was left standing.. but the company wanted to award the loser and give her a title too... But it just shows you what title actually means more, what belt was truly battled for... Tooth and nail, heart and blood went into winning that title, and do you actually think I'm just going to let it go as easy as that.. Oh hunny no I don't think so. I have gotten to where I want to be and I'm not going to screw things up now... Oh no not yet... Not now... So you'll just have to get back in line after this is all said and done, you'll have to just wait and see if you can ever get back up to this point... Looking at the talent on the roster though I really don't think you have much to worry about... Who knows, when Damia proves to be more of a loser, you can try your hand at the Vixen's Championship... After all I see all the other losers want it... Like Becca Nightingale... oh that's your gal pal right... I'd watch your back with her... You just cant' trust a nightingale... They all have proven to be backstabbers and cowards...I'm sure you'll be in for heart break soon enough with your new bff... Then new arrival freak Katarina has stepped out showing her interest... I wonder how long it is before management gives in and gives her a shot... See that belt just attracts freaks and losers... That's why the true Championship is around my waist, and not the other way around... I have worked my ass off to get to this point... Spent most of it being unnoticed... and looked past... Do you really think I'm going to let that happen now.. Oh no, I'm not about to let some little girl mess up what I worked so hard for.. Yeah I may not have had to wait long once I forced myself into the picture, but it was still a struggle none the less... I'm not going to back down, I'm not going to give you my belt.. So get ready for failure because its going to be coming your way.
*In the darkness come the light... Beauty has brought light to the darkness and pride to the once shamed*

This isn't' a tale about surviving death, this isn't a tale about some serial killer who is after you... Or some monster who is waiting to grab you at the foot of the stairs... No even though this could be your worst fear its nothing like that... The haunting scene has been set up before you... The start of the Halloween Hell is upon us... Matches of all kinds. Monsters of all sorts will be showing up here tonight.. The Angel has to shine thru and prove that she can over come the evil of the night. The angel has to guard her golden halo, she has to keep it out of the hand of the creatures of the night, those who wish to taint it, and corrupt its value... We can not let that happen... Lucky for us all then, that our angel is none other than Angelina Acid... The heavenly diva who will fight the evil, who will rise from the darkness keeping safe what is truly too good for the evil that lurks around FWAR...
||Angelina Acid||- You know you sick right?
Angelina stood there looking at one of the interviewers who was dressed up as some kind of zombie or osmething and was trying to set the creep scene for Halloween Hell as Angelina just shook her head.. Hell it would have been better to deal with Madeline Blade instead of this freak...
||Angelina Acid||- And you're little tale of fighting the ugly monsters sorta falls death.. .
The man looks at her.
{Interviewer}- What do you mean...
||Angelina Acid||- Well have you looked at Zoe Vega, I don't think you have... Unless your gay or something,.
{Interviewer}- So?

||Angelina Acid||- Zoe is much like myself... She actually doesn't have to hide behind bad make up, or even worse clothing... Shes what I said a champion should look like before I held the title... She has beauty... Not as much as myself, but she is pretty close..
{Interviewer}- You know its kind of hot to hear you call another diva hot...
The man grins thinking about it as Angelina just slaps him across the face a bit, getting him to snap out of his perverted inner thoughts as he rubs his cheek looking at her, frowning a bit not happy that he had been slapped in the first place.
||Angelina Acid||- Snap out of it.. This is important, it's not just about looks.. You see what we have here is a real show, a real match... Something that probably the rest of the night will lack... Two real wrestlers fighting it off for gold... We have a lot of common, so come the Pay Per View, we will be tested to see where we really differ... To see who will really stand tall, who will be the one to come out strong and way out on top... Of course I know its going to be me... and I bet Zoe is shaking her head thinking hell no its going to be me... That's just how it works... and how it will always work.
{Interviewer}- You act like as if your match up is the most important one on the card... I mean there is the main event yet.. and of course the Vixens Championship match up... Don't you think those are just as big, if not bigger?
Angelina laughs as she looks at the man shaking her head a bit... Wow this man really knew how to push buttons, and was showing that he really had no idea what he was doing here... No idea who Angelina was, how important she was... but soon he was going to learn when he saw the Women's Championship match he would see what she was talking about, see the greatness before him and relaize nothing else truly matter...
||Angelina Acid||- Please to see matches that are done all the time over and over... Like Wolf Heathen fighting for the Unified Championship yet again... and CJA putting himself in the main event..yet again... Damia trying to prove that she isn't a loser yet again... That is crap you see all the time over and over... Crap that no one really cares about... You see I'm fresh....People only got a small taste of what I really can do... So of course they are wanting to see more.. and the same goes for little miss Zoe Vega... Now I don't' know if shes new to wrestling, but shes new to FWAR... and that means people want to see more of her,t o see if shes going to hang around, or to see just what she is really made of, so of course people are going to watch her... Watch us... Come Halloween Hell, all eyes will be on us. They'll be at the edge of there seats watching us... Waiting to see who will win... I'm sure some will have there favorites... I know I have some fans, and most new comers have fans as well... So I'm sure we will be cheered and boo'd but by the end we will be respected...
The man looks at her as he was thinking about what she had to say as he shook his head a bit..
{Interviewer}- Its just a divas match up... Divas aren't' all that big of a deal in the wrestling world...
Angelina glares at him.
||Angelina Acid||- Are you stupid or something... Divas are a big deal here... I mean come on the owners are women... A lot of the divas here have and can kick the ass of the men around here... You know what really doesn't matter around here?
{Interviewer}-Whats that?
||Angelina Acid||- Interviewers who don't know what the hell they are talking about... Really I mean I thought Madeline was bad but at least she knew what she was talking about, and hell at least she had the experience in the ring to back up most of the things she said or asked, unlike you who hasn't even probably been out to the ring a day in your life, and the way you are going you wont' be here much longer anyways...
She glared as she looked at him as she was thinking about it... to her there was nothing more important than this match up... It was a great build up, it was something she was really looking forward to... She knew that it was going to be one hell of a battle, and she couldn't wait for it to get started... Yeah she was a lot of things, but she wasn't' stupid and she wasn't' going to over look or count out Zoe Vega... She knew how bad Zoe was wanting this... but it wasn't as bad as Angelina was wanting to keep it... Wanting to stay at the top, and she was doing to do anything and everything to make sure that she wasn't defeated.
{Interviewer}- That's a bit unfair. I'm just telling it like it is..
Angelina shook her head as she was thinking about it.
||Angelina Acid||- No you're not, you don't have a clue what the hell you are talking about... I think you're just talking out of your ass...
She laughed looking at him thinking about it, as the man didn't look all that happy, but was trying to stay on the task here wanting to get a good interview for the show, knowing that she was the Women's champions, so people would be listening to this, or at least he hoped they would be seeing this... but Angelina was far done with this as she shook her head a bit grabbing the mic from him..
||Angelina Acid||- You go run along now... I've had enough of this... You obviously don't have a clue what you're doing, I could do better on my own, so that's just what I'm going to do.
{Interviewer}- Hey you cant' do that..
She looked at him...
||Angelina Acid||- You want to make a bet..
She said pushed him away as she laughed seeing the look on his face but after a minute he did walk off , getting out of the picture as Angelina stood there with a smirk curving her lips, knowing of course she was going to get her way.
||Angelina Acid||- You see how easy it is to get rid of the annoyance in your life... Just like that... just push it right out of the way... Now Zoe you're not really an annoyance... No matter what you have to say, not matter what is said back and forth on Twitter... That is all fun and games for now.. but we both know that will stop once the show starts.. the kid gloves will come off, and the time for the Women's Champion to show why she is where she is at will take place... As much fun as you are to mess with... I don't play games when its time to work...
Angelina smirks as she thinks about it, she knows what this is going to be like, she has no fear of going in the ring, and even though Zoe is a new fresh challenge to her, that doesn't' change how she feels or how she is thinking about all of this... It just means she has to be more careful and has to really work things out, and make sure she doesn't take a thing for granted... And that's just something Angelina has never done in the first place...
||Angelina Acid||- I'm not Women's Champion by luck.. I didn't draw a lucky number, I didn't face the former champion on a bad night for her... Oh no... It was because I wanted it, and so I took it... I am just better than they are, better than she is.. and come Halloween Hell I'll prove that I am better than you are.
She grins thinking about it, as she licked her lips a bit, as she wasn't done talking yet, of course now, Angelina was a diva who liked the sound of her own voice...
||Angelina Acid||- I bet you are all waiting for me to trash the little thing aren't you? For me to say how bad she is, or for me to say how untalented she is... Or maybe diss on something about her looks... Or something like that.... but you know what I'm not going to do that.. Why you ask? Cause unlike the others I've seen around here, I actually respect her... Respect what I've seen her do, and what I'll probably continue to see her do... She doesn't' have to put on an act... pretend to worship satan to get attention, she has actually used her skills... Just like I have.. Yeah I guess I see a lot in common for the two of us... Now that doesn't mean I'm wanting us to be best friends for life.. I think she has that covered with her Nightingale, so they can have there bond... I'm more than happy with how I am, and how I will continue to be... and what will I continue to be? Of course I'll continue to be the Women's Champion.
She pauses a moment as she thinks about it.. Yes its true, Angelina isn't always mean and spiteful, every once in awhile she does have a kind thing to say... Now don't' confuse that for weakness or anything, It's not like that at all. Angelina is far from weak, but she isn't stupid, nor is she blind...
||Angelina Acid||- I'm not about to wish you good luck or anything, or tell you may the best diva win, because I already know that the best diva is me...
She laughs a bit...
||Angelina Acid||- But I am really looking forward to our fight, and I'm really excited about stepping into the ring with you. But I think you already know that... See you soon, Miss Zoe Vega...
Angelina smiles as she was thinking about it, she looks over seeing the interviewer standing a few feet away as she walks over to him, slapping the mic into his chest as she laughs a bit hearing him grunt some in pain... Ah yes it was going to be a fun time come Halloween Hell... Angelina was looking forward to defending her Women's Championship, and winning her second pay per view in a row! Angelina goes off walking down the hall as she hums a bit. She makes her way towards her locker room to get ready for the rest of the day , knowing that she was far from done with what she'll be doing to get ready for Halloween Hell.