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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:03/05/2021 11:56 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - I guess I can play along and jump on the promo band wagon, lol.

Isn't it cute at how bitter he still is.  After all this time, Kevin still can't let go and move on.  He talks about how great he is, and all that he has done, and yet there has been so little growth in him.  Not realizing that he is only where he is at because he was allowed it.  He was given the chance to be more than what he is.  Instead of being thankful, instead of showing gratitude.  He shows his malice... Which isn't anything to be impressed about either.   For the most part Crystal has just ignored him and let him go on his path... Saying what he wanted... Talking trash, as he felt like nothing would come of it, that Crystal wouldn't really deal with it herself.  As even back when he first thought she would... She had got him worked up, scared, and then just to allow Wrath to deal with him... Deal with him rather easily as well.  Still he has not learned anything... Still he continues to run his mouth... Going from calling her out on a power trip... Saying she is washed up... Saying that her time is done and over... Trying to make it as if Crystal has no part in the ring... No business being there... He is grasping at every straw he can think of... Trying to brush it off, trying and probably hoping that this is just another stunt... That it wont' be Crystal he sees in the ring... Why?   Why does he not seem so eager for what he as been pushing towards?  He put himself in this spot... Though it wasn't Crystal that made this happen... Crystal actually was just going to let him continue on his path of self destruction awhile longer... Hope though, I guess she had enough of him talking, and decided this was where it would end...
As FWAR comes on the air... The cameras are showing a live feed from the ring area.  There are fans gathered around tonight.  Not as many as there should be, still with the Covid restrictions.  As many as allowed, as happy as they are to be there, they are still waiting to see just what they are instore for tonight.   The looks soon turn to one of shock and excitement as they hear "Badass" By Saliva blare over the P.A. System... The lights go out, and a mulitude of colors flash around the stage.  It's only moments after that when Crystal Sweet walks out on stage... Getting a loud reaction from the fans.  She smiles standing up there on the stage as she looks around a bit... Walking down the ramp way she makes her way to the ring.  She looks at the steel steps a moment before she walks up them, standing up on the apron she looks around at the fans spread out through out the arena.  Smiling she leans down and crawls in the ring.  Taking a moment to pose a bit before walking over and getting a mic.

||Crystal Sweet||- You know I'm always happy to be out here.

She smiles as it was a total mood changer.  That she couldn't deny.  As soon as her music had hit and she was out here, she felt that feeling that reminded her how much she loved this business.  How she was right where she belonged.  

||Crystal Sweet||- You all also know I'm not the trash talking type.  I never had to be, and I still don't... Though it would see Khaos has a lot to say... Then again he has always had a lot to say... The man likes to hear his own voice, that is for sure....

She shook her head as she was thinking about it.  As for the most part she had stayed back and let him have his fun...Letting him run his mouth.  Even when it overly involved her... She had let him do it... Only a couple times did she do something... Which you would think that would learn Khaos not to step on the toes those who paved the way... But he is pretty thick... 

||Crystal Sweet||- Now I see my sister has decided to give me a bit of a reward...  Seeing as I have put it off and put it off... Though we all knew this was bound to take place sooner or later... Cocky little bastard that he is... Thinking that the advantage is on him... Not realizing that I'm still the same threat today that I was years ago...

Oh yeah she knew she hasn't lost a step... She was still a heavy and hard trainer... That was something that has never changed... And wouldn't be changing any time soon.  She still sparred with trainers and even with her sisters... She hadn't changed anything, only that she was had a federation to run...

||Crystal Sweet||- You and your little woman seem to be having fun running your mouth... Go ahead, you can do that... You can say what you want... Whatever hypes you up and gets you feeling confident about getting in the ring against me... As you seem to have forgotten how it was before I took this role... What I've done to your brother David... What I've done to you as well... You now before I let Wrath play with you this last time...

A smirk appears across her lips as she was thinking about it... Ah yes, remembering the good old days.  Yeah, a lot has changed over the years... Which is expected to be... Though for the most part, Crystal is still the same woman she has always been.  She isn't a push over, she isn't someone who can't back up her words either... She not only has the skills, but she also is smart enough to play it out to her advantage.   Is she invincible?  Of course not, as just like everyone else she has her limits, and has been pushed to them before...

||Crystal Sweet||- You see, Khaos... You continue to come at me, and come at this company... Bitching, crying, and trying to disgrace it every step of the way...Yet you have no issues with taking that pay check... You have no issues with taking up my time... With the same line of bullshit day after day...  Aren't you ever tired of playing the victim?

She shakes her head thinking about it... As he has always just said and done the same way... Angry over what?  Hell who knows.

||Crystal Sweet||- You keep going on about how horrible I am in every way possible... Well Misery Road, I'm about to add another thing to that bitch list you have going on... As me kicking your ass in my ring.  Oh and side note... Eden... If you're even stupid enough to try to get in my way... I'll slap a bitch so hard you'll be the next needing medical attention...

Grinning she stands there as she was thinking about it... Already know that no matter how this match ends, Khaos is still going to have something to bitch about, something to be upset about... Angry little bastard that he was... 

||Crystal Sweet||- I'll even play it nice... You see I'll have Wrath out there with me... but I promise I won't ask him to get involved... I'll ask him to just watch on, until he sees Eden get involved... I can't be held responsible for his actions... You see Wrath doesn't care who he hurts, or how bad he hurts... Man or Woman...You get in his way, he'll crush you, and be so very happy about it... But that shouldn't be a problem... As Khaos is so sure he can handle me all on his own... He doesn't need his little woman risking herself for no reason at all... 

She laughed thinking about it... Feeling as if this was going to make things fun... As she was sure it would be an interesting time for sure... She looked around the arena... Feeling as if the fans where hyped up and excited for this match up... Though there was still some time to wait... It was just a small taste of the fun things to come... After a moment Crystal drops the mic, as her music starts to play again.. The camera watches her as she walks around the ring posing a bit more... leaning against the turn buckle a bit as she just grins looking around... Feeling pretty good about how things will turn out...

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