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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/10/2009 3:22 AMCopy HTML

||Introduction||-(Mindless Ramble)

When the time comes will you be ready?  When the time comes, are you going to know just what to do?  How can you be sure?  Can you really rely on your own abilities, or count on him to not know what to do or what to expect?  What if he has new moves of his own?  Or if he has been counting on you to get some new tricks?  Well you never know just what to expect in the ring… but you can’t go out already thinking that you lost.  If you do that, then what is the point of doing this?  Why even bother to lace up your boots?  To go out in front of the fans that love and respect you?  People may think that they have you figured out, but this Is the time to turn them around, and to really show them just how things are. 

So now here we are… The night of nights… Okay so it’s not that big of a night, but you know still not a overly bad night.  You see Crystal Sweet is once again in action… Her partner is suppose to be in action as well, but she doesn’t’ seem to be as focused as Crystal is.  No big deal, we all have are up and down days.  Tonight Crystal is planning on making her tonight her night.  Let them think what they want and doubt her.  Let them think that they know her, and that she isn’t able to be a top contender here.  The time for this is over; the time for being a push over is long gone.  Oh no you see tonight it’s going to be a night that will never be forgotten.  Not a threat, not a challenge… Ha, you have no idea what you are even talking about…So get yourself ready… You’re going to be in for a shock… Let’s hope you can handle it… That you can handle Crystal Sweet… When the time comes;

~Scene 2~~
On camera

It’s something every talent has to do.  When they are famous or well known… They are called upon to meet there fans.  Hey the money has to keep coming in, and well we all love the money, and our jobs.  Crystal is no exception to this rule.  When The Domain comes on the air, you see that things are set up elsewhere… A table is set up and Crystal is seen sitting at one as she is signing autographs.

{Crystal Sweet}-Well hello there, who am I making this out too.

Crystal smiled as she looked at the little girl holding the picture as she had to have her dad lift her up so she could see over it and put the photo on the table, as the little girl started to speak.

~Little Girl~ My name is Susie..

She smiled looking at Crystal, as she nodded and signed the picture then handed it to her with a soft and warm smile.

{Crystal Sweet} There you go, sweetie, just for you.

She smiled looking at her as she sat there thinking about everything.  This was a nice change of pace.  Crystal was actually enjoying herself, liking the fans that where coming her way.  Right now was a good time to just take her mind off of what was going on around the arena.  Once this was over she would go back to focusing on her match up… Even though the match never left her mind, she was thinking about it, but wasn’t going to stress it right now… She felt ready, confident that she could handle this…

~Susie~ Thank you, Crystal…

She said happily as she held it to her then looked up showing it to her daddy, who smiled and nodded as Crystal Stood there.

~Susie~ Good luck in your match, I know you kick butt.

Crystal laughed a bit as she was looking at her as she then watched the young girl leave with her father as she sat there looking up as the next person came up.  She saw a man there.  She looked up at him as he put down one of her more seductive pictures.

{Crystal Sweet} Who am I going to make this out too?

She asked smiling softly as she was waiting..

~Man~  To the man who is going to watch you get your ass kicked, tonight.

The man grinned looking at her as she looked up at him, glaring a bit, but signed her name to it, with out putting anything else then handed it to him waiting for him to leave but he was just standing there.. It was that damn interviewer from earlier, as she just rolled her eyes.

{Crystal Sweet} Man you are worse than a stalker, don’t you have some other place to be, some other unlucky soul to mess with?

She glared looking at him, as she couldn’t believe he was bothering her again, after what happened earlier.  She would have thought he would have taken the hint to leave her alone.

~Evil Interviewer man~ Awe come on Crystal we all know that you have the hots for me. 

He laughs a bit.

~Evil Interviewer man~ But you need to think about this.  I know that you have been thinking about this match up.  Really thinking that you have any chance at this, against Ryan Collins.  I think you have spent to much time in the tanning both.

He laughed looking at her as Crystal just sat there looking at him as she was thinking about what he said, as she just shook her head laughing a bit.  She finally then after a moment started to speak out, after she had the chance to think about his words.

{Crystal Sweet} Find you want an interview, fine with me, I’ll tell you what I thin.. First, you’re an asshole.

She smirked as she looked at him, as he looked at her a bit shocked, but didn’t seem to be bothered by it, as she then after a second went on talking, giving him the damn promo he wanted.  In hopes that it would shut him up and just get him to leave her alone.

{Crystal Sweet} I did hear what Ryan had to say, and I have thought about it.  No I am not offended by his words.  To be honest, I don’t really care what he thinks about me.  If he doesn’t’ want to see me as a challenge well then that’s his own mistake and he’ll pay for that on his own.

She said as she looked at him.

~Evil Interviewer man~ So what you actually think you are in his league.  That you can beat the high talents of Ryan Collins...

He laughed looking at her, as Crystal just rolled her eyes a bit shaking her head.  Wow this creep was a huge ass kisser… He must really like Ryan, or has some really nasty dreams about this man at night.

{Crystal Sweet} I know I can beat him.  I know that I’m able to be a top contender here.  I can stand up, and really show them...

She pauses as she gives him a look just when he was about to start talking, but he shuts right up, seeing just how pissed she was right now as she was sitting there looking at him.  He then let her go on speaking.

{Crystal Sweet} I know very well that I can be a top contender… No one seems to realize that I’m not some newbie coming into this.  I may not have had the best run here, but you know, I’ve felt things out long enough, and I’m done playing these little games.  I have been competing for far to long, to be treated like shit.  To be disrespected like I have been.  Yeah I had a brief run as Tag Champion, but was screwed out of that.. I’m tired of being screwed.  From here on out, I’m going to go for what I want and take it… So this little match up, is going to lead me to some gold.  I’m going to take it and go for it.  Ryan can think he can beat me. Let him, let him think I’m not a challenge.  I don’t really care.  That’s a mistake all on his own.  He’ll be regretting it tonight, after the bell rings, and my hand is being held up in victory and I advance on.

She pauses a moment as she sits there, reaching over for her bottle as she was looking at him.  For once his ass was quiet and he wasn’t snickering or laughing at her.  Crystal was focused; Crystal knew just what she was wanting to do.  Not only had she been thinking about it, but it had been all planned out.  She had been working for it, working at it.  Working out, making sure that she was ready for tonight.  Now time was coming up close, and she wasn’t going to let anyone step up on her, to take her off her beat.  She felt good, and felt like she was going to make it someplace tonight.  There was no doubt about it.

{Crystal Sweet} Now you can stay here all day if you want, but I’m done for the day.

She said as she looked at her watch seeing how late it was already.  She got up from her seat as she waved to her fans looked at the Interviewer and smirked a bit as she looked at him waving a bit, before she then went on her way, taking her leave, as she was done dealing with him now.


||Scene ||
On Camera


When The Domain comes on the air, you see Crystal stepping into the arena  She has a smile curving her lips as she was happy with how her day was going so far.  She went on walking down the hall, looking around a bit, stopping at Gypsy’s locker room.  She knocked on the door, then walked in when she heard her voice.

{Crystal Sweet} Hey, I was just wanting to wish you luck on your match up tonight.  You got lucky, You got Dukey to play with.

She smirked teasing a bit as she looked at her as she was thinking a bit.

||Gypsy||- Yeah well you look to be having a fun match.. We’re going to show those boys that they fucked up.  They didn’t beat us fairly, we were screwed.

Crystal nodded as she looked at him as she was thinking about it.  She wasn’t going to dwell on it though, it was done and over with.  She had other things to work on and think about.  She wasn’t wanting to get angry any longer thinking about it.

{Crystal Sweet}-Oh they’ll both be paying alright.  I’ll take care of Ryan.  I’m sure you’ll take care of Dukey.  I’m not worried about that at all.  We’ll show the world just why we are dominate, and then we’ll  take back what is ours… Those Tag titles will come back to us… And I plan on getting some more gold.

She knew what beating Ryan would lead too.  She was wanting to be in that battle she was wanting to get her hands on the Franchise Title.

{Crystal Sweet} I’m sure you’ll get your shot at the BuD..

She laughed a bit as she looked at her as she was thinking about it.  She was happy for the first time in awhile.  She felt sure about this.  She knew that it was soon to be their time once again.  She wasn’t going to hold back.  She was going to go for it all.  Take what she was not only wanting. But no she was needing this.

||Gypsy||-You know it.  We’re going to be double champs soon enough.  Tonight is going to be pay back for us both. Send a message to those boys, about them keeping our titles warm for us until we get the chance to get them back.

Crystal smirked and nodded as she looked at her as she was thinking about it.  OH yeah, that sounded good to her.

{Crystal Sweet} That is for sure.  After tonight, its going to be a new start for us both.  I’m going to make Ryan see that him winning the titles was more of a fluke than he could have ever managed.  He doesn’t’ stand a chance against me… and his little tag team, doesn’t stand a chance against us.

She smirked as she was looking at him as she was thinking about it.  Feeling really good about this, as she was pumped up and ready to go.

{Crystal Sweet} Well hey, I better get going… I got to get changed yet and cleaned up before I go out there.  See you later.

She smiled then turned around walking out, as she was once again heading down the hall as she was heading to her locker room.  Thinking about her match up.  She smiled feeling really good about this.  She walked into her locker room, as she looked around a bit then went over to the couch where her stuff was as she pulled out her ring attire as she smiled looking at it.

{Crystal Sweet} This is going to be my night.

She said grinning thinking about it, before heading into the bathroom closing the door behind her.  Leaving the camera just looking at the door.  A few moments later the shower starts, as the scene then starts to fade to a commercial break.


||Scene 4||
On Camera

Well now we are just a bit before show time.  Crystal is sitting out on the steps.  Her feet down, as she is leaning down a bit, her hands clasped together and her eyes closed.  She was either praying or deep in thought. She was very quiet though either way.  The cameras move around her, watching her from one angle then moving to another… She doesn’t seem to be bothered.  Or maybe she doesn’t know the camera is even there…

{Crystal Sweet} I know you’re there.. Stop trying to look up my damn nose…

She heard the camera man laugh a bit as she then looked up at him, raising her head up a bit… She watched him for a moment as he was standing there with the camera focused on her as she then looked into the camera.

{Crystal Sweet} What, wanting me to make a statement or something?

Nothing is said but the guy is nodding as he is wanting something to do.  Crystal seems to be the only one out and about right now.  So she was the lucky diva chosen for this right now.  She was quiet for a bit as she was brewing things in her head as she was thinking about what would be the right words to say right now.

{Crystal Sweet} Well I guess I can talk about my match a little bit.  As you should know and most of the fans watching, I’ll be facing one Ryan Collins.  Now if you are anyone who pays attention, you know very well just who that man is.  He is very talented; I’m not taking that away from him.  He has done so much since coming to this company.  So the man does deserve some major respect, I will not deny that either.

She paused a moment as she was looking at the camera as she was thinking about it a bit.  She then after a moment started to speak.

{Crystal Sweet} But that does not mean, I’m just going to set back and let him beat me.  I know that I’m not a legend here, hell I haven’t even been here all that long.  Don’t let that make you think that I’m new to the ring…Because I’m not.  I have been competing for many years.  I know I have been in a slump in the past few weeks, but that is going to change here tonight.  I know it is, I can feel it.  I know that I’m able to really do this, and I know that I’m going to be moving on to the next level, working my way up to win the Franchise Championship. 

Crystal smiles as she looks at the camera thinking about it all.  The cameras moves a bit, going to the side of her a bit, hitting another angle as Crystal was once again quiet again as she was in deep in thought about it all.  As she was sitting there footsteps are heard, then a pair of boots are seen, she looks up as she then sees her Hope standing there, with a grin on her face…

{Crystal Sweet} Ah hell, Hope you look like hell…

||Hope Sweet|| But I feel so fucking good.

She grinned as Crystal just shook her head a bit, laughing some as she looked at her sister.  She moved around a bit, making Crystal move over as she sat down next to her sister, looking at her. 

||Hope Sweet|| You need to relax girl.  You’re going to do just fine.  I’ll be watching you kick some ass tonight that is for sure.  You know you can beat that chump.  So stop sweating it.

Hope smiled looking at Crystal as she knew her sister was good enough to beat his ass… She knew that Crystal could do anything she put her mind to.

{Crystal Sweet} I’m fine, I know I can beat him, and I will beat him tonight.

She said as she looked at him.  She smiled looking at Hope, glad that she wasn’t messing with the Hardcore Championship.  The Franchise Title would be a lot safer to go for.  She couldn’t believe her sister was so willing and wanting to always battle and play with that title, but she never tried to stop her from doing it, seeing how much she actually did enjoy it.

||Hope Sweet||-Ah don’t worry about me sis, I’m doing just fine… I’m having a lot of fun, and I know you are going to be too. So just keep that in mind.  We both have pleasures in life… I’m just more fucked up in the head than you are.

They both laugh when she said that as Crystal just shakes her head a bit as she looks at Hope.  It was funny when you really thought about the two of them.  They were totally different.  Not alike really in anyway, but they were close as sisters could possibly be.  Always there for each other when needed.

{Crystal Sweet} You are crazy Hope, but I love ya.  I couldn’t ask for a better sister than you.

She said smiling as she was looking at her sister, smiling softly before she then went on and started to speak.

{Crystal Sweet} Don’t worry, you go have fun defending that championship of yours, and I’ll work on doing what I love.  Fighting in the ring, and doing my best, to win.  I know that it’s going to be a hell of a night, but I’m ready for it, and I’m wanting it.  I’m going to do what I have to, and I’m going to win.  I have no doubt about it, and I’m really feeling this.

She said as she then after a moment got up.  She heard music playing as she looked at her watch.  Monday Night Hangover was now starting.  She was wanting to get to a spot where she could watch the show get started a bit.  She tried to never miss a show, she always liked to see what the talent and new talent was capable of doing in the ring.

{Crystal Sweet} I’ll talk to you later, sis, I’m going to check out the show, before its my time to get out to the ring.

She said as she smiled softly looking at Hope a moment then went off walking down the hall.  Crystal didn’t feel like going back to her locker room, but knew there were TV’s out and around so she just went looking for one of those.

{Crystal Sweet} Ah there we go.

She smiled leaning against the wall, as she found a TV with the show playing.  She sat there watching, her minds only on her match up, but she was still paying attention as things were getting started.   The camera was focused on her a bit, then faded to black, as the show faded to its first commercial break of the evening.



Oh one more thing...

“Whale Penis”

That is all,

End of Scene

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