Title: Dark Oasis | |
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HopeSweet | |
Date Posted:09/13/2017 12:32 AMCopy HTML THIRD MATCH |
HopeSweet | Share to: #1 |
Re:Dark Oasis Date Posted:09/13/2017 12:48 AMCopy HTML When the bell rings, Isaiah is standing there looking at DJH with a cocky grin on his face, feeling pretty smug as he was more than ready to make a fool out of him, once again. It's just a stand off for a moment before Isaiah finally starting things off, hitting a kick to the midsection. Making DJH fall back, as the fight was on. They lock it up, a test of strength, where it looks like DJH may be getting the upper hand for a moment, but it doesn't last as Thorne uses a head butt to knock him back, and the fist fly. |