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Date Posted:05/14/2020 12:27 AMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Okay, here this is..

So the tow truck that was due to help Natasha get back had been very late.  Which wasn't a bad thing.  As Natasha spent a bit of time getting to know Brian, seeing his home and was even about to enjoy a nice drink from another private collection he had up in his office in a very fancy globe.  Sadly that had been interrupted as the tow truck had finally showed up.  The two had said their goodbyes and parted ways.  It had been a few days later when Natasha received a phone call, inviting her back to Brian's home for that drink she missed.  This time it was including dinner. Of course she accepted.  A day and time was worked out and this is where we are.  This time Natasha is dressed and ready to go, and not lost and not having car issues.  She drives to the home of Brian White, and once she is there, she is at the gate and then let in.  She parks where instructed, and then after using a bit of the hand sanitizer she carries with her, she gets out and heads the door.  She smiles warmly as he is there to greet her.  Just like the last time she removed her heels, this time with out having to be asked to do so.   She then sets them down , as she follows him inside.

||Natasha Ivanov||- Thank you for invitation back.  

She said after a moment as she was glad that he had asked her back, as she had been enjoying there time together talking and getting to know each other a bit.  His history and life were very interesting to her.  There was a lot to him and she found him very intriguing.

{Brian White}- Well, I did offer you a drink.  Which you were unable to have the last time.

He said simply as she smiled thinking about it.  Which of course was true as she had to leave almost as soon as he offered it.  Thanks to the tow company having horrible timing.

{Brian White}- Sense you were here, dinner just seemed like the next logical thing to do as well.

He said as he led her first into the living room area as she had already seen it before, but still looked around a bit as she sat down in the seat he was kind of pointing too.  She then watched him take a seat as she was handed a starter drink before their meal.

||Natasha Ivanov||- It seems that you have been rather busy after I left.  A lot has taken place in the company.

Of course that was an understatement with the return of Josh Nightingale, the roster split, and the other talents that seem to be coming in on what seems to be loan.  She looked at him as she took a sip of her drink while waiting to see what he would say , as she was looking forward to an interesting evening. 

TBCB: Brian

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:24 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Posting this before the next time Aimoo decides to die

It might come as a shock that Brian invited Natasha back to his home after their first encounter. It's not that the night ended off poorly or anything such as that, in fact it was the opposite from how it started. But even with that said she was an uninvited guest the first time and Brian did enjoy his privacy...well at least from TXW. But he has been known to allow people into his life if they make a decent impression. Chloe Middleton was someone else that managed to have time near Brian. Sure you might say it's only women but it's not like Natasha had spread her legs that first night to get the invite back so it wasn't about sex.

"Saying only a lot has changed somehow seems like an understatement." He replied. "But you're not wrong. It was time to make big changes in the company. Without changes things can grow stale."

Sipping her drink. "Why bring back Josh? I thought you didn't like him for the Nightingale's in general?"

"I don't, not really. But my dislike of their family ranges from person to person. But in general people with their last name seem to refuse to let go. They've dug most of their own graves. They act like everyone is against them, wants to erase them from TXW but then you have Kelly Nightingale who moves like a grandma in the ring refusing to retire. They tarnish their own name and then the name of TXW by extension. You don't see my brother attempting to return every few months. Hell I don't even know if he's going to show up for Dark Oasis 100 like has been requested but I bet he could still whoop all of their asses."

Brian was very matter of fact and to the point. To him he didn't understand the inability to walk away from the ring because he did it at his peak to shift over to the management side of things. Why try to carry on when your best days are behind you?

Taking a drink. "But at the end of the day money talks and Josh offered a good chunk of it, he knew he had to. He might be well off from his years in the ring, acting as President and outside business' but he knows he doesn't have the bank account I do. He's been an employee of mine for long enough to know that. He lost his spot in the company so I made him pay for his way back in. It's simply business."

Brian couldn't help but smirk when saying that. Sure it was technically business but it was also likely more harsh than it needed to be in the eyes of some. It was the truth of it though. Brian would have never sold the brand off, not to someone like Josh. If someone wanted all of TXW they would need to pay in a massive way. Of course that only covered the return of Josh and not the draft at all.


CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:25 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Haha right, need to post while i can , lol.

There was more to it than just business.  The enjoyment of sticking it to him again was all over his face.  Making him pay for his way back in, making it even harder than what it had to be.  She saw it on his face.  Which in turn did make her smile as she was thinking about it.  She knew how a good business ran, she knew that you had to be ruthless, and you had to enjoy it.  She smiled back at him as he was listening to him speak.

||Natasha Ivanov||- I see, just business.

She said as she saw the smirk still as he did nod some, as it did make her laugh some what as she was taking a sip of her drink then setting it back down as they did continue to talk a bit.  She wasn't going to let this invite go to waste.  She knew this was a great chance for her to learn every more, as she was getting to know him at the same time.  She wasn't looking to getting in the ring, that was something that just wasn't logical to her, but she was wanting to make sure she did her part well as she figured the best part of that is to know what he liked and expected... What he wanted... As in the end that is what would keep her going, and get her to where she was looking to be at some point in her career.

||Natasha Ivanov||-.I do understand what you are saying though.  If they are making themselves look bad, they should just be smart enough to leave... They have no right to tarnish the name of the company, while they are destroying everything they had made of themselves.

She wasn't foolish and could see what he has said made a lot of sense.  It wasn't really about being cold, or having a personal issue.  Even so it was still a logical way to go about it and handle it.  

||Natasha Ivanov||- I would like to learn more of the business as I grow with in the company.  Hopefully that means working with a talent who actually has the drive and the talent to do what is needed to be done.

Of course her thoughts went to what she has seen out of Gabriel so far.  When he was able to finally stop his fighting with Hope and actually be apart of War Games with the Beasts of War she was starting to have high hopes for him.   Though it all really seemed for nothing, not because the team lost, but how he had already let his focus slip out of what was important to foolish actions on twitter.  It wasn't how she thought it would go when she first arrived as she was still hoping that he would get his shit together.

TBCB: Brian

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:25 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Oh look I stopped being lazy and did a reply

What Brian said about the Nightingale's and Josh more directly might be seen as cruel by some but it did seem Natasha understood it. Not that it mattered if she agreed with him or not, Brian had no issue with how he approached the situation and would do it again if it was ever required. However something did "tweak" his ear if you will when Natasha was speaking. How she mentioned working with talent that had the right kind of drive behind them. He remembered from last time finding out she was working with Gabriel Hunter, a name he personally didn't see potential in. At the time she seemed to enjoy representing him though maybe that had changed.

"The working relationship not going well with Gabriel I take it?"

Slightly caught of guard. "I did not...why do you ask?"

"Just how you mentioned working with someone that not only has the talent to make it to the top but the drive to do so." He said. "To someone like me, in the position I'm in that just sounds like a fancy way of saying someone isn't worth the time. Trust me in this business I've cut plenty of people that I felt didn't have the 'drive' I was looking for. Hell there are plenty that have the talent but they don't push themselves. Instead they are lazy, blame others for their own failures. So it's just something I noticed."

Maybe Natasha was hinting at something like that or maybe she wasn't. Brian was just working with what she had said and tying his own experiences into it. English isn't exactly her first language so there could be some misunderstanding going on even if she speaking the language well.

Clearing his throat. "For what it's worth my opinion of Gabriel is still the same regardless of what he did at War Games. I'm not looking to fire the guy, not yet but he isn't someone I would ever feel comfortable spending money to promote big time. He's not a star to me and it's wasting your potential. If anything you're probably the only reason he still has any attention. The attractive, leggy blonde has the eyes of everyone but he's not performing in the ring to make people care."

It might be a bit of a hot take, harsh even but Brian was always upfront and honest even if it might upset or bother someone. That was the perk to being the boss, he didn't have to care what others thought. So long as he wasn't being offensive he could say whatever he wanted without worry.


CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:25 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - I'm trying to be better here lol, I think this is a bit better than what I've been doing haha.

Natasha took in every word that he said.  Nothing he said offended her or bothered her.  It was one of the reasons why she wanted to be here in the first place.  She wasn't timid or easily hurt, she took everything as a learning experience.  She was giving a big chance here and she wasn't about to just let it go by her.  She couldn't help but think about Gabriel though and how things have been going.  She wasn't pleased and that was something she didn't hide. 

||Natasha Ivanov||- So, if i was to .. 

She was working on thinking of the right word as she wanted to make sure she came off the right way with this. 

||Natasha Ivanov||- cut my ties with Mr. Hunter, and go our separate ways.

Brian nodded a bit looking at her as it was clear he felt that would be the better idea.... Still knowing that it was her who was making him look like anything.  It didn't even have to do with anything that she found valid.  As it wasn't just her looks she wanted to use to carry and help... She wanted to be useful in other ways as well.

{Brian White||- Which would be the smart move.

He said simply, still not thinking to sugar coat it. He said it as he saw it .  Natasha nodded as she was thinking about it, taking another sip of her drink as she then sat the glass back down. 

||Natasha Ivanov||- Then what?  What direction do I go in?  

She said as the talent was split more now, as it wasn't just as simple as knowing who is who, and who is the right one.  As she had seen the talent and  did know who was a big name and who wasn't, but that didn't mean she knew where her direction would be needed.  He looked at her a bit confused as if she was looking to him to lead her, which she wasn't, she was just looking for thoughts.

||Natasha Ivanov||- If I look for the one who will give me what I'm looking for, that someone is going to have to already be on the lips of fans and everyone really.  He isn't someone who is going to need someone to really lead, but yet be there as a voice and to be there for the climb.

She said as she did see it for what it was really.  She knew that it was going to have to be more of looking for a talent who had the drive, who wasn't lazy and would know what he was doing, and yet just need that voice to help go the rest of the way.  To do really what they were unable to do.  Natasha sat there thinking about it as she lifted her gaze up to Brian as she waited to see what his thoughts were. .

TBCB: Brian

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:26 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Sorry for the delay, was in a blah rp mood past few days

Brian wasn't going to tell Natasha what to do. He is her boss so technically he probably could when it came to her career or role within TXW but it's not something he was interested in. TXW has never been a company that forces someone to work with a valet or manager. Instead they left it up to others to do so. Maybe TXW would hire someone in to make them available or maybe the stars themselves would personally arrange something...with approval from management of course. Either way Brian wasn't going to force Natasha to ditch Gabriel however he was openly telling her he believed the man was a waste of time. So he wasn't going to aide step this sort of conversation.

"Look I'll be the first one to tell you that your role is one I've never played within this industry. I mean I understand it but I've never done it and so I can't tell you what you would want to look for." He said. "What I can tell you is what I look for when building a roster. It's not always about getting the best, though that doesn't hurt. Often it's about the superstars that will be massive names in a year with some work. Someone that has the potential to be so much more than they are but they just have a hole or two that needs to be filled."

"And so I should look for someone that isn't already a big name to assist?"

Shaking his head. "Not quite, well not exactly. There is nothing wrong with getting a massive name if they'll have you. If Tyrone Marshall or Pierce Kingsley decides they could use your services go for it. What I was saying is that don't just focus on the ones that have already made it. Take a look at the ones that might be right there, some success even but you could push them over the edge. Of course you'll need to prove your worth as well."

While sitting here having this conversation was great Natasha was here for more than just that. Which is why Brian stands up and gestures for Natasha to follow him. They both grab their drink before heading to where the kitchen is.

"I figured you're here for more than just banter. Might as well get the meal started while we chat."

Nodding in agreement. "I like this idea. What are we having?"

"Hopefully you don't have any diet restrictions otherwise we might get stuck ordering from a place that open. I took the liberty of picking up a couple ribeye steaks I'll cook up here. And then I prepped some stuff earlier for a 'fancy' salad. I can't remember what all is in it so we'll find that out when it's time. But while I start the steaks feel free to carry on the conversation."

With a nice house comes a nice kitchen. Since the steaks were a ribeye cut and rather thick they would need a bit of attention while cooking which would start in the oven to get them to the proper doneness before searing the outside in a cast iron skillet.


CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:26 PMCopy HTML


Of course everything that Brian told her, Natasha took in.  She would listen to all the advice and use it as she looks forward and debates her future.  She knows that she has a lot to prove and she needs to earn her way.  Hard work was never anything she was afraid of and was more than happy to do what she needed to do to make it for herself here.  She smiled now as they were in the kitchen chatting a bit. She wasn't super fussy or restrictive in her diet...

||Natasha Ivanov||- Sounds good... I don't have any restrictions... I just choose to not indulge in junk food.

She said simply as she did like to take care of herself.  She didn't mind eating good food, but she was just more picky as she didn't really touch candy or chips, or soda.  She rather just not bother with it.  Watching him as he moved around the large kitchen a bit as he was making them their meal, it was nice to see him do so.

||Natasha Ivanov||- I'm glad that you invited me back for dinner.

She said honestly after a moment.  As she was watching him put the rib eye in the oven.  Knowing it needed a bit of time to cook in their.  They were kind of now just standing out in the kitchen. as he didn't feel the need to wander back and forth, so the conversation just continued there.  She lifted her glass up as she took a sip looking at him.

||Natasha Ivanov||- It sure beat our first time meeting.

She said laughing softly as she was thinking about it. Not that it had bothered her or really surprised her, as it had been rather expected.  It's not every day when you live in the middle of no wheres and far way from everyone a leggy blonde shows up at your door needing help.  With how everything is as well it wasn't the best timing.  In the end though it had worked out better... She had got to know the man behind the scenes and it was a pleasant experience, after things got settled and they took the time to speak.

||Natasha Ivanov||- Though that didn't end on a bad note either, as I did get to see and learn a lot.  Which I should really thank you for.  

She said as she was grateful for that, as she was thinking about it, she saw him nod a bit as she smiled watching him kind of look at the oven as they did continue the conversation.

||Natasha Ivanov||- So, If I may get a bit more personal, is there any other family?

She asked knowing he had siblings, but not sure if he had children of his own or anything like that.  She was already guessing he didn't have a spouse as she was certain he would of made that clear from the start, but she was still interested to know more. .

TBCB: Brian

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:26 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Food? Oh you mean like nutritional paste that comes in a tube?

Getting the steaks into the oven really was the easy part. Hanging around the kitchen at this part made the most sense. Even though the steaks would take a little bit to cook properly in the oven before getting a sear in a pan, you'd still want to pay attention to them so they didn't get over done. There was also the task of getting the salad put together but thankfully the prep work for that had been done so it was just going to be a case of tossing it all in a bowl. For for the time Brian could focus on the conversation, more directly the question just asked.

"Well you obviously know Jason is my brother. Then there is Rais who is the oldest, I can't remember if he was brought up last time...not everyone knows he is my brother if they haven't been around. There is or I guess was Kevin, he passed many years ago..."

Cutting in. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

"No,'s fine. It's been many years now. He and I were never super close anyways. I mean we didn't dislike each other but we didn't have a close bond either. So I grieved but I've moved past it many moons ago." He said.

Brian sipped on his drink. Some might consider that response sort of cold, like he wasn't upset about the death of his brother but he was just very much a realist. Kevin was gone, he died a decade ago...surely being depressed about it even know would be a terrible thing.

"But I don't think you were asking about my brothers since that's all pretty public information." He said."If you're wondering about family in terms of kids or a secret wife, none of that. Not sure I want kids either...or marriage for that matter."


Stroking his chin. "I try to avoid saying never because things change but right now I don't have any plans for it. That's not to say i'm against being with a single person for the rest of my life when it's time...just don't see the need to get married for that to happen. As for kids, well I'm not the biggest fan but I'm also going to be forty next month...might be a little late to start. I still can, everything still works in that way...I'm not that old, but I'm not getting younger either."

Brian smirked after his comment since it was a bit "TMI" but was said in a joking way and not to be gross or anything such as that. While the conversation continued Brian opened the fridge and started grabbing most of the salad stuff to get that started.


CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:27 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Well you already know what i thought there haha... Though i thought it was pasta instead of paste, lol..

Natasha saw the smirk at what he said as it was more of a joke, but also away of letting her know that he is still full functional in that area.  As she smiled looking both impressed and amused as she was out there thinking about it.  She didn't really think about that when this first started, though she didn't think that he had the that kind of issues either.  Hearing that he wasn't married no children and his views it was something that Natasha could kind of relate to as she didn't really see herself wanting to get married or have kids either.  Though she wasn't as old she was still in her 30s. There was still time for her to choose what she wanting to do. 

||Natasha Ivanov||- Well that is very good to know.

She teased back showing that she wasn't bothered by this kind of talk.  After all they were both adults and if she had been uneasy around him, she would of felt so the first time here and not have come back.... Well here she was standing in this man's kitchen while he was cooking her a meal.

||Natasha Ivanov||- Would you like me to assist with the salad that you still have to toss together?

She said offering to help as he was taking the stuff out of the fridge.  He pointed to a spot where he was wanting a glass bowl out of .  She walked over as she took the bowl out.  Turning to the sink as she rinsed it out a bit.  Then cleaning her own hands a bit as she sat the bowl down on the counter.   She opened a few of the containers checking what was in them as he was breaking the salad up and putting it in the dish as he had already washed it in advance.  They then started to put the veggies into the bowl as it didn't really take long to toss together as they were not kind of discussing wine with dinner. 

||Natasha Ivanov||- Hmm, well I know you have a pretty large collection.  So why don't we go with what you would enjoy with this kind of meal.

She suggested after a bit of talking back and forth over the options.  As she wanted to see what he would chose for this meal.  She smiled warmly as she looked at him as she once again washed her hands after playing with the food.  He was thinking about it as he checked the oven seeing there was still few minutes before it was ready to take out and sear in the pan that he already had out and waiting just for them..

TBCB: Brian

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:27 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Somehow semi forgot about this thread. I guess I got use to so little going on at the moment lol

Choices, choices...what wine to pair with this meal? It did seem like Brian had pretty much all planned it out already so it seemed likely he knew what they would drink as well. He did also show off his collection so it seemed almost strange that they'd avoid it. Lucky for Natasha if she was hoping to sip something from Brian's stash she was right, that was the plan all along. And so as Brian got a pan heating on the stove he went over to the small win fridge that was in the kitchen itself.

"I always try to make a point of having at least one bottle in here to pair with different meals so I'm not running downstairs all of the time." He said. "And thankfully I do believe there is a bottle in here that will fit perfectly."

Brian crouched down to look into the small wine fridge, he checked a bottle or two before finally pulling out the one he had been thinking off after she asked.

Holding the bottle up. "This is what we will be drinking.

"And what might that be?"

"Zinfandel. California Zinfandel to be more specific about it." He said. "Pairs really well with steak because of the bold flavours that come with beef. In fact it does really well with cuts such as rib eye among a few others."

That shameless enjoyment of something like wine was on display again from Brian at the moment. He isn't some posh pretender, not even close. You couldn't be running a place like TXW. But as he said in the past this was a guilty pleasure of his that he let himself splurge on. It's like spoiling himself after having so little growing up.

"Care to pour us a glass each while I sear this steak? It will only be a couple minutes once they are in the pan. I wouldn't want them to burn."

Brian pointed to where some of the wine glasses would be as well as putting a corkscrew to open the bottle with. He turned to the oven, pulling the steak out before placing them into the big pan. The intense sound of searing meat filling the room.


CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:27 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Here we are, haha, sorry got a bit busy..

The sound and smell of the steaks in the pan were filling the kitchen.  Natasha had walked over to where he was pointing as she easily enough pulled out a couple of wine glasses.  She then walked back over to the counter as she was soon pouring them a glass each.

||Natasha Ivanov||- Looks amazing.

She said smiling warmly as they were soon heading to the dinning room table as they were sitting down to eat.  She was for sure enjoying her time and was learning a lot at the same time.  Who would of thought breaking down in the middle of no wheres could lead to a follow up dinner.

||Natasha Ivanov||- Here is to new friendships.

She smiled as they tapped glasses a bit, then took a sip as they started to dig in.  Having a general conversation now as he was asking a bit about her.  As she was talking about where she grew up.

||Natasha Ivanov||- My father always had his fingers in many business's.  His biggest is oil, but he has pretty large dealings in a few vodka companies in Russia. 

She said as she had always been very proud of her father.  As he was to her always someone who mastered everything he ever set out to do... If he had an interest and a passion, he made it his , or work for him the way he wanted.  Something she had always admired about him... Also something she was wanting to prove she could do as well.  Looking to make him proud.  She cut into her steak as she took a bite and smiled.

||Natasha Ivanov||- This tastes really good.

She smiled after she was done with the piece of steak she had been chewing on.  She took a sip of her wine washing it down as she looked at him waiting to see what he had to add, if had any more questions or something he felt like adding as she was enjoying the conversation..

TBCB: Brian

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:27 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Fast forwarded some since typing out an entire meal would drag and get bland haha

Thankfully Natasha didn't just spit the meal out with her first bite. Sure it would've been rude to do that but it would've also killed the mood. Make a meal just for someone to dislike it, it would be a letdown. But that didn't happen as Natasha continued eating as they had their conversation, appearing to have no issue with what had been made for her. During the meal most of the conversation was "light-hearted" in a sense. Harmless banter if you will. But the meal portion of this did seem like it was starting to come to a close as both of their plates became more and more empty.

"Without fail I always eat too much when I have a great steak." He said, putting a final piece into his mouth.

"Don't we all? Even the most disciplined want more of something when it's great."

They each seemed about at the end of the meal. Brian's plate being totally cleaned with Natasha doing her best to keep up. Brian wouldn't be insulted if she left the small piece on her plate either. He knew it was a large meal for someone of her size. She did really well, eating more than most likely could but at the end of the day she wasn't fueling a 6'5 250 pound frame.

"You're not wrong however I will still need a good workout tomorrow to ensure the calories don't get entirely wasted. Maybe even a late night run tonight." He said. "But that can happen for me later because right now I'm not sure I can move...I almost feel the need to undo a button."

"Would you like me to roll you down the street?"

Smirking. "I'm not sure that would count as a run for me. You'd get a nice exercise in at that point though."

It's not that Natasha was some comedian but her comment came because she was feeling comfortable while here. Not the uninvited guest that she was the first time she was here.


CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Re:Dinner and Drinks (Natasha Ivanov & Brian White)

Date Posted:06/05/2020 8:28 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - lol didn't want to go into chewing details? lol.

There was a small sound of laughter coming from Natasha as she was looking at Brian with the mild visual in her mind of her trying to roll him down the street after both being very full from the wonderful steak dinner.  She was leaning back as she had tried her best to finish everything, which was only a small bit left.  They were seemingly enjoying the banter back and forth.

||Natasha Ivanov||- Not fully a bad thing.  As I probably am going to need to work this off as well.  I haven't allowed myself to eat this good in a rather long time.  So I'll be making the extra effort to work out a bit longer myself.

Amused still with the conversation and the thought of rolling him down the street fresh in her mind.  She knew that she would have to pay for her enjoyment.  It was what allowed her to eat in such ways, and not have a super strict diet.  She always made up for it when she worked out.  Now she didn't train, or get ready for big matches.  She just made sure that she was well taken care of, and knew that as a manager she needed to hold a physical appeal.  She said with a hand on her stomach as she was feeling full, but was happy.  She didn't feel like she stuff herself to an uncomfortable point.  As she did have that happy full feeling.  After eating something good.  Taking a final sip of her drink as he had finished his.  They sat a moment longer before getting up as they carried their dishes out.  Just putting them in the dish washer as they were walking back out to the living room.

||Natasha Ivanov||- So I feel like I have gotten to know a bit more about you.  I know more about your past wrestling care.  Your passion for  your business, and your love of fine wine.   What other things do you like to do in your free time?

She asked as she was kind of just looking around his living room a bit..  He didn't have animal heads planted on the walls or anything.  So she wondered if he had other hobbies he did when he wasn't being the business man.  She knew that though he could cook he didn't often, so she didn't see cooking as a hobby for him.  So the idea of what he enjoyed in his free time was something that was on her curious mind.  Did he play video games in his down time?  Did he enjoy hunting but just didn't keep any as a trophy?  There were a lot of options as she turned after a moment looking at him thinking about it.  As he seemed to be wondering what stirred her question.  As she made a bit of a soft laugh.

||Natasha Ivanov||- I'm just curious, as you seem like.

She paused trying to make sure she said it correctly as he knew that English was really a second language to her.

||Natasha Ivanov||- Someone worth knowing more about.

She said smiling warmly as she looked and waited to see what he would say.  She knew that he liked good things, he had said this, and had showed it by just how he kept his home.  His wine cellar, and his choices in wine made it clear as well.  She knew that he worked hard in his career, and with his smart business moves he had been able to live the life he desired.  She was just looking to know more about the other things he enjoyed that passed the long hours away...

TBCB: Brian

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