- Score:16
- Posts:16
- Register:11/24/2010 3:50 PM
Date Posted:08/08/2011 12:49 AMCopy HTML
warning: What you are about to read may not be for the innocent or people under the age of 13 that have very fragile minds. This role play will mention sex, drugs and anything that may contain violent thoughts that would not be thought up be the corrupted media who spread lies into your head.If you think you are going to lose it, hit the back button or hit the "x" button on the corner on the screen. If you can handle it, move on but I warn you that you made your death wish. |

\\: Title: |
Dominance No matter how we play! |
\\: Involved: |
Crystal, Jasmine |
\\: ICC: |
They can only seperate us so far |
\\: OOC: |
Good Luck Everyone |
\\: TBCB: |
Me Only | |
Crystal and Jasmine Sweet "The Sweet Treats" |
So it looks like this ball is rolling... This little federation is getting ready for its first big move... Making a few matches... but the most interesting so far is the one where no one really knows what is going on, or what to expect... The divas of course are the ones waiting to see how its all going to play...Not straight forward not right down kicking your ass...Oh no they like to play with us...and not even in the fun way... but thats alright, we all know us ladies always play better than the men... We are more fun, more dangerous, we just have every more then the men...So now we have to wait to see who we tag with, we all know we're in this, but we don't know who we are suppose to play nice with, nor do we know who we are suppose to take out... but when its all done, and things get close to an end... They are all the ones you are going to want to go up against... I guess its the fun of the game... A chance to win the first title of a federation that is small now, but with the right time and talent it can grow to be something really big, and really important...So now lets get ready to play, lets get ready to spread the hate, because there is no love here... I dont' wish anyone luck, we only wish us the win... be it Crystal or Jasmine....The Sweets Treats are looking up!
Its almost sad how things are looking you know... I know that things are just starting but this is rather low budget... so Crystal and Jasmine are wanting to shoot a promo in a good way to get things started, so instead of doing things in the builidng... They had branched out, and are taking the camera to the road...
||Crystal Sweet||- Come on Jasmine, you should know how to work that...Its only a little bity camera..
Crystal laughed a bit as she watched her sister struggling to just get the power on, as she finally smiles, holding it up at her sister.
{Jasmine Sweet}- I got it... It was just a little tricky...Not all small things are easy , you know..
She laughed a bit teasing as she was thinking about it, as Crystal just shook her head thinking about it. Jasmine walked with Crystal as the camera moved around showing that they were outside... It was a lot different from where they were use to being, there wasn't much of a feild or anything but that was fine as Crystal was standing by a building as seh then started to speak.
||Crystal Sweet||- Well hello ladies and gentlemen, or well all my internet fans at least.. I'm making sure you get to see a bit of action from my sister and I... You see we just arrived at the Bare Bones Wrestling place, and well its not as high tech as one would think right now, so we're going to take it a bit easy on them and do our own thing... Would hate to raise there elertic bill or anything like that... but anyways... My sister and I have arrived and are even getting ready for what could be our first match up... A tag match were we don't know who our tag partner is....If we're even in the match...
Crystal paused a moment as she was looking at the little video camera as she was giving a moment, then smirked a bit as she went on talking.
||Crystal Sweet||- Yes ladies and germs there is a chance that The Sweet Treats in their very first match here, may not even be teaming together... Stupid I know...but this boss of ours has some crazy ass plan... So either way its looking like Jasmine and I could be facing each other... If the two of us are both in thi smatch up... Lame! (sighs) Ah well I"m sure it'll all work well, I mean it would be stupid for the boss not to play his power card... Which is us... Me... I'm pretty well known in the wrestling world... So what better way than to flaunt the famous to give his little hubble a boost up in this world? Then agian, I'm not seeing just how smart he truly is.
Crystal laughed a bit, but you could see picture moving a bit as Jasmine was laughing a bit herself...
||Crystal Sweet||- Well you hold that still, you're going to make our fans motion sick there...
{Jasmine Sweet}- Sorry... Told you this wasn't my thing... Should of had that guy who was drueling over us tag along and do this for us!
Crystal shook her head as she was thinking about it, not liking the idea of that at all.
||Crystal Sweet||- We don't need any damn help Jasmine... Stop flirting and get your mind on the prize..
{Jasmine Sweet}- What prize? We dont' even know if we're in this match up yet, so I dont' know why you're so excited about something that may not even happen!
Crystal just shakes her head sighing more, a bit heavier as she was looking at her sister, as she was thinking about it a moment.
||Crystal Sweet||- Because you should always be looking foward, looking to what could be, and what is going to be... If you sit back and just wait for it to happen or have your doubts, then you're going to be a nobody... and "The Sweet Treats" Are not no body's...
She said looking right at her sister who was holding the camera, as she was wanting to get her more serious about this...Knowing that if Jasmine was going to last as long as she had, she had to really get herself focused..
{Jasmine Sweet}- Yeah, yeah, don't worry sis, i'm already for this..and I know, when and f I get the chance, I'm going to kick some ass.. I'm hoping...
||Crystal Sweet||- Wait..
She said stopping her sister from talking as she took the little camera from her and then turned it to look, wanting to give Jasmine a chance to have her air time as well.. Crystal smirked as she was holding the camera a lot better than what Jasmine had did, as she then nodded.
||Crystal Sweet||- Alright go on...
She smirked looking at Jasmine as she smiled blowing a little kiss to the camera as she couldn't seem to help herself, as Crystal rolled her eyes a bit, watching her, but letting her do her thing.
{Jasmine Sweet}- Well like i was getting at... I know that we have to keep postive on things, and that is you and I are both in these match's, its going to be great for us both... If we both win, then we both go on , and then it doubles our chances of winning the gold... One sister holding the title is as good as both of us..
She smirked as she was thinking about it, as Crystal nodded her head thinking about it, as it would be good for them both, she knew that there were a lot of other divas in this... Some with more experince, others were just good, but they weren't as good, and crystal had to prove it, she had to step up for both of them, and she knew she was going to be pushing Jasmine harder than ever... This was there chance to make a statement, there chance to really get going again... So Crystal wasn't going to back down.
{Jasmine Sweet}- The way I see it, it doesn't matter who else is in the match ups, as long as we are... I don't care about that Cajun Spice... that Jezzabel, or any of the others.. but I know time is going to tell just who all involved is going ot be... They wont' stand a chance against us... We're Sweet, we're bad...and w'ere down right Dominating!
She smiled looking at her sister as she nodded her head, as they knew it was a good start to things... The two were looking foward to what could be thier first match and were hoping to really stand out and make a huge name, knowing that there was a lot on the plate here... Crystal turned off the camera as she smiled looking at Jasmine..
||Crystal Sweet||- Come on, we have more work to do... Its time to hit the gym... And start really working on our tag team moves.
She said as Jasmine looked like she was going to complain a moment, then smiled nodding her head.
{Jasmine Sweet}- Alright lets do this... I'm ready for anything you can throw at me.
She laughed hugging her sister as the two walked off heading back to thier car so they could get on with the rest of the day, knowing with Crystal running the day it was going to be a long and probably painful day... |
Domination Never Looked So Sweet... | |
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Disclaimer: This layout is made by Bloody Chaos at Blood Passions Designs for the use of anyone as a freebiee. If you are caught claiming this as your own, will be hunted down faster then a pack of meat at a grocery store on fourth of July. | |
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